
Cryptocurrencies Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are going to lead towards a new era of freedom for individuals across the world."
"From blockchain came cryptocurrencies and a lot of other technologies."
"The technology likely to have the greatest impact on the world for the next 20 years is actually not the mobility, big data, cloud computing, machine learning, AI, et cetera. It's the technology behind cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, and it's called the blockchain."
"The magic of cryptocurrencies is we get the same system in terms of utility as the old system, if not better, but it's all out in the open now, and you guys control it, not me."
"All of us are trying to build the tools to empower individuals to have more control over their own lives. If you're excited about that, Bitcoin Cash adds to that, Bitcoin adds to that, Ripple as that all of these add to that."
"Cryptocurrencies invert the power structure. It isn't a few people at the top controlling a whole bunch of people at the bottom. The power goes to the individual."
"Cryptocurrencies are not even currencies. It's a joke."
"JPMorgan came out and said, 'Hey, we're telling our investors, don't buy gold anymore, buy bitcoin.'"
"Cryptocurrencies and altcoins long term are going up in value. That's the truth."
"Decentralized cryptocurrencies: once it's out, it's out."
"I understand the idea of a digital form of money. That I get."
"I like gold, silver, Bitcoin, crypto. I wanna do what the little guy can do."
"If the government is smart, they will embrace stable coins."
"I bought more dot... and if we see ETH go back under 2000 I'm gonna load up on ETH."
"I think D5 is going to be a big Narrative of the next bull market."
"Anybody investing in cryptocurrencies should accept to lose all of their money at some point in time, which is an entirely misleading statement."
"2021 is truly the year of the EV or Bitcoin, one or the other."
"If cryptocurrencies are truly decentralized... then it does make sense to embed that into a framework that's designed for things that are intrinsically this way."
"Citing a paradigm shift favoring a pioneer cryptocurrency and replacing gold as the global digital reserve asset."
"The wealth transfer is not only going to go into gold and silver, it's going to go into bitcoin and some of the very good alternate coins."
"I've made about between 200 300k in gains from tiny nft projects and tiny altcoins and up and coming projects."
"Is this a bottom in the stock market? Is this the bottom for cryptocurrencies?"
"I believe in cryptocurrencies for the long term in the future."
"It is a double-edged sword having real-time prices on cryptocurrencies."
"What doge really has in its favor is brand recognition..."
"NFTs will come to be seen as the most contrarian, highest risk to reward, most asymmetric bet in crypto land."
"Cryptocurrencies act as the viable future cash, that last option that basically you always have in your back pocket."
"Dogecoin meme has gone very far. It's no longer a meme, it's a big middle finger."
"Cryptocurrencies are the newest innovation in the private currency space."
"Cryptocurrencies may or may not persevere in the long run, but they are bringing transformative changes to money and finance."
"Which dip are you buying? Bitcoin dip, Tesla dip, or FRX mooning?"
"This channel is mainly cryptocurrencies... It is very, very important."
"In a world where we have carbon taxes, crypto's value is negative."
"Once Bitcoin rallies and makes a new all-time high, there's no reason for altcoins to continue to bleed."
"The cycle is likely to be shortened, likely not to see 500 days of bull run after the halving event."
"I've never bought or sold any crypto. I wish I'd bought the right one, the right ones."
"If Bitcoin becomes successful as money, then the government's going to outlaw it."
"Altcoins are a much more interesting conversation."
"Crypto is the only chance we have to destroy this financial cartel."
"Gold was up one percent which sort of pushes the idea that gold is an effective market hedge at least more effective than bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies at the moment."
"There's so much room to go here, there are so many cryptocurrencies, a ton of large cap coins that are just incredible multiples away from their previous cycle all-time highs."
"Central banks just want control; they're scared of cryptos."
"What if you could find the next XRP? What if you could find the next Tron? Is there even a low cap altcoin out there with that kind of potential?"
"The only long-term holds: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Chainlink, Cardano, and Binance Coin."
"Thank God for cryptocurrencies, a way that people can trade outside of a scrutinized centralized corrupt financial system."
