
Teachings Quotes

There are 804 quotes

"If the teachings lead you to be a more responsible human being, more accountable, more dedicated to growth and introspection, then you know you've reached a certain level of sophistication."
"It's the spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life."
"This doesn't mean that the Pure Lands are just imaginary, rather, the teachings and practices of Mahayana Buddhism are said to transform what we think we mean by real or imaginary in the first place."
"Teachings on no self is a unique feature of Buddhist tradition."
"I believe the words that Jesus spoke to the disciples many years ago are still as relevant today as they were back then."
"Jesus says, 'Be wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves.'"
"The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that the best of you are those who are the best towards your women, your wives, your mothers, your daughters, sisters, your female colleagues."
"We have a clear choice: man-made teachings or God-made teachings, tradition or truth."
"Christianity actually teaches people not to do this. Love your neighbor, love your enemy."
"Jesus said it best: whoever will save his life shall lose it, but whoever will lose his life for my sake shall save it."
"Proverbs is teaching us how to be wise and how to think about morality."
"We thank God for the apostles that came along after them who gathered the teachings of the Lord Jesus while he was here in the flesh."
"In Christianity, Jesus makes servanthood the highest calling."
"The Church's teachings are meant to set us free, to unshackle us from the chains of the world."
"He taught me the ethics of conflict... the art of war... his version of the art of war."
"Even very innocent teachings can be horribly abused and twisted."
"Focus on Jesus the Christ, his truth, his words, and the gospel he came to proclaim and die for."
"Evening to evening is how yahuwah taught us to count seven days."
"We all teach that we got to keep the Commandments and have the faith in Christ."
"God's final word given is through his son Jesus Christ."
"We have to control what our kids are being taught."
"Embrace these teachings, apply them in your lives, and be doers of the word."
"Live what I teach, you know, walk the path that I preach."
"Legacy isn't just about money; it's about leaving behind teachings and influences."
"Even if it happens seven times a day, forgive him."
"Even if we disobey this little one, God will forgive me. God gives us all the teachings and lessons for our future and for our happiness."
"Of all the teachings in the New Testament, there's only one teaching that, after hearing it, many of his disciples left him... 'This is intolerable language,' they said. 'This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?'"
"Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, 'How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God.'"
"Jesus said, 'With men it's impossible, but with God all things are possible.'"
"Assuredly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel's, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time."
"Jesus said it is normal if you hate your enemy, but I tell you now love your enemy."
"Jesus warned that in the last days the world would once again be like it was in the days of Noah."
"Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
"What are the words of the New Testament? Faith, hope, love, kindness, gentleness, bless your enemies."
"Bless those who persecute you, pray for those who persecute you, love your enemies, kindness... these are the messages."
"We ought to give the more Earnest heed to the things which we have heard."
"He repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats 'He who is first will be last, he who is last will be first.'"
"Feed the birds, that's a very important song."
"You must become like the child to enter the kingdom of heaven."
"This syllabus was a string of teachings that were given to all people everywhere."
"What did I say in the video? Christians ignore explicit teachings of Jesus."
"If you want to get to the blessed life, I'm going to give you the blueprint starting next week."
"What really matters is did you believe everything Christ taught?"
"Isn't it Jesus who said, 'Don't be afraid of those who kill the body'?"
"It's the truth, though. I mean, look at Jesus' greatest teachings."
"He wants to write not 'love your neighbor as yourself,' that was in Leviticus, we already got that one, he went one bigger: 'love one another as I have loved you.'"
"Our Father in heaven treats us. Think about the stories of Jesus and how he came and he loved people."
"Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings; it is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace."
"The teachings are always updated... because we apply them to the modern time."
"Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets."
"The New Testament doesn't end with the Gospel of John but the Acts of the Apostles."
"According to the old teachings... the little souls do not contemplate... there is nothing that happens to the next that is dangerous to their ultimate growth."
"Love your enemies," Jesus said. Be a loving person.
"These teachings can be the precursor to real pain and suffering, especially for vulnerable people."
