
Warren Buffett Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Rule #1 by Phil Town... is the best stock market book I have ever read because this one doesn't flirt around the surface of Warren Buffett's strategy."
"99% of Warren Buffett's net worth was accumulated after his 60th birthday."
"Warren Buffett's two most important rules of investing are number one: don't lose money. Number two: don't forget rule number one."
"Warren Buffett is one of the most prolific investors of our time, and it's really insightful to go over what his principles are when looking for companies to buy and sell."
"Warren Buffett has a great quote on this, he says that bubbles happen because people see their neighbor, who is dumber than they are, get rich, and so they want to buy in too."
"Warren Buffett says that if you can't find a way to make money while you sleep, you are going to work until you die."
"Warren Buffett...over 99% of his wealth was made after he turned 50."
"When Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, speaks, investors from around the world listen."
"Warren Buffett has recently warned of the dangers as well, specifically calling out commercial real estate as a source for potential danger."
"Warren Buffett says it's more important to have time in the market than to time the market."
"Warren Buffett... adheres to a concept that I'll call the 25/5 rule."
"Be fearful when others are greedy and just the opposite be greedy when others are fearful."
"Warren Buffett has averaged 20% a year for 60 years. That's incredible what he's done as an investor."
"I think we, all of us are very privileged to be living in the time of Warren and Charlie. It’d be kind of like living in the time of Newton, Einstein, or any of those luminaries we look up to." - Mohnish Pabrai
"Well, I mean, I have to pinch myself at all of this because, I think on many fronts… I would’ve never expected to have any kind of a interaction directly with Warren or Charlie." - Mohnish Pabrai
"And Warren immediately told her that Charlie’s a very boring guy and I’m really the one or the two way more interesting." - Mohnish Pabrai
"Something spooked Warren Buffett out of holding airline stocks in the US."
"One of Warren Buffett's most fundamental investing rules is simple: invest in what you understand, or in other words, invest in your circle of competence."
"The thing that makes Warren Buffett's value investing approach so popular is that it's absolutely timeless. It always works, no matter the decade and no matter the market conditions."
"The reason that value investing gained so much traction over the past 50 years is because Warren Buffett used this strategy to become the world's most successful investor ever, averaging 20% returns per year since 1965."
"Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy, like Warren Buffett said."
"Warren Buffett says the three most important words in investing are 'margin of safety.'"
"Warren Buffett is holding on to one of his largest cash positions of all time."
"The number one reason for Warren Buffett's financial success, according to him, is that he lives his life according to what he calls an 'inner scorecard.'"
"Warren Buffett believes that there are systematic mispricings out there that can be found and taken advantage of."
"The most impressive thing about me with Buffett is, he's like everyone's grandfather."
"Warren Buffett is a person who likes simple things. He likes to focus on fundamentals."
"That guy on your screen right there, that is Warren Buffett in 1962, the GOAT himself, one of the best businessmen we've ever seen, one of the best investors we've ever seen."
"Get scared when other people are greedy, and get greedy when other people are scared."
"Selling puts is the secret way that Warren Buffett actually became rich with his Geico company."
"You're greedy when everybody else is fearful."
"Warren Buffett buys cashflow producing cup every company's ever invested in they all produce cashflow and he takes major positions."
"Buffett is just not just an exceptional investor... regardless of the market conditions he can kind of remain steadfast in his intent and in his mission."
"Interest rates govern everything, and if there were a way to short 30-year bonds and own the S&P for 30 years, I would give you enormous odds that the S&P is going to beat 30-year bonds."
"Buffett has long been invested in the company [American Express]."
"The key is to be greedy when others are fearful and to be fearful when others are greedy." - Warren Buffett
"Health care is the tapeworm in the belly of American competitiveness." - Warren Buffett
"When a big guy like Warren Buffett comes in and indirectly invests in Bitcoin, the majority of other people will want to indirectly invest in Bitcoin."
"You're gonna see who is swimmin' and that's... Warren Buffett by the way, it's like when the tide goes out you'll see who's swimming with their swim trunks on and who's not."
"Buffett has promised to donate 99% of his wealth."
"Warren Buffett saw an opportunity with a company that was only worth about 25 million dollars."
"Thankfully for Buffett, he's able to invest that cash in treasury bonds and earn a nice return."
