
Leaving Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"I'm able to leave it this time with gratitude and not resentment."
"You leave everything of this earth behind and you get out."
"You're realizing that you're actually a lot more powerful... I'm gonna go and be happy and then six of swords you leave it behind you."
"This whole meal tastes like an argument, I'm making my plate and I'm leaving."
"If you must leave, could you just take me with you?"
"I think that you should leave when you're not happy in a relationship."
"I would trip out, I would leave this home immediately."
"Kingdom Hearts acknowledges that to go somewhere new, you always have to leave somewhere else behind."
"I just started sobbing... I realized I was leaving something behind that was more than a job, it was a way of life."
"I love you so much but I can't stay in it, it is destroying me so I have to take care of myself and leave."
"You win by walking away from this nonsense and finding a partner that will respect and defend your relationship."
"Your mental health will thank you for getting out of there."
"People's lives have improved after leaving Scientology"
"There was a funny thing. I thought I could never get along without Paris. Now I'm happier with every mile we get farther away from it."
"...tomorrow we leave here but we don't really go home..."
"Time to move out, yeah that should be your sign to leave."
"They're leaving an abusive situation."
"Someone is being encouraged here to leave something behind. Maybe this is your connection that you're trying to get out of, and Spirits saying just do it, just go for it."
"Just fight off. You know what that means right? Get in a fight and leave the whole goddamn building. Never be seen again, fight off. Just fight off."
"I'm still going to get, I got... I'mma see y'all later, okay? You going to sit there and say that [__] on my birthday?"
"Janu left the game on day 27 so that Stephanie could continue."
"So the only thing you can do at this point is walk and never look back," he says.
"It's better to leave the party with people saying 'Don't go' than people saying 'Take the lampshade off your head.'"
"I've gotta go. You know, I've got a government job to abuse and, uh, and a lonely wife to [__]."
"I'm screaming at them right now, uh, it's too late, we're leaving."
"You just have to know when it's time to leave."
"Marv Wolfman stated, 'If truth be told, I never felt comfortable writing her. I never found a handle for her and kept trying until I finally decided to leave the book.'"
"I seen everything that I needed to see to make me feel more comfortable about my decision to leave Cease for good."
"...make sure that you consider that when leaving if the amount that goes into your 401k is something that you're considering as like a fail-safe backup plan for your financial situation."
"You only love yourself. That's why the moment you find something wrong with someone, you leave them."
"That'd be great if you just like I'm out, I'm out."
"If somebody wants to use a different terminology for leaving or departing it still remains that it will equate to an exodus."
"Why can't I leave? Why can't I get over the narcissistically abusive person in my life and just walk away?"
"Thank you for being the catalyst to push me to finally leave."
"If I say I'm leaving, what would be your first question? Where are you going? And if I say I don't know, what would you think of me?"
"She was patient zero, she left the whole school after that."
"Imagine the person they could be if they left."
"I owe it to you to tell you why I'm leaving and what I'm doing next."
"You're leaving everything behind."
"You know what you can take that to the bank 'cause I ain't ever coming back, never ever."
"I'm not staying here. You're not staying here. We're all going home."
"I was very young she said Jimmy began to drink heavily soon after we were married and so I left him."
"It felt like leaving the Shire to go meet him."
"Well, let me leave these with you."
"You can do this. You can leave the Mormon Church. Leave it behind completely. Root it out of yourself and your heart and your mind."
"I gotta go, I'm still on camera, I gotta go."
"That's uncanny. I think I'd like to leave now on a high."
"Nothing feels better than leaving your house once you've been."
"He takes the hint and leaves them the truck because they're all equally as drunk."
"There's no way to stay at that church. You gotta leave. You gotta leave, in chunks. Deuces."
"Leave my house please, she said get out, adios amigo."
"I'm gonna get out of here now though, I'm gonna head on down the road."
"Everyone stop right there. We want to leave."
"I was born and raised in a cult and considered myself a member up until I left my parents' home at the age of 18."
