
Economic Comparison Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"Capitalism is the worst form of economics, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
"Imagine this: if you were to buy a lottery ticket and win 5 million yuan before taxes every day, it would take you 1,337 years of continuous winning to match Evergrande's debt burden."
"Home prices adjusted for inflation are at their highest level of all time here in 2022, even higher than they were back in the bubble of '06."
"Comparisons are being made that a company called Credit Suisse... is potentially at a Lehman Brothers moment."
"If I'm making $100,000 a year and you're making a million dollars a year, we have a bigger wealth disparity than if I am making $10,000 a year and you're making $5,000 a year."
"Nowadays, people in poverty are so much better off than they were 30 years ago."
"Fast forwarding a few decades, and South Korea's GDP per capita is around 30 times that of Pakistan's."
"It's capitalism that has produced freedom and it alone has lifted millions from poverty, while communism has kept millions impoverished and without exception crushed freedom."
"Why would you want to invest so much if you're going to pay the same as if you were still just making it back home or in another country?"
"It’s even more impressive when looking at the kind of neighborhood Rwanda is in."
"We compromised our way into an existential crisis, we need progressive change now."
"It's like the 70s on steroids. This could go on for a decade."
"Already at a place today in the U.S where a base model 3 on a cost per mile basis is less than a Toyota Corolla."
"Do it just do the simple math if you paying three dollars if you was paying three thousand a gallon for diesel and now you're paying 550 yeah 560 520 that's 2.20 30 40 more."
"Electricity is substantially cheaper than what you're paying at the pump."
"Bitcoin is a substitute for gold, which is why everyone talks about it surpassing gold in market cap."
"The economics of biology: it's like 100 million times cheaper to make a complicated molecule than it is to make a transistor."
"Central Bank digital currencies are not in the same category as the cryptocurrencies."
"Despite prices going up in both countries, I still think that it remains true that it's a much lower cost of living here overall."
"Bitcoin is here to stay. I think it is a durable mechanism that will take the place of gold to a large extent."
"In my opinion, no. But it could come really really close. It's really mimicking 2017."
"Silver is still a bargain until it gets to probably 1/20th of gold's price."
"The RMT underworld is making more revenue than big-brand companies."
"There is in fact no capitalist nation that has seen that kind of increase in that span of time."
"The GDP of the G7 and the BRICS were equal in 2020, but by 2023, the BRICS surpassed the G7."
"His work teaching those kids is real work. That's almost $17 an hour and is more than a lot of us make. Someone flipping burgers for significantly less."
"We might not be creating a frugal decade; we might be creating a 1929-style depressionary decade."
"The American people know that they are not better off than they were four years ago."
"I think crypto's a lot less risky than fiat at the moment."
"Life's good for a lot of people. They're better off now than four years ago under Trump. Trump did that."
"You only need $1,400 to be richer than the average millennial."
"We're sitting at 37 which yes is a lot higher than 1929."
"Adjusted for inflation, governments around the world have now spent more money fighting the Covid pandemic than they spent fighting the Second World War."
"Phenomenal increase in living standards five times what the prior administration had for eight years and we're proud of that."
"If you're gonna beat Donald Trump as an incumbent, you're gonna have to bring it."
"China's economy is the size of New York State. China, and this is not the Chinese people, this is this kind of radical cadre of the Chinese Communist Party."
"Real estate is crushing it. Nothing like Churchill Capital."
"Bitcoin could repeat gold rallies of the 70s but there's one catch: it's better than gold."
"This rice is more expensive than Vietnamese rice."
"This world has changed. I don't have a college degree and I'm making more than my mom made in a year in 60 minutes."
"I believe Grand Theft Auto made more money than any music or movie Project in the history of the world."
"For the price of three, maybe four McDonald's chicken sandwiches, you can get one of the greatest sandbox games of all time."
"It is more valuable to be a YouTuber than to be a tick tocker and that is both economically like you make more money per minute of time people spend on your content but also because you develop a deeper relationship with your audience."
"El Salvador can be the Singapore of Latin America."
"A recent Gallup poll found that 56% of Americans polled said that they were better off now, much better off, than they were four years ago under Obama."
"The poorest people in our country actually are equivalent to the middle class in most countries."
"It was kind of like Black Wall Street on the internet."
"If you had one dollar back in 1998 and you had that same dollar back in 2018 that one dollar would have more buying power back in 1998 than it did in 2018."
"The total cost of ownership of an electric vehicle... is lower today than that for a gas-powered vehicle."
"The U.S. is equipped to weather this much better than Europe is."
"China will have a Japan 1990s, 2000s adjustment."
"Neither Bob nor I run our family like a market economy."
"You'll find the rooms here come in under the price point that most of the other deluxe resorts charge."
"It does feel eerily similar to 2020 where there's not a lot of jobs."
"HelloFresh is 72% cheaper than dining at a restaurant."
"If gold goes to ten thousand dollars tomorrow, we're going to mine more gold. Whereas if Bitcoin goes to a hundred thousand dollars tomorrow, there's not going to be any more Bitcoin created."
"Hong Kong's GDP per capita reached $49,000, while Singapore's soared to an impressive $82,800."
