
Financial Priorities Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"Imagine splashing cash on a Birkin bag and you can't even make an investment in a house or car."
"When you tell me that you can afford fifty dollars for some shoes but can't afford twenty dollars for a book, you're really telling me that the book is not important to you."
"Focus on building your wealth before you focus on building everybody else's wealth."
"It ain't that much hustling in the world. Everybody don't think about money 24/7."
"This is just another example of systemic issues within healthcare, nursing shortages, and hospitals and healthcare facilities not wanting to spend extra money to pay nurses to ensure the safety of their patients."
"Maybe we should focus a little bit less on the money and just kind of follow our hearts."
"We always seem to have enough to pay for war but never enough to cover the cost."
"My financial security is more important than living in that posh neighborhood."
"Sacrifice is measured by what you have left after giving."
"I'm not saying you should go out and spend $45,000 on a couple melons, but I am saying that you should be more mindful of what you put your money towards."
"If America is having trouble financially, then why give billions of dollars to countries that don't even like us?"
"So Marjorie wins the belt, and I get a little bit more money to spend on tchotchkes. The only loser here is America." - Narrator
"Don't tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value."
"It's all about the money... it's all about the money that's number one."
"Imagine what even a fraction of that money could do to address the issue here."
"You need to start learning on the side. Stop leisure time, stop watching Netflix, cancel Netflix. You need that money."
"Don't chase the sea of money. Chemistry and culture matter."
"It's not about the money. It's about the money."
"Being rich is so much better than looking rich."
"Money's great, money is important, but I wouldn't sacrifice your content to make money."
"It all has to do with your financial priorities and your goals."
"You wanna make sure that it's going towards the financial priorities that matter most in your life."
"The majority of Americans are focused on one of two financial priorities."
"The money was not as important to the lord as the people."
"Dude, money, yeah, you guys like are very much in the culture."
"Budgeting is just a plan. It doesn't mean you have to quit spending altogether, it just means you're prioritizing some financial goals over others."
"Your money speaks a lot about who you worship."
"I don't give a [__] about the money, I'm being honest, because if I did, I could have been doing some things a lot differently a long time ago."
"Isn't it interesting that for war money comes out of the woodwork? Why doesn't it come out of the woodwork when we have war on poverty?"
"The amount of internal conflict we're having over money and values."
"If what you're doing for a living right now is a means to the money, you fucking lost."
"What does it profit a man to have all the money in the world, but eat shitty food?"
"I want people to take control. I want you to stop worrying about the price of an extra appetizer that's irrelevant in the grand scheme."
"I'd rather throw money away chasing God then chasing all of this other stuff."
"If you make investing a priority it will enable you to become a millionaire faster."
"I don't give a [__] about any of these companies. I care about y'all get your credit score up so you can actually build real wealth."
"Instead of saving whatever the five dollars for your coffee every day... maybe instead of like focusing so much on those little differences focus your time instead on building a higher credit score."
"I just want to address a comment, I love you, but the card thing is taking you over, money, money, money, invest, invest. Your message of happiness is confused."
"Because beyond a certain point not everyone but a lot of people will stop caring at least as much about money."
"Love you too, exactly. He said all his jury's fake. He'd rather spend his money on his family, his homes, things that are tangible."
"I'd rather pay you $12 million in yield than go to these fancy parties. That's how we're creating something much better."
"Now's the time to be putting your financial future at the forefront of your plans."
"I'm trying to put my kids through private school, not some label executive kids."
"For your 20s, save your money before you buy designer."
"It's not about making a million dollars; it's about making a living."
"You always have money for what and who is important to you."
"Our pursuit for status is more important than our pursuit for money."
"My priority was depositors first, shareholder second."
"The biggest part of investing, literally what you're doing as an investor, is you're assessing what's important and what's not important."
"I don't give a [ __ ] about making money, I never did. If I lose a bunch of money a month because I did something that made me happier, that's what I'm gonna do."
