
Prototyping Quotes

There are 299 quotes

"Being able to program... really allows us to prototype really fast."
"The prototype was successful. Now for the real thing."
"We also have a lot of other things down the pipeline for you guys, some more prototyping that's happening."
"I've licensed ideas without even knowing how it was going to work because if there's interest then I'll go back and I'll build that prototype."
"Another thing that can be incredibly useful to development teams is handing them full-fledged prototypes, things that they can actually touch and click and interact with."
"Build prototypes, define your spikes, make sure you know what this game is about."
"The way it works when you're working on a video game machine that has not come out is you get this sort of early version of the machine, which isn't quite perfect, but it's sort of mostly, maybe about 80% of the machine."
"Prototype, prototype. You are able to share it, that the teachers are able to share it with other teachers."
"Prototype is crucial. Get it right with limited resources."
"Interactive components provide a lot of opportunity for prototyping and exploration."
"Prototyping doesn't have to feel like a tedious task."
"All projects like this begin at the same point, before anything is manufactured the entire design will be prototyped in a computer aided design system."
"Magic as a sandbox for prototyping future technologies."
"A great game starts from a great prototype that's already fun to play."
"Prototypes aren't just a way to test and prove the validity of an idea: they are a way to generate new and even better ideas."
"Building a prototype is the way to start making games."
"Wireframes are meant to be used as rough representations of interface ideas that can be quickly discarded and iterated upon."
"Do it right away guys, you have an idea, come up with a prototype."
"The first part you get is almost never right."
"It's insane to think about that you know an entrepreneur could prototype something and have it basically ready to go in a year or less than a year."
"I always start prototyping with music, because music is both an effective and powerful medium that can create emotion."
"Prototyping in Figma is pretty powerful, pretty much everything that you would want for page transition animations."
"This is just an example of what you can do if you grab those marketplace assets, run around, give them a test drive, and see what you're able to prototype really quickly."
"The best thing to do is to get a playable version of the earliest stage of the game."
"Abilities are actually a lot easier to prototype because for the most part Riot kind of just tends to build from what they know works."
"The best businesses are you treat them as prototypes."
"I'm not smart enough to have hypothesis yet, I gotta go actually go prototype so I can learn." - Bob Mesta
"I'd much rather find a mistake in a sub-10-minute prototype rather than print the whole thing and find it doesn't fit because I was overconfident."
"It's cheaper than ever to build a prototype of a product."
"A prototype allows people to interact with your design."
"Prototypes are easy, production is hard."
"It's very easy and simple to create a prototype inside Figma."
"This project is going to be made open source once I'm done with the prototyping phase."
"I created a bunch of temporary excessively simple cards and tested my Alpha prototype to see if the turn structure functioned which it did."
"The new prototype put it on and it was hitting the clip so far, with quite a lot of force."
"A prototype is an early model of a product that demonstrates functionality. It illustrates a progression from one screen to the next."
"It means that when I'm prototyping and iterating on a design, I can get several design iterations in a day instead of just one or maybe two."
"I think what I'll aim to do is put a small prototype PCB in here."
"I really love the ability to whip up a quick prototype."
"I think this kind of shows proof of concept and the next piece is to manufacture this plate that should be pretty straightforward."
"Mock-ups are really, really important."
"Most programming is you prototype the out of something, and when you're done prototyping it, you look at all the places in which you failed, all the places in which were hard, then you implement the actual thing, and that's that."
"Do a mock-up, play with it, see how it feels."
"It's worth having one of these panels available in your junk bin just for doing like hashing together little prototypes."
"Prototyping: the importance of prototyping."
"I made a prototype drawer and it worked okay but it took a while to make it and there was no way I was gonna make the hundred-plus drawers I was gonna make with that method within this year."
"No code is great for building an early prototype or MVP."
"This is something here we've been prototyping with bean when we reached out to bean, this is what we asked for in the trailer."
"Their very first prototype engine incorporated this, as well as a few others, but it still had trouble performing at high speeds."
"Scriptable objects can make it easier to prototype. It can organize your code to make it easier to understand and change for both the coders and designers."
