
Literature Review Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"A literature review is not the place where you introduce your own original thoughts and ideas. It simply sets the stage so you can do that later on."
"Sure, sure. Yeah, by the way, the book is being covered as a wonderful piece of literature. That's how they're covering it. Hunter Biden bears his soul, bears his soul. That's the story."
"Published literature like Honeycutt's books is usually pretty good, but always check the sources if there's conflicting information."
"This is a hard hard smash I loved this book."
"Twilight is not very good; everybody stop the presses."
"Bolo'bolo is a genuinely fun read, a great resource for worldbuilders, and certainly deserves points for creativity."
"This is one of the best self-published fantasy books I have read. It deserves almost all of the praise I have seen it get."
"It was suspenseful, emotional, and harrowing."
"All of our stuff we're going to make fully transparent. How we calculated things, what literature we used, everything."
"I felt the first 250 pages were incredibly solid... particularly loved Priya and Milani."
"Zero alcohol, not a drop. Alcohol is a huge problem and modern literature suggests that no amount of alcohol has health benefit."
"It was truly devious by Maureen Johnson. I gave it 5 out of 5 stars."
"But back to the here and now this week before the storm was released Christie Golden's new novel is in our opinion at least the best of any of the Warcraft books to date."
"The House of Hades is a phenomenal novel because it does so many things super well."
"Monstrous, a 4.5 out of 5 stars... the world building in this one was very, very interesting."
"I rated it 4.25 stars. I loved it, like, a lot."
"A literature review is kind of similar to a book review except it more generally covers a lot of the significant research on a topic at the same time."
"Let's just do it. Here are the best books I read in 2021. Not all these books came out in 2021, but I read them for the first time."
"These are five things that I do every single time when I'm trying to aim for a first write my literature review really quickly."
"My general impression from probably the literature there is that I would say that the outdoor to indoor losses, if you are going from a five to like 30 gigahertz band, is 10 dB large."
"Literature reviews must contain analysis as well as description."
"Finding a gap in literature is difficult if you don't know what you're looking for but if you know what you're looking for it's in every single research paper."
"Stage five is the planning stage, and this is where you create an outline for your literature review before you start writing."
"You can actually write a really good lit review in about a month to two months without having to overwork yourself."
"You don't need to have every single paper involved in your literature to be able to do a lit review on that topic."
"Your lit review, when you write it, is not going to sound like a bunch of summaries copied and pasted together. It's going to sound like an actual story is occurring."
"If you can actually communicate your story out loud, your lit review, when you write it, is not going to sound like a bunch of summaries copied and pasted together."
"Your lit review should flow, making it feel like the reader is moving into the first theme."
"The purpose of systematic literature review is to minimize bias in the literature, highlight where insufficient work has been done, and identify future research needs."
"You can't write a literature review without reading... the only way you find out what's happening in the literature is through reading."
"The literature review chapter is made up of a number of arguments... what you're trying to claim is the need for this research, the knowledge gap in the literature, and your conceptual framework or perspective."
"It's like trying to follow animal tracks in unfamiliar territory... the literature review is trying to find which track you need to follow in this terrain amongst multiple other tracks."
"You can find published literature review papers in your area... those are very useful papers to help you see what is happening in the field because somebody else then has made sense of it for you."
"In your literature review, review key works to provide an overall context for your topic. Identify research gaps and highlight methodologies used by other researchers."
"You have to always tell us your rationale, justification, hypothesis at the end of your literature review because that's the whole essence of the literature review."
"Review articles are brilliant at the beginning of literature review because they sort of like do part of the literature review for you."
"Overall this is just such a good way of just sort of like making sure that you are covering the entire research field."
"Once you've got your collection of articles, it's time to get reading."
"Writing a literature review doesn't have to be complicated; it's simply a recap of what researchers on the topic have said, how they compare to one another, and whether you agree or disagree with their arguments."
"A strong literature review makes clear the position of the field as it stands today, describes how these arguments came to be, and identifies the direction the field may be heading."
"The first thing that I like to do is have a look to see what has already been published that I can use to structure my own response."
"Use theory to develop linkages; this will strengthen your literature review."
"The objective of this whole exercise today was to help you understand how you can structure your literature review and how you can use these tools for writing your literature review."
"Focus on those, and the planning really helps make your literature review as strong as it can be."
"It would be a very brief workshop where we are going to discuss about very basic issues of systematic literature reviews."
"Systematic literature review is a truly scientific method where you overview all available literature."
"This is the second session of this webinar series: How to write a literature review paper for a high impact factor journal."
"Is it necessary to use a theoretical framework in a systematic literature review? If you are using a structured review, you don't really need to rely on a framework."
"This is a very important step in doing a literature review."
"The knowledge map is kind of showing you how we can categorize the existing literature."
"When I do a Philip K. Dick book review, I can tell you everything about the book, absolutely everything, and that still won't ruin the reading experience."
"It is a highly rigorous review of existing literature that addresses a clearly formulated question."
"Meta-analysis allows you to sum up all the published material; it gives you the evidence."
"So why not writing a literature review paper when we have this chance?"
"I gave this book a 4.75 out of 5 stars."
"Once you have done all this, when you are categorizing the existing literature that you have gathered, you have to come up with some categories."
"Coding techniques to organize information into themes and concepts and queries to find text and analyze relationships between topics can be applied to literature reviews."
"This will help you compare topics and potentially find gaps in previous research conducted in your area."
"You will find [software] notes particularly helpful when writing your literature review."
"A systematic review requires a complete view of all the existing literature."
"It's really, really awesome tool in order to write systematic literature reviews more quickly."
"I hope you find this lecture helpful in helping you get started on enjoying the process of writing a literature review, because it should be a ton of fun, seriously."
"Once you've completed your project, you can export everything that you've worked on back out to be able to start your review of the literature."
"The literature is changing, and I have not seen anything in the past year or so to see what the most current research shows."
"The value in literature reviews now that you have something like AI is going to be the value in the researcher's advice and knowledge being injected into the combination of literature reviews, not just the summarization of literature reviews."
"I don't normally just depend on what I know. I take a few minutes and do another review of the literature."
"Writing the introduction and discussion from related literature will not be repetitive."
"When we are writing a literature review, we have to look at all the different aspects of the research paper."
"The importance of literature review comes in this, from previous studies."
"A good lit review is an argument, it's answering a question and that's an argument."
"Elicit uses AI to search for meaning and that can really change the way you conduct a literature review."
"We conduct our own in-house research, we review published literature on a variety of topics of interest and those are critical to the innovative process."
"Limitations of the literature are the pointers of your future research."
"This review identifies knowledge gaps and informs managerial decision making in the field."
"The research paper should begin with a thorough review of the literature."
"It's important to read over current literature to understand what's been done before and how you can improve the design."
"Doing a critical review of literature is a very complex process, but if you follow the steps, it will make it easier for you."
"The reason why people read a systematic literature review article is because they want to find out what are the areas for future research."
"It really makes the process of doing a literature review a little bit more interesting, a little bit more insightful as well."
"The failure analysis of composites is extremely extensive in the literature."
"Review papers specifically systematic review papers have great value nowadays."
"Prove the significance of your research to your field by connecting it to the sources in your literature review."
"The main aim of that chapter is to situate your research findings in terms of your research questions and to relate that back to the available existing literature."