"What a billion dollar franchise and you can't afford to motion capture one [ __ ] ref? Get out of here with your [ __ ]."
"Living with multiple roommates, buying the avocado toast, buying expensive coffee—because all of the other things, like just saving up to go buy a house, it doesn't seem that easy to do."
"I would much rather be broke and be making the world a better place than be a millionaire."
"I'd rather pay $400 than get hacked, to be honest," - Emphasizing the importance of investing in security tools.
"The most important relationship in your life is with your bank, then your wife."
"Quality over quantity. I'd rather be 30% cash but be invested 70% in really good quality names."
"I allocate my money towards the things that I care about."
"Government seems to like to throw its money behind innovation."
"Find the things that are most important to you, that way you can spend more money on these things and cut back on the other things."
"Giving back is one of the places you should spend money. Sometimes giving people the helping hand can go a long way."
"Financial security is just another item on the list of things we need to protect here."
"Men spend their money on what they care about."
"We fail because we are run by bankers we are run by people who want money out the club every good football club in history has a vision roman abramovich for all his problems wants chelsea to be the best football team in the world."
"People care about money way too much. Mental health is at an all-time low. Enjoy yourself, man."
"These owners and Ed Woodward and co are arrogant people who don't care about what you think because you keep sending the money anyway."
"Money is not that important to me. Prioritize money is number one and I can't do that."
"I think it's incredible how Chelsea will spend a billion pounds but won't spend money on a top-class striker."
"I'm here to lower my taxes. What about love?"
"Don’t get killed over crypto. Your life is far more valuable than any amount of money."
"I'm just getting out of debt first, then I'm going to be giving away a lot of money."
"Shout out to all of the ladies that's going out here and getting their BBLs instead of paying their rent. You some kind of special."
"At the end of the day, where the money at? That's what Apple's saying."
"Life is pretty simple. Like people play on legacy, on family, on money. Like there's just a couple of pillars."
"Couldn't she have handed out 4,800 lunch pails to the homeless instead of spending all those dollars on a jumpsuit?"
"These folks are making it very, very clear: it's the money."
"It's not all about money; it's about commitment to success."
"The sad reality is a lot of people's first thing is to buy something they always wanted."
"Make us of those who don't have hesitation in spending on others and make us of those who keep away from using their money for purposeless things."
"They know that's where they needed to put the money, and they have now."
"It's not all about money... a lot of people kept trying to come down on us and condemn us." - Deep South Homestead
"I can't just spend my whole time in vanity projects...I do the stuff that pays me."
"It is okay to be poor right now. Your goal right now should not be to make the most money possible, it should be to build your ideal life."
"There's more in the world than your financial returns, such as the impact you have on others."
"Why are you quibbling over $600 when people need that to buy food, pay the rent, and again inject demand into the economy?"
"Pedals and a solid cockpit... are the two most important things when it comes to prioritizing your spend on a sim rig."
"People are more interested now in their jobs and inflation and being able to pay the bills, pay the rent, pay the mortgage, whatever it is that's ultimately on their plate."
"The biggest lie in American life today is that we do not have the money."
"It's how much money I save that's truly important."
"When the monkeys take over the circus, they don't care if the circus makes money or if people want to come."
"I'm going to the money, Candice. I don't want Netflix to do that. I want NBC that airs the Golden Globes to say I'm going to the money Golden Globes."
"Let all the big companies just go under. Yes, let them drop out. Who cares? Save Main Street, forget Wall Street."
"If you want to not be poor you have to prioritize your wealth before you prioritize everybody else's wealth."
"What good is money if you have no planet to spend it on?"
"Maybe the parents shouldn't have been spending all of that money on the car and more on teaching their kids responsibility."
"If you say that I ain't got no money to invest but you got a closet full of Jordans right then you're full of shit."
"I guarantee you United will not back Ten Hag next summer like we did this summer. That's absolutely pointless."
"There's no point spending a thousand, $1,200 on something I don't really care about, you know?"