"Are you interested in learning the secrets of Warren Buffett's value investing approach?"
"Warren Buffett refers to this book as 'by far, the best book on investing ever written'."
"The most telling thing is Warren Buffett who is arguably one of the greatest investors of all time said in his letter to his shareholders that when he passes away he's going to put 90 into low-cost S P 500 index funds and 10 percent into bonds."
"The perfect example of this, of a long term investor, is actually Warren Buffett."
"Buffett and Munger are the examples to me of a drop that gorgeous girl."
"Warren Buffett still drives the same car for like 20 years."
"Warren Buffett believes there's great potential in blockchain."
"Warren Buffett says investing in ETFs is the best way to invest for almost every single person."
"Honestly guys, it has me freaked out, it has me worried that I don't know, maybe I'm on the wrong path."
"What you hope is that somebody else comes along and pays you more money for them later on but then that person's got the problem in terms of value zero." - Warren Buffett
"Attempting to pick individual stocks to buy and sell is a mistake for 99% of the population." - Warren Buffett
"Craft Heinz will likely go down as Warren Buffett's biggest mistake."
"Why would I sell my biggest winner? What did Buffett say about selling your winners? Ripping out the flowers and watering the weeds."
"Buffett doesn't like to trade in and out of positions. He's looking for long-term companies that he can buy and hold and let that growth compound from over time."
"Don't invest what you're not willing to lose." - Warren Buffett
"Warren Buffett's two rules of investing: timeless wisdom."
"Be fearful when others are greedy, but greedy when others are fearful."
"Don't lose money, which is Warren Buffett's number one cardinal rule."
"Integrity... is absolutely an option." - Warren Buffett
"Remember when everybody is afraid, that's when you should be greedy; when everybody's greedy, that's when you should be afraid." - Warren Buffett
"You want to keep buying, you want to what did Warren Buffett say, man, you want to be fearful when people are greedy and be greedy when people are fearful, there you go, right? I like that, you know what I'm saying?"
"You have to be greedy when everybody else is fearful."
"Warren Buffett says you're supposed to be greedy when others are fearful."
"That's Warren Buffett, he you know don't invest in things you don't understand."
"Invest in the stock market as if it wouldn't reopen for ten years." - Warren Buffett
"Warren Buffett is the one who said you make your money in an investment when you buy it."
"I'd rather buy a wonderful business at a fair price than a fair business at a wonderful price." - Warren Buffett
"Big opportunities in life have to be seized." - Warren Buffett
"Stay focused on the long term." - Warren Buffett
"Anything that can't go on forever will end." - Warren Buffett
"Nobody buys a farm based on whether they think it's going to rain next year. They buy it because they think it's a good investment over 10 to 20 years." - Warren Buffett
"Day-to-day events should not dictate your long-term investing strategy." - Warren Buffett
"In my view, for most people, the best thing to do is just to own the S&P 500 index fund." - Warren Buffett
"Warren Buffett is one of the world's richest people he got rich off of stocks and his quote is don't invest in something that you don't understand."
"Don't invest in what you don't know." - Warren Buffett
"Even Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett, they're still students. You're never done with learning."
"You want to be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy."
"Never lose money. Never forget rule number one." - Warren Buffett
"Buffett has frequently said that his biggest investment mistakes have been when he has gotten too close to the edge of his circle of competence." - Narrator
"Margin of safety is all about buying a dollar for 70 cents." - Narrator
"Short-term thinking in investing? Warren Buffett says, 'Not a good idea.'"
"Buffett's Berkshire enters the metaverse: following the big money."
"Warren Buffett refuses to live lavishly, residing in the same house for 50 years, driving his own modest car, and preferring economy class."
"Warren Buffett says buy the blood on the streets even if it's your own blood."
"Be greedy when others are fearful. Bank of New York Mellon... Meanwhile, Warren Buffett has historically been good at finding relative bargains in the stock market."
"According to Warren Buffett, buying new cars is a serious expense to avoid."
"If you need to use a computer or a calculator to make the calculation, you shouldn't buy it." - Warren Buffett
"The investor of today does not profit from yesterday's growth." - Warren Buffett
"Measure things so you can improve them." - Warren Buffett
"Writing a check separates a commitment from a conversation." - Warren Buffett
"It doesn't get more diversified than Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffett's company."
