
Particle Physics Quotes

There are 352 quotes

"If you know where an electron is, then you suddenly have no way of knowing which way it's going. That's what Heisenberg is saying to you."
"The universe we experience seems to be constructed of singular particles with well-defined properties, but this intuitive, mechanical reality is emergent from an underlying reality in which the particles that form matter arise from the combination of an infinity of possible properties."
"The standard model of particle physics... the closest we have to a complete description of the universe at the fundamental level."
"The Higgs boson... proof that this field is out there and that's why finding it was so important."
"What we might be on the edge of finding is some extension of the standard model that will... explain this peculiar periodic table of particles that we currently have at a deeper level."
"It is a very exciting time to be in particle physics, so definitely keep your eyes peeled over the next year or two because we should get an answer either way."
"The whole of quantum field theory is nothing but a clever attempt to hide the fact that particles go backwards in time."
"The Schrodinger equation is obeyed... electrons will never convert into protons."
"The Higgs boson... was finally scientifically proven to be fact in 2012... a much clearer and definite picture of reality as we know it."
"Particle physics doesn’t have that. The fact of the matter is that you can televise a moon landing. You can’t televise the Higgs Boson."
"If string theory is correct, the unity of the elementary particles arises because the different particles are different forms of vibration of one basic string."
"Quantum mechanics, those waves now, extended 3-dimensional objects, underpin this thing called the standard model of particle physics."
"Everything around us... are made up of a fundamental set of particles. These teensy tiny particles live and interact in a world unlike our own."
"This wasn’t evidence of the up, down or even strange quark. This was something new. This was a 4th quark."
"You guys are not just a bunch of particles. Your brains are the most beautifully complex space-time patterns in our entire known universe."
"The universe...is a vast reservoir of seething energy out of which particles are being formed and annihilated constantly."
"Professor Whiteson's research is in the field of experimental high energy physics. He is interested in probing the structure of matter and the nature of its interactions at the very smallest scales to understand the fundamental nature of our universe."
"This one particle... had 50 joules in it, which is a lot for a little particle. That's equivalent to like a baseball traveling at 60 miles per hour."
"In particle physics there's no such thing as failure the only failure is to stop searching."
"We're really excited to find new particles, it might be there."
"It's a feast of particles today, we're ready to go much further."
"You want a short-range force, just exchange a massive particle—a long-range force, a massless particle."
"Dirac's theory was a remarkable achievement. If proven correct, it would double the number of known particles in the world."
"We know that the standard model of particle physics is not the end of the story for the universe."
"Particle physics search for the ultimate laws of nature is nowhere near done."
"The entire story of the Higgs is to account for the origin of these extra degrees of freedom."
"It was shocking that all it took was one stinking little elementary particle."
"The Large Hadron Collider has become a portal to a realm where ordinary rules cease to exist."
"The Higgs boson preferentially will decay into top quarks."
"So if you want to watch if you know want to be a spectator in the sport and you want to watch what happens this is the thing to watch for next whether the Higgs decays are consistent with the standard model."
"Cloud chambers have been around for over a hundred years and they were one of the first devices used by physicists to be able to detect and study the properties of subatomic particles."
"The discovery of the top quark, the last and heaviest of the elementary particles that make up all matter."
"Entanglement... changes in one particle instantaneously affect the other regardless of the distance between them."
"Understanding why this particle even has mass was one of the most important breakthroughs in our understanding of the subatomic world."
"Particles and their properties do not follow strict determinism but rather exhibit probabilistic behavior."
"Fusion is about bringing things together. When those Fusion reactions occur, a new particle is created and energy is also released."
"If the gravitational field is quantized, then it should be made up of Quant gravity should be mediated by its own Force-carrying particle."
"Neutrinos oscillate, implying they must have mass."
"One of the most important discoveries in particle physics of all times."
"The ideas that controlled motion of electrically charged matter via accelerated vibration and/or accelerators been subjected to smooth yet rapid acceleration transitions would generate extremely high energy."
"I finally worked out why you were all asking me if we are restarting the LHC on April 8th."
"The observer effect shows when an observer is observing the experiment the behavior of a physical particle changes."
"It describes all fundamental particles that we are aware of and three of the four known fundamental forces."
"Things like what the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva does... and making the predictions theoretically for what's going to be seen by those experiments that's where physicists are really really good."
"So in those units given that all these things are true okay then it turns out we can pick one unit and just use that for everything one unit to some power and we're gonna pick energy because that's what particle physicists typically pick."
"You can in principle discover new physics without discovering new particles."
"The physical answer for the probability that certain particles scatter or decay never depends on the cutoff."
"There's a huge hierarchy between the electroweak scale and the Planck scale."