"Certainly Jesus later teaching and miracles have uncanny parallels with the teaching and miracles of the Buddha."
"There is life at the Watchtower. The Watchtower teaches us you can make it without us."
"Jealousy just couldn't come and jump on you. No, no, no, the way that the spirit world operates like I've been teaching you is that there have to be existing reasons in order for it to come and take up residency."
"If it's thus saith the Lord, I'm in agreement, especially the parables, similitudes, and dark sayings."
"Imam Ali ibn Musa, a community builder, taught key lessons on building a Muslim community."
"He taught us love, brotherhood, sisterhood, living in harmony and balance."
"It's very interesting that you have Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, all practicing similar concepts."
"Instead of looking at all this bloodshed in his name, look at the hundreds of millions of lives who've been gloriously changed through the Messiah of Israel."
"Everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock."
"Yeshua was always talking about Unity, about love, about compassion."
"Jesus said forgive them, for they know not what they do."
"Abraham Hicks' teachings emphasize the importance of alignment and vibration."
"I'm always reminded of what Jesus said: 'Behold, I come at an hour you expect not.'"
"The Hierophant to me is like an initiation into a new way of being and a new way of doing things."
"The journey that I take people on through my stories and through the teachings is walking them through an integration process."
"Jesus said, 'I come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.'"
"The commission that he left to those Apostles and the twelve is the same today; it hasn't changed."
"We must put God's teachings into action."
"You don't have to go to India; your teachings will be right here."
"You receive your teachings in America."
"All the regulations, laws, and teachings in the Church of God are from God."
"Jesus was not talking these long discourses all the time; He was giving you parables that were short, sweet but powerful."
"When I find out about Christ, He never talked about these things. Jesus talked about peace. He talked about love."
"And Jesus talked very clearly about hell."
"The desert fathers talked about the passions."
"We are going to try to respond to every conceivable objection to what the Catholic Church teaches about the Blessed Virgin Mary."
"Jesus said if somebody hits you on the right cheek, give him your left."
"His teachings live on through us, his students."
"There's really strong warnings about teachings that are uh, aberrant and they may not rise to the level of outright heresy but it doesn't mean that they're not really dangerous."
"The teachings of the Mountain offer more than just survival lessons, learning to live while alive in the present"
"The highest teachings usually involved Christ because his whole Foundation is around love and loving one another."
"Iron Man's teachings worked because oh my my God step back one-legged."
"Let us be the children of Zion who display father's teachings and shine upon his teachings."
"Jesus considered himself The Rock and his teachings the foundation of the church."
"The church teaches that sex is a journey of intimacy."
"He embodies a simplicity; his teachings are simple, profound, and effective."
"I am a huge fan of David data and have followed his work for like a decade and find his teachings on polarity to be gospel to put it mildly."
"At today's time, the messenger Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto almighty God but through the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"The World-Honored One taught only about suffering and the methods to transform suffering."
"Through the power of contemplation, which Hermes advocates, to distill the essence of his teachings for a new generation of spiritual seekers."
"For us to uphold Jesus, we've got to uphold His teachings."
"The teaching of Jesus offers hardship to a world of ease."
"Whoever practices this has practiced all the teachings."
"Whoever realizes this has realized all the teachings."
"Let us carry forward the spirit of Lau's teachings, applying them not just in moments of quiet reflection but in the very way we live, interact, and engage with the world around us."
"Even in the midst of modern chaos, his teachings offer a refreshing perspective."
"I consider myself a follower of Jesus's teachings, not Paul's teachings, mind you or Irenaeus's teachings or Thomas Aquinas's teachings. No, I consider the teachings attributed to Jesus of Nazareth to be my guiding Compass."
"There is a process of continuity both within this life and according to the teachings from life to life."
"If you understand these four principles, then all the rest of the teachings come from that."
"His teachings have the ring of Truth; do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"I started to look at the overall teachings of Jesus rather than the very specific little verses."
"In all of my reading, I have never found better teachings on leadership than those from the Savior Himself."
"How can you possibly admire and respect a man if you don't believe the central message that He teaches?"
