
Pandemic Effects Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"COVID has literally messed up so many things, like people have been losing their loved ones, people have lost jobs."
"You have massive skyrocketing worse than Gilded Age inequality which has only gotten worse during the pandemic."
"This pandemic has brought about a real turning point for K-12 education as parents realize what their kids have or haven't learned."
"The economic impacts are going to be the thing that hurts more people honestly directly than the virus itself."
"Covid made it a reality... a dream turned real."
"You have to remember that people run businesses, and if people can't work, they eventually aren't going to be able to eat."
"There's so much oil it's a tribute in a way but what happened is there was a lot to start off with and then you had the virus and it knocked the hell out of the market it in terms of demand."
"We cannot emerge from the pandemic with the clock spinning backwards on gender equality."
"If there is anything good that could come out of the coronavirus pandemic, it will certainly be the exposure of celebrity culture."
"But that's all going to change as evictions roll out, as mortgage delinquencies turn into foreclosures, and people move into rental housing and the inventory jumps up and the pandemic's over."
"Latino voters want to have a president who will protect them. The coronavirus has disproportionately impacted Latino communities." - Reporter
"Disney, the company that says about Scarlett Johansson, 'that she had a callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,' has just taken their Christmas event and jacked it from 105 to 155 up to 169 to 250."
"If your life is worse now that this Korona stuff has happened... that probably means you've been too dependent on society around you."
"If anything good can come from the coronavirus pandemic, it's the revelation of America's over-reliance on China, especially when it comes to drugs."
"The longer the shutdown, the more people will be hurt."
"The pandemic grew my business, believe it or not."
"That's not an accident and that is again part and parcel of the government's you know complete disregard for the realities of how this pandemic is going to have knock-on effects especially for marginalized people like working-class women."
"We need to address the economic inequalities that this virus has exposed and worsened."
"Life hasn't come back to normal, and I doubt it ever will."
"Economists are now saying that the pandemic has accelerated China's growth."
"COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy."
"Many people who had only been lightly exposed to games in the past suddenly became gamers overnight."
"The idea that there is some normal we can return to after Trump has been blasted out out of the water by this pandemic."
"Lockdowns get people cut off from the essence of being human."
"More than 80 percent say they've actively looked harder for coupons and promotions since the pandemic began."
"I think this is, a, a partial parental revolt sparked by the pandemic of the last two and a half years, and I also think it's part of a little cultural war."
"The pandemic probably a bad way to describe it but the residual effects of the pandemic."
"The key message from that data is that the reopening is not yet going smoothly."
"It's more important than ever because the isolation of Covid-19 and social media have been complete catastrophes for the mental health of the next generation."
"Coming out of this pandemic, we are going to see some real structural change across industries."
"I think with the pandemic, I was in my pajamas for about at least 18 months. I forgot how to tie my shoes."
"It's like all right it's a bloodbath yeah we can't afford that right we just came out of a pandemic."
"So bottom line in the short term, you know, the first two or three years after a pandemic lots of uncertainty."
"We should expect wages to actually grow more than they would have had it not been for the pandemic."
"People are getting restless from staying at home for months on end."
"Young people have had a raw deal out of lockdown, there's no doubt about that."
"Pandemic lockdowns may have increased anxiety in children between 6 and 18 years old."
"People were cooped up for two years... and they're saying look I'm gonna go travel."
"Lockdown has been like an amazing thing because people started to respect things more."
"The pandemic has stolen so much time, hasn't it?"
"The numbers are staggering, 30 million Americans have filed unemployment claims since mid-March."
"Some people will come out and kind of bounce back but some people are gonna come out of the corona virus pandemic with their mental health really suffering as a result of this trauma."
"Millions of people sitting at home with nothing to do."
"Despite many manufacturers being forced to shut down for at least part of 2020, sales of campers, RVs, and trailers surged."
"The past year has been a depressing slog, and you could feel its effect no matter who you are, where you're from, or what field or industry you're a part of."
"The pandemic showed that you can change the world overnight and that ninety percent of our jobs are pointless loads of people are leaving their jobs."
"2020 helped a lot of people develop a lot of empathy."
"The effects of coronavirus are very much felt differently depending on what class background you are."
"COVID-19 is causing a die-out of what has not been giving many people life."
"During the pandemic, the things that helped people enormously... it really gets on my nerves because it's simply not true."
"Rich people are getting richer during this pandemic."
"It's pure euphoria... because they've been shut inside for the past year and a half."
"The pandemic has made government important again."
"The pandemic has brought far-reaching changes... personal dialogue is more important than ever." - Klaus Schwab
"Kids across the country for a year have been falling behind in reading, writing, arithmetic."
"The full effects of the pandemic—health, social, and economic—will not end until a critical mass of people are vaccinated."
"Last thing here with Amazon going Hollywood. Don't forget what happened during the pandemic shutdown."
