
Adventures Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"We're gonna be best friends. We're gonna go on adventures together."
"Enjoy each and every second... You'll meet a lot of friends and probably end up with a girl that you like, go on a lot of trips and enjoy your adventure."
"We can go somewhere way, way better. You guys are going to be able to make toys."
"Some of the most fun I've had in a very long time."
"Discover stories about Second Chance romances, adventurous vacation flings, and hot, heavy hookups."
"Remember how excited you were to see what adventures Ben would get into next? Well, it's time to get even more excited."
"We've been on so many epic rides in so many fabulous places."
"Thank you, Kevin, for making our nerd dreams come true and taking us on all these adventures all these years."
"It reminds me of all the adventures I've been on."
"One of the most exciting things about a new year is that you have no idea the adventures that are in store for you."
"The memory you have of that fun time will stick with you forever as an adventure."
"You still get to live a whole life. You still can have little adventures and affairs and fun situations throughout. We don't have to devalue those things because they haven't led to this ideal that we have in our mind."
"No level of language barrier can stop anybody from experiencing those adventures."
"And it's about love and the kind of escapades that people get up to."
"She's brave a brave one she has her and her family and we would get on the wrong train every time."
"What kind of escapades and adventures can Superman and Wonder Woman get up to if the two of them are working together as a superhero team?"
"He is sure that there will be a lot of interesting things he will encounter."
"Make plans, go on adventures, have those conversations with loved ones."
"We wanted to spend more time together as a family, go on adventures. And now our kids learn from doing and seeing, rather than just reading textbooks."
"I've gone to a ton of haunted places and abandoned places, and I've done a ton of random nodding, and I really do think that a lot of sources have been tapped."
"This is like what it's like to be a celebrity, you gotta go on yachts and you get attacked by evil monster.exe creatures."
"Travel, despite the retrograde, short journeys bring new experiences."
"So basically my childhood was full of bikes and bike adventures."
"I really think this family probably just brings those on their Adventures they can record their kids skiing you can make content about literally anything nowadays."
"His adventures with people and Pokémon friends alike are what make it special."
"Shared experiences, spending time with the people you love, going on adventures, having stories to tell."
"Like, when we're out, it's always so much fun because you never know who you're going to encounter. And you never know the stories that you're gonna hear."
"You are crafting those memories, finding those friends, and you'll be telling tales from this weekend years to come."
"Navigating teenage drama: from school crushes to werewolf rampages, it's all in a day's work."
"I got some really insane adventures coming for y'all real soon."
"Your blessings are coming in, there's no need to worry. You're going to be attracting a lot of opportunities and adventures."
"I'm really looking forward to being back again with you soon with some more Adventures From the Muddy Thames or elsewhere."
"Touring bikes were once the ideal bike for adventures... they don't get the attention they really deserve."
"A great camper for your weekend adventures."
"I'm so glad I get to take you along on these adventures."
"But what's more important than the nuts and bolts of a car build is the stories and adventures that it can inspire."
"I got a lot of awesome adventures headed your way."
"It feels like they're meant to keep living some adventures together all around the world."
"Stark shares that his knowledge of the place came from Eisen, reflecting that it's often the seemingly trivial adventures with friends that create the most lasting Memories."
"Courage has a lot to howl about, nowhere USA is a magnet for interdimensional weirdness."
"We can't wait to share more of our adventures and get you caught up to real time."
"Cheers to less regrettable adventures."
"Surprisingly controversial adventures went down in Beach City."
"These are the adventures we want to do as a family."
"Go on little adventures with your buddies. Get yourself a treat."
"Tonight I am here to bring you lost tales, forbidden adventures from the past that had yet untold."
"Fantasized about exploring oceans, deserts, and a land where dogs conversed."
"You will be happy, you will be thanking me later when you're having adventures on this bike this summer."
"The adventures continue on my Instagram."
"We're back to simple Adventures. It's not a new Leaf until you tell me everything, Morty."
"Goku goes on a series of adventures involving the dragon balls"
"I shouldn't have worried about joining in. I was well received and it gave me a chance to further practice my Japanese, make connections, and share stories about my own adventures."
"Stay tuned because we're going to be having lots more thrifting adventures soon."
"Taking part in these giveaways is the way we can have adventures and I want to have so many adventures and see so many people at car shows and conventions I'll see you out there thanks for supporting regular car reviews"
"Tales of lives lost, fortunes gained, and miles traveled are more numerous than the stars in the open Western sky."
"Like, even that crayfish that we brought back from the Outback"
"I reminisced about the bars we'd shut down and the casinos we'd outwitted."
"Zion National Park offers breathtaking Vistas and exhilarating Adventures."
"Use your values to push you through the day and then money becomes like the scuba tank for you to be off on your little adventures."
"I know how you enjoy writing about your adventures, Mr. Brown," said Mr. Gruber. "And you have so many. I am sure your present scrapbook must be almost full."
"That's Storyteller, man. He was just telling us some stories backstage. Joe Crack, the dude, man. He's been to Saudi Arabia with these guys to the vice president's house. He's been everywhere. Switzerland, Switzerland with these guys."
"We'd had plenty of adventures, snuggles, and quality time together."
"Adventures are what old west stories are made of blood feuds raids prison escapes and journeys of survival."
"I just had an enormously great time meeting these people the characters became important to me and the relationships between them were compelling and interesting as they got further and further into their Adventures."
"I had a lot of good adventures with it."
"Thank you to everybody who has watched Car Trek and allows us to have these amazing adventures."
"Getting back into the groove of being productive and making videos has been so refreshing, and I'm so excited to show you all the many more adventures to come."
"Tutu has gone on so many adventures with Harry and has gotten a lot of big wins."