"For your average citizen, it's quite the opposite. The entire CBDC makes cryptocurrencies that are private more important for us."
"You want to see a real crash? Take a look at what's already happened to the cryptocurrencies."
"Bitcoin is now the eighth largest currency in the world."
"I understand why people are interested in cryptocurrencies."
"Cryptocurrency only seems to be getting more popular."
"If you truly believe in the technology, then give me a good reason for me to do anything else with my XRP or XDC or otherwise."
"Bitcoin has shown some resilience in the high 50ks, which is very, very positive for the entire market."
"I am trying to understand, do you know what the cryptocurrency is?"
"Cryptocurrencies are not currently at least a very good hedge against inflation."
"Whatever your views on cryptocurrencies and nfcs when it comes to football at least it doesn't seem like they're going anywhere."
"Love Cardano by the way... those are some juicy alerts."
"When people tell me cryptocurrencies are replacing gold, I look at it in this light and I simply say I've got a 14 and a half trillion dollar market and that's a two trillion dollar market. This is different, this is real, this is substantial."
"Always do your own research and don't just invest in cryptocurrencies based on anyone's opinion."
"Japan's FSA classifies cryptocurrencies as crypto assets, aiming to prevent misconceptions."
"L1s are the backbone of crypto. Without ones you wouldn't have d5, you couldn't deploy smart contracts, you couldn't deploy dapps, you couldn't deploy games."
"I used to really like doge because of the culture of memes and jokes and the tipping culture around it."
"Dogecoin was made as a joke to make fun of cryptocurrencies obviously... but fate loves irony."
"These cryptocurrencies are designed to make me money. They're designed to work for me."
"I remain optimistic for the future prospects of both gold and bitcoin."
"Cryptocurrencies in the infancy stage: driven primarily by community and marketing."
"Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin have proven themselves useful for money movement and speculation and they're unlikely to go away."
"Doge overtook that spot and said, 'No, I am the king meme coin. I am the captain here.'"
"Cryptocurrencies are an alternative asset... but also have differences from some of the traditional assets that we know about."
"It's not that they're going to ban cryptocurrencies, they're going to go away because they're already operating."
"I think cryptocurrencies are going to be the dominant form of money."
"The big Story coming out of this binance cftc article is that the cftc is classifying Bitcoin ethereum Litecoin and binance USD which means and stable coins to be Commodities."
"I wanna see instead of seeing headlines of 'China bans bitcoin', I wanna see 'Bitcoin bans China'."
"You just can't discount a project like dogecoin because you don't really know in the future how that governance is going to play out"
"The smartest people in the world are... all siding with limited supply non-correlated currencies."
"Finance and currencies, huge. Uranus is to do with these radical changes and things like cryptocurrencies, digital currencies."
"Stay close to god, get yourself some gold, some silver, get yourself some cryptos"
"Hospitals are out of basic supplies, they're out of anesthesia, they're out of needles, they're out of bandaging equipment."
"Cryptocurrencies using blockchain technology are a phenomenal tool for cross-border transfers and trade."
"The future of bitcoin ethereum of the metaverse... that future is obvious."
"Crypto maybe the answer to these things. Crypto solves the problem of central intermediaries running our financial system."
"It was jay clayton's ico strategy, and the hinman speech was a core pillar of the strategy."
"It's time to end the SEC's clarity charade on crypto."
"Never panicking is ultimately if you've got strong hands, if you're a stable person, then you will make money trading cryptocurrencies. It's that simple."
"All coins are looking really, really nice recently."
"Digital currency is going to dramatically change the world."
"Cryptocurrencies offer decentralization, which means the interests of the greater good are in mind."
"Cryptocurrencies are a huge gamble if you don't know what you're doing. It's always safer to buy gold and silver."
"Cryptocurrencies were originally designed for peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries and a central authority."
"Cryptos/NFTs are a trillion-dollar industry in the making."
"Cryptocurrencies exist in these separate universes, they'll be socially awkward and unattractive to everyday users."
