
Plants Quotes

There are 1839 quotes

"It makes me very happy. I feel very lucky to have all of my plants; they genuinely bring me so much joy."
"I just adore this plant...it's definitely my favorite [plant]."
"Plants actually dominate the Earth's environment... making up 80% of Earth's biomass."
"Plants really, I believe, are the transition into the new Earth because they're so connected to Mother Earth."
"My dream was a green house. I always wished for a green space, and I loved to be surrounded by plants."
"Plants can be medicine and have always been, but there's a difference between plants as medicine and plants as food."
"In many cultures distant in place or time from our own, there are special plants that give rise to strange visions and hallucinations."
"Herbs are awesome. All medicine stems from plants of some sort."
"If we can learn to use the plants of the earth with love and to the benefit of mankind, they will continue to support us in our conscious evolution."
"Plants can also help with loneliness and sadness by providing a sense of purpose."
"plants have served as the catalyst to building such a robust diverse caring loving community"
"I'm definitely not going to look at a plant in the same way as I did before."
"Plants really do uplift space and make it feel a lot more homey and grown in."
"Those plants on your desk and by your couch are almost definitely not harmful to you."
"If you did top 10 not top 10 because I'm thinking of most extreme if you ranked carnivorous plants that would be a banger dude that'd be fun."
"It doesn't matter what your friends say, having all of those house plants can brighten your mood."
"Greens are my favorite, just because they're so utilitarian."
"Plants as a gift is such a subtle gesture to say that you care about someone's mental well-being as well as their physical environment."
"I'm shocked honestly that those really wrinkly ones pulled through but yeah super super cool."
"So plants are constantly bombarded with mildews and bulls and they were just get all yucky because the molds would take over but they can use oxalic acid to create peroxide and beat back the mold so I think that's kind of cool that's kind of cool."
"Plants oftentimes grow a lot faster than you think they're going to."
"Plants can be so beautiful around the house."
"Being surrounded by plants is great for mental health."
"Tea with plants and self-care through plant care."
"I'm very into begonias lately, I think they're beautiful."
"Katie Joy has made false statements of fact, malicious and misleading statements, and defamatory statements about plants and their associates."
"Pineapple weed features a flower head that is acorn-like in shape...whenever part of this plant is crushed or damaged then it will release the sweet delicious scent of pineapples."
"Plants have the same evolutionary drive as animals, they want to grow and they want to have baby seeds."
"Philodendrons naturally help to purify the air making them popular plants to keep around the house."
"Vining philodendrons are often the easiest to care for and some of the lowest maintenance."
"I like the plants though. Moral of the story is: I like plants for The Sims."
"A banana 'tree' is actually a type of herb plant. That's right, herb. Like oregano or basil."
"The reality is I would much rather cycle an aquarium with live plants."
"Yarrow is an incredible plant when it comes to wounds."
"Foliage is your friend - something green, something fresh."
"I feel like plants would be like biology maybe."
"Stinging nettle is one of the most nutritious plants in habitats where it grows."
"I strongly believe more plants is always a top-tier design strategy."
"Plants are a great way to add liveliness to any home."
"Watercress grows in water, it is delicious juicy and quite peppery."
"Plants are practical, let's make them generate food."
"Plants have tons of really, really tangible benefits... for your mental health."
"Knowing which ones are poisonous to consume or touch might be a good idea."
"Honestly, seeing the plant go from this juvenile form to the first leaf it ever had with splits on it called fenestrations, it was the most exciting moment of my life."
"Honestly, the plants in this pack are beautiful. I really, really love them."
"My mum has like a 10,000 plants, yeah, she's insane mate, not me."
"Plants are a lot more resilient than we give them credit for."
"Snake plants... one of my absolute favorite."
"The combination of how easy they are to take care of and how striking I think they are."
"For every single one of these plants, I'm talking about..."
"All protein is initially made by plants. It is not necessary to eat animal tissue in order to get protein."
"You can get a bundle of lush foliage plant bundle for $34.99. That's an extremely cheap price."
"That's what's so good about... these plants that you can easily propagate them."
"My goal here is to have a actual real living wall with plants that are growing on it."
"I do like to decorate, I love to have plants all over the place, and I love hanging my art in pretty frames."
"Plants make a house feel like home and they purify the air."
"Add plants, real or faux, to your bathrooms. It adds liveliness and warmth."
"If you talk nicely to plants, it helps them grow."
"Mugwort is one of the most magical plants in the world."
"I like to feel enclosed by plants, enclosed within a garden room. That's what makes me happy."
"These plants must be saved; they must be preserved in germ plasm repositories or botanical gardens."
"They have a delicate kind of magical vibe to them."
"Let's take a breath and look at some really cool things about plants."
"The plant world is an endless encyclopedia of fantastic things."
"The flowering plants are kind of the apex of plant evolution."
"I love these clean Agave, so gorgeous, I kind of want to pot this up and bring it inside."
"It's been really fun to decorate this apartment with lots of plants and lots of greenery."
"I'm a druid because I like talking to my house plants as I water them every day."
