
Fixation Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"It's the obsession to fix which ties us up the most."
"Some of you are still obsessed over a situation where you felt rejected."
"When you get certain ideas in your head, you can't get them out."
"Fixations can become a priceless asset... based on the things they desire most in life."
"The connection is intense, they're like obsessing over it, they can't get you off their mind."
"This is about enough. I believe it's a psychological obsession with the president. They can't just let it go."
"I don't think you understand, I'm obsessed."
"From this moment, Michael becomes obsessed with Lori."
"When you have a natural Soul pull towards somebody, it comes from here, when you have an obsession, it comes from a fixation from your like your head kind of area."
"It's a weird thing that sticks in your brain, why can't I stop thinking about this weird little thing?"
"Obsessed with you, so this person is thinking about you all the time, you're always on their mind."
"Despite this, the pulsating symbols on my computer screen had become my obsession."
"They cannot get over you at all, for some of y'all somebody cannot get over somebody at all like what the f."
"Sleep has fixated those memories, almost like taking things and setting them in concrete, and then those memories just would not decay any further."
"Suddenly I can't stop thinking about it."
"That's the thing that is like at the forefront of my brain about it."
"It began to obsess him and consume his life."
"Have you ever been completely obsessed with something? I mean wake up think about it, eat breakfast think about it, do that thing all day until you go to bed too late, and even then you just lay there thinking about it?"
"It's not just that she watched a film, it's that she had an unhealthy obsession with those films."
"Being fixated on this silences these other kinds of knowing."
"Last year they studied the 70s at school, and he's become obsessed. Yeah, he was reading the Kissinger biography. Hyper fixation much?"
"It's like they're set on you you know kind of vibe."
"This person's very obsessed with your genitals and I'm getting a lot of... hearing about the female genitals in particular."
"This guy's bolted in, this guy's bolted in, nothing's budging."
"They feel stuck, they can't stop thinking about you. They're consumed with the idea of you. Mentally locked up, entrapped."
"Once you got something in your head, you couldn't let it go."
"Food fixation... it's what we're talking about."
"Limerence, also known as romantic infatuation, is an obsessive kind of fixation on an object, a person, but actually more about the idea of that person."
"Right now, this person is overthinking about you. They're in their head, they're overthinking about this, wondering."
"Exactly the type of obsession revolves around our story of the day."
"It's become kind of an identity, a fixation, that no politics can move forward until they just get their way or just go back in time and undo the thing that happened that they can't deal with."
"My current hyper fixation? Hard-boiled eggs."
"Your obsessions become your possessions."
"This is somebody that's highly fixated on your energy right now because again they're awakening that the illusion in their life was their own mind, was their own limitation."
"Control has been taken away from him so he fixates on small minute details such as the fly in order to create the facade that he's still in control of something."
"The longer we watch Walt fixate on the Fly, the more drives the point home of Walt trying so hard to cling onto any sort of control in his life."
"...this game has had me in a hyper fixation Chokehold at the minute..."
"Sometimes we make an idol out of the problem."
"The brain is always trying to settle on something. It wants to settle on something."
"Every single sentence was like fixated about something and about something that would reappear later... it was insane."
"...the only thing I cannot take my mind off of the word is a Rex."
"...I've been hyper fixating on this breakfast I've made it every day for the past 4 days and I have a feeling I won't be stopping until I'm out of stuffing."
"He would rather be called Archer while he's in in this form though Archimedes is stuck to calling him no name regardless he's fixated on it."
"This person cannot take their eyes off of you."
"You just never get it out of your system."
"I never stopped thinking about it."
"The whole time I could barely move and I could not take my eyes off that elevator."
"I think obsession really chooses you, you don't necessarily choose it."
"An idol is exhausted the moment you look at it. Pornography is an idol."
"I was so obsessed with this film."
"I usually don't care about it and then it's all I think about for a really long time."
"You're constantly on their mind and no matter what they do, who they mess with, sleep with, whatever they do to help them disconnect, it doesn't work. You're still right there."
"It's gonna be a little bit of obsessive love."
"The man is literally obsessed with the back door."
"Every hacker has her fixation. You hack people, I hack time."
"You cannot just go in with that fixation on everything's working, I'm out."
"You never lose that tab, it's always in there and set and locked in."
"It's more of a permanent connection, does it's glued in place, that's what it is."
"Sometimes love leads to obsession."
"Rory couldn't stop thinking about that manuscript."
"Don't get fixated on the furnace. That's the big takeaway here."
"I can't stop thinking about that monkey."
"I am obsessed with her but it's like an art."
"They're jealous, fixated on the idea of you with someone else."
"Sometimes after that strategy session, it's really easy to get your mind to hyper fixate on that person."
"I physically can't enjoy a normal rational amount without deteriorating into hyperfixation hell."
"It's like once it's up and it's stuck and once a [__] dies, it's stuck."
"It's why delusions are bad. Trying to be okay with reality is hard, but impossible if you're fixated on something that doesn't exist."
"I know we're doing Tim Vine again I know I'm not exactly branching out here I can't help it I get fixated on something and I got to just like it's got to run its course."
"The world around me fades away and all I can see is the person I want to kill."
"We're living out this identity. So that's the simple process: fixing my eyes on Jesus in time, in a moment of quiet."
"I'm gonna tell you. I'm very fixated on how I want to get things done and be able to get it done for once in my life."
"Jody became obsessed with Travis."
"You can only fixate on one option and it's like a song in your head, you can't get it out of your head."
"I could not stop staring. I couldn't stop staring at it."
"Songs get in your head. It doesn't matter what it is. So I do have so many different songs that I love, so it's usually whatever's come to my attention, and then they just fix themselves."
"Bell’s Creek. The Shallows. I couldn’t get those words out of my head. They hung around me."
