
Sequels Quotes

There are 335 quotes

"This New Year got in store for us... we're not buried under a cascade of high-profile sequels."
"The whole point of this sequel is to show the audience that even with change and introduction of new things, the essence of old, in this case, the way of shinobi, will always remain the same."
"Genuine sequel and evolution of the series. What made it so popular."
"Great video game sequels are pretty common, building on a good foundation."
"Out of all the Disney sequels so far, it's definitely the one that feels most like a real movie."
"Not only was it a hit, though, it was a hit that led to sequels, spin-offs, countless merchandise, and cemented Arnold as one of the most iconic movie stars of all time."
"In the sequels department, 2019 destroys 2018, hands down."
"2019 wins the sequel battle with facts and logic."
"I've got franchise and superhero fatigue. I'm ready for more... maybe not independent cinema, but I don't need sequels to everything."
"Sequels often give developers the opportunity to iron out the kinks, refining and polishing an excellent predecessor into an even better sequel."
"Just because something makes a lot of money doesn't mean it automatically gets a sequel."
"If you, like me, have played way too much Total War: Warhammer 2... I would recommend Warhammer 3."
"In many ways, it's exactly what you want from a sequel—just more of the last thing but better."
"This movie picks up right where Far From Home left off."
"A sequel can even just be good not better than the original and still be worth it for being good in its own way."
"This is gonna be one of those rare instances where the sequel is better than the original."
"One sequel that would surpass the reputation of the original."
"It's an interesting direction to take the story, an interesting meta commentary on the nature and necessity of sequels."
"His model of franchises and movies which spawn sequels is still successful."
"In a perfect world, a sequel gives us more of the stuff we love, and shows us our heroes and villains in even more depth and detail than before."
"The movies have to be a payoff... a teaser for the movie that's gonna come next."
"Sequels are an opportunity to correct the mistakes of their predecessors."
"I honestly love Blade Runner 2049 and The Dark Knight. I always think you can never beat the first film, but some sequels are fantastic."
"The Wrath of Khan is amazing, clearly better than the first Star Trek movie, right?"
"Favorite sequel of all time? Probably Empire Strikes Back."
"Game sequels, though, have a long tradition of actually improving on the original."
"All great stories deserve a sequel, but the truly legendary ones deserve a trilogy."
"Anytime talent gets added to something that I'm already excited about, I'm pumped for the sequel."
"The Empire Strikes Back challenged what you thought a sequel could be."
"What makes a sequel bad or awesome often comes down to how the source material is treated."
"I'm not against sequels, I just feel like sometimes sequels are a money grab."
"As obvious and inevitable as sequels are in Hollywood, they're also incredibly difficult to get right."
"It's a fucking sequel, of course we're gonna compare it to the earlier games."
"The sequels expand upon the idea that people need to believe in him in order for him to have them."
"The original Star Wars movie wasn't even supposed to have a trilogy... the first sequel Empire Strikes Back was released... widely considered the best Star Wars movie ever made."
"The second book is even better than the first book."
"As much as we loved the first two, this one felt different. It felt bigger."
"Talking about the sequel or the remake... what's better, what's worse, and sometimes are they even the same."
"It's kind of weird, I know, but I guess for an annual series, a really meaty half sequel with better production values, cleaned up mechanics, and a few extra features is kind of the best thing we could hope for."
"1989 was a year of sequels and new franchises."
"Intriguing hybrid of both sequel and reboot."
"Generation 2 did a fantastic job expanding upon generation 1."
"Bird has revealed that The Incredibles 2 will not focus on the modern superhero but will again be focusing on the family dynamic just like the first one."
"But it's certainly not as good as the first three."
"They definitely love room to continue these if they want."
"I love the original Matrix, but kinda hate the sequels - it's better left if you don't see it."
"This is apparently the only official sequel Star Fox has ever had, and I kind of love that we're finally getting that."
"Shrek 2 is Shrek one on steroids and it goes on a very short list of sequels that are better than the originals."
