
Historical Period Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"So unless you’ve been living under a rock on Mars with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears, you probably already know that from 1989 through 1999, Disney’s animation output is considered the Renaissance."
"His reign marks the beginning of what is known as Pax Romana, the Roman peace."
"The High Republic was a period of time that occurred roughly around 200 years before the Clone Wars started, representing a time of belief in the central government and Jedi Order."
"This marked the beginning of a so-called era of good feelings."
"The 80s, a time of cool action movies, arcade machines, the NES, and the Cold War."
"It's going to be the beginning of an amazing world but it is certainly marking the end of a world and a paradigm through 202."
"We're at a really interesting time in history."
"The first decade of the 2000s were the war on terror years."
"Sometimes, this golden age of Athens is also called the 'Age of Pericles.'"
"We have now come to the final days of the pre-pottery neolithic, a period marked by a sudden decline in population at many centers throughout the Near East."
"The influence of Buddhism in Korea reached its apex during the Goryeo Dynasty."
"This is it. It's the buyer most people want."
"We may be living in the generation that gets to see the transformation."
"Welcome to the second Civil War, 2014 - now."
"You're going to be very proud of this day and this period of time." - Nobody thought it was even remotely possible.
"It's a time of peace, prosperity, and progress."
"These were the final glory years of New York."
"We are at the doorstep of another Golden Era because of how we feel and because we feel how we feel."
"I firmly believe that there is going to be a movie made about this period of 2020 to 2022."
"We're entering a dangerous, dangerous time, an exciting time, a feeling of great revolutionary potential that could go to wonderful and exciting directions in space and on the earth and beyond."
"We saw the best economic boom in our country."
"During the 20-year period where America was focused on the global war on terror... our enemies saw the opportunity."
"The Roaring 20s... history that deserves to be remembered."
"This is the most perilous time that we have ever operated at."
"We're entering a sort of fascinating and bizarre period."
"The 1920s were a time of great economic growth and cultural revival."
"It's the best thing happening. Everything else is bad. Now, I do believe that we are deeply into the beginning of the golden age."
"It was a bizarre time to live in, like a photo or a memory with a different kind of energy."
"The Queen's Gambit spans the 1950s and 60s and not only charts the chronological evolution of style but also the nuances of fashionable dress across different cities."
"It was a crazy time, the country was torn apart by how people felt about Vietnam."
"Newly united Italy was flush with energy and optimism."
"Baldwin IV showed incredible resolve throughout this difficult period."
"We're in the age of disorder now. America has entered the age of disorder."
"The 1960s were a turbulent time in South Korea's history."
"The world of living things is constantly finding its way it is opportunistic during the Carboniferous period insects took advantage of favorable circumstances to increase in size."
"During the Reagan years, middle-class incomes went up twenty-two percent."
"Charles would now look to govern without Parliament for 11 years, known as the Personal Rule."
"It's the Cold War, an unbelievably tense period of human existence."
"The weird stasis went on for a long time. Between 1945 and 1973, there was this period of bizarre prosperity."
"The Islamic Golden Age is a critical moment in history... achievements greatly advanced the frontiers of human knowledge."
"The Byzantine Empire managed to bounce back with a mini golden age that would last for another 200 years."
"It was the most extraordinary time in New Zealand."
"The Mesolithic world on the cusp of the Neolithic is a complex and fascinating period."
"It's set in a dying time, a transition to a new era of sexual liberation and freedom."
"It's a major, major period in history in which so, so many things societally and fashionably are changing."
"What year do you think we should recognize as marking the end of the true Showah age?"
"This is a time of conquest, the age of Vikings."
"With no Cold War, the world entered into a brave new modern world."
"We're in one of those periods now where it's possible for there to be a golden age even in the midst of Kali Yuga."
"The Pastoral period: domesticated cattle and stone monuments."
"The Middle Ages is what we call the 500-year period that ended just before 1500."
"Guys, we live in the Golden Age of firearms, and this has just made it even more golden."
"This is probably one of the worst times in Canadian history."
"Literature flourished during the middle kingdoms, with renowned poets like Kalidasa and Amaru."
"The US had undergone the Industrial Revolution."
"For four straight years, I kept America safe."
"The crack era was real, a debilitating time for urban areas."
"The period immediately preceding the U.S. Civil War is a dynamic period in American history."
"Because in the first golden age attack what you had was certain people..."
"There's never been a better time in South Florida Sports history than right now."
"Therefore Poland experienced growth in the arts and culture during his reign."
"The Taiwanese Miracle was a period in the late 20th century when Taiwan's economy experienced unprecedented growth."
"This time I'm going back over 200 years to Georgian Britain."
"The Nanjing decade was a time of relative peace and prosperity for China under Chiang."
"There was this huge blossoming of scientific and philosophical knowledge in that time period."
"...we've now confirmed the ditch is Iron Age, but what's more, it was visible right throughout Roman times and on into the Anglo-Saxon period."
"...the greatest period of prosperity is between 1945 and 1973. It's not only prosperity, it's also by far the greatest increases in productivity, unusual because capitalism had much lower levels of productivity before the war and much lower after 1973..."
"The Renaissance truly was a time of awakening, exploration, turmoil, revolution, bloodshed, and change."
"Both these coins are very rare finds and they firmly place our site in the middle Saxon period."
"Those four or five years from 1914 to 1919, 1920 are really a lost moment in the history of the international left."
"Ever since the end of the second World War."
"The 1960s were years of cultural, political, and racial strife."
"The muromachi period's main theme was certainly War, Bloodshed, and political drama."
"In the pre-Carboniferous, tabulate corals and stromatoperoids reigned."
"It seems to me that it is one of those periods historically where you are moving from one metaphysical system to another."