"I just loved the teachings they were given us and the principles of the Gospel like it seemed so wholesome."
"In an era where change is constant and uncertainty is a given, their teachings provide a roadmap for navigating life with grace, resilience, and purpose."
"Whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayings and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like."
"The Prophet's teachings often touch on complex topics like criticism of hadith content."
"One of Jesus' biggest things was charity."
"Islam teaches men to lower their gaze and have self-control."
"The teachings of Jesus, we love. Generally a pretty chill guy."
"Words do not allow me to even approach the perfection, peace, and absolute wisdom in which his teachings took place."
"Paul and James knew each other and didn't just know each other personally; they were familiar with each other's teachings."
"I wanted to tell the truth about mosses and I wanted their teachings that had been shared with me. I understood the tremendous privilege of having been their student and that I wanted to open that door to other people."
"...when you think of all our plant and animal relatives of leaving us in the age of the sixth extinction you think of the world on fire what better thing to be paying attention to then the teachings of the land."
"Buddha's teachings or Dharma are like a helpful guide for living a good life. They give us tips on making smart choices, being kind, and finding real happiness."
"Listen carefully and get what is being said. Many people say, 'I've heard the teachings, now what do I do?' The correct answer is, 'You haven't heard, you have to listen all over again.'"
"The Church teaches to have unconditional respect for their human dignity."
"Jesus’ teachings, however, focused less on political liberation and more on spiritual salvation and ethical transformation."
"His teachings echo Buddha's principles but are delivered in a context that is accessible to a global audience, stressing that the practice of compassion is essential not only for personal happiness but also for global stability and harmony."
"His subsequent teachings, spread by his followers, laid the foundation of Buddhism, emphasizing the Middle Way, a path between severe asceticism and worldly indulgence."
"His teachings, parables, and life events focus on love, forgiveness, and the kingdom of God."
"The heart of my faith lies in the moral teachings of Jesus, not in debates about historical accuracy."
"Jesus talked to us about easy and light."
"This is obviously a teaching I think that Christians would like to say oh this should be authentic to the historical Jesus as I've loved you love one another."
"The teachings from the holy tablets and Man from Planet Rizq literally, so who did more work? Let's talk."
"These teachings open up whole new levels of understanding."
"If I can give one last thought it's this: the prophet peace be upon Him came to teach manners."
"What really is drawing me to Matt's teachings is how centered it is around complete unconditional acceptance and love for anyone and anything."
"There is a lot of beauty in the core of all spiritual teachings and a lot of crap that surrounds them."
"He taught us that we are him and he is us, that the community itself is really the carrier of the dharma."
"We hope to reveal ideas you will never hear taught in a Church sermon."
"Jesus teaches three parables to help us understand what it means to be ready for his return."
"The Sermon on the Mount is one of the greatest systems of psychotherapy that has ever been given."
"So you need to look somewhere else, and that is where Buddhist teachings become so powerful."
"...to understand these teachings, think of the first factor and the last factor here. The last factor shows us what dependent origination is aiming at. It is aiming at showing us how suffering comes to be here."
"If you want to know the depth of somebody and their work with God, listen to the teachings they speak."
"Utter Perfection is the standard Jesus sets up in Matthew 5 18."
"The way forward is taught and modeled by Jesus."
"What sustained the church was the teachings of the apostles handed down."
"The church's teachings are the problem."
"Grace first of all bring salvation or deliver run it brings salvation but then what does he say it has appeared to all men but then after it brings me salvation what does it teach me"
"We can draw similar lessons from both major, minor prophets—no difference there."
"Jesus exported the message of peace that he had learned in Egypt."
"The Buddha thus taught benefaction and gratitude."
"I'm happy that I've been able to give you this gift of Dhamma so that you'll have the strength of heart to contend with all the things you face."
"If you listen to him, you will be built on the rock. Your faith will be like the rock, unshakable, unbreakable."
"He teaches us to love our enemies."
"Paul is trying to teach the same thing and it's better promises, it's promises God can keep. Everything else was just for shadow here's the real thing."
