
Miscommunication Quotes

There are 384 quotes

"Anna actually liked me back. No, in your first story, you said you sent a note and the other girl sent one back then it says 'I like you back'."
"Unfortunately, the boyfriend she's talking about isn't aware that the two of them were dating."
"Miscommunication leads to tons and tons of problems... Assuming bad intent... creates a volatile situation where people are constantly blaming each other."
"It's not the era the VC bro you can't go out in every game is that what that that leads called or whatever I couldn't pronounce it."
"There is something wrong, so what you're gonna say to her. Where's the thing that is wrong? What you're telling her. Where is it? It's in her stomach. It's in her stomach? Yes!"
"I was just trying to get on the same page, but it felt like we were in different books."
"Just because we're connected to somebody inexplicably without words or language behind it, doesn't mean we're on the same page."
"There is perhaps no more insidious a killer of relationships than miscommunication."
"Imagine if she told him in a way where they weren't just going far away from each other and that was like just a moment where he pretended he was okay with it and she didn't even notice."
"Of course, she didn't find her mother but Orange heard."
"When people start to connect the dots in ways where maybe they weren't intended to be connected, they say weird things."
"Welcome boo possibly wrong with that Steve oh no he said it what could possibly go wrong how come how come the words what could possibly go wrong always precedes the worst possible thing that could possibly perhaps a wrong."
"Zorro would not hesitate to suck you don't think she like like likes me."
"They don't even know I disagree there was assassination I think they are evil people and they don't care."
"He's like the worst Kaiser so say he's Kaiser so so no not that one the roar roaring roaring there it is."
"They think your back's turned, 301 reverse, they don't even feel like you're waiting on this anymore, they think you're done."
"You have to let them play, but we're not talking about that's not what we're talking about."
"We don't need to try and hang people on misspeaking. It wasn't a gaffe, Joe Biden."
"Now, he probably didn't mean for anyone to take it seriously as something that actually happened."
"It's about taking action in terms of what we've learned, what we know now, moving through the miscommunication and understanding."
"While Kirby was always intended to be pink, on the American box art for Kirby's Dreamland, the first game in the series, he was actually white."
"I mean if a family can be summed up with 'I don't know who they are,' I think they lived here, you done [ __ ] up."
"The Federman campaign was quick to note that right off the top, Oz bungled the name of the Pennsylvania based grocery store."
"It's like Ross and Rachel, man, they just keep missing each other."
"It focuses on the mis-education that leads to a lack of empathy."
"I didn't actually pee myself that was a joke I didn't actually pee myself I didn't actually a little bit I did actually peed myself a little bit just a little bit."
"If you don't share quotes, if you summarize their views, people who like them will think you're wrong."
"You said off camera this is called dido ditto dip."
"I have to admit I thought you were going to be like 'we would love to be personally responsible for their disposal'."
"There is no oxygen shortage in India, quite the opposite, we have a huge surplus."
"A lot of country because unless those who can fly."
"Boss, I'm pretty sure that was you. It said boss next to it."
"I also need to mention dry Hootie, dry Hoodie."
"I think he's boat in China, definitely Japan though."
"Your person may try to initiate something with you, but it may come off the wrong way."
"Stop stealing them and swords! It doesn't...this is not...this is not going well, stop stealing them affords, sorry, there's got to be something else you can seal them in like a dildo or something and then it'll be fine."
"Nobody forgot to take a propaganda banner innocent roti give me two chili let me talk good hostess."
"They feel like you keep initiating something with them or they feel like there's a lot of false starts between the two of you."
"Being objective in your analysis is really difficult."
"On November 9th, 1989, the Berlin Wall was opened, officially partially by a miscommunication."
"I was so scared they're going to beam up the wrong guy."
"But don’t want to communicate that people who do are white supremacists."
"Until you said that but he's I don't think he's on the I player."
"I mean, it's not like a personal attack, I just said her car has really bright headlights."
"We've found him! Oh, no one stole the dog. No one stole the dog. Dramatic Harper, Harper!"
"You can't do that again, bro! Exactly, because if you want to take responsibility for it, why are you not listening about the bigger picture surrounding how you f*** up?"
"They were just straight up like, you know you're telling us that you're excited and happy that your brother is dead, right?"
"And then he starts talking about his view you just say like oh she said you were 17 when you met him and he was 21 there's no way she could have known that absolutely none."
"He clearly doesn't know that Heather is dead."
"You got what I need, but you say he's just a friend."
"At the moment, he thinks that I'm his girlfriend."
"A thousand, a million, yeah! Let's go get that Shawn bike!"