"Our economy is performing significantly better than Europe."
"This industry was built on the back of the 2008 financial crisis. Look at me in the face and tell me that the world financial system is healthier today in 2024 than it was in 2008."
"Just name me a decent sized country that's anywhere near the US's GDP per capita that doesn't have bullet trains even countries like Indonesia turkey and Morocco figured this one out."
"The children in McDowell County are quite as important or more important than the billionaires."
"Arts and cinema can reflect life and push boundaries in ways that moving money around to make more of it will simply never be able to."
"China is the world's premier industrial power with twice the industrial capacity of the United States."
"Millennials are the first generation to be worse off than their parents."
"Florida is literally becoming the next California in terms of the cost of living."
"Renewables are now between seven and nine percent cheaper."
"Bitcoin's annual settlement volume has officially surpassed Visa's."
"The middle class is better off today than in the 1970s."
"It would take just something like me 40 hours a week no overtime 365 years to make what our CEO made."
"We spend 18 percent of GDP on health care, an additional trillion dollars compared to any other advanced country, yet have lower life expectancy."
"Keeping a car going was cheaper than keeping horses going."
"Solar unsubsidized in Nevada in Saudi Arabia four point nine cents on subsidized nothing no new form of energy nothing can compete with that right."
"It's more expensive to live in poverty dollar for dollar than it is to live in wealth."
"Renewable energy is so cheap that it beats fossil fuels."
"You gotta be a king to afford these bridges. 220? That's an entire like house loan, get out of here Nook!"
"Inflation will Jerome win, like Volcker won against inflation, except Jerome's doing the opposite."
"Fiat currencies are going down in value, while cryptocurrencies are going up."
"We are heading down the same road as Venezuela did."
"Max Payne 2's soundtrack effectively conveys the atmosphere of every level, from isolated and soft instruments to overwhelming orchestrations."
"It's way cheaper to live your life and to run your business in Texas than California."
"Electricity for example, from solar and wind is now cheaper in many regions than electricity from burning fossil fuels."
"We could destabilize the Middle East almost three times over for the cost of one national lockdown."
"My generation has a lower standard of living than my parents."
"It's got to be like 200 billion in today's something money."
"The US dollar has lost 97% of its value against bitcoin in just the last five years."
"Overall, the U.S. economy appears likely to expand at a moderate pace."
"The current slump is already on par with the deep housing downturn of the 1980s."
"California alone has a higher... has more money basically is crazy."
"Ethereum is just like the dollar backed by computing power."
"The cost is already much too much—we spend twice as much as other high-income nations."
"Capitalism serves the wants and needs of people and it does so in a much more responsive way than the government."
"Looks like France actually overtaken Britain in GDP. Britain has stayed the same GDP the entire game."
"That American beast can come out with performance figures and lap times right around the same or better than vehicles that cost three times as much."
"500 billion dollars might be like 20 billion dollars today."
"We haven't reached that real fear like we did in 2007-08 yet... it's a perfect time to get ahead." - Adriana Reid
"The health care industry spends more on lobbying than the oil and defense industries combined."
"The reason the US economy has been doing well is because Europe is an absolute basket case."
"Why it's cheaper there because they don't have environmental regulations that we have here."
"Comparing price for what you get, you just cannot beat the G90's value."
"I made more in just a few minutes that I'd made all month."
"Korea and Taiwan: closing the gap compared to the United States in terms of economic development."
"Another really cool thing about HelloFresh is you can save up to 28 by using HelloFresh versus grocery store shopping."
"This is a supply shock... This is the inverse of the seventies."
"Crypto's here to stay... but I think it's gonna be like the stock market."
"Dogecoin reminds me of GameStop a little bit."
"The opportunity of today's Creator economy reminds me of the California Gold Rush."
"It's going to end up being less expensive for most folks that can afford a BMW."
"Socialism takes away the level of incentivizing growth that capitalism provides."
"Evaluating layer 1 and 2 blockchain projects is like evaluating different countries' economies."
"Cars that hold their value well and are a good investment."
"Bitcoin could potentially serve as a strong alternative to gold."
"Riot is trying to tone down the night Harvester build while keeping support builds about the same."
"The internet of value vision is to break down the siloing, to do for money what the internet did for information."
"Bitcoin is better than you know a bunch of lumber in the back of the house."
"Tesla's VPP is 40% cheaper than the ercot rate in Texas."
"Bitcoin is scarcer than gold in the sense that it has lower terminal supply, eventually zero inflation compared to Gold's on average 1.5% inflation per year."
"The only like large Western European economy that looks similar in terms of its sort of makeup to the US and could compete in terms of wealth used to be Germany but they've fallen off."
"Productivity is currently 71% of the US. It was 88% back in the early 80s. So not just is it was is it currently behind in the US, it's now even more behind than 40 years ago."
"The burden of taxation in Britain is lower than in any other countries of the European community."
"So what that means is that the federal government is nothing like a household."
"Last year the activity in Israel of startups measured by Dollar Sams was one quarter of the total of Europe in Israel together."
"Over time, much more money will be made in silver compared to gold."
