
Big Tech Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"The signs of a new people's rebellion against the totalizing power of big tech are all around us."
"The narrative must be protected at all costs. What YouTube and many of these other big tech companies want is they want to homogenize perspective."
"Big Tech is more powerful than most countries, and they profit by exploiting your personal data."
"If you brand your channel as an opposition to power and authority and big corporations and you aren't talking about big tech censorship, you are pathetic."
"You have to look at who are gonna be the big winners... it's Amazon, Google, Facebook. And how much did Amazon pay in federal taxes last year? Zero."
"The notion that Congress is going to be able to successfully control big tech is a mistake, considering that most of the people in Congress literally don't know what an internet is."
"We want to create a future where free communication is not banned by big tech."
"Guess who's going to fight against [big Tech]? It's startups."
"We are doing some restructuring in terms of the website in a way that will help counter the big Tech powers and control so we'll explain this in due time but maybe even this week we'll be able to have an update for you on that."
"One billion dollars sends an important message to Big Tech that censorship and political discrimination must end."
"I do think there's another risk of Big Tech just because they say they're going to protect us and protect our rights and allow Free Speech doesn't mean that in five years time they actually will."
"Big Tech is controlling what we can say about trans individuals."
"Reality itself is going to be controlled and curated by the interests of big Tech and the state."
"Google is already entangled in a pivotal antitrust case... undermining competition through monopolistic practices."
"I think big tech censorship is the single greatest threat to free speech in America."
"No longer are big Tech Giants simply removing specific threats of violence they're manipulating and controlling the political debate itself," President Trump emphasized.
"Our lawsuits argue that big tech companies are being used to impose illegal and unconstitutional government censorship," President Trump asserted.
"Many people in the public have lost trust in big tech companies."
"It's so dystopian, these massive Tech companies... funding these horrible policies."
"Big tech lobbies for monopoly power to prevent market competition."
"Don't lock people and punish them on behalf of Big Tech."
"The actions of Big Tech last week have made it perfectly clear they're going to do everything they can to silence opposing voices."
"But we have billionaires trying to silence us like YouTube and yeah this big machine that's trying to keep us from telling you what we want to tell you."
"The only power we have left is to put a spotlight on such evil and call out big tech censorship for what it truly is: authoritarianism."
"We can't simply let reform of big tech degenerate."
"Big tech wants to change an entire worldview of a generation."
"We're trying to figure out and come up with angles to expose the corruption behind Big Tech censorship."
"None of this could have happened without the cooperation of the mainstream media and big tech."
"America is a country that celebrates free expression that cherishes free association that is confident in the cause of Liberty if you want to address the evils of big Tech it's not the Chinese government you have to fear but your own."
"Zuckerberg turned down a 1 billion dollar pitch from Yahoo."
"Big Tech has the ability to filter what we can think."
"We're gonna really rail against these big tech companies."
"Big tech companies have had an enormously successful record of bringing down prices."
"I think what we need... is some sort of common carrier obligations imposed on these big tech monopolies."
"We need a hard reform on Section 230... big Tech should not be free to editorialize and be immune at the same time."
"With all the stuff that goes on with big tech, viewer support is really the only thing independent content creators can rely on."
"The real issue is the corporate power exercised by big tech."
"I would like to see the publishers take on and pick a fight with big Tech... some of the value... suing Google right now... there's a lot of litigation going on with news publishers and tech."
"Conservatives are finally fighting back in a tangible way against big tech censorship."
"Big tech needs to be held accountable for violating the first amendment."
"Do you want Bezos and Musk and all of them to be 100% in control of policy over us? No, I think that's completely insane."
"Big tech giants want to censor or curate a culture of censorship."
"YouTube and everyone in big tech, they're throttling independent creators and redirecting them back toward traditional cable TV and networks."
"Big tech must not censor the voices of the American people."
"Big Tech is absolutely not only the biggest source and center of power in the United States of America outside of formalized government."
"Censorship is one of the kind of harms from Big Tech."
"In order to facilitate content moderation, these big tech companies create tools."
"I think it's a winner take all. I think it's like Amazon, I think it's like Google."
"Do you have a right to express yourself, to challenge Joe Biden and Wall Street and the lobbyists and the war machine? Because if the big tech companies have their way, the answer is no."
"I'm okay with big tech and their websites having terms of service that preclude forms of hateful harassment or abuse because I think that makes it easier for people to use these sites."
"Big tech companies represent our largest threat to free speech and democracy."
"The big tech giants are now targeting independent news outlets."