"Actually feels like home after a week, sad to be leaving."
"This is the most reluctant leaving of a home we've ever done."
"I'm out, don't mind me, I'mma just grab my stuff and leave. Excuse me, please, [ __ ] this, I'm out."
"If she doesn't feel safe, then she should leave the relationship."
"I knew I had to leave Yahoo when people on my team were saying just Google it."
"They're pissed off because you meant what you said about leaving one day and doing better without them."
"I like it because I don't have to get out of the house, you know, I just left the house the first time."
"Oh yeah, we're leaving everything up there. So leave your bike, leave your gear, whatever."
"Thrive's explicit goal is, if you decide that the church no longer works for you, then we're here to support you."
"I'm out of your hair in 15 minutes."
"Well look unfortunately it's time for us to leave this paradise."
"Leaving that was... yeah, and the only way I could leave it... there were only... there were two things that had to happen."
"We going to get the [__] up out of here."
"I pretty much just shrugged and left when the whole sh show was done."
"Sometimes you can work it out, sometimes you can't, sometimes you're forced to watch everything fall apart inside of your hands, sometimes leaving is easy, and sometimes it ain't."
"I'm out of here, you feel me? I feel you on my hip."
"When you are ready to go, you pick up that bag and you walk out, and you don't look back."
"Great personal sorrow, but it is personal to choose to leave and walk away."
"You gotta be sweet to me, and if you're not gonna do that or can't do that or won't do that, then I'm just going to leave."
"You know you're not alone, no matter what your reasons for leaving I'm sure someone else has won almost very similar and you will find support like their support out there for you."
"You don't have to do this, leave the cult. Everyone knows you tried your best."
"You're getting pushed out, pushing out the door."
"You have zero obligations to your deadbeat ex and his mate once you leave."
"Just leave the house, can you imagine? I mean, first of all, no, but also, that sounds wonderful."
"The H train is pulling out of Lame Town, and I am never coming back. Losers!"
"Leaving a toxic situation behind is going to work in your favor."
"Please leave if you're in a relationship like that."
"I love you, but I have to do what's right here. I'm taking our daughter and I'm leaving."
"leaving you would make me look like the world's biggest jerk"
"With that being said, we are off. We'll see y'all tomorrow. Now it's time to pay the price."
"Sometimes you just leave and take nothing."
"I know I can make money on it. I'm leaving with it."
"I wrote a letter to my parents before I left just explaining, this is what's happening, I'm leaving, I'm done, I'm not going to prison, love you, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."
"She left her hometown, her family... Everything she had heard, everything she had experienced of it pointed to a world that was scary and unwelcoming to followers of her religion."
"I don't want to leave because of our daughter. But that's not the fact. I don't want I don't want to leave because of our daughter. I don't want to leave because of these eight years that I've spent trying to make this work."
"I definitely want to emphasize that this is a very, very painful process and can be profoundly traumatizing for the people who are leaving as well as for the families, you know, of the people who are leaving."
"I'm not a good person, Jack," she said. "You best leave, forget you even met me."
"There's so much power in leaving, in going no contact."
"I'm gonna go ahead and get out of here."
"When I left the club, it wasn't because I don't love people."
"Leaving helped me find my soul in a very real way."
"He left everything, you know when somebody gets a really good performance, you can see them. They're like 'ah', like he went super saiyan."
"You have to give instead of only taking, then go on, walk out the door. Only don't come back."
"I'm absolutely fuming at this point and I just left to drive home."
"If you can leave a church without any level of sadness, you weren't actually devoted to those people."
"She wants to have a productive conversation but when you disagree with her she checks out and wants to leave you can't make this up"
"Despite your possible wishes, I gotta get the hell out of Dodge."
"All I wanted to do was leave. I thought that maybe if I got far away, but like always, I just kept underestimating the lure."
"We drink till the dawn, but we decided to leave."
"You're leaving something behind, you're leaving someone behind."
