
Military Experience Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Leadership is very much a skill...it wasn't until I was in the military that I realized that leadership...is something you have to work at."
"The third thing I talk about is the fact that it was my responsibility to carry two weapons, a pistol and a rifle, an M4, which is not that different from an AR-15, on foreign soil...some weaponry simply does not belong on the streets of American neighborhoods in peacetime."
"As I get older and removed from the unit, I get more emotional thinking about that."
"Welcome to Combat Story. I'm Ryan Fugit, and I served war zone tours as an Army attack helicopter pilot and CIA officer over a 15-year career. I'm fascinated by the experiences of the elite in combat. On this show, I interview some of the best to understand what combat felt like on their front lines."
"Long time no see, Osborne, you had that...you handled the cut-off head and got put in Rolling Stones Magazine."
"A space for fun, a space for Community, a space for Learning, and a space for healing."
"People who have served in the military and seen conflict tend to be the most anti-war. My point is just that I think one thing that we fail at as conservatives very often is we use the language of the left."
"The lessons learned in Afghanistan, the lessons learned in Iraq over 20 difficult years, well, the Ukrainians right now in part are doing as well as they are because the lessons our troops learned on the ground."
"I joined the Marine Corps when I was 17 years old, and when I came out I was a certified full-grown man."
"Heading back to the core, my time with the temporary battle group seems to be coming to an end."
"When I got out of the military, at age 26, I decided to try and change my brain."
"Combat experience only matters if you learn from it."
"Military veterans have the number one skill to be an entrepreneur, which is leadership."
"You only really see the soldiers when the lead's flying, and you will never know what that's like."
"The military environment of explaining a collective experience doesn't translate to civilian life, where you're working with people, but then something really dangerous or stressful happens."
"He's writing from memory; he began as a Navy SEAL Sniper with deployments around the world before long he proved himself to be an elite among the elites."
"You don't have the luxury in a war or in a terrible situation you need the immediate communication feedback of the people to your left and right because if they drop the ball it could cost them their life and or you or all of you."
"It was humbling because it was like yo man, went from like being in BUD/S still training and being with the grunts like the grunts, the first dudes on the front line then that was, bro, that was humbling."
"As much as I talk about the positive things about war, there's no one more anti-war than people that actually serve."
"The one thing you learn in 30 years in the military is to expect the unexpected."
"Why did I leave Afghanistan without PTSD? So many of my comrades, including some people very close to me, are afflicted by it."
"The Australians have seen more fighting against the Japanese than anybody else and are morally absolutely on top."
"I fly with quite a few pilots who got into this career via the air force flight engineer route."
"I wasn't scared in Afghanistan... I just felt so comfortable and believed so much in the talent of the people around me."
"For many veterans, it was the epitome of brutal mechanized modern war."
"But for all those young men who were once pinned down under hostile enemy fire in the jungles of Southeast Asia, there was no sweeter sound on Earth than the howl of the Phantom."
"It's not some awful strategic concept decided by some folks that ain't never fought no wars."
"I wanted to leave like I felt like I'd done a lot of what I wanted to do when I was in the SAS."
"You're going to be in either one of those two you know situations either you're gonna you know wish you had some more army time or you're gonna be like this is a good balance of you know military and civilian lifestyle."
"They were between 19 and 28. 26, 28. You know and they had like 50 kills a piece."
"When you're in the back of an F-18 Hornet and throwing up repeatedly, that's why your flight suit has so many pockets."
"Call of Duty isn't about adapting, it's not about change. Call of Duty is about a realistic military shooting experience that makes me feel like I'm on the front lines of a war."
"I realized that something was missing in my life and what was missing was the camaraderie and the brotherhood and that tight-knit feeling in serving something bigger than me that the military gave me."
"How do you know this guy? I used to. We had a skirmish during the Korean War."
"Anyone who served will tell you how you somehow lose your sense of individuality. It's all about the greater good."
"He knew if he could survive the Marines, he could handle anything."
"I think a military background is advantageous in anything that you do in life."
"Damn right! The enemy we fought on this island was the toughest compared to anything we have faced so far."
"Pretty much every combat experience was a difficult one for me."
"I know what it feels like to get back from conflict. You gotta respect that."
"If anything happened in the military where it's created this story that you live in right, use that to catapult you into what you're going to do next"
"We fired so many rounds from the dam, literally in a pile of brass that have been like fired at live targets."
"That guy's life experience military KGB then watch the collapse of the Soviet Union take over essentially as the President of Russia."
"I think there's a very positive association with talking about my military experience as opposed to using the term military career."
"I ended up getting put in the back of a Bradley Fighting Vehicle with another guy that I was with who'd getting shot in the hand. That was it."
"Being a team leader was probably my favorite aspect of my time in the regiment."
"Everyone thinks that. Yeah, I mean I don't know anyone that didn't expect that. And this definitely wasn't what I expected, so definitely a unique start to my military career."
"This is the most insane individual story of survival, military story I've heard."
"A paratrooper in our tent who has become despondent during these days bellows suddenly he then jumps to his feet and seconds later collapses like an empty sack."
"I I blame it on Marine Corps scheduling because like I mean we're we're booking it it's not like you know United had other Marine Corps flights that day um but like it always felt like we had to sneak in to get to get under the radar I I just didn't understand it."
"This knife was designed by Kevin Holland who not only served as a U.S army special operator but also as a U.S Navy SEAL."
"I think it was Jordan, we did an Infinite Moonlight at that time and were able to do some basic patrolling with Jordanian soldiers, that was kind of cool actually."
"I was feeling like I was part of the family, whether it's with special forces or intelligence."
"And I would have had none of that if I hadn't have gone through the military. So yes, to answer your question, long way around Ryan, I'd do it all again, mate, in a heartbeat."
"Evolution of what the uh we went through in the military."
"He's ex-Navy and they're racist as fuck."
"I don't think you are at a disadvantage having military experience is a positive for getting into the fire service."
"In fact, when I went in the Army, in my one exam I got a 98 and I wrote home to my mother that I'd gotten 98 and she said, 'Is this your temperature or is this an exam?'"
"As a Green Beret, Jason brought the fight to AQ and led soldiers through dangerous Special Forces missions that honed his leadership and team-building skills."
"I want to give you my experience from the G-WOT and the evolution."
"This is why it's so important to have a president and commander-in-chief who knows the cost of war and who's ready to do the job on day one."
"All these soldiers... talk about gaining your spirit back after such a difficult time."
"I'm an F14 Rio. I accumulated 2,500 F14 flight hours in three Squadron tours and like Crunch, I was also a Top Gun instructor."
"I made decisions to make big changes in my life. I was through competing in the Air Force."
"Swap summer is meant to challenge you and it's honestly a fun challenge."
"What's the biggest thing I took away from the forces? The ability to focus and just not give up on anything."
"PTSD is created because you come back and you never can turn it off totally."
"I feel like a better person and a better version of myself because of my military experiences, not a worse one."
"...I did this because I didn't think I could do any better, and my gosh, I've been in the military for 12 years, I knew I could do better."
"A veteran platoon, very motivated, a lot of experience."
"Discipline and perseverance... one of the super important things I rescued from the army."
"The president knows that he will benefit from a leader with a wealth of military experience shaped in both peacetime and war."
"It's that experience we all got in the military that is the most important."