
Market Perception Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Bitcoin isn't volatile; it's the people who are volatile."
"Bear markets are actually gifts that most of us won't recognize or bother to redeem."
"Nothing like this can last, it's all a house of cards, but you dare not pull out until you've ridden this to the top of what's possible because you look bad to your fellow investors."
"Having no exchange listings is an opportunity, having no good ranks on large coin market cap sites is an opportunity, being called a scam by everyone is an opportunity."
"Perception is reality when it comes to valuation."
"It's not about them hating you because you cost 10 grand."
"It's becoming the stable coin of sort of crypto... it's certainly getting to that level."
"The stock market is all about perception and really what has already been baked into the market. I think that anything that catches a market off guard dramatically is really truly what causes price action."
"I think we're just beginning that now. There's still an awful lot of, I'd say the vast majority of investors still viewing this as a bear market rally."
"Definitely a larger inflation reading than expected."
"Inflation has just been overshadowing the awesomeness of the companies that we like."
"I think long-term investors obviously recognize this with Tesla."
"It's real easy for you guys to look at coinbase and look at these stories and say things are bad."
"There is a reason why professional traders make millions of dollars a year and retail traders think the stock market is a scam."
"Separating the knee-jerk reaction of doom and gloom from the reality."
"Sales and brand perception had improved significantly."
"It's Never As Good As It Seems, it's never as bad as it seems in crypto."
"The stock market's like, 'There's nothing to see here, move along' amidst mass unemployment and GDP declines."
"AMD would love you to pay more but they simply don't have the mindshare and brand reputation to get away with the same absurd prices that Nvidia can."
"If you're a true believer in XRP you don't see the price is it just a distraction like I do and like Glenn Hutchins does then you're just buying."
"Technical analysis doesn't really focus on the fundamentals... the price itself is the sum total of the Market's assessment."
"In all honesty, Volvo and Subaru share a lot of similarities in terms of having sleepers."
"Companies don't run up based on whether it's successful or not, they run up based on whether people think it's successful."
"It's very fascinating and this is where, for some reason, people don't value crypto highly until the price itself is actually high."
"If Robinhood can do all of these things well, I would start taking them a lot more seriously."
"The only thing that was wrong with the company during this period of time... was it was overvalued."
"Many view the tech sector as being the embodiment of the growth style."
"This is essentially a very old car it could come on the market today and people would still think this is so modern."
"It's a wild, crazy time where it looks like things are going well if you don't understand what's happening."
"Once we were able to convince the market that we were an energy company, they started to value us as such."
"The markets don't care about the recession, which means they believe it was fully priced in."
"The next one is going to be even bigger because the way Bitcoin spreads is you hear about it once you say it's a scam you hear about it twice a it's a scam the third time."
"Bitcoin only has the value that people want to perceive that it has."
"When value exceeds price, price is no longer the issue."
"There's a lot of voices... talking a lot more about the stock than they are about the company and the technology."
"No one freaking cares about this quarter like people are only investing in Tesla for the next 5 10 years."
"Value is driven by what you are as a business."
"It's time to look at the market cap of Dogecoin at 40 billion dollars. Ain't nobody laughing."
"There's so much emotional content and first-impression content, and little things like that can make or break a product in a way that is in an objective sense completely unfair."
"I think this car's failure is due to no fault of its own. It's a great product and Lexus clearly took time to make it stand out from everything else."
"There is no such thing as a bad market, only bad entries into it."
"It's pretty clear overall people are starting to understand Tesla a little bit more than they did just a few years ago."
"It's probably some of the most overlooked stuff."
"Everything could change just like that... it's a bubble, you know."
"Bitcoin is still a new technology, even though people think it's like an old dinosaur."
"The value associated with an NFT typically has nothing to do with the NFT."
"I've heard nothing but great things about it. I've just never seen it."
"I mean, if you're saying Bitcoin is dead, well I don't know...this makes me want to accumulate more and more and more."
"Crypto is so narrative-based in my opinion, it really is. The narratives come alive."
"The situation is getting completely insane... people are hyper undervaluing Bitcoin because they don't really get the magnitude of what it means for these companies to have an extra $100 million."
"There's a reason that people think of Mercedes-Benz when they think of a luxury vehicle."
"This may be the new safe haven, potentially a great opportunity there."
"In a world where you could drive a vehicle blindfolded, the average luxury car shopper would probably mistake this for a Mercedes rather than a Lexus LS."
"Tesla's very overlooked in terms of their dominance."
"Pinot noir was a wine most Americans hadn't heard of, didn't buy, and couldn't pronounce, either."
"The market tendency to categorize a business as expensive simply because it's trading at a 25 multiple is an exploitable prejudice."
"You almost need to have conventional perception be wrong for the market to then say, 'Hold my beer, I'm going to show why everybody's actually wrong.'"
"People think that the housing market in Southern England is sewn up, but this project proves that there are opportunities."
"It has a really good resale value."
"The market is not a gorilla, it's not Godzilla, it's not a Tasmanian devil, it's none of those things; the market is nothing except the projection of your mind in a real sense."
"Beer, a premium beer, is an affordable luxury that a lot of people can afford."
"It's not cheap, but man, the days of Macs being the overpriced luxury PCs just doesn't really add up anymore."
"A competitive advantage is the set of unique features of a company and its products that are perceived as superior over the competition."
"People have been brainwashed into believing the market's too high when in reality, well, there are parts of the market that have gotten incredibly cheap."
"It also improves your market perception and helps keep the bar raised for the industry."
"Tesla to be one of the most undervalued stocks and a very, very misunderstood company out there."
"If your story doesn't change, your value and price won't change."
"Markets in the end of the day are perception."