"Money belongs in the backseat, you belong in the front seat."
"Staying in your own lane and thinking hard about what it is you value, what is it that you love to spend money on, what is it that brings you joy, happiness, and what can you spend money on that feels guilt-free?"
"Black people have more insurance on their cell phones than on their lives and the lives of their children by a factor of 10."
"If you ain't talking money, I don't wanna talk."
"What kind of loser are you now, caring more about money a year from now than winning the World Championship?"
"The first thing I did was buy my mama house."
"I pay my people first before I even pay my own bills."
"Trust your intuition. It's okay that you're only focused on yourself and your money right now."
"People are going to look at you like you lost your mind because when you go from driving a BMW to driving a Toyota Corolla, people are going to think is something wrong."
"If you're just making more money to buy nice things, you're doing it the wrong way."
"Money is the last of things we should be worried about when you're thinking about aliens and xenomorphs."
"Absolutely we can't just focus on the money and not focus on our health."
"Forget about NFTs, forget about Pokemon cards. Real estate is the way to go."
"If it gets in the way of my money, you're either on my team or you're in my way."
"Long as money keeps rolling in for my family, I'm not tripping about nothing."
"At this moment in time, I do not see myself investing in a Birkin or Kelly. I just think for the amount of money that they are, I could invest that money in other places that would make me a lot happier."
"Focus on what actually gives you happiness with your money."
"Don't necessarily always make money the motive because if you do it might slow you down."
"Money is good for two things: investing in and improving your current situation, and experiencing life."
"Everything ain't about money, I'd rather have integrity."
"For the politicians out there that are saying if we don't give even more money to Ukraine while you simultaneously ignore problems at home, I can tell you right now good luck with that."
"Stop putting your bank account ahead of the quality of your show."
"She wants us to take the rest of what we would have paid for the wedding and put it towards their honeymoon instead."
"Promise me that you'll never spend more money for your child to play a game than you spend for your child to have a future."
"Never risk what you need for what you want." - Warren Buffett
"Equity won't matter if the refrigerator breaks."
"Decluttering helps you realize what you want to spend money on in the future."
"That 20K could have been used on something else you better stop paying these folks for cloud they don't give no [ __ ] about you."
"Do you care about leaving a legacy or just paying the bills?"
"You always have to make more money and it's not about only caring about money or worshiping money."
"They are someone who very much wants their money and their finances figured out first before they go too far into the future with you"
"You were put in their path for them to learn that money isn't everything, that love means way more than money."
"You're making them Rich at your expense... your priorities are all in the wrong place."
"Luxuries come at the end. Assets come first."
"Money isn't everything. Money is almost everything. It is to my wife."
"If you ain't talking about money you ain't talking about America."
"Whether we're investing in real estate or stocks or we just care about honestly money."
"The first check I ever got I bought my parents a new computer and I thought that was [__] huge."
"Should I try with another woman or stack money? Always stack money."
"If you need to sell, take care of yourself, feed your family, keep the roof over your head, pay your bills, that is way more important than sticking into the hedge funds."
"If you're broke, you should not be watching other people live their dreams while you're living a nightmare."
"This is the same couple who was previously spending twelve thousand five hundred dollars for vacations, twenty-two hundred dollars for a handbag, almost thirteen hundred dollars on a pair of sneakers."
"When money gets tight, you know what you pull back on is those high-end items... but you're not going to stop paying for your loved one's care."
"I wouldn't change it for the world and if I had to give up everything I did today to save more for the future sorry I wouldn't do it and i' have to stop investing first."
"What did I get paid? What do I need for my bills? What do I want to put towards my goals? And then the rest I would just send to spending money."
"I think larry is more interested in keeping his budget happy."
"The reason why some of y'all can't save is because you haven't prioritized saving for an emergency."
"You go into a bar, you have a cocktail, sometimes it's 12 bucks or 13 bucks for a cocktail depending on what city you're in. Sometimes a lot more, and you gotta think about, well, where are my priorities?"
