
Information Management Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Once you have this data...turning it into great information that you can use and directly apply, that's where the real power lies."
"Only save information you're going to read and act upon... if you're not going to use the information, don't store it."
"The opportunity is to take all that information, wherever it is, put it all in one place in your hand, be able to access it quickly, and let all of that data interact."
"I sometimes suspect that Google is lying when it says that our mission is organizing the world's information."
"We've been working towards our mission of helping to organize the world's information, make it more accessible and helpful for everybody."
"Having a hub, just a collection of everything about your business, is priceless."
"It's ultimately about storage of information, transmission of information, and power, and that being decentralized."
"Keeping quality time for family and friends and limiting the flow of negative information into my life."
"We're dealing with enough misinformation around the world as it is."
"You'll be fine again. Don't forget to keep note of the information you're getting for your own careers and your own stability."
"Efficient minds tend to delete worthless information."
"AI can potentially solve information overload and system complexity."
"I'm constantly learning and growing I'm always looking for new ways to process and store information."
"You can effortlessly capture them, throw them in there they will resurface when you come here which means when you're ready for it in the right place at the right time."
"You're just pulling in the best pieces from all these inputs you've done through the different categories we've saw in the past few videos."
"I get so much information then I have to decide what am I going to put in the books and what am I going to leave out."
"It's hard to say what's going on in there... you have the president of the University of Michigan... already knew all those information..."
"Performing regular brain dumps can help you keep track of more information."
"Having the second brain doesn't only help you store information, but also makes it near impossible for you to ever have to encounter the blank page."
"Now that we've scraped the information that we want from our web page, now we can save this in any way that we'd like."
"Identify and remove any information that is useless."
"We want to make sure that the information is available to the people who that person wants that information to be available to."
"You can really start to mess with the information that's there."
"A puzzle is something you have all the information for. The only thing standing between you and the solution is your own ability to put the pieces together in the right way."
"All I had to do was give them a copy of this link they completed it I filled it out I mean I'm I paid for this trip so you got all the information everything is there."
"Metadata is more important now than ever before."
"You're being very cautious... you're being strategic... you're not offering up all of your information."
"A second brain is a trusted place where you keep all the information that matters to you."
"The data actually has the ability to process that."
"There's overclassification...our classification system has morphed into a monstrosity that will continue to lead to the mishandling of classified information."
"You don't want to download certain information to your baby in the womb while you're pregnant. You want to make sure that you're eating a happy and healthy diet so that baby can come out happy and healthy."
"We should ask the fed what do they digitize, what do they archive, how do they store information, how do they access information, how do they record information, how do they train their FOIA people to access that information when requests are made?"
"This could be incredibly useful for various things like cooking recipes or shopping lists or bits of information you've extracted from a website."
"You get control of what people see and what people don't see."
"Prioritize your intuition and discretion in navigating endless information on the internet."
"Information is our problem and our ability to tap into the resources that are already available."
"The thing about Na Hong-jin - and you’ll know this if you’ve seen his other films - is that he always asks one question when constructing a scene: who has the information?"
"Information is power, and with power comes great responsibility."
"We recognize that as many Americans get vaccinated questions will come up, and they're already starting to come up as to how people will be able to demonstrate they are vaccinated."
"Most of what we consider notetaking and information management these days will disappear. I'm talking organizing your notes gone, formatting your notes no more."
"I keep it to what I see has been important bit so I don't overload you with too much information."
"You need information for a society to function and therefore the people should kind of have a stake in control of the information."
"Information overload is like a storm in your mind, making you feel confused, overwhelmed, and ultimately incapable of making informed decisions."
"They know what they're doing. I want to assume and hope that they're just not telling the public everything because they don't have to, and eventually, hopefully, it will come out."
"Collapsibles are great for when you have a lot of information on your website."
"It's important to get all the information to hold it all into a very fine balance."
"I don't want to know until it's time for me to know."
"With this term, the Russians describe the process of presenting the pilot with only the relevant information."
"It never comes down to 'I didn't know.' I saw it, but I didn't read it."
"You can be informed without being inundated."
"As your information grows, you're going to find the need to really keep it organized."
"Every piece of information should serve a purpose."
"You shouldn't be afraid of information. You should learn how to use information."
"We should be integrating more information, not less."
"Cleaning up my information helps reduce the amount of spam I get, and I don't know about you, but I hate spam calls."
"Our CD fault protection, so if we go over information it will explain."
"Managing bits of information that can be linked to one another is not only key for the present, but also for the future."