"This misleading thing that, oh well, they're changing most of the pipes, have been changed."
"I thought it was rhetorical but then you paused."
"Whisper of a dream but that's the problem they kept saying it they didn't whisper it and so the wrong people heard I say whisper that's what I say."
"They're viewing you as someone giving them mixed signals or false hope."
"Some people are complaining about starving I think there were probably the new people that showed up and hadn't eaten the meal yet because obviously we've got tons of food."
"You made them actually think that we were on here about to have a debate about the thing you want to have a debate about."
"You keep talking about the hanging, what, hanging twins? I called it the hourglass twins. It is the hourglass twins."
"You're calling a milk and banana and it looks like a fork. It looks weird."
"A lot of people believe it was not Karina at all on the phone."
"Sorry Mario, came makaras very mondo, Taylor wiggling buco."
"That smoke is Noob [__] from their own men. Let me explain why."
"You're a naughty girl! You cannot turn an opinion into a fact!"
"It was called the ivy school of business with an e i v e and she spelled the whole essay with ivy still got in though because her grades were like out just absolutely insane she was like one of the smartest people."
"Always big enough phonic alright here's our first victim."
"Gorilla glue must be held liable because their bottle only says 'don't put it on your skin,' it doesn't say 'don't put it on your hair.'"
"If it doesn't work the first two times, give up? That wasn't what I was saying."
"It's May 1st, and I said, 'No, it's not. It's tourist season!'"
"Hilariously what did you say because I said his head was long."
"I've spent so many years arguing with people who have told me that I said something that I never said."
"When you start with one message, by the time it gets to the end, it's a completely different thing."
"Alan literally, within the same sentence, points at the guy, switches names."
"Line that was poorly researched and I shouldn't have said it. It meant nothing, it affected nothing, and I based none of my claims on this fact. Still, I owe everyone and especially Gerard an apology."
"They didn't mention my name, which makes me think that these people only know part of the story or they think they know part of the story."
"This one happened on my last pass which was like, this sucks. Like I literally, like I wasn't gonna say anything because I was like, he's probably filming something like a sketch or something. So I thought it was like a prop."
"Is it a no? And I was like, wait, no, nobody know!"
"Initially when we do bang, that wasn't the intent."
"She sometimes still does that but tell them how to tell them how she got lost in a wall."
"They just said she wasn't required to, even though... it implies that she is just a liar."
"Spanish flu killed more people than the Spanish flu what's the Spanish flu the flu from Spain oh okay that makes sense I was thinking the UK."
"That's your son! What I find extremely entertaining about this situation is he has an entire team around him and not a single one bothered to correct him."
"Remember when Odin called Asgard the real maternal? Well, let's hope these guys were a little more careful with using that word as their name."
"I'm red engine is about an egg into the guy."
"The anniversary, Sam. 20 years? 10 years? What? It's 10 years, but uh, thank you. No, 20 years since the shenanigans."
"If no message a message to be lieutenant won't can't hear it."
"This just in, Creekcraft's livestream hates British people apparently piggy fans hate British people the irony."
"The fact that you called the tale a leg didn't make it a little late." - Abraham Lincoln
"This honestly made me realize that wow miscommunication is really really a big thing."
"If you want to know what a Mormon believes or what a Buddhist or a Hindu believes, don't ask a Baptist, because many outsiders would rather give you the wrong answer than to admit that they don't know."
"That's fine, that's fine. Oh, hope that was not what I meant to do."
"Michael Sussman's lie to the FBI is not a lie, it's just a mistake."
"They can't kill me, I am actually invincible. They can't kill me, I am actually invisible. Not invisible, I mean Invincible!"
"They don't even realize what they're saying anymore."
"These were real people, or real people. Sorry, I'm an optimist."
"We are absolutely about your manager because about pots."
"It's a failure of communication... but at least we got a good story out of it."
"That's what you're using, you know you're a racist, yeah, am I? You're about to be racist, yeah you are, yeah, you've got good teeth for this guy over here, you're one step away from getting in George."
"So many problems in our lives come from simple miscommunication."
"Honestly not the situation I wasn't trying to throw anyone under the bus."
"Everybody's beautiful. That was my point. I didn't mean to diminish one party over another."
"It's so frustrating when people answer a different question."
"Why is that weird, Lexi? Oh my God, that's so sweet of you, I'm assuming it wasn't you, Bren... It was Brent, it was Brent, I don't know that your favorite color is yellow, Pearson, but Brent does."
"It's not my birthday, listen, listen, listen."
"I'm sorry, Megan, please show me in here where Senator Tammy Duckworth said, 'Megan, pick somebody who doesn't have the skill set.'"