"Having more plants within our diet... how can this really help support that healthy gut barrier?"
"We see the domestication happening with locally available plants."
"I like to make my compost like a big supermarket for the plants."
"These reddish plants are sundew, a carnivorous plant that we have as a native here in the UK."
"Joshua trees are pretty attractive plants to have on your property."
"Calcium aids in the absorption of other nutrients to the plant."
"It's important to have really bioavailable calcium for your plants."
"My plants are thriving, by the way."
"Hostas are just one of my favorite plants, they are so awesome."
"Recall that flowers are the reproductive organs of the plant; they will also be the basis for all fruits that the plant will form."
"This is the spiritual grace of God that hath given me the knowledge to treat of all plants from the Cedars of Lebanon to the hyssop that groweth on the wall."
"Give this video a thumbs up if you are into plants, gardening, live plants, fake plants."
"Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on Earth."
"Ivy's such a whimsical plant; it purifies the air so it represents the element of air."
"I am so happy that I did end up choosing the real plants this time."
"No one's coming after you for propagating your own plants at home."
"After so many days of very hard work getting the garden ready, it is finally time to transplant all of our plants."
"I'm going to be planting dahlias this week."
"it's my style of fish keeping i like to let the plants do a lot of the work so i can sit back and enjoy the hobby"
"I love my plants. They're my little babies. I whisper sweet nothings to them and brush the dust off their leaves."
"Plants are an incredible source of many things including obviously everyone knows their source of fiber."
"People just forget that this is very much a constituent of plants and that that's really why I want to just remind people that if they have a diverse of plants they're going to be getting sufficient protein."
"It’s actually about facilitating the development of embodied relationship with plants through planets, and with planets through plants. I’m so excited about it!"
"This is my Hoya linearis, the first plant that you see when you walk into the apartment."
"If more people were into plants we’d probably have less environmental destruction happening all the time."
"We bought so many house plants that we couldn't carry them around town but there were so many and the guy was so friggin nice that we were like well we just objectively have to buy them all."
"Bamboo is excellent with that system of rhizomes."
"This queen right here is my Brussels sprouts. All of these guys are zinnias, and they should be sprouting up pretty soon here."
"Did you know that most grocery stores sell live plants? It's pretty common for grocery stores to sell large basil, parsley, oregano, or thyme plants."
"The cheapest way to get plants for your annual vegetable garden is almost always going to be to grow them from seed."
"Most plants do not put toxins into the fruit."
"...plants are also like pets, their life forms too they're living things that I don't know so I in my mind they have feelings in a weird plant way."
"...plants are essentially artists and Furniture is basically their canvas or their sculpture right."
"I'm going to take you guys along with me and basically our mission is to just fill this home with plants and with life and with green."
"The benefits of having plants in your space is they cleanse the air and they just really make everything breathable."
"You don't want multiple plants competing for the same resources in that one cell."
"That's the great thing about having a nice mature plant is that it doesn't mind too much if their roots get a little disturbed."
"Epiphytes are completely airborne plants that use existing trees and plants as a base."
"They help with the nutrient cycle itself, converting organic material into bioavailable nutrients for your plants."
"Sunflowers are the ultimate plant to kind of grow."
"We want all this stuff because we want nice healthy plants, we want less carbon in the atmosphere so it's a win-win situation."
"Oh my gosh, she got me an aloe vera plant, how cute is that?"
"Now one part of this whole project which I didn't expect to enjoy as much as I have, is the gardening. Planting the plants and putting them in place."
"Coral Bells would tick off all the boxes for the perfect shade plant."
"Famous for its gorgeous fall color."
"I love to see a chair in there and all the beautiful plants."
"You can never have enough plants."
"Plants teach us so much. A lot of times plants teach you about resilience."
"Now Stuart, right behind you over here is another one of these gorgeous Jasmines, is that not just spectacular?"
"This is another plant that will give you year-round interest."
"Flowers and plants are so important. They spread beauty and life wherever they go."
"I take a plant over a person any day."
"It's absolutely beautiful. That's what I tell people. And it's, you know, you think of art inside the house, but it's such, art pops, it's, certain art pops when you plant, put plants around it."
"These hydrangeas here are the wee white Proven Winners hydrangeas, and they're a dwarf hydrangea."
"I just love the way they look as a house plant."
"I'm glad because I really need to see succulents every day."
"Plants need nutrition and that's why we feed them fertilizer."
"Some plants like it dry and some plants like it wet."
"Our lateral meristems are responsible for the increase in the girth of the plant, especially in our woody plants."
"Stop focusing on growing plants, grow soil, and the plants will come as a natural consequence."
"Honestly, I [__] love plants, I've just started, I have a few at the house and I've just trial, I just got into it."
"Fire Chief Arborvitae brings fiery foliage to the garden, making a statement with its vibrant color."
"I think it's time to start to push paying attention to plants as a really fine thing that can help heal the society."
"Man, navigating the confusing entanglement of unfamiliar plants was proving to be quite the challenge for this ant."
"I think it's quite obvious how much I love pothos plants."
"So good luck, have fun with this plant. It's one of my absolute favorites to grow."