"We're not really in the business of making sequels... even if you've played the previous games, this is a completely new fresh experience."
"I loved 'Homecoming,' I loved 'Far From Home' even more, I think they're wonderful."
"The end is never the end again. Taste the sequel."
"Water is wet, fire is hot, and Capcom will never pass up on a good sequel opportunity."
"People would have been dying to see the next chapter of this story."
"Thankfully, the second game borrows from the first title and fixes almost every single one of my complaints."
"If avatars 2 & 3 don't do well then there's not going to be an avatar 4 & 5. It's just that simple."
"The impact both of these campaigns had is just massive... Modern Warfare 2 is like The Empire Strikes Back, Terminator 2, Aliens, or The Godfather 2 of sequels."
"A new sequel every time, please, that would be amazing."
"Please enjoy The Stanley Parable Three: Fistful of Bomb."
"Some people actually prefer the sequel, but the original just blew me away."
"The Fallout series does not need a New Vegas 2."
"That game was a you know lit the fire under a bunch of people then they were able to make a second and then they're able to make Witcher 3 which as we all know swept a lot of Game of the Year awards."
"The best part about video game sequels is that the good ones address the issues of the original and say hey whoa slow down let's chill it out let's fix a few things."
"Metro Exodus automatically wins the prize of best video game sequel with Exodus as its subtitle."
"Fallout New Vegas is in every way an improvement although it did bring its own bugs and glitches I generally think of it as a better game much more quirky much more interesting."
"That was sick, easily better than the first two."
"Bride of Frankenstein is one of the first horror sequels ever made and still one of the best."
"And director Colin Trevorrow I will direct the third Jurassic world movies coming back despite stepping down from directing Jurassic world fallen Kingdom mm well if we know anything about sequels Trevorrow never dies."
"Shrek 2 explored what really happens next after 'Happily Ever After.'"
"You can ignore the third Shrek movie and still enjoy the whole Shrek Saga."
"Had we originally gotten this version nearly four years ago back in 2017, we probably would have been on the Justice League 2 by now."
"I thought this is the last one. Oh God, there's going to be another one."
"Rey becoming the Empress should have been the second movie."
"The age of sequels and never-ending stories has already begun."
"Brian is kind of back, it's our latest and greatest engine for a sequel."
"Sequels are allowed to be better than the original and you know it should be encouraged that sequels are better than the original."
"A sequel to Jedi Fallen Order is absolutely on my highly anticipated list."
"This might be the perfect example of a sequel that builds upon the original game in every way."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 - hoping it's even better than the first."
"On a more superficial level, I have to ask the question: How many good third movies in a franchise can people name?" - Christopher Nolan
"It's Castlevania Symphony unite it's a spiritual sequel to Castlevania Symphony of the Night."
"In a year dominated by sequels... San Andreas totally stands out."
"I'm really excited for the next installment."
"We're still waiting on those avatar sequels... they are franchises people love... but had quite a few problems with the actual films themselves."
"The original ending was a down ending, they made him shoot a more upbeat one that leaves the door open for a sequel."
"The third one comes out I actually thought it was probably the best of the bunch I did too yeah I thought it was I mean best of the Fantastic Beasts not the best of the Harry Potter World."
"Some sequels play it safe, others completely rip up the playbook."
"The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is definitely going to be one of those games."
"Avatar 2 trailer did that for me...this movie's gonna be big."
"The follow-up to Century Spice Road and the thing that did it for me was the board."
"It isn't going to reverse the ongoing decline of superhero cinema, but unlike some of its notable contemporaries, it's strong enough to make its intended sequels feel like promises rather than threats."
"Super Mario Galaxy: You know you got a hit when fans of the Galaxy series are still requesting a Mario Galaxy 3."
"It's fair to say Destiny and its sequel changed the gaming landscape."
"Why are prequels and sequels so often disappointing?"
"I would honestly... journey to new lands and new galaxies and then we have a sequel series where it's just like pure science fiction."
"Castlevania would go on to inspire dozens of sequels and spin-offs."