"I think the heart of the way I design my machines is more in the prototyping than actually in the sketching that I do beforehand."
"3D printers have been over-hyped, but for industrial prototyping, they're certainly serious tools."
"We'll have fun making these micro interactions, page transitions, and animations."
"We've made it really far, let's get to the fun prototyping part."
"So as soon as I make that, I can then pop into prototype mode and see how it looks within the context of the larger scene, kind of cool, right?"
"Even the laser engraving starts with a hand-cut prototype."
"...features which have prototypes have much smoother development... Features which did not go through prototyping tend to hit more bumps."
"Just by scrolling, you can get a really high fidelity prototype that you can use."
"Interactive components allow you to create kind of like an embedded prototype... like a prototype within a prototype."
"Highly recommend breaking up your prototype into smaller chunks."
"It's really, really nice again for prototyping, for building stuff quickly, but we also have hot code reloading which makes developing even faster."
"This thing is fast, it's quiet, and it makes it really easy to iterate rapidly on small parts like this."
"It's a very great tool for quick experimentations and prototyping."
"The whole forming this thing with cardboard, gotta say it's pretty handy. Definitely takes the image in your head and makes it reality before you spend a bunch of time cutting steel, welding, grinding just to find out it ain't going to work."
"Always simulate 3D toolpaths to make sure what's happening is actually happening."
"Prototype early and prototype often."
"I love having that machine in my office for prototyping."
"It's hard to get people to do it because people are working but yeah, I always love people to be exploring the prototypes, making their own MOS because that's how we, there's that's the opportune moment to make change to the Future too."
"Your goal should be to prototype the most amount of ideas in the least amount of time. That's efficiency, right? That's design efficiency."
"Using templates means you can go as nuts as you want to with shapes and testing and prototyping on cheap material to get exactly what you're looking for."
"So to wrap things up, I use pico8. Pico8 gives you really useful constraints for making your prototypes..."
"It can save you a lot of time when prototyping your app."
"Because we made that very quick prototype version, we know that the fit for everything is spot on."
"Be lazy. Don't overengineer this stuff. Don't overthink it. Don't overbuild your prototype."
"Building prototypes is a lot of fun. Think about it more like a game jam."
"Next we have Sprint a book about design Sprints it's a method that helps teams go from an idea to a validated low Fidelity prototype within five days."
"You're always making prototypes. Even in modern game development today, there's this prototype-driven development for a game today."
"Bringing a prototype into a pitch meeting is so much more powerful than a bunch of graphs."
"So when I got home that day I fiddled about with some items we had the first being a brush the second being a plastic water bottle and the third being a plastic knife when I stuck these three items together we had a prototype which sort of worked."
"Interactive components allow you to use components in a more interactive way in Figma prototypes."
"We call low fidelity designs lo-fi for short."
"Don't skip prototyping - you know, please those that don't have the imagination to see what game you're making."
"Experiment first on the prototype and then move on with those ideas on the main project."
"Prototyping is one of the ways that you can experiment with figuring out the optimal shape and material combination."
"When you force yourself to say, 'This is what I would do if I had to choose now,' that's the moral equivalent of putting a prototype out into the market."
"Adobe XD combines all the design, prototyping, and sharing tools that you need into one seamless experience."
"They're an excellent rapid prototyping tool."
"Create a small prototype... get that early feedback and that early momentum."
"The key feature of the breadboard is solderless installation; it opens almost limitless possibilities for prototyping and quick debugging."
"Prototyping speeds up the innovation process."
"I'm thinking prototypally now, and when I'm thinking prototypally I can do everything I want to do with object.create."
"If you have those four sections and four parts, that's everything that you need to really develop proof of concept for an idea."
"You make like 10, 20, 30, 40 of these prototypes... then you pick the best one or two or three, the cream of the crop."
"If you have a good prototype, it's not that hard to make six figures."
"Paper prototypes are inexpensive, allow for rapid iteration, and encourage honest feedback."
"3D printing is rapidly expanding in use for prototypes and models."
"Common Lisp really has a strong force when it comes to extensibility as well as prototyping."
"It really is just the best prototyping language out there; there's not really anything that's going to beat it, in my opinion."