"So, particles themselves are essentially vibrations of a field."
"On July 4th, 2012, 45 years after Peter Higgs proposed its existence, CERN announced that one of these interesting particles created in a 2011 collision turned out to fit the decay signature of the Higgs boson."
"The Large Hadron Collider: could it unlock the secrets of time travel?"
"Neutrinos can change their flavors as they travel, suggesting new physics beyond what we already know."
"Each time a subatomic particle goes through an interaction, a new parallel universe may form."
"Nobody's actually seen a quark before; it takes a degree of faith."
"The large hadron collider in geneva is restarting next week. A lot of people think weird stuff is going on."
"If our Omega particle’s quarks are going to wear the same dress, they better be different colors."
"With enough energy, like in the very early universe or at impact point in a large particle collider, space gets sort of saturated so that new quarks can’t be formed."
"The real important thing about a Higgs is that it allows our theory of nature to obey the rules of special relativity and quantum mechanics in a very particular way."
"The particle goes from A to B by sniffing out every possible way it could go."
"The Large Hadron Collider stands as a remarkable achievement of science."
"Instead of the fundamental constituents being little dot particles as we have long thought of them, the new idea is that they're actually little tiny filaments of vibrating energy."
"Black hole jets are blasting particles out at very near the speed of light."
"The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 was a scientific milestone affirming decades of theoretical work."
"The scientists start to look deep into what actually was created by a lot of these particles interacting."
"Particle physics kind of hit the 1980s and sort of the standard model got established."
"Neutrino astronomy is trying to discover the answer to this question. Today we have built amazing neutrino detectors such as the Super-Kamiokande in Japan to better understand these fundamental but elusive particles."
"The Higgs boson particle is something that may and has been created in the Large Hadron Collider."
"There's something kinda seductive about particle physics."
"GUTs predict that monopoles should be produced in enormous numbers in the very early universe - as abundantly as protons and electrons."
"All the beauty and complexity that we see in the world around us can be traced to this same collection of three particles, rearranged over and over in different combinations."
"For example, in the time it took me to say that, something like 100 trillion neutrinos passed through your body."
"These particles are bosons, the other half of our particle family."
"The graviton is to gravity what the photon is to electromagnetism."
"The fact that the higgs mechanism makes the neutron a little heavier allows you to have a stable proton, stable hydrogen."
"If we don't find supersymmetry, I'm afraid I again have to scratch my head and say I don't know."
"What are we, where do we come from, where are we going? That is the business of the particle physicists."
"I want to be your girlfriend more than an electron wants to attach to a proton."
"CERN is firing up its Large Hadron Collider at record energy levels in search of dark matter."
"The upcoming physics season will focus on the study of the properties of the Higgs and the search for physics beyond the standard model."
"If you ask me what would change my mind about the Multiverse hypothesis, I could tell you about if we had an event with Statistics behind it at CERN."
"If scientists discovered new Force carrying particles, it would be a decade-long awaited breakthrough in physics"
"What Elon Musk has to say: 'According to Elon Musk, CERN built the largest and highest energy particle collider in human history'"
"Particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider are necessary if we want to understand what happens."
"The interior of the proton was revealed to be a complex cluster of energy—a dense network of gluons that are constantly transforming into pairs of virtual quarks and antiquarks."
"The whole quest of particle physics is to explain the matter contents of the universe."
"The vacuum seethes with huge numbers of matter and antimatter particles continually being created and annihilated."
"Protons and neutrons were themselves composed of more elementary particles called quarks."
"The trends are that astronomy and particle physics has caught up to the complexity of the challenge."
"That's a difference, the magnetic field of the muon seems to be a tiny, tiny bit smaller than the standard model would predict."
"There are these experimental results with muons that are slightly at odds with the standard model of particle physics."
"It's completely possible that over the next let's say five years the Large Hadron Collider discovers new particles directly that were not in the Standard Model of particle physics."
"I'd rather take a step back, we have standard models in particle physics and cosmology and gravity, they're very, very good at fitting the data."
"Named after the Japanese Sun Goddess, this particle lights the way to understanding the deepest mysteries of the universe."
"The connection between gluons and quarks plays a crucial role in binding them together."
"CERN has embarked on an ambitious upgrade to the LHC - the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider."
"There's nothing in the world that we understand better than the standard model of particle physics and nothing that we understand worse than Consciousness."
"Despite its complexities, the field of particle physics is driven by a simple and profound question: what is the universe made of?"
"Supersymmetry, often abbreviated as SUSY, is a theoretical framework in particle physics that proposes a type of symmetry between two fundamental classes of particles: bosons, which carry forces, and fermions, which make up matter."