"Michael Corleone dies, slamming the door on the prospect of a sequel."
"The next game, Mega Man 2, is one of the most iconic video game sequels of all time."
"Metroid 2 brings back every ability from the original game, though this time you start off with the long beam, the morph ball, and 30 missiles."
"We want to see the next Star Fox, the next Metroid, the next Sonic."
"Despite many unfavorable comparisons to its predecessor, it was still a critical darling with critics saying it finished Nolan's Trilogy in spectacular fashion."
"Why on earth would you do that? The first miniseries was already perfect."
"Resident Evil 3 visits some of the same places as Resident Evil 2."
"What are some of your favorite movie sequels? Let us know in the comments."
"You don't ever think that I don't got you, bro."
"The Empire Strikes Back: another example of a sequel that is better than the original."
"Two sequels, possibly three - crisis on Infinite Earths occurred around ten years later with zero hour."
"Perhaps Dark Souls 2 is a game about the futility of sequels, a self-aware piece of work."
"Qui-Gon originally returned for the sequels."
"It's worth taking a shot at doing a sequel because when they work, it's awesome."
"I feel like the entertainment factor goes up with the sequel."
"Marvel has kind of perfected this... the sequel is opening bigger than the originals."
"What do you think about this idea of sequels establishing some form of 'previously on'?"
"Sequels are incredibly tough to get right, you have to live up to the expectations of the original while also building on it."
"Sometimes we're pleasantly surprised by a sequel that plays out in ways we didn't see coming."
"There's literally no point in this movie. There will not be a Morbius 2, I guarantee it."
"Like any good sequel, it's more of everything."
"This game could have easily failed. We're talking about like one of the best games of all time, how do you follow up on that? And they made another one of the best games of all time."
"I'm excited to pick up the next one and see where things go for these characters."
"And by the way there's any more popular than one horror movie it's that horror movie sequel."
"They always managed to pull off some new impressive feat with the next one."
"In one of those rare cases where a sequel might actually be better than its original."
"Streamlining things is great, but a good sequel also heightens the things that worked the first time around, which this game definitely does to an extent."
"Come back again like we're gonna make something even better in the next one."
"He's like his muse, I mean Training Day, the first Equalizer movie, this movie, is a good movie, so the third one makes a lot."
"They also can't outdo the original because again if they do why wasn't it made first?"
"Most of it happens in sequels as I am finishing an outline."
"The only way he would be able to make another Halloween film after part 5."
"One of gaming's more exciting moments is when you get a sequel to a game or series you really loved before."
"I just had an awesome idea for Kingdom Hearts 5."
"Great action, great heart, great characters, and I'm super excited to see how this continues."
"Never have I seen so many sequels come out at the same time before."
"I really enjoyed it, and I look forward to chapter two whenever that's gonna come out."
"A sequel must be as good as the original, with new content to justify its existence, while staying true to its fanbase."
"Agent 47 will come out on top because if he doesn't, there can't be a sequel, right?"
"It's all about the quality and how many great movies can create sequels."
"There's one thing slasher movies are known for, other than killing people, it's having a whole lot of sequels."
"In today's digital streaming age, studios are unwilling to produce original intellectual properties when they can simply make spinoffs and sequels to existing shows and movies with a pre-established audience."
"How could you top The Dark Knight?"
"There's never no [ __ ] final chapter in Hollywood. As long as they make them, you know in the final chapter somebody goes to see it."
"Films like Shrek 2, Terminator 2, and Empire Strikes Back are master classes in great sequel because of this approach."
"What if the Incredibles got older?"
"It's a rare thing when you have that many sequels that are so successful."
"John Wick is one of those rare franchises where each sequel is arguably better than the entry that came before."
"Sequels are like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get."
"Great sequels exist and sometimes the best sequels outdo even the originals."
"But hey, maybe Banana Warfare Part 2, which apparently is coming out in December, maybe that'll tip it over the edge."
"The tables have turned. I still gotta make my movie, Scream Three, right?"
"Shocked that they didn't make sequels immediately."