"Let's stop blaming everything on this infection. The real cause of all this is the massive debt, the poor and weakening economy."
"There are a lot of positives to come out of COVID-19."
"All-you-can-eat buffets are seriously going to suffer."
"The economy is in the gutter because of COVID, many people are smart enough to realize that's not Trump's fault."
"The coronavirus pandemic created a clear line between the before and after for the wider health care industry."
"This pandemic situation, it's not gonna change anything, it's just going to speed up what was already in motion."
"The pandemic let us have early basically the only positive outcome for our suffering."
"Since the onset of the pandemic, we've been spending more time on social media than ever before."
"All the major ones: McDonald's, Panera, Dunkin', Starbucks. It's a real downturn on the breakfast because of the pandemic."
"You can open up everything but if people don't feel comfortable doing it, the economy is not going to rebound."
"I was right the whole time it is absolutely struggled and been propped up to exist and as I said extended by the pandemic not killed by it extended."
"The Delta variant comes in like a hurricane but leaves a lot of immunity in its wake."
"Financially D&D did very well during the pandemic, now we're seeing a lot of brands that did well during the pandemic not do so well."
"Things never went back to normal after March of 2020."
"China's post-pandemic recovery seems to be stalling"
"Covid-19 and digitalization: the great acceleration."
"The rise in billionaires has been unprecedented during the pandemic."
"It's losing your job because of the pandemic, a problem that now has hit a staggering 26 million people from small businesses to the gig economy to also, of course, major corporations and institutions."
"Not everything is petty; this is a strange time in the world due to widespread disease."
"One-third of small businesses in New Jersey have closed down in 2020."
"I just felt comfortable like a normal thing, you wouldn't have known this was until we put the masks on, we've completely forgotten about the unpleasantness in life."
"Coronavirus has impacted pretty much every single industry, not just event cancellations but travel restrictions and, of course, the health concern itself."
"I'm tired of not seeing people's faces I'm like I just want to return to some semblance of normalcy."
"In just one year, the average life expectancy in America plummeted by a dozen years."
"Count both the lives of the people dying of COVID and the people dying from depression."
"Lockdown and all of that is taking a toll on a lot of people's mental health."
"I don't like small talk from people without masks. I don't either because I feel like they don't give a [__]."
"A pandemic magnifies all existing inequalities."
"People who got the first two checks are expecting a third and the fact is the pandemic has hit these families like a wrecking ball."
"Life expectancy in America dropped an entire year during the first half of 2020."
"Obesity from childhood rises during the pandemic... You gotta open sports, you gotta let the kids play."
"The coronavirus as horrible as it was and is, it changed so many things for the better."
"The pandemic seems to have really been a nail in the coffin for this format which has just gotten kind of dated."
"Nobody gets that anymore because of the masks."
"This is the definitive story of pro cycling and COVID-19 in 2020, the story of a lost year saved."
"During the pandemic, we witnessed the birth of a new religion of contrarianism."
"The stock market took a huge dive due to the Omicron discovery and Hollywood finds itself on a direct collision course as do many industries."
"Zoom is going to be an opportunity closer to the end of the pandemic."
"A lot of good things came out of COVID as well."
"Corona has exposed the vulnerability of people's situations."
"How clean the air was during the pandemic when everyone was stuck at home."
"We all want to see you smile without the mask."
"Look at the opportunities this pandemic is offering."
"This pandemic has done the impossible. It has made me care about people's kids."
"This pandemic has robbed me of so much physical contact. Something has to fill the cavernous void."
"People have turned into weirdos since the pandemic, especially in customer service and restaurant settings."
"So not the best housing situation here either, and then all the prices went up with COVID."
"My phone is dry, everybody's watching, it's semi-dry. We've been in the pandemic. My [__] is dry, dry. Like, I've burnt the black book."
"The pandemic might have forced people to look at their job prospects and maybe think they're not as safe as they once were."
"The pandemic has two sides, COVID-19 and the other side is fear and uncertainty."
"We moved during the pandemic. We don't have to be in LA."
"The pandemic was not designed to destroy; it was designed to reveal."
"This pandemic provided an opportunity for reflection."
"During the pandemic, it was definitely difficult to keep a good routine."
"The pandemic helped her tremendously... she has upgraded her difficulty, it's just amazing."
"One of the blessings of the pandemic was shortly it was three months after that, you know, and so I got to not be battered for all that time without gigs."
"People are looking for something that was sort of heightened during the pandemic when people began to hear the birds again and smell clean air."
"We've had a global pandemic which has shocked supply chains and has really forced people to look local."
"We're social creatures, and it's just not good for us to not hug people as much, not shake hands, not be in the same setting."
"It does, it does, but when you're a social person like me, I miss this."
"It's essential to be mindful of the effects that your actions will have on unemployment, particularly for those groups that were hit hardest by the pandemic."
"In an interview, ask how the pandemic has affected the company and what the company is doing to move forward."