"We all know that Warren Buffett is arguably the most gifted and precise investor of our generation."
"I'm Andy Surwer, welcome to Influencers and welcome to our very special guest Warren Buffett."
"Warren Buffett's secret to success is time and the power of compounding."
"When Warren Buffett got asked that question, he just said, 'Well, he starts with the A's and moves along.'"
"It is long term, like stay in the ride, and Warren Buffett, one of my favorite quotes from him, he said, 'Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.'"
"This is exactly how Warren Buffett was able to achieve a yield on cost with Coca-Cola of over 50 percent by focusing on investing into quality dividend growth companies that continue to increase dividend payments year over year."
"Everything about Warren Buffett's investment style is simple."
"Warren Buffett is very intuitive and understands that in order to express ideas simply, you have to connect with people in language they understand, and that's often metaphors and analogies that are familiar to them."
"Everybody can be Warren Buffett is nonsense."
"I think Coca-Cola has proven to be a great investment for Warren Buffett."
"This book is vital to shape your investment philosophy just as it is with Warren Buffett."
"Warren Buffett is a huge advocate of dividend investing and rather impressively actually makes six billion dollars annually in pure passive income just from his dividend payments."
"Warren Buffett said, 'You need to be greedy when people are fearful and be fearful when people are greedy.'"
"American Express, a very big moat in my opinion, a very big holding of Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway."
"I'm trying, if I want to learn about finances, I'm going to ask Warren Buffett."
"That's what Buffett has done his entire life; that's a big part of the entire snowballing effect."
"Warren Buffett is obviously a very successful investor, and he's benefited from compounding. Most people don't realize that he didn't have much wealth until he was after he's been compounding his wealth for 60 odd years."
"Having 40 years of 20% returns is very difficult, especially at the scale that Buffett has grown to."
"Warren Buffett looks for investments with highly predictable economics, human behavior, and returns on capital."
"At the heart of it, Warren Buffett is a value investor; he's a quality investor."
"That's how Warren Buffett calculates the intrinsic value of a business, and that's how you can do it as well."
"Warren Buffett describes interest rates as gravity: as rates go up, everything else goes down."
"Warren Buffett was one of the biggest Class B shareholders and he recently divested himself of all of his Paramount investments."
"Warren Buffett's rule number one of investing is: don't lose money."
"Warren Buffett does not dilute the shareholder, he respects the shareholder to a huge extent."
"Warren Buffett... reads 500 pages every single day. That's how knowledge works; it builds up, like compound interest."
"If you're buying stock, you're in for a long time; you are married to the stock, as Warren Buffett likes to say."
"Warren Buffett doesn't adjust for risk... he counts only those cash flows that he feels are almost certain."
"I think Warren Buffett has a quote, 'You buy when others are fearful,' and I find that to be so true."
"He did it again. Warren Buffett won again."
"There's Warren Buffett and then there's everyone else."
"Buffett is the best and there's no one close."
"Charlie and I are not stock pickers; we are business pickers."
"Warren Buffett loves Capital being returned back to him the shareholder."
"Warren Buffett is considered one of the greatest investors of all time, amassing a net worth of over 100 billion dollars."
"Warren Buffett said it best: you can create a lot of other businesses, but you can't create another American Express."
"Warren Buffett was named the best investor of the 20th century."
"Warren Buffett argues that most investors should simply stay the course for the long term."
"Don't trade options kids on your day trading app and the best thing you can do, recommended by Warren Buffett, is a low-cost S&P 500 Index Fund."
"Warren Buffett said don't make no investment unless you're capable of putting it in there and forgetting about it."
"Warren Buffett's rule one: don't lose money."
"Are you looking to get rich? Look up Warren Buffett."
"It's not his natural inclination to sell a stock, and he does think that the best investment is one that you can hold on to forever."
"Warren Buffett made 99% of his wealth after the age of 50."
"Warren Buffett's approach is to find great companies that are undervalued by the market or even at an okay price in the market, and then invest heavily into them."
"Great investors like Warren Buffett... doesn't focus on income investing, instead focuses on total return investing."
"Warren Buffett thinks it's the best way for everyday investors to grow their money."
"Never sell for a loss; that is literally Warren Buffett's first law of investing."
"This is a classic value investment by Warren Buffett."