"What if she said she's fine and she's really not?"
"I can't tell which of there was more of lies or spelling errors and he lives in a completely different reality than everyone else."
"You're like, 'How you that my don't tell me I love it.' It's by my favorite."
"You're just not in your head, Rod. But what do you mean?"
"Be that you kind of look like I could, Anakin. I could, you could be you slice the youth up, bruh. So hold on."
"Great minds think alike but [ __ ] don't say I took something from you that I never knew that well you never had."
"Tuesday lunch? What? Tuesday lunch, that's today? No, Monday is today."
"You don't understand the definition of soon soon would have been after the first three years not here when we've got to seven years but also come on now nobody talks like that."
"Literal do you didn't shove up with another Islam."
"They called your bluff that you guys all wanted more free time and you don't want more free time."
"I slipped up. But then unbeknownst to Goku, he's making the claim that he barely got me when in actuality he did."
"I think it's awesome that it's coming out, maybe you worded that wrong, it's no more in next-gen, I mean it's still going to be next-gen."
"It felt like it went well beyond the actual topics on the panel and went more towards like a straw man or like a set of frustrations that you had with me."
"He just wants to go on, I don't know Python have to tell him."
"Am I the [ __ ] for scrambling four eggs instead of two like my husband wanted?"
"Occupying our Monday much about the prodigal morrow father him on the archery tourism varada lo new Nadu lo lugar limpo Casa Grande sahaja really."
"Thomas didn't attack her. Instead, he said that Dutch's shampoo reminded him of a perfume from 1931."
"That is literally the opposite of what we're doing. That is what you are doing."
"That's not a reasonable interpretation of the statement. If what a person hears doesn't line up with what was said or meant, then there's a miscommunication."
"He was trying to cover you... he tried to call us we are so scaring."
"It's like a diseased donkey, that's what I meant with some reason donkey came out." - Mark Riley
"Trump actually on some days thinks he's running against Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama... he is actually confusing people."
"People are saying the robot dog is out, I can't see anything. Is it? I'm looking, gosh, I think Chad's just messing with us."
"I miss you too. What, I don't miss you? Get over yourself."
"Big bones don't exist. What are you trying to say? I'm trying to—are you a dinosaur?"
"Hey, come over here now! It's sure, oh, you took a video of it? No, no."
"Staches comes great responsibility. Yeah, that's not a great stash, it's a great staff."
"Financially straight out the door here to five percent of nine years, so don't say I could contribute was an L and that's why I dropped the fleecy murder."
"An old blind Marine walks into an all-girl biker bar by mistake. The punchline? 'Nah, not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times.'"
"It's one of those perfect examples of when two people having two different conversations yet it's justified in this scene."
"You're expecting someone else? I was three eyes in one breath makes you sound a rather egotistical young lady."
"Sure not sure, takes in the summer. It brush the cash grants very secure training, Busan."
"By the way, for those of you here for the cash for gold seminar, that has been moved to salon 'B' on the mezzanine."
"One is Veggie filling with like stir-fry kalu, I think so you mean to tell me you took the time to get the food then do research on the culture and pronunciation and nobody corrected you, nobody at all?"
"It's com they changed it not even dude, wait what."
"You're no, you're not, you're third, it's your fourth day."
"I want to make clear that the things that you guys hear from the sister are something completely different than what Paris said to me."
"I didn't I you know who just died who Jimmy Carter's wife yeah Rosalynn Carter she did she was 4 oh no he's 99 still alive what's he up to?"
"You can't, they lose you, you can't, you did not even taste, you're testing his taste blood like that!"
"This is exactly what chaos looks like, miscommunication, lack of intel, people panicking."
"It's so easy to get misled because the way that you explain it makes so much sense."
"I don't mean to leave people on red, but I swear sometimes when you open Kakao, it reads the messages for you."
"Their intention is to offer you some type of love, but you may have felt deprioritized."
"Once you get a disappeared and get one here, they appear didn't like the beer."
"Let us go down and confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another."
"Nikola Tesla, that's not how that phrase works."
"Gir on Turf is it? GT? Try that Gir and Turf that way."
"Oh, uh, Demi Gorgon. What? How do you spell Wal-N? I need to say, uh, ananda, no!"
"I think if the homeowner made it more clear that they were zombies and not just regular people this wouldn't have gotten as controversial as it did."
"If an argument lasts more than five minutes, then both sides are wrong."
"Rejection is not a permanent no from us, and I'm sorry you read it like that."
"The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
"The man dude his face yours even with a flatter face you let's go to classy cheap oh classy cheaper."