"It's good to see that there is this continued push from large institutions like the CBOE and hopefully the CME and hopefully a variety of ETF producers to launch financial products for cryptocurrencies."
"Maybe they can advertise for cryptocurrencies but maybe they shouldn't."
"Cryptocurrencies were created to ensure that the state does not control the flow of capital."
"The market that has come into cryptos so far is miniscule compared to the market that's going to be coming."
"Stay focused, know that you're doing the right thing by investing in great projects or great currencies like bitcoin or ethereum or cardano."
"This is a tale of two SECs: Ethereum's SEC versus Ripple's SEC."
"Cryptocurrencies are going to allow for a massive wealth transfer because they will be involved in the wealth transfer."
"Cryptocurrencies and digital assets are shaking the system."
"Transactions and transaction fees in the last 24 hours: Bitcoin - $15 billion, Ethereum - $5.5 billion, Cardano - $5.3 billion. But here's the big thing, the fees: $43 million for Ethereum, but only $75,000 for Cardano."
"US state and local governments are growing more interested in investing in cryptocurrencies in their pension funds."
"Cryptocurrencies have been allowing people to re-envision the financial and monetary systems."
"J.P. Morgan is coming around and it shows that they see the demand and they are potentially trying to get in front of the train that is cryptocurrencies and digital assets."
"DCA is great if it's with bitcoin, but if you plan to DCA into altcoins, it might not be a smart idea."
"Bitcoin is the biggest store of value when it comes to cryptocurrencies."
"Cryptocurrencies were built to make you free, they weren't made to make you rich."
"Tell me why are we so blind to see that cryptocurrencies are what I need?"
"They're telling you that the endgame of all of this is going towards digital assets in crypto and it's laid out right for you."
"I've been making so much money off of like Polka Dot, you know, Cardano, Ethereum has been doing really well as well, Solana, these have been just going crazy."
"Good news for the future of cryptocurrencies and tech stocks."
"Cryptocurrencies are still such a new thing and while the industry is growing at a rapid rate there's still a huge amount of people that aren't very familiar with crypto."
"Crypto's upside potential is absolutely huge."
"Cryptocurrency is quickly becoming adopted by people, corporations, and now even countries."
"The problem is not Bitcoin; the problem is competing currencies, so the supply of competing cryptocurrencies can grow and grow."
"I mean, if there was ever a system that needed disruption, I would say the global financial system was in need of it. And it is fulfilling its promise of a technological revolution in finance and cryptocurrencies of course are one big part of that."
"Cryptocurrencies continue to rise in prices year over year over year."
"Corporations are superpowers. Cryptocurrencies are superpowers."
"While cryptocurrencies have the potential to offer several efficiencies in the way that we send and receive money, the early stages of innovation in this realm are revealing the clear risks associated with some cryptocurrencies."
"Everybody's been talking about Solana, Avalanche, Algorand, and of course, fully due they should be."
"Cryptocurrencies and ICOs offer us privacy, the anonymity, and they offer us to do crowdfunding to roll out whatever project we're working on to the next level."
"More and more institutional investors are embracing cryptocurrencies."
"I'm a skeptic because I don't understand the social utility of cryptocurrencies."
"It is not guaranteed that blockchain will succeed, it is not guaranteed that cryptocurrencies will take over the world."
"Cryptocurrencies are here to stay."
"The objective was to introduce a new asset class of cryptocurrencies which can be used in day-to-day transactions."
"You need to educate yourself about cryptocurrencies, about taking your power back and doing it the right way."
"With cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, there's no company; it's this distributed decentralized system."
"You cannot put this genie back in the bottle with what's been happening with cryptocurrencies."
"Goldshell has been leading the pack in making the best mining rigs for Handshake (HNS) as well as Siacoin (SC), two different cryptocurrencies that use two different versions of the Blake2b mining algorithm."
"History shows that the FED will eventually pivot, and when they pivot, it's the riskiest assets like cryptocurrencies that tend to do the best."
"Having the ability to actually utilize in commerce, allowing for some degree of privacy in cryptocurrencies."