"The Reconstruction period is one of extraordinary excitement, the time in America could finally become that land of freedom that it had promised to be since the very beginning."
"Step into the time machine and travel back to the year 1920."
"I had no idea what the red zone would be, but this is the red zone. If I didn't know when the common era started, you can figure this out because there's a red zone and this red zone just happens to divide all of history from BCE to CE."
"The 90s was a true rebirth for the Gibson company in general."
"One of the defining traits of the late Middle Ages is that it was a period where we have some fairly sophisticated and large states which can field equally sophisticated and large armies."
"Iconoclasm: a time when people tried to stamp out icons."
"A new period of expansion of Niger-Congo speaking peoples began around the late sixth, early fifth millennium BCE."
"The first half of the 1940s was of course dominated by World War two."
"To me, if we're going to compare it to something, I compare kind of to 1968."
We may soon look back at the last 20 years as a "Golden Age" — a brief window of relative openness and optimism.
"These artificial labels... like whether it's a 'Dark Ages'... is nothing more than a gross overgeneralization."
"The best thing as well the Georgian period for me is the best it's got the best design attributes to everything they built so from houses to fireplaces to lighting to Furniture it it really is the period I like the most."
"Anytime that she's got something for the Roman period, that's great."
"It actually would have been a very pleasant time to live on the earth."
"...mindset sort of reached its peak during the Renaissance."
"I had such charm and I love that period in time as well."
"Curious it's the 1800s an exciting time to be alive."
"These were truly the swinging 60s."
"The Renaissance is... well, it's the Renaissance."
"The decade after the war became known as The Roaring Twenties."
"That period in and place in America particularly cinematic."
"That's when the Renaissance began."
"In Britain, a lot of the distinctive styles are also tied up with the period in which they were built."
"It's screaming the Art Nouveau period."
"The Minoans then restored their civilization; they prospered until about 1450 or so BC."
"It was a time of incredible growth and incredible opportunity."
"The period from 1530 to 1630 was one of exuberance and of extravagance."
"The currently accepted range from the usage of this armor is from 14 BC to the 3rd century AD."
"The wealth of this nation has been largely responsible for the greatest period in human history."
"The late 1950s and early 1960s was an extraordinary period in the development of semiconductor electronics."
"We enter into this incredibly prosperous period."
"The reign of Queen Victoria was a transitory period for much of the world."
"This era was, in the words of another 14th-century contemporary, 'this age of chaos'."
"The Druids really flourished between the late 4th century BC and the end of the 2nd century AD."
"The Carolingian Renaissance was a time of significant change as the vision of Charlemagne transformed Western culture."
"This was known as the Pax Mongolica, similar to the relative peace brought by the Pax Romana during the Classical period."
"We're looking at a period which is an astonishing intellectual brilliance, a period when science is moving forward rapidly."
"During the brief period of Sher Shah Suri’s rule, he had united all of North India under his banner which allowed trade to flourish from western edge of India to the eastern one."
"Things would pick up again around 2000 BCE during the start of the middle Bronze Age."
"A golden age of art, science, and philosophy would bloom."
"The thing about Māori in that period, in the 1830s, and running up to 1840, is that many of them were very cosmopolitan by then."
"It was a time when truth was treason."
"Discovering that there wasn't actually that sort of document was one of the shocking things at that period of time."
"The Enlightenment... is considered either 1689 to 1789 or 1715 to 1789."
"The Jazz that I love, that beautiful exciting period that runs from the 60s say 1959 to around about 1974."
"I love the colors, I love everything about the Victorian era."
"...it was a period of very intense contacts between Egypt and the Aegean."
"The Pleistocene is often referred to as the Ice Age."
"For the French elite, La Belle Époque is now remembered as the time when the pursuit of beauty, entertainment, and romance constituted a way of life."
"The New South: This is the south of progress following the Civil War."
"The Gilded Age: a period that looks wonderful on the surface but if you look underneath, there's corruption, poverty, and a negative side to it."
"How great and glorious the sensuous development of these days must have been is in part indicated by the very language and vocabulary of the period."
"The mid-1960s were a turbulent time for a lot of people in America."
"Reconstruction is really three things: it's political, it's economic, and it's social."
"The Golden Age of orchestral music was in fact the end of the 19th and the first few decades of the 20th century."
"The period of prosperity became known as the Roaring Twenties."
"This is the beginning of the Medieval Warm Period."
"It's Berkeley in the 60s and 70s."
"Song Dynasty was a period of contradictions; despite being smaller than other dynasties, it was one of China's most prosperous eras."
"Laissez-faire principles really take hold of this period."
"This resulted in a period called the Enlightenment period which started in the 18th century in countries such as France and England."
"The mask is thoroughly off in this period."
"The age of restoration refers to a fairly long period from the mid 17th century onwards till about the early 18th century."
"The Golden Age in Spain is noted for a period of incredible Jewish creativity."
"This is the 'strong men create good times' period of Roman history."
"He does win this large victory over the Goths as a general in a period that was clearly a bad time for the empire."
"During the period of 1500 till about 1650, about twelve thousand new words were introduced into English language."
"This period was characterized by peace and prosperity and there was also sweeping changes which Britain was undergoing."
"It was the Renaissance of wonder and mystery."
"He was Secretary-General during an extraordinary time to be the Secretary-General."
"The Enlightenment is the period from which many of our core political ideas that influence the construction of the political institutions that we have today started."
"The era of good feelings is attributed to James Monroe's presidency."
"The fear of communism... was called the Red Scare."
"I feel like I'm in the Maya Renaissance Era, man, I'm seeing the light."
"From 1628 to 1640, that period is known as the great migration from England."