"I would take the money that someone would take the buy a Gucci purse and start a business online you know what I'm saying so that's why I can make more you know than the average man sitting on my computer because instead of going out shopping I'm buying online businesses."
"Making stuff and not having a problem making stuff was more important than us having a bunch of money in our own personal accounts."
"Money is not your leading thing, yeah."
"You know something, Judge? I don't need any money. She's gonna need everything that she has to take care of those kids."
"Let's take that money and shift it over to keeping our kids safe in these schools."
"I want you to get to this point, where you care more about savings than stuff."
"If you're spending $10 million for a streak of paint on white canvas, you really need to check yourself before you rickety wreck yourself."
"My thing was always attacking what I call the big three in terms of expenses: housing, transportation, and food."
"I hate spending money on expensive anything, but food is the one thing I'm totally cool with splurging on."
"Being frugal is important, but sometimes we're spending way too much energy to save 10 cents instead of making 10 dollars."
"Once you get over that ego stat and you realize all that really matters is how much I take home."
"I don't know how to make companies care more about people than about money."
"It's always the money, in a time when you have money to waste."
"You can't put money on your life... you should just try to do the best that you can within your situation."
"I spend more money on making memories."
"We need money for the people and these other 400 things that you want to include in the stimulus package are really not what's important."
"Frugality is about not wasting money on things that I don't care about so that I have the money to spend on things that I do care about."
"If someone gave you a thousand dollars, what would you buy with them? I wouldn't buy anything; I'd probably pay off my student loans."
"Many people would rather look rich than be rich."
"If you're paying down high-interest debt or trying to break the paycheck to paycheck cycle... it's okay to prioritize those things over investing."
"There's one thing in life, making money, and there's one thing in life, knowing what your priorities are."
"My financial goals become more and more of a priority for me and more and more of a focus."
"It's just so much better to spend that money on paying off my student loan debt than backing myself up with a designer handbag."
"Impressing their friends is not a priority; financial security is."
"You can't keep paying everyone else and not pay yourself."
"The rich prioritize assets above all else because they know that assets will increase their income."
"PlayStation 3, what will you sell to buy it?"
"The investment is in your family, the household; that's the investment. As long as your household bills are taken care of, that's an investment."
"Be willing to spend money on things that are valuable to you."
"If I spend 2.5 million on a chain, I'll buy eight houses."
"Paying off high-interest debt should be the most important thing."
"We have to make decisions based more on eternity than finances."
"Why would I spend $20,000 on a watch when I don't even own a house yet?"
"The number one priority of millennials is to save for retirement, the number two priority is to buy a house."
"It feels like most of our money is going towards things we want to do."
"Every single thing goes to my child."
"We're making money together, so I'm accepting some of this 'cause we're doing our thing, but at the end of the day, the money can't come over my sanity."
"You can choose to spend money on what's really important instead of getting slammed with all that big stuff before you even get to any of the fun stuff."
"So please don't pass up buying your next home, paying off a mortgage payment, buying a new car, doing something for your life and your career, instead of buying a pair of shoes."
"Please make sure that you are able to take care of yourself first and your major needs before buying lolita fashion."
"Giving has always been super important for us in our budget."
"People pay for their wants, not their needs."
"I wouldn't buy another expensive car, I'd buy a house."
"I'm not seeking the ultimate total best return over a 20-year period; I want to have a good time in that journey."
"Why do you spend money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which satisfieth not?"
"Money is an expression of priorities, of goals, of character."
"We're the kind of people who would rather have a pretty average, modest-sized home and have a lot of money still to travel."
"How do you really know what someone believes? Like, truly believes? That's where do they spend their money, where will they make sacrifices, where will they spend their time."
"What I find more interesting and more valuable is knowing what exactly what debt I'm paying off."
"I'd rather make less money and give value to the customer and the fans."
"Sometimes money isn't as important as your mental health and your well-being."
"It's more important to cover your necessities rather than your debt in emergencies like this."