"Anyway, not only were these new particles in the right mass range, there were three of them as predicted by Yukawa, one positive, one negative, and one neutral."
"The electroweak epoch has profound implications for our understanding of particle physics and the Standard Model."
"The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, a particle associated with the Higgs field, provided a key piece of evidence supporting the theoretical framework describing the electroweak force and its significance."
"The discovery of these particles in the 1980s at CERN provided critical proof of the electroweak theory, which unifies the electromagnetic and weak forces, one of the key achievements in efforts to develop a unified theory of fundamental forces."
"Research in particle physics has far-reaching implications that extend beyond the confines of the laboratory, offering numerous benefits to society."
"Future discoveries in particle physics hold the promise of revolutionizing various aspects of our daily lives."
"Discoveries in particle physics may lead to advancements in technology and computing."
"While particle physics research holds tremendous promise for scientific discovery and technological innovation, it also presents complex ethical challenges that must be addressed thoughtfully and responsibly."
"Dark energy might be sourced from tiny elementary particles that flicker in and out of existence everywhere throughout the Universe."
"Delving into the enigmatic world of particle physics might soon offer us unprecedented insights into the very origins of the universe."
"The only thing that exists is that dot, that the dot can be subdivided and subdivided, and there's like some fractal nature to the particle."
"The standard model explains forces at the subatomic level as the result of an exchange of force-carrying particles known as gauge bosons."
"The discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN in 2012 confirmed the standard model's predictions."
"He was just the guy that was in the right place at the right time on that day so you know - he's so humble and lovely, Roger, and it was so great to hear about his work with ATLAS and developing it and his work now as well developing new accelerators."
"Now it's not just about smashing particles together anymore, it's about probing the very fabric of the universe."
"If you're talking about why there is a universe at all in which particle physics can be done, I would want to argue that God is arguably much more important than the Higgs boson."
"The Large Hadron Collider enables scientists to confirm the existence of an elusive particle called the Higgs boson."
"the aim of particle physics is to understand what everything's made of and how they stick together."
"We're left with a bit of a quandary which is that we have the standard model particle physics it's everything we've ever seen test should interacted with detected and it's none of those."
"The Large Hadron Collider, colliding protons, will recreate energies and conditions last seen a trillionth of a second after the final moment of creation."
"The aim of particle physics is quite simple: to find out what are the smallest constituents of matter."
"Particle accelerators have revolutionized our understanding of the smallest building blocks of matter."
"...with just these three particles you can make literally anything you have ever eaten."
"...this particle was called the W particle, W stands for weak, not Weinberg."
"If instead of a muon we were to see an electron, then that would have to be an electron neutrino."
"Particle physicists try to record ghosts. That doesn't make any sense. That doesn't sound like science."
"The Higgs particle reflects our hunger and that's why we become massive."
"Consciousness only emerges when you have a certain collection of particles organized in an appropriate manner, allowing them to carry out a certain kind of information processing."
"The God particle is known as the Higgs boson and it shapes and sizes everything that we know of in existence."
"The Higgs particle is has a much smaller mass than what another particle that we had detected before."
"Protons themselves would be unstable and if they are unstable, they would decay into electrons and positrons and neutrinos and maybe even pons or something like that which means that protons would disappear and matter would simply fall apart."
"It's shocking that it's something like the Higgs. We've never seen that before."
"We can produce 10 million clean Higgs particles in a muon collider."
"Particles are the simplest possible elementary particle, and it's that very Simplicity that makes it so deeply perplexing from a theoretical point of view."
"Particle accelerators do not operate like this. They don't generate a continuous stream of particles."
"We've shown that the CKM model is correct. It describes the effects, the asymmetries we've seen, and how the weak force operates."
"We've seen matter-antimatter asymmetries in the B. This is really a huge accomplishment."
"Scientists believe they are getting closer to proving the existence of the Higgs boson, the hypothetical subatomic particle thought to supply mass to the matter that makes up our universe."
"If you observe one particle and follow it around as it moves, you will notice that its color cycles through the color spectrum."
"By the end of this, you should be near an expert on how the particle systems work."
"Forces are really important and this particular thing, the volume slider, is probably the most important thing that you can learn today with the particles."
"Particles are injecting velocity and all kinds of other things and that's kind of pushing our smoke around making it you know really Dynamic and realistic."
"There are so many cool things you can do with particles, it is insane."
"It just means the particles are inefficiently implemented on the substrate, and quantum computers, the idea is that somehow we can bypass the particle universe to directly access the substrate."
"Particles do not exist until they are observed."
"Neutrinos just don't care about any other particles. They just do their own thing, streaming harmlessly through the universe."
