
Torment Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"A good Redemption arc needs to show the character tormented by what they've done and have to fight through their past as part of their Redemption."
"It seemed as if the love of God had been withdrawn from the place and the fiery fiends of hell had been loosened to wantonly vex and torment the people."
"For as many people out there that find peace in religion, there are just as many others out there that have it as their central form of torment."
"Hell is a real place of torment, as evidenced by the rich man's anguish."
"In the heart of the earth, there is a great gulf fixed between the righteous and the tormented."
"You can't torment somebody their whole life and then think you going to live to see it another day."
"Demons don't need to possess you to torment you, because they don't need to own you to lie to you."
"This isn't just the story of a man who is haunted by scary ghosts and creatures, this is the story of a man who is haunted by his past and isn't just reminded of it but tortured by it with every waking moment."
"Hell is a fiery pit filled with black tar."
"Grace was the solution for Paul's torment."
"The torment was relentless – taunts, jeers, and cruel pranks that left her emotionally battered."
"Imagine feeling absolute torment at the sight of your own misery — that's litos."
"Haunted by troubling dreams and visions, a giant known for his leadership was particularly tormented."
"It tortures you. It can absolutely Eat You Alive."
"The fear and the torment in hell, it's alive, it's like a person."
"Torment me not. Jesus didn't torment anybody, he just walked up to them. But his presence caused them to feel tormented."
"You can't make the rest of us live in this torment because you refuse to believe."
"Time to bring the torments of musical hell to the viest and most depraved of mortals."
"I just lived with this secret and it just tormented me for so long."
"The smell actually comes from the smoke and the smoke from the burning brimstone, which causes their torment. Rises forever and ever."
"The spirit of fear sometimes will want to take hold of believers, meanwhile, fear is a torment and it is not real."
"He expected to be accepted as a serious literary figure and then as it went on and he got the credit for the beat generation and then the father of the hippies, he just was just tortured."
"Everywhere I went it was the same thing and so but I couldn't stop using and that was the thing like it was just straight torment like the devil had me in his hand and he was just playing with me."
"Fear is like a spiritual pharaoh. It's a plague, a tormenting thing, a disaster."
"Dick is probably the show's most infamous villain as he proved by tormenting each and every house guest on his way to winning half a million dollars on Big Brother 8."
"Instead of using them in a calm way however, these Psychic types happily use them to torment others and even watch the world burn with the destruction they have caused."
"Abaddon is said to rule over a bottomless pit filled with an army of locusts who can torment anyone at his command. Plus, it's said during Judgment Day he will gather the souls of the damned and carry them down to the place of God's final judgment."
"They will be tormented day and night forever and ever."
"It was as if the forest had come alive, and evil forces intent on driving me away were tormenting me."
"A torment of fire that is Everlasting that is forever."
"Fear make sure reality worse than what it already is, you have to learn how to face your reality, but if fear would make it worse than what it already is, you have to remember, fear is torment."
"Zonkuthon teaches that torment is the ultimate pleasure and sacrament, and that inflicting and enduring pain is the truest strength."
"I would give anything to be free of this torment," he murmured to himself.
"The fifth trumpet releases demonic locusts upon the earth to torment those who do not bear God's seal."
"Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man."
"I'm so attracted to you, I think it really tortures them."
"Wraiths are manifestations of true evil, the souls of exceptionally malevolent individuals. They torment the living not out of any particular desire or rampant emotion but in the indulgence and sadistic enjoyment of malice for malice's sake."
"You hear these horrible screams forever."
"There's no tolerable comfortable level in hell any level is far worse than your mind can even conceive."
"At just 12, Tiali Palmer had already experienced much torment."
"Stalkers always find a way to torment their target."
"But for all the pain and torment, you were my friends."
"We become candidates for this unspeakable emotional and mental torment when we begin making unforgiving responses to hurts."
"This is torture. Maybe you need to clear my mind so I can't remember how much I love you."
"He was tormented by only one question."
"Fear will not achieve anything; fear has torment."
"Forgiveness is torment. Jesus said, 'If you don't forgive, you're going to be turned over to tormentors.'"
"It could just be that he was tormented beyond the Breaking Point by an imagination as sharp as his wit and as pointed as his dislikes."
"And powerfully ringing his hands in torment, it shows me when I behold his pale face."
"You Spirit double, you specter with my face, why do you mock my love-pain so, that tortured me here, here in this place, so many nights, so long ago?"
"I feel like the look of it conveys the torment that a character like him can inflict on Spider-Man."
"The Eastbrook Harpy wasn't a monster to be feared; she was a soul in torment, forever bound to the woods, seeking something she could never find."
"Liz continues to be tormented by the idea that this man is roaming free."
"Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
"Nothing torments another human being like the feeling of being betrayed."
"Love terrorizes over men; it is a disease, frenzied madness, hell."
"That righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds."
"The most subtle of torments invented by man to bedevil his fellow man is man's fear of the unknown."
"And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments."
"The guilt is really eating them alive."
"Unable to bear the torment within her heart, Tally resolved to reveal the truth."
"In death, Marley is tormented and regretful, doomed to lead an eternally hellish existence."
"I was on a vast ocean of screaming and tortured souls."
"You experience the presence of God, and that's what actually torments the wicked."
"She's potentially a tormented genius, as am I."