"We see that when big tech decides to remove content for political purposes, it's mostly content which praises traditional values or praises conservatism and it is deleted under their 'hate speech' policy when it has no legal right to do so."
"Nothing more than big tech showing that they are more powerful than the government."
"2fa is a scam. 2fa is not made to benefit you. 2fa is made to benefit Big Tech."
"We want to break away from big tech, we want to break away from the military-industrial complex trying to spy and harvest everyone's data."
"If more and more people use these tools, then we can blunt the effects of big tech's overreach."
"I don't think we have truly reckoned with what it means to have trillion dollar companies that dominate so much of our waking life."
"Censorship is one thing, de-platforming is another thing, but actually penalizing someone? This is Big Tech taking it one step further."
"Is this company going to be one of the most important big tech companies a decade from now? And I gotta say I'm pretty darn confident that they will be."
"We need to challenge the big tech oligopoly and censorship."
"Many politicians won't stand up to big tech because they control thought."
"Elizabeth Warren is right, tech giants have too much power."
"This lawsuit... speaks to the bigger issue here that this big tech corporation has that much power to influence over our public discourse."
"Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google would be the big ones where you just look up and being like, 'Hey, you know, if you close your eyes and open them 10 years from now, like, do you think those companies will still be kicking ass and dominating?'"
"Companies that were once scrappy underdog startups that challenged the status quo have become the kinds of monopolies we last saw in the era of oil barons and railroad tycoons."
"The big tech hearings won't lead to regulation. Congressional hearings are just that, a chance to hear from citizens and government officials."
"What's playing out right now at big tech companies and social media sites sets a dangerous precedent. Look, it doesn't matter what your politics are, who you voted for, everyone should have the right to express themselves freely."
"A billion dollar hammer has just been dropped on Google, Facebook, and Twitter after censoring conservatives."
"Big tech, banks, multinational corporates, sleazy empty suits... they're all in it together."
"I just hope you will rethink your relationship with big tech."
"Some of the biggest companies ever—Google, Facebook, Microsoft—first-time founder. So, you're in good company as a first-time founder."
"If Congress doesn't bring fairness to big tech... I will do it myself with executive orders." - President Trump
"We're going to build a parallel ecosystem outside of big tech."
"These big tech companies are getting away with it, and I gotta tell you, I am upset with Donald Trump specifically."
"We're seeing this on these major platforms controlled by big tech where conservatives are being silenced."
"The influence that big tech has and their willingness to manipulate information... is terrifying."
"One of the greatest threats to our democracy today is a powerful group of big tech corporations that have teamed up with government to censor the free speech of the American people." - Trump
"Big tech is attempting to step foot into a government regulatory ecosystem."
"You gotta let some people let the freak flag fly. I don't care if you want to be monetized or not. Don't lock people and punish them on behalf of big Tech when you claim that you are fighting them."
"There's no hope for the movement if we claim to be fighting big Tech and we sell out the people who are paying us to do so and fighting on behalf of big Tech."
"Alt tech will become the next big tech... if these big tech firms don't get turned into basically public utilities."
"Big tech, the ruling liberal regime of which big tech plays a role, has had it with conservatives and they want to ostracize us from society."
"There needs to be more competition to these big tech companies."
"These push notifications... are really tools of big tech control."
"China's actions reflect global concerns about big tech and economic inequality."
"We have a media and big Tech system in place that basically lies about everything."
"If big tech is going to censor it, it's probably worth listening to these days."
"The government shall not pass any law. So what did they do? They turned it to Big Tech."
"There was an open direct portal between the various big Tech agencies and high-ranking government officials to censor certain speech. They would even flag specific statements or flag specific people or flag specific topics."
"Big Tech's interests are divergent from America's interests as a whole."
"He's shown how corrupt Silicon Valley and big Tech is."
"Big Tech is not going to write the policy on AI. The American people need to be right in the policy on AI."
"Public outrage and hollow apologies alone are not going to rein in Big Tech."
"Big tech using Google has this remarkable network that they're layering activities on top of."
"If there is a good side to Web 3 and NFTs and crypto, it is that it is very disruptive to companies like Meta and Google and Amazon."
"It is incumbent upon conservatives, if we believe what we say, to uncouple, to divest from Big Tech for the business models of the movement as we move forward."
"There are a lot of valid reasons to fear a select group of large companies having so much control over the way we have conversations on the internet."
"We must take racism head on, finally eliminate the racially ignorant, exploitative, and harmful components of big tech."
"The only thing that looks like the Holy Grail is the Magnificent 7, the big tech companies."
"Technology has defied my expectation... I underestimated the power of these big tech groups."