"He taught her to live, to have adventures."
"Sometimes, the greatest adventures begin with a simple act of honesty."
"We have a lot more adventures planned in the upcoming months and years."
"Momo's reading Odin's logbook, discovering stories about his dad's epic adventures."
"Getting to tell this story together was like uncovering and reliving half-a-lifetime's worth of happy memories, failures, and adventures."
"If this is what the first fishing trip of 2023 has to offer, all I can say is there's gonna be a lot of fun adventures to come."
"So many of the best, most ridiculous pieces of MC5 lore can be filed under the subtitle The Marvelous Misadventures of Dennis and Wayne."
"The news broke out at Star Wars celebration in London that they're gonna have new adventures for Star Tours."
"Oh good, I love how the adventures, if you really think about it, just the actual horror is the adventures."
"'We've been friends for 25 years. Hopefully, we got another 25 years of adventures ahead of us,' Laura says."
"Join us for the build and the adventures he takes us on."
"Hope you guys have been enjoying it. Yes, um, and we'll see you tomorrow morning for some more adventures out there."
"We should plan some stuff, and we'll have some adventures or something."
"But I really hope you guys subscribe and stick around for the upcoming adventures because you don't want to miss out."
"Our journey through life is filled with unforeseen adventures."
"I have dreams at night now, nightmares. Am I'd like to get more adventures."
"Thank you for all of the adventures."
"All those years of teenage shenanigans, that was the greatest."
"Doc had many more adventures and lived out most of his remaining years in Colorado."
"Give us an update give us an update yeah Circle back well damn we want to come visit Jupiter yeah uh we want dating escapades of Taylor yes dead around the world baby."
"The selection of adventures fans could purchase on video throughout 1992 included The Tomb of the Cybermen, one of the best-selling tapes of the entire range."
"...fans were certainly given a wide variety in terms of the adventures they could indulge in."
"I make these videos because I absolutely love going here and I love being able to share my adventures."
"I love the fact that I can look back on my life and just see all the random adventures I've been on."
"It’s all about the legend. The stories. The adventures."
"The amount of stuff we did in it and the places we went in it just made the whole car for me."
"Since 2005, all three of them have explored a free-form life of interesting projects, side businesses, and adventures."
"Cheers to all of your 2024 adventures, renovations, gardening, and visitors."
"In the end, it's the wild stories that we remember."
"It's really quite sophisticated comics about the life of Tintin and his good friend Captain Haddock and their various adventures."
"Rick and Morty forever, Morty. Rick and Morty adventures."
"Be open, y'all, be out there, do what you got to do, have fun, do things, enjoy high school."
"It was a show about the bond between three super-powered sisters and the adventures or misadventures that they find themselves in."
"Creating characters that are relatable and real is essential because that way, even when they're having outlandish adventures that we as an audience might not be able to personally relate to, we're still with them every step of the way."
"Spider-Man is off chilling with Venom and has just a couple of solo movies to have some adventures."
"What kind of character it belongs to, what kind of life they live, and adventures they go on."
"The adventures and the stories and the shared moments of celebration and suffering... you create this really unique bonding."
"I'm so excited for the summer, honestly, I'm so excited to take you guys along."
"It's going to be a wild summer and I cannot wait to bring you guys along for the rides."
"The things we did, the people I met, and the friendships I made over a period of years, the fun we had... that's what's fascinating and that's what's interesting."
"Thanks so much for letting us do these cool things."
"We're going to be back in London a few times this year for sure, and you'll see me getting around the landmarks and speaking to people and having adventures."
"Thank you guys for watching, stay tuned, it's gonna be a hot one this year and we're gonna do a lot of driving."
"If you're trying to win the Tour de France, this is the kind of thing that would keep you awake at night, but if you're just looking to cruise around, have fun, and just have incredible adventures, then belt drives are absolutely amazing."
"Every good story I have starts with 'When I was in blank'."
"The show follows their adventures together, opening mail, playing games, and learning."
"We're starting a couple of new ventures or adventures."
"Don't worry, Alex, we'll still see each other, at least on spy missions."
"I absolutely love our adventures and our travels and summertime and jumping in water to cool down."
"I think you need a season of being alone, hanging out with girlfriends, having fun adventures, and getting to know who the heck Abigail is."
"The older I get, the more I realize that concerts and having fun at adventures just makes me so much more happy."
"I think you and I would be the best of friends and live with each other and do cool as heck stuff."
"We're excited for the changes in this new year, exciting things coming, lots more travels, lots more adventures."
"Your brother is your best friend; you have so many adventures with him."
"We actually enjoyed telling you guys about all our crazy [adventures], and I can't wait for you guys to see everything."
"I want to see friends more this year, I just want to have more fun, more laughs, maybe go on a couple of weekends away and little adventures, and just enjoy life this year."
"We had so much fun, we went on so many thrifting adventures."
"Celebrate the greatest moments of the Pokémon over 20 years of adventures."
"Thank you for following along on all of my ventures."
"Think about all the hunts we went on, Sammy, our whole lives."
"A whole new year, all new adventures, I'm really looking forward to it."
"Our daydream about our future together, going on adventures and growing old together. I want it all."
"I love the place; I have experienced many stupid and crazy things over the years."
"For us, it's the perfect way to get away with our dog Doza, and we know we want to continue having lots of adventures."
"She used to be my best friend, we used to have a lot of adventures together."
"I am here to share all my adventures and misadventures in knitting."
"I'm home, I can make up for that... we spent all of August... just being a family and having little day adventures."
"They were the best of frenemies... but above all, they were just adventure buddies."
"I dream about our future together, going on adventures and growing old together."
"Cherish every moment together and continue sharing your adventures."
"This summer has been my favorite summer by a longshot."