"When you're dealing with this much information that's dealing with networking and operating systems and hardware and security and Cloud Technologies and remote access and scripting and everything else, you need some way to consolidate all of that into one single document."
"We make two copies of everything, so when the information arrives at our facility, it's actually stored twice."
"The most important thing that I can't stress enough is that you have some kind of system for daily note-taking for capturing quick fleeting thoughts and jots of information."
"So you can close this Azure portal but provided before closing you have to record all this information because these are required."
"We are now a highly cross-platform species. We can and we do all of us use dozens of different platforms to manage information."
"Intentionally curate the information that comes into your mind so you're best prepared for the next 10 years."
"Creating information redundancy is incredibly beneficial to your workflow."
"I think that is just the perfect way to implement a master tag database, merge it with the knowledge vault and make all of that information and all of that visibility and all that sorting and filtering capability all part of the same system."
"How we hold information has a big impact about how sustainable it's going to be."
"Use caution with layers to avoid accidentally hiding or printing important information."
"I have built this system over many years of collecting information."
"Managing information is important to an organization because it allows for increased knowledge, decreased inefficiency, and better creation and implementation of action plans."
"It's important to have a section to kind of catch all that information, so that you guys have a place to reference."
"Information lifecycle management is essential for businesses to make the most of the information they capture and generate."
"Information mapping improves current methods for learning and reference materials."
"Benefits of information management include improved utilization and simplified management."
"When you capture information, you need to decide if it's actionable or if it's not."
"Omnivore has been revolutionary in how I manage the information coming in—my inbound information."
"You're trying to not miss any information but... be willing to miss 80% of the information to find the 20% that is the most important."
"Double duty in one day is information overload, especially as you're a young driver trying to come up through the ranks."
"Data moves. If things happen to it, it keeps moving around."
"A lot of organizations are data rich but information poor."
"It also forces an organization to manage information better, so the quality of decision-making is higher. It's a more thoughtful, more structured approach."
"Hopefully you can see how powerful this is and how useful it would be if you have a lot of information to display like a lot of locations."
"...an accountant's job is to gather, organize, analyze, and present financial information..."
"Good leaders have to have the courage to make a decision with less than perfect information."
"Documentation must be rigorously guarded against redundancy and obsolete information."
"Mind mapping will help you control information overload and reduce mental chaos."
"How can we effectively retain and ensure knowledge?"
"System information is what we just looked at, and that I find a really handy area of being in NetSuite when you want to track what's going on with the record or transaction."
"It's especially important in academic administration to get to know information management, databases, web skills, budgets, project management."
"Our mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."
"Activation is the wisdom without the overload of the information; it's the knowingness and the faith without the encyclopedia."
"Information management is a key part of what you're doing as a business analyst."
"At times like this, it's important to stay calm. Panicking with uncertain information is the last thing you want to do."
"Focus on just-in-time information, not just-in-case information."
"Information management is the generation, collection, organization, validation, analysis, storage, and integration of data, as well as the dissemination, communication, presentation, utilization, transmission, and safeguarding of the information." - AHIMA 2012
"Building Information Modeling as a way of working is the most efficient, most productive way of producing and managing information."
"We build a system, a second brain, that you can trust to resurface the right information and tasks to you at the right time, in the right place."
"When we start with the problem in mind and think about the information we need to have to solve the problem, we can set up our tools so that we create a system that's more accurate, less demanding on our people."
"You can have one place where all of our information lives but be able to break out different views of that information that can be relevant for our projects."
"Having a source of truth is crucial."
"It's about having a common place, a trusted source of information."
"Formatting text is an art, and storing more text over in SharePoint is a science."
"It allows you to start to organize information in your tree in a way that makes sense to you."
"Management by information... is very critical in today's global competitive environment."
"That readily searchable database was critical."
"It never gets stagnant... as long as the primary editors... are editing and updating that information, it's going to continue to always be up-to-date."
"Building a second brain is about creating a reliable system outside your physical skin and bone bodily boundaries for storing, organizing, digesting, and eventually transforming information into good output."
"This ensures that nothing is ever overwritten but also nothing is ever deleted."
"We are headed toward the biggest Information Management disaster in history if we do not teach employees, give them permission, and empower them to make decisions about digital information."
"The user can stay on top of enormous amounts of information in a very small amount of time."
"I can always load in new information or historical information as long as it has the same structure."
"HL7 was able to fit all of the information needed for healthcare interoperability on a single page."