"Plants are more resilient than you might think they are."
"The more plants you eat, the more diversity you have going on inside of your gut microbiome."
"Plants contain something called prebiotics which is essentially fuel for your good gut bugs."
"They are nonstop Bloomers that are no fuss low maintenance plants."
"...it's just not as uh, the plants aren't as much under as much abuse I guess you would say."
"...it's growing really fast it wants its nutrition right away."
"I love the way the trunk looks, this is a chocolate eupatorium and I love the color of the foliage."
"So these water crystals are actually for plants and they come like this like little marbles little beads."
"Her superpower is talking with plants."
"We're gonna take some home. Of course, we need to have at least 12 new plants."
"Plants are typically more resilient than we give them credit for."
"What would the world be if they didn't have Pilea peperomioides right there?"
"You figured out which plants aid in divination; they can help you predict a lot more than relationships."
"Plants and nature and herbal medicine always just felt like a deeper part of my spiritual path."
"A diversity of plants leads to a diversity of soil life."
"Who doesn't love plants? They're green, natural, they make oxygen..."
"I feel like every single time I go on vacation my plants they just they just go crazy and start dying but I'm actually taking care of this one."
"I'm so excited I'm lucky today we have some good plants here at Walmart."
"Things like your little grass plant here, the liliopsis, you would just grab a clump of that and get that one again pushed down into the substrate."
"It's a lifetime of discovery and excitement to figure out the plants and then the culture around those plants that can take us to a future where hopefully our ecosystems are restored at the regional scale."
"It almost feels a little bit like a gallery space or an exhibit for plants."
"Seeds will actually fall from plants and lay in the soil over the winter, but they might even have moisture in that situation, but because it's cold, they stay dormant."
"I'm obsessed with how much color we're bringing in with the plants alone."
"Figs are another Mediterranean plant that thrive in hot dry conditions."
"Hollyhocks are an absolute winner for a hot dry garden."
"They are just the best plants at telling you when they need a drink."
"I love calatheas so much. They're such gorgeous plants."
"She's light-deprived, and she's bouncing back from pests."
"It's just such a beautiful plant. Those kind of frosty kind of blue leaves are just amazing."
"Diamond lake hosta: a huge plant with deep green and blue hues, perfect for shady areas."
"Plants are very powerful healers and they're also very powerful hurters."
"Wild berry euchara: a fantastic perennial with an absolutely gorgeous shade of purple."
"Plants that are only watered once a week are ideal."
"Isn't it cute? I love how it goes, you know, you have the lower plants and then the heart."
"I mean just look how cute these little plants are guys."
"Most of these are actually free plants that I got from my friends, and they're just so generous because they're actually very expensive plants."
"Grasses are really underused in the garden and just are beautiful, easy, low maintenance plants that bring such a statement."
"The more plants you eat, the lower your blood pressure."
"If the plant can grow well in your climate, it will, and it will do so with enthusiasm."
"Do you know there's plants on this planet that release stem cells from your bone marrow to heal your body? I mean, it's not meat. It's plant-based stem cells."
"If you point it in any other direction it won't work. So, very very simple thing to do for your plants."
"Our main mission is to provide ethically sourced and produced plants. We specialize in carnivorous plants."
"Ground covers provide another layer of plants, highlighting your garden."
"Your green herbs are very high in chlorophyll and chlorophyll is plant blood."
"This is a must-grow, a must-have plant on your property that I think a lot of people just don't know about."
"Hedging plants used to make hedges."
"A world without plants and Gardens isn't a world worth living in."
"I'm definitely going to get another one of those plants here."
"Water your indoor plants. If you have a black thumb and don't care much about plants then you're off the hook."
"The plants started growing so fast which made him feel like he was watching a fast forwarded video."
"Every single plant contains all of the essential amino acids."
"Rooted cuttings are typically as strong as the parent plant."
"Why do we love new plants so much? I don't know. They're fancy and fun and new, and sometimes better and sometimes not necessarily better, but they're different."
"When it comes to watering shade usually means you don't need to water very often these plants aren't taking up as much water as your sun varieties."
"This is not a shade plant, make no mistake, that is not a shade plant."
"I've got a little bit of Mulan down here, these are this is a weed to me but it can stay there for right now."
"The trick is to water them perhaps once a week, really well, so the soil gets very wet underneath the root ball, and then the roots will go down."
"People who put plants on hold deserve the best."
"That's part of the magic of what plants can do for you."
"To me, a thug is white snake root. So, to me, that's that is the worst thug. It's native and it's a terrible thug."
"They are the most favorite re-blooming azalea on the market."
"These are great plants if you need to cover a lot of space."
"I love how these sarahpeggios just fit in between every plant, you know? They're just kind of roving, and pretty soon they're connecting every point."
"This is what is known as Escape and what it means is the plant wants to bloom but if you let it Bloom the plant is going to put all of its energy into the flower and that will be at the expense of the size of the bulb that you get to harvest this summer."
"Many plants are happy on a slope."
"This is the best, most showiest persicaria that I've personally grown and probably seen."