"We've come to learn much from him about bravery, friendship, and the interconnectedness of all beings."
"Jesus's teachings are like a kind of spiritual jujitsu."
"Our identity is closer to the teachings of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and Noah, all of the prophets, than even the modern-day Christians."
"Inspiration comes from what Jesus did."
"The really wild thing for me about Yeshua is what he tells us to live because it is so countercultural to the world."
"God himself has taught us how to speak of him."
Jesus did not come to earth to perform miracles to show off or to say, "Hey look at what I can do." Every miracle he performed was designed to teach a spiritual lesson.
"Jesus's messages, his teachings, weren't something that he spoke of just once and then his disciples had to recall decades later."
"The principles that we teach in the BMC are based on the Word."
"Every major religious tradition has given us teachings about moving from recognizing our flaws to becoming better."
"What does Islam teach us? The strong man is the man that can control his anger at times of difficulty."
"May we carry these teachings toward a life of purpose and Harmony."
"As the Prophet said, 'I have left behind for you two things: hold on to them and you will never go straight after me: the Book of Allah and my Ahl al-Bayt.'"
"Sunnah is not just the saying of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Sunnah is the saying, the action, how the Prophet looked, how his manners were."
"Marriage is from my teachings. Whoever stays away from it is not one of us."
"There are some very, very powerful teachings in the Word of God that we can miss."
"Always remember the teachings of the Jedi and embrace the light."
"Jesus taught her the value of suffering."
"In a nutshell, this is what all religions of the world strive to teach us."
"Teachings like 'give, God will give you more than you can carry in your house,' that's fraud."
"The Beatitudes are super super important when you feel like you are under a lot of pressure or you're just too scared to speak about the faith."
"Jesus came and taught us sympathy, mercy, no violence, love."
"The parable of the raft teaches us that Buddhist teachings, like the raft, are meant to be tools for crossing the river of suffering and ignorance."
"The teachings of Jesus are revolutionary."
"The power of the Buddhist teachings has to do with the discipline of simplicity."
"The Echoes of the fallen angel's teachings are all around you in every technological marvel, in every piece of art, in every philosophical inquiry."
"Jesus, like Moses, escapes from a king seeking to kill him, then delivers teachings and miracles."
"Jesus modeled this lifestyle and taught his followers to do the same: to carry the Kingdom of Heaven within you."
"Jesus's Doctrine is the kingdom message."
"As long as they have his teachings and they have his respect in mind, Star Wars will at least have some hope."
"Jesus teaches all about forgiveness and compassion."
"I believe that man Jesus teaches us how to handle the rough reality of life."
"The prophet's teachings in Islam encourage individual effort and work, reflecting human biology and psychology."
"We are saying this. The Hadith is the prophetic sayings, teachings, the actions that he did, and he taught us to do."
"The council is explicitly stating this truth that you are free to seek and adhere to is the truth found in the Catholic Church and in her teachings that she's received from Christ."
"The Bible is brutally reliable in communicating how Jesus lived, how he treated people, what he taught."
"Throughout history, there have been names of believers... that have been distinctively baptistic, if you will, Baptist in their teachings."
"Look at the teachings of Jesus, make the sermon on the mount, the central piece of the bible of christianity."
"These are the main and plain things that are taught in Scripture."
"The parables of Jesus are important."
"Xenos Christian Fellowship isn't your typical church, holding services in smaller groups and encouraging strict adherence to their teachings."
"This is one of the most important teachings you'll ever hear on marriage."
"Jesus didn't chase down the rich young ruler and try to find a nicer way to tell him to sell his stuff."
"Krishna says Bishma I am the origin of vas and Dharma but it is most powerful if Dharma is taught by the one who practices it than just by the one who created it."
"I build my life on the teachings of Jesus. The wise man builds his house upon the rock."
"...the core themes of this ethical system are utterly congruent with the core themes of Jesus's own teachings..."
"He's captured the very essence of the teachings of Jesus and the very essence of the teachings of the Buddha."
"This is Jesus talking... it is better to just listen to what Jesus says."