"It's a great way to help your team streamline their work and find the important information they need when they need it."
"It's not information overload; it's filter failure."
"BIM is a lean method of producing, managing, and exchanging information."
"It's all about the information, the 'I' in BIM, and how that's used by the different stakeholders."
"Centralize your information within master databases and then create gateways for accessing that information."
"Everything in my inbox is stuff that I want to read or review for my Obsidian idea generation pipeline."
"Find reliable people and stick to them to avoid information overload."
"What is the source of truth? Essentially, it's a designated authority over a specific domain of data."
"It's important to always maintain strict delineation between data domains."
"We talked about having a report catalog summary report that gives us information about our catalog so that we know how to manage it better."
"It allows you to gather information, store it, and collaborate with others in shared notebooks."
"Functional programming allowed us to take that information and to put it into the type system."
"Have a second brain... it helps you effectively and efficiently organize and retrieve information."
"It's about providing access to the right people at the right time but also making sure that your data is protected."
"You need to take into consideration two things; your knowledge management and your information management."
"Board views are all about making the information easy to digest for you personally."
"This is the first diagram of IMS that I ever saw, and it covers basically everything that we talked about."
"Effective management and exploitation of information through IT is a key factor to business success and an indispensable means to achieving competitive advantage."
"Sequences information and ideas logically; manages all aspects of cohesion well."
"Don't overwhelm yourself with information... do the best that you can."
"More information is never bad; I want everything visible all the time because that's how you see conflicts."
"By using visual filtering and identifying things that need our attention, we could filter that crosstab down to a much more manageable view."
"We're gonna be creating a central source of truth."
"A dashboard is basically allowing you to show sets of information together on one screen."
"A typical responsibility of a PMO is to collect, organize, and distribute project information throughout the organization."
"All of your referential information should live within your resources database."
"When you have a site with a lot of information, being able to filter is a really important function."
"The computers can really slow down if you're trying to have all the information at once, so you abstract it."
"Content and search in Employee Center is driven centrally, removing silo departmental barriers."
"We're just gonna do our best kind of organized information."
"You know how annoying it is to be asked for the same information twice, right? You want to avoid that."
"I still feel like I have all of the information I want at my fingertips and I can add to it and still have some room and it's very organized."
"I do not like to rely on my brain for anything; the minute someone tells me something, I immediately want to write it down."
"The creation of, the output of, the management of information."
"Search and browse is almost your Tableau Server's personal librarian."
"Information synthesis is taking scattered information and compiling together what works into a step-by-step process that produces a transformation."
"COBIT 5 maintained and encouraged organizations to govern and manage information in a more integrated manner."
"Metrics KPI should be useful for the decision-maker; dashboards should inform rather than overwhelm."
"A planner is when you take all of this information and you prepare yourself for it."
"OneNote is the place for information that's not a document, not an email, or a presentation."
"A database is simply just a place where you can store data."
"A data structure is basically a way of managing, storing, and organizing information."
"Our customers are at various stages of digital transformation which for them is about driving value from their information."
"Android Auto automatically brings you useful information and organizes that information into simple cards that appear just when you need them."
"After I'm done with this exercise, my brain feels so much lighter, and I no longer feel overwhelmed by all of this information."
"The Internet allows real-time cybernetic planning and can solve the problem of dispersed information."
"By having the correct information, you decrease the insurance denials, lessen the need for appeals, and you end up with fewer upset patients."
"It's a very powerful concept in terms of then storing all of that information out in a very dynamic manner on your storage."
"Any notes or any research you've ever done, should be available for future decisions, and future research to build upon."
"It's a tool to help them do their job, it's a tool to help them surface information, it's a tool to help them find information, it's a tool to help them share information."
"Personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date."
"Information is the privilege, and you have to be the gatekeeper and the unapologetic defender of the information that you consume."
"I like to stay educated on what's going on, but for the most part, I kind of like to limit myself on how much information I'm taking in a day because it will overwhelm me."
"A general good practice guideline for designing good database tables is to break your information down into sensible smaller units of data."
"This will work for any data that you want to store and search on."
"Our mission has always been to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."
"It's better not to give me data, instead of giving me bad data."
"It saved me a lot of time by increasing my productivity and it's so easy for both of us to find the info that we need."
"They serve as vital information hubs in modern offices, managing information, organizing the office, mastering office technology."
"If you're dealing with that kind of information, you should use the best tools for the job."
"Don't try to keep all the information in your head; instead, keep an index in your head where the information lives."