"When I was around Nora, I could not think of anything else but her."
"He's so fixated and angry, and trying to kill me that he fully blanks out whatever's behind him."
"I think we both got a bit fixated on Fiorentina."
"...almost addicted to his own hate."
"When our basic needs aren't met, our attention and our desires get narrow and they fixate on certain substitutes."
"Direct fixation track... is directly fixated to the ground and the rails can't really move."
"Michael was fixated on CLA to such a degree he was willing to destroy her at any cost even his own life."
"He's so hyper fixated on being the best."
"It just made it so nothing else in my life mattered."
"What was the faith you lost fixed on and fastened to?"
"I wouldn't be able to think about a single other thing at all ever. It was all consuming."
"I'm completely obsessed with this."
"They're afraid that the flame is going to go out, that you know you're such a catch, you can move on to someone else very quickly, but they were completely fixated on you, and it would be a big hit to them if that ever were to happen with you, Aries."
"They're obsessively thinking about you because they've decided to pursue you, and they're trying to make it happen."
"Repetitive behaviors can often be traced back to highly specific fixations and fascinations."
"They just can't run away from you, you are always on their mind."
"Focusing on Drake is so easy for him he's he he can do this he can just do that focusing on Drake is nothing this is just another concept for him it it just so happens to be focused on hating one guy."
"...none of these are ever going to move because this is fastened to the frame of the receiver."
"The manifold, the brains of everything, is now officially secured down."
"...this is my new personality okay my brain refuses to talk about absolutely anything else other than this."
"We got really fixated on it... we are one of the only cultures that really defines itself by this naturalism."
"This person could be obsessed with you at the moment."
"This person is obsessing over you, Libra. This is someone here who is quite fixated on this connection."
"How come I can't stop thinking about him?"
"Eccentric fixation is when the patient fixates from a point other than the fovea."
"A strange fascination held her rooted to the spot."
"I'm trying to move on but I can't stop thinking about this guy."
"I just can't I can't move on from that Liverpool Midfield I just look at."
"... because our brains are so good at fixating on things if we become fixated on dieting... we can be super successful at sticking to a regimen."
"I could feel it staring at me, I felt like I was in a trance, afraid to take my eyes off of it."
"Why does it have such a choke hold on me? Why are there scenes that I absolutely cannot get out of my head?"
"If you keep talking about your hurts and your anger... you're just reopening the wound."
"Every once in a while, a time travel story gets stuck in your head and you just can't move on."
"I find myself repeating like a broken tune."
"Hyper focus is a phenomenon where you become fixated on something and it is part of ADHD."
"Now it is way too late, but I just can't get my eyes off you."
"It has chosen you as the love object and has totally fixed on you."
"I became absolutely fixated on him."
"His eyes, they were all I could see at night."
"You know what I can't get off of? That honey."
"Sometimes you get hung up in the results, and I think that's what happened to us here."
"The regressive Mars impulse leads people to become fixated on technology and over time they believe that the future of humanity is to merge with the technologies they ritualistically create."
"All day locking fixer, ultimate fixing power to maximize the longevity of your makeup."
"This show has been my special interest, if you will. I've had hyper fixation on this show literally since I was a child."
"I don't know, Mother. I can't take my head off that hunter nin; he bothers me like no other man ever did."
"People with ADHD actually tend to have this weird fixation superpower; they'll over fixate, they'll hyper fixate."
"I don't know why, but I can't seem to get you off my mind, and I know it's true and I'll say this to you, I want you back."
"Yeah, I like him. I've always liked him. From the moment I met him, he's been all I can think about."
"I can't stop thinking about this thing that happened."
"I can't stop thinking about Florida."
"The power of memory, you know, the power of getting stuck in the past and not moving forward."
"What appears to be a fixation on someone else is still a fixation with the self."
"Kalima Tenex is one of the primary nitrogen fixers in desert environments."
"This is a person who came to associate sexual desire with aggression that was related to the idea of making people permanent, fixing them where you needed them to be."
"How can I love somebody else when I can't get you off my mind?"
"He's detailed every phone call they've had, every text message that they've exchanged, and that really does reveal the degree of his fixation and his obsession with her."
"I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to think of something else, anything else, but the countdown was cemented in my brain."
"It didn't matter what was going on in my life, my thoughts always went back to Rey."
"I just set it with this hairspray which is the Tresemme number five, I like the really firm hold."
"What happens when we become super fixated on our creation? We become so obsessed with it that we even fall into our creation."
"I couldn't take my eyes from it; I couldn't trust it."
"I try to fix it, I try to picture someone else but you, but then you kiss me, and now there's nothing else I wanna do."
"I am glued to the thoughts in my mind."
"He is severely focused and hyper fixated on what is technically a grand goal and great goal."
"I really like you, Marinette. I couldn't get you out of my mind."
"Someone is obsessed with you to the point where they cannot stop thinking about you."
"I've gotten rid of an obsession and acquired a fixation on you."
"You keep this girl's name in your mouth because there is something about her that gets underneath your skin."
"I go through these hyper fixations with reading where sometimes all I want to do is read."
"We get so stuck on this whole idea, this concept of a soul mate."
"It was March 2017, that it would always be March 2017 for her."
"It's easy to get people fixated on minutia and battle about that."
"Somebody here at this moment in this energy is fixated on you, is fixated on the feelings they have for you."
"You're like glue; my eyes are stuck on you."
"We're soulmates, I get it, that's why I can't get them out of my head."
"I recently read 'You' by Caroline Kepnes, and I cannot stop thinking about that book."
"It's like you can't get this person off your mind."
"Obsessed with the situation, feeling neglected, feeling like things have become quite stagnant."
"Desire has turned into obsession."