"It's just a cost thing, like the reason is a third of the price in this case is because he's a third of the player."
"Real estate is worth more than 32 times all the gold ever mined in the history of the world."
"This is the biggest bargain in February 2024, bigger than Bitcoin."
"We're not even the biggest economy any longer. They still say that China is number two. You know that China is the biggest economy, the biggest superpower on earth now."
"Oil, I just left abandoned, even though it's more valuable than cocking gold."
"The cost of fire protection in that town are roughly half the costs of municipal fire protection."
"These individual corporations have bigger economic clout than indeed the entirety of Ukraine as a country by a margin."
"We spent a lot of money on this, like a small country's national budget."
"China's economic power is stronger relative to the US than any country before."
"American poor people are richer than 93 percent of the people in the rest of the world!"
"If you look at 15 million plus jobs gone for good you're looking at something almost two times the scale of the Great Recession."
"Bitcoin is essentially a credit default swap on a basket of fiat currencies."
"He was earning as much as $200 a day, which is close to $2,000 today."
"Thirty-five thousand dollars in March of 2016 has the buying power today of about forty-four thousand five hundred dollars."
"Europe is kind of economically playing catch-up."
"India's mobile data is cheapest globally... Cost of one gigabyte of data: 2 cents in India, $12.37 in the US."
"In 1940 Britain ceased to be a serious competitor to the United States."
"Isn't it odd that we have cryptocurrencies worth more than some of the largest companies in the world?"
"They increased production to a level that water is right now more valuable than oil. Who would have ever thought, right?"
"Because it's much cheaper by the way you spend far less money I mean there's there's much less loss of life it's vastly less expensive in the short term it is profoundly less expensive in the long term."
"It's now been reported that it is cheaper to build and operate new large-scale wind farms or solar farms than it is to just run an existing coal or gas-fired power plant."
"Yield farming... it's actually super lucrative and it's actually better than when we were in the bull run."
"Bitcoin against stuff that you need like food energy is buying more of it."
"Now, granted America's GDP is significantly higher than North Korea's at approximately $21 trillion but two percent is $420 billion."
"It's all about money. It's just like anything else. This is the new oil rush, the new Gold Rush."
"It's also much cheaper to build, about one-tenth the costs of the proposed California high-speed railway system."
"EV prices are coming down while gas car prices are going up not a good design for the gas car industry long term"
"Millennials have less invested than older generations."
"So despite Compaq's offering, it was very much a success especially when you consider that the retail price for each was nearly six thousand dollars just over 11,000 in today's money."
"Maybe we should pay the people on the front line our teachers more than a kid who isn't qualified to make fries quite yet."
"The sonata has nailed value for money in this segment i can't believe that this car feels this nice and is thousands of dollars less than the equivalent of the other three driven in isolation."
"Being vegan is expensive? I'm thicker, so what's going to the hospital paying hospital bills because you're diabetic?"
"Bitcoin is now above the market cap of silver. Bitcoin will continue to breach all these market caps and eventually breach gold."
"Five million dollars in the 80s, that's like five million dollars today!"
"Brother India, we're only separated by the Himalayas. Why such a big difference in our stock markets?"
"You're getting an annual pass for the price of a one day ticket."
"Cruising on an Oasis class ship will almost always be more expensive."
"That's not far off from what you're still paying for the Elite Series 2."
"It's like a race to the bottom, the question is which is the least worst currency."
"There's no equivalent set of institutions that would allow you to walk through labor to do what the Germans called 'Kurzarbeit.'"
"Crypto itself is a Ponzi scheme, that's like Madoff's creation."
"Using GDP per capita, we can very clearly and in an unbiased way state that Taiwan is far richer than China."
"Every 24 months for the past 30 years a person living in poverty in America the second richest spot on earth is Western Europe France Germany Britain."
"Canada takes the win at just over 49,000 US dollars compared to the UK's 46,000 US dollars."
"The difference is that we're in much worse shape economically now than where we were in the 70s."
"If we keep our healthcare system the same... it will cost 49 trillion dollars. What would it cost if we did a Medicare for All system? 32 trillion."
"BlackRock has more resources and therefore one could argue more power than Japan or Germany."
"With a three trillion dollar evaluation, that's about the same amount of GDP as a country like the United Kingdom or India."
"The US consumer is two-thirds of the US economy, as big as China's economy."
"I hope you learned a lot about semiconductors, the different segments, and why I like to call it the new oil."
"Wow, not bad, you know, for the price that is pretty affordable compared to Japan."
"This daily figure is more than the annual GDP of all but two of the largest nations on Earth, China and the USA."
"These two economies, number one and number two in the world, completely different political systems and completely different economic systems, have roughly the same Gini coefficient, which is a measure of income inequality."
"Citizens in Switzerland enjoy purchasing power 26 percent higher than people in New York."
"The combined wealth here tonight at SMU is akin to that of a small country's GDP."
"Tampa's cost of living is actually 1% lower than the national average."
"The average salary of a business analyst is 15 lakhs per annum in India and around $150,000 in the United States of America."
"2008 feels to me like a very financial crisis, whereas what we're experiencing now is arguably a very big economic crisis."