"Unix philosophy great for ad-hoc prototyping."
"Adobe XD is a great tool for visual prototyping."
"We're only prototyping the visuals so we want to make sure that we get the visuals right for each type of layout that our project will include before bringing it into Storyline."
"You can actually do some prototyping here to test anything before going directly into the code."
"Prototyping helps you to expose requirements that you may otherwise miss."
"We need to believe that even a paper or cardboard prototype can give us valuable information about how our market looks like."
"When we select one, two, or three best solutions, we go to the prototype phase."
"When we check back again, we're going to create an interactive prototype, share it with our team, and incorporate their feedback into our final designs."
"It would be really great if anyone wants to try and just prototype some applications on top of it."
"Being able to quickly throw together a really quick proof of concept inside of Figma or really any design tool can be super helpful on your journey as a developer."
"I was super hyped watching the prototyping process take place."
"Students find joy in this kind of ultra-small scope work, particularly as they get faster and the technical challenges of making prototypes starts to fade into the background."
"This is what's really fun about prototype modelling."
"For producing parts quickly or on demand, it's attractive to think of additive as a prototyping or an increasingly attractive low volume production process."
"Prototype conversations are huge... they work amazingly well."
"I'm actually working on something else for this splitter, prototyping something here that I have never seen before."
"Trying to understand what people do and making that the thing that drives the design, building prototypes and checking them with people."
"We made lots of prototypes of different things and tested them with people, so the prototype and test combination was the thing that really made their successful choice."
"If you can make the simplest possible prototypes early and try out ideas, the chances of getting rid of the bad ideas quickly are much higher."
"Real-time simulation and testing through at the controls prototyping and hub in the loop solutions."
"Once we have the prototype, we can invite some users to ask them about our products now."
"Framer lets you design exactly how your design works through advanced yet easy to use prototyping."
"It's about convincing people, that's what I've been talking about with the prototyping process."
"It's very easy to prototype, to get up and testing, and get out and experience the real world."
"It is more important at the beginning to build a prototype than make a good rendering."
"Time Compression Technology is basically rapid prototyping."
"Modeling languages enable rapid prototyping, certainly for small and medium scale problems."
"This is a great way to iterate on your designs or to test them out before you spend the time and money on 3D printing."
"Whenever I'm designing something like this, cardboard is such a great tool."
"If you're doing research and development, and you're doing rapid prototyping, then having your prints come out as fast as possible is extremely useful because it allows you to iterate more and improve your design."
"Simulation tools can find those problems that may not be obvious, you can get most of the way to physically building and prototyping the thing in silico."
"We specialize in providing prototype and small-batch PCBs for designers, product development departments, niche market electronics companies, universities, and research establishments."
"I like the organicness of this and just how fast I can prototype out these shapes and forms."
"This kind of visual programming lets you rapidly prototype with your ideas without writing much code."
"For a first attempt at something realistic, it does seem to capture the prototype reasonably nicely."
"An FDM printer that you might have access to in your own home is going to be great for prototyping."
"This is a great way to prototype."
"Now, after we create the high fidelity prototype, we are going to move over to the next stage of our workflow, which is the stage where we are going to need to test that high fidelity prototype."
"You can change things at will very easily; just pull the component out and swap it around."
"As an experimental model which I'm pretty happy with for what it is, I might come on and make another version."
"Ash Park does a great job of making it easy to order low quantity PCBs for things like projects and prototypes."
"Rapid Application Development involves building a prototype that is evaluated and refined over multiple iterations."
"It's worth the money to develop a really high quality VR simulation because it's cheaper than doing a real prototype of it."
"As a serious prototyping engineer, I find machines to be invaluable in having many design options, creating professional looking products, and quickly building new revisions."
"Autodesk CFD creates automatically for you the performance curve for each pump, so you can make decisions and say, 'This is my virtual prototype which is ready; it's matching the expected results. I'm going to jump directly forward to prototyping and testing.'"
"Figma also has built-in prototyping features, so you can create end-to-end prototyping flows."
"Think of the cost savings by creating less prototypes."
"When you get started on a machine learning project, start by implementing something quick and dirty."