"He's leaving with his head held high, chest puffed out, shoulders back like one of those birds of paradise."
"She very rudely told me that if I didn't like it, I could get out."
"Kid, you know what? Don't you worry. You don't have to come back ever."
"The vessel of our love is shattered on the floor and we'll run out the house never to be scared of your love."
"The main thing that gets people to leave is that they finally can't take the abuse anymore."
"And if you finally decide that enough is enough, you've had enough of the fear, enough of the pain, and you have to leave to save yourself, you're a gold digger."
"It's traumatic to be raised in a high demand religion and it's traumatic to leave it, and the church has made that worse."
"Leave him in a way that will have him confused, that will have him puzzled, that will have him like damn, like she really didn't care as much as I thought she would."
"My girlfriend made the decision to not stay. She said she doesn't think she can handle it."
"Sometimes staying is what brings the stain, and what requires faith is leaving."
"Leave and never look back. Moments like this are Phoenix moments. Yes this part is over but a new life and journey has begun."
"Linda, listen. If you are only staying in a high-demand group or religion that is hurting you, but you're only staying because of the friends that you have, know that you can leave."
"You got out like I got out Thursday. But you probably left early with your hard-headed ass."
"He sees her kids and hears her husband asking who's at the door, so he steps back and walks out of the door that is already closing like a heavy and tired bird without a nest."
"I'll leave. Do whatever you want."
"Leaving and coming back, those are the people you never want to be dealing with."
"I knew I would never see these two again. Excuse me," I said, leaving Kevin's house without looking back or stopping.
"Here's my phone number, I took his phone number and I left."
"For you to really be trying to take the steps to leave him alone, I'm proud of you."
"I'm leaving it all to you. You can have it. I don't want it. I just want this next minute with you."
"Will they really love you if you leave the game?"
"If you're not happy, you need to leave the situation. I'm at a point in life where if something no longer serves me, I just need to leave it alone."
"I guess this is bye-bye to Hog Island. It feels absolutely crazy that we're leaving this place."
"I'm coming home early. I can't stand it here anymore."
"If you find yourself with a narcissistic abusive pastor, the answer is to leave."
"I'm going to leave you with this."
"You gotta leave to start missing it. But once it's in your blood man, you can't let it go."
"I will leave Fastella. It's time to reshape my life into something else."
"Don't be afraid to quit. Don't be afraid to leave."
"I'm about to head off here shortly."
"You leave because it's going to fix you."
"So, I think all the fans of her, I just like, 'Yes, good job, you leave.'"
"Let's just get out of here. Yeah, let's just get out."
"We're leaving and taking the gift with us."
"I'm pretty sure you got to get home."
"This spot it's kind of like a good girlfriend you hate to leave her but sooner or later you know you got a dumper."
"You don't think I was scared? Leaving Rupert? But it's been necessary."
"Often times when people are trying to get out of violent relationships they sometimes lose their lives and that is the reason why some of them do not leave."
"If you were really that bored with Lonnie, I'm glad you left him."
"Statistically, it takes a victim seven tries to permanently leave an abusive situation. It's understandable."
"Guys, Maddie had to take off, she had to go to like a pizza party at her aunt's."
"If you're telling me I can leave, I'mma leave."
"How dare you leave the sweet, sweet confines of San Jacinto."
"I felt so bad about leaving her here with a ghost, but it had happened before. I had seen ghosts before and left, and nothing had happened to the people who had stayed."
"There is no other choice but to leave if someone is continuously betraying you."
"I finally built the courage to walk away."
"It was probably the best decision I ever made to walk out and not look back."
"Leave, because you deserve so much better."
"If you're in something that isn't beneficial for you and you know the good doesn't outweigh the bad, leave it."
"I can't believe I'm finally leaving Jamaica."
"Just like you're choosing to stay, you can choose to leave."
"If there's an unhealthy relationship, you must leave."
"That's why they get shocked when you leave."
"I'll take with me the polaroids and the memories, but you know I'm going to leave behind the worst of us."