"Start spreading my balls, that's not how it goes."
"I am serious, and don't call me Shirley."
"A simple loss of situational awareness by the captain combined with poor weather, somewhat unusual aircraft configuration, and the miscommunication around flap setting nearly caused a disaster."
"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."
"Romeo and Juliet being morons because they don't communicate."
"She ignores me for a very long time after this, I get cut off."
"I know I'm focusing on the ring and the public proposal a lot, but that's only because of how far away it was from what I told him my taste was."
"Jan tells his army to retreat and Samuel's brother gets killed while trying to inform everyone of the order."
"My words were met with mute tongues and horrified expressions. It was as if they'd heard something completely different than what came out of my mouth."
"Hey boss, I labeled the bananas personal watermelons and they're pineapples."
"Arthur rushes to lie down on the ground between the house and the crew, arguing with the head engineer because nobody told him anything about this."
"We did not order a giant trampoline. You know, pal, you could have told me that before I set it up."
"That's fire, bro, yeah, bro, she uh, she doesn't, she doesn't know, so she doesn't, nah, she on trip, bro, yeah, no."
"I always say I didn't say it, I didn't mean that I mean another way it just came out that way."
"As soon as I said this, he apologized and told me, 'Oh, I thought you were the younger one.'"
"You're meeting? But I thought we were going to work together."
"Only left tonight, the, with the knife. We did it already."
"if she says she likes earrings from Claire's and you go buy some from cardier you [__] up."
"Why are they being summoned to get away? She calls it, is."
"I probably went one row extra, you know what I'm saying? He said you were marking the pumpkin row, yeah."
"...like a brother and like three sisters okay yeah passing around and gets to him like drinks and he says why is this straw so big he didn't like all that milkshake guy the boy dad other dad it was a straw so big I need a smaller straw"
"If you don't want to start now, we don't have to start now. I just, I don't, I didn't call in for tonight, so I don't have a spot. You have a spot, right? Yeah, your dogs bark like this. No, they're more gay."
"We're basically missing each other's numbers."
"You lied to me, and she lied to me as well. I've just called your office and she told me that the slot was put forward, that the 1:50 flight left on time, and in fact, it's not leaving until quarter to 3."
"...he likely didn't speak English so that's not what he's actually called."
"I can't wait to drive home thanks Tony I'm sorry you didn't read the text I had no idea where we were going to do this I told you we could do Tuesday you said you do tonight if I some people have jobs you know."
"if you build it he will come if you build what who will come he didn't say you didn't specify"
"Apparently what pissed her off more was that they apparently hired the delivery driver that cannot speak Dutch."
"You're the one that told me to come to Atlanta... I know but why would you say I wasn't not trying to show up."
"Communication, I think a lot of times people fight is because of miscommunication and they don't know, maybe someone is doing something and I don't know, I just feel like miscommunication can."
"So you know I think he he he kind of missed the mark like he he missed his his way to you know kind of nip it in the bud if that's what he wanted to do."
"He has no idea, feeling like I do too much."
"Okay guys, so we have our friend going to the door to get Paisley from her friend's house and what he's going to say is he's going to explain who he is so she knows he's the kind to know. Oh my gosh, no, ah."
"I do want to point out that Lori maybe about five minutes ago maybe eight minutes ago called the police to report a suicide and they are nowhere to be."
"I don't know if the knife or a suggestion, no they weren't, they were not open up."
"...dude I'm close ten feet away Oh God it broke bread the father broke Rhett well I guess we're going hiking..."
"All I said was I'm not going to be on that, she said oh everybody going to be on that. Said not me talking about regardless if you say everybody, who are you talking? You talking about use the context of your words."
"Are we doing it again tonight? I mean, what do you mean? What do you mean are we like, well yesterday we decided to watch Aquaman 2 and then we sent Joey and R out to get movie theater popcorn as they were leaving, you said let's get four larges and there were four of us."
"I was very upset yesterday when I went to the fridge to grab some LaCroix and I saw just a bunch of popcorn in the trash and I was like what the [ __ ] and like it smelled like fresh movie theater popcorn."
"He goes, 'oh, I should check my messages to see if this is in any way,' like because no one can think of a reason why would she think this is Dave, you told her about Dave Smith, how good Dave Smith would be on the thing, yeah, okay?"
"I don't want to get a hold of her in a month and she goes, 'Yeah, I told you to call me back.' And I go, 'Yeah, I did.' She goes, 'I didn't get the message.'"
"I was supposed to keep you here for the full 24 weeks, you what, 24 weeks? That was 14 weeks, he said."