"Man, the way things go these days, don't count on there not being a sequel."
"As much as I love the first one, I don't really give a [ __ ] about the sequels."
"The sequels are like a shadow hanging over this era of Star Wars."
"Some movies just don't need sequels."
"But unlike some of its notable contemporaries, it's strong enough to make its intended sequels feel like promises rather than threats."
"...most sequels actually do work in terms of financially speaking rather than critically."
"The movie was met with great praise and accolades as well as sequels however the later sequels probably weren't as good."
"Movies are always better, especially sequels."
"No one reads books, everyone watches movies, especially sequels."
"Mega Man CX ZX Advent these are two distant sequels to the Mega Man Zero games on the GBA both of which were released on the DS in September 2006 and October 2007 respectively."
"Some movies are designed to be one and done. There's nothing more to tell and they don't need sequels."
"Each sequel is like, if not equal to, better than the predecessor."
"This film doesn't elevate and build on what has come before it like every great sequel should."
"As long as we can keep those Tiger King thing going, nobody talks about a season two. I think we're gonna produce a season two on our own."
"It's said to be one of the most pointless, underwhelming, and just downright bizarre sequels in comedy history."
"I think Princess Diaries and Princess Diaries 2 are one of the only movies where I feel like the sequel is just as good as the first one."
"It's like a better sequel to 8 Millimeter than that movie they tried passing off as a sequel to 8 Millimeter."
"Most sequels are inherently unimaginative, but worst of all are the ones that just rehash the story of the original."
"It could never be as good as the first movie fans had already seen the original story."
"Every good sequel turns into a Trilogy."
"These sequels don't know when to stop. They just keep recycling the same [__]."
"I wanted to have fun with this, and I really like writing in the sequels because there's a lot more room for creativity."
"Many sequels have surpassed their original."
"...these sequels are what make the series iconic and special."
"'Terminator 2' is one of those sequels that is better than the original. It's one of the best sequels ever made. Clearly, Cameron is the king of the sequel."
"What movies out there have never gotten a sequel that deserve one?"
"It's why people line up around the block to get their sequels. It's why the main complaint about Spider-Man 2 is not complaining about the mechanics, it's not complaining about how immersive the web-slinging is. You know?"
"Sequels do make more money than Originals."
"There should never be too many sequels to your movies."
"It's often ranked as one of the best sequels ever made."
"Seeing Hollywood sequels would have to be, I think, the roughest. We go in with such high expectations... but then all we see are the crass business decisions that lead to an inferior product."
"That's a movie that should have sequels, it should."
"They're making another Indiana Jones?"
"One of the hardest things to do in Hollywood is make a highly anticipated sequel that lives up to the original, much less surpasses it."
"The second one is always better than the first one."
"At least the sequels, they have that veneer of lots of money was pumped into this."
"The movies will kick the business into high gear. And hopefully, when I'm replaced 10 years from now, someone will be making Avatar 10."
"I love this movie for several reasons the first being I think this is actually one of the great sequels and this is a sequel about sequels."
"The success of Blade inevitably led to sequels, further solidifying it as a cornerstone of the superhero film genre."
"Corey Edwards revealed that his team was already at work on a sequel called Hoodwinked 2: Hood vs Evil."
"Do you believe in sequels? Certainly looks that way."
"One Tomb Raider is good, two is better."
"Sometimes the sequel is better than the original movie."
"Sequels will sometimes give us a far better experience than we ever could have imagined from the original."
"What if this is not the only squid game?"
"Blade 2, one of my favorite sequels of all time, I do think it's a significantly better movie than the first one."
"Child's Play 2 is significantly better than the original film."
"28 weeks later is one of my favorite zombie movies of all time and for me personally it is better than 28 days later."
"Friday the 13th Part Four: The Final Chapter to me is a significantly better movie than the original."
"Aliens to me is better than the original and it's number four."
"Love to laugh? You're in luck, because some of the best comedies ever made are getting sequels — and they're coming sooner than you think…"
"So this is something that we rarely do around here, which is a part two to a bad movie."