"Keep it simple and order samples with your designs on them."
"MATLAB can be used for desktop prototyping with the robotics operating system."
"The goal in prototyping is not the artifact; it's feedback."
"We're continuously moving into this new world where designing and prototyping are tighter together."
"This is some next level prototyping and interaction design."
"With ProtoPie, I was able to make these extremely realistic prototypes."
"Adding video to your Figma prototype can bring a whole new level of life to your design."
"I think they are an incredible storytelling, communication, and prototyping tool."
"Kedro allows you to be fast at prototyping and get on with your job."
"Making these small prototypes and then refining them into something releasing them is a great way to test that idea."
"Having everything available in one box just makes it easier to sit down and prototype stuff for future projects."
"You can use your CNC to prototype and experiment with designs."
"Having a physical part on hand to measure off of and actually physically test fit parts that you're trying to design is absolutely critical."
"This took a few tries to get everything lined up working properly, but after about 10 prototypes, this is my final result."
"We're kind of prototyping to see if this is actually a viable product that people would pay for."
"It's a great way of getting across an idea, showing the client what they're going to get before actually manufacturing a prototype."
"This is one of the benefits with those command-line tools; you could rapidly prototype something."
"I always get samples first to make sure things work because when you're designing things like die sets and stamp sets that coordinate with them, you always want to get a prototype first."
"The best way to test out ideas is to use models and prototypes."
"This is a perfect example of why 3D printing molds, or at least prototyping them first, is a good idea."
"Using this structure, we can have a complete prototype."
"Pretotyping is a tool to test hypotheses."
"We've developed a system that can be used in a prototyping scenario."
"You're not going to be able to go to big investors with your idea unless you're able to create at least a working prototype."
"Your first swatch on the machine should be an opportunity for you to put lots of ideas down; it's literally like you're scribbling on paper."
"I'm going to show you exactly how you can create high quality advanced interactive prototypes just like this one with ease and without breaking a sweat."
"Prototyping for everyone allows you to create interactive, realistic, and no-code prototypes that work like the actual digital product."
"You can see that with ProtoPie, you can really create prototypes not just for mobile apps but websites, web apps, IoT, whatever device they've probably got it covered as well."
"Easy right? How good is ProtoPie!"
"This is a really powerful tool which I absolutely love."
"That is ultimately how you can create an end-to-end prototype within ProtoPie."
"Hopefully, you now understand the power of ProtoPie."
"Figma is a powerful design and prototyping tool that you can use for both your UX and UI projects."
"It's actually super straightforward and a great way to quickly share your prototypes with other people involved on the project."
"Proto Pi are the ones that have enabled high fidelity prototyping to happen."
"In terms of rapid prototyping, this is a really great tool to have under your belt."
"Rapid iteration is one of the main benefits to prototyping in playgrounds."
"This is a great prototyping tool."
"Once you have all your requirements in order, you can then begin to build a prototype."
"It's showing how you can quickly prototype ideas and get them out and get people using them."
"I did a couple of prototypes with my 3D printer just to see how it would look if I was to actually print it."
"Let's use components inside of other components to make a full navigation prototype."
"Thomas Edison... only makes one change to the prototype every time he builds a new prototype, and because he's only making one change, he knows exactly why it worked or didn't work."
"I had 5,126 failures but no prototyping... it's incredibly exciting, you start that whole process of discovery of learning which is absolutely fascinating."
"Oh hello, I didn't see you there. Well done, you now have a working prototype."
"You've made it this far, which means that you're ready to start prototyping."
"The breadboard is a device that's made for prototyping electronic components."
"We're excited to be bringing this to developers and prototyping with Early Access programs."
"Then, using a robust animation prototyping tool like proto-pi is a logical next step in the development as a designer."
"When you're building an app and you want to go from idea to prototype, it starts you out from the 20th floor of the building rather than from the basement."
"Prototype as fast as possible because then you're going to work out whether or not what you're trying to do is feasible."
"Mock up designs and see how they're going to look in the real world."
"Docker has been a huge saver for us to make sure that we have this consistent environment from prototyping to production."
"All righty then, here we have it on a breadboard."