"Baryons are unstable, except the proton, which has an infinite half-life."
"When particles collide, that's the way to make new particles."
"This is known as the Higgs mechanism and plays a critical role in the standard model of particle physics."
"In the standard model, it explains why particles such as the W and Z bosons have masses, while other gauge bosons like the photon and gluon are massless."
"It's the momentum of the particle divided by the charge times the magnetic field."
"All particles are described as fields, quantum excitations of the field."
"Everything we see in nature is made up of a few fundamental particles."
"The only kosher candidates for Dark Matter are the ones that were predicted from particle physics to exist before it was realized they could be dark matter."
"The amazing thing about the LHC is not that the energies are high, but that they are packed into a single particle."
"Neutrinos... play a crucial role in our understanding of the universe."
"The Pion is what we call today a Goldstone boson or Nambu-Goldstone boson."
"A particle undergoing very high acceleration should be able to move discontinuously and even faster than light."
"This is the experiment that the particle physics community is really focused on as their top priority."
"In a proton, the quarks are right on top of each other, they're interacting with others strongly."
"For the particle physicists, this is one of the biggest groundbreaking discoveries of the last 50 years."
"The Very Large Hadron Collider could become operational."
"Quantum teleportation is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where the quantum state of one particle can be transferred to another distant particle without physically transmitting the particle itself."
"The Large Hadron Collider stands as one of the most remarkable achievements of modern science and engineering."
"If these particles find a way to escape a black hole, they steal of its energy."
"Empty space is not really empty, it's actually filled with tiny vibrations that can turn into virtual particles."
"There is no definition of right-handed and left-handed for a particle at rest."
"The neutrinos can mix together with the anti-neutrinos and form a massive Majorana particle which is its own anti-particle."
"The dynamics of the Higgs boson is really all contained in this Mexican Hat potential."
"These photons are the tell-tale sign of a Higgs being created and then decaying."
"The Dirac equation: a masterpiece that harmonizes the quantum world."
"The standard model of particle physics tells us that together with the six quarks, their force carriers, and all the leptons, they make up all the matter of the universe."
"The idea behind it is for a more even particle distribution."
"CERN is the world's largest particle physics research laboratory."
"A particle really does take every possible path from A to B."
"In CERN's newest accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, particles will collide at nearly the speed of light to study the quarks and other particles."
"Many of these particles only existed in the early universe for a fraction of a second after the Big Bang when all the energy transformed into matter."
"Even if the Large Hadron Collider verifies the ultimate laws, there is still an enormous amount of exciting work left for us to do."
"It has become a fundamental law of nature that for every fermionic particle in the universe, there exists an antiparticle."
"The superposition tells us that a particle can be at several points at the same time."
"This tiny imbalance between particles and antiparticles is what we are, what the universe is that you see out there."
"The difference between matter and antimatter, the CP violation that we measure in our particle physics, is too small and not enough to explain the asymmetry in the universe."
"The Higgs particle is associated with a field that sets the mass of all other particles in the universe."
"The standard model of physics, developed more than 50 years ago, explains this structure in terms of quarks, gluons, and their interactions."
"We're trying to understand how particles behave at the smallest scales."
"At each moment, the whole system of quarks and gluons should be colorless."
"The quark model works very well and perfectly describes experimental data."
"We know with high precision how the different elementary particles, quarks, and gluons are arranged inside the proton."
"All information about a particle is encoded into its wave function; information about a particle is guaranteed to be conserved."
"The discovery, or really the confirmation of the Higgs Boson is recent."
"The graviton may be among the last attributes of particle physics we could ever detect."
"Particles generally belong to two families, the quarks which make up protons and neutrons, and the leptons which are electrons, neutrinos and so on."
"The main purpose of particle colliders is to just create a really high energy environment because we know that the laws of physics are different at really high energy environments."
"...Higgs boson only actually explains one percent of mass of everything; it does not explain all of the mass in the universe."
"The weak force... transforms one type of matter into another type of matter, literally transmutation."
"Both experiments found some sort of an anomaly suggesting... there might be some other 18th hidden particle that was just discovered."
"We're going to be talking about a pretty unusual and pretty interesting discovery of a potential third type of subatomic particles."
"The Standard Model of particle physics represents the most successful scientific theory that has ever been created."
"The oh my God Particle had an energy of 320 EXA electron volts."
"The dark matter particles would gradually decay and their decay would have a lifetime of about 10 times 10 to the 11 years."
"Submit your ideas for research... and if you are chosen, your school could be here carrying out your science experiments and discovering your new contribution in particle physics."
"He was the theorist behind much of the standard model of particle physics, the quarks and leptons and how they merge together."