
Financial Revolution Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Bitcoin is revolutionary: borderless, permissionless, censorship-resistant, immutable, and scarce."
"I really do believe that the crypto decentralized version is ultimately going to take over as the apex predator of the financial system."
"I believe that bitcoin will revolutionize much more than just money."
"Bitcoin represents something new, generational-changing."
"Wall Street bets on Reddit is destroying absolutely destroying these hedge funds."
"Bitcoin is the first time it's possible to stop the cycle of monopolies, corruption, and taxation."
"Financial Revolution will be televised and monetized, it's our turn next time."
"We have to make sure that we protect our capital assets at all times so we can be a part of this revolution."
"One of the greatest economic revolutions... is actually taking place in crypto."
"Cryptocurrencies are a very unique moment in human history."
"Crypto could mess traditional finance up. It's a threat to banking."
"The greatest revolution technological and financial the planet has ever seen."
"Public banking could be a financial revolution."
"We are at the peak of a potential financial revolution."
"This crypto stuff, it's a real real real thing."
"Let's not forget about the actual reason that bitcoin was created... the decentralization and the overthrowing of the traditional financial system."
"Cryptocurrency is the red pill finance period. It's the only way where you can take control of your money."
"Witnessing the greatest financial paradigm shift." - Brad Kinds
"XRP is being played down like an underdog but it's going to rise like the phoenix and as it is to save the day soon."
"Decentralized finance... That's kind of the money of the future."
"Bitcoin will turn out to be a hell of a lot more than money."
"Our lives will be changed forever. I'm so excited, the rebirth of the new financial system is here."
"We're the ones that are gonna change the narrative and bring the money back to the people."
"We're seeing a recognition globally that blockchain and crypto will play a critical role."
"They learned how to take down their parents' and grandparents' financial and political systems."
"It's very interesting that you know a sort of like little revolution just by the regular everyday person who just want to throw like ten dollars into a stock and see what happens to it."
"Cryptocurrencies: not just money, but a revolutionary concept."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate successor to hard money."
"D5 is really just the entire financial services industry without centralized organizations."
"This is the reason why crypto became popular."
"Cryptocurrencies are going to allow for a massive wealth transfer because they will be involved in the wealth transfer."
"The fastest growing asset ever known to mankind."
"Decentralized finance: Redefining global banking."
"The financial system, a revolution does come from within."
"This train will not stop until it gets to the station of taking over the entire broken international monetary and financial systems."
"Bitcoin is a pivot from how money has been working for like a century and a half."
"The world adopting a new form of money would be massively asymmetric for the holders of the currency."
"...we didn't have Bitcoin yet... it just created this massive asymmetry in the power."
"Bitcoin will do to financial services what the internet did to media and commerce."
"This is going to completely rebuild the entire financial system."
"I don't know what we did before it honestly rocket money really did change the game for us when we found out about it"
"It's empowering the financial revolution and movement."
"That's such a new idea and could revolutionize how you pay your phone bill, how you pay your water bill."
"That financial revolution is an unstoppable thing and it will consign checks to oblivion too."
"The bitcoin and lightning network will do for money what the internet did for communications."
"We're watching a payment revolution happen, and we're well-positioned to figure out where the money is."
"The new financial system is literally being birthed now."
"Our understanding is evolving... a money revolution, a financial revolution, and a next generation internet or metaverse revolution."
"People are only going to buy crypto if they think they have a chance at making more money in the future, and it's basically a global financial revolution disguised as an internet ponzi scheme."
"Cryptocurrency is the best thing to ever happen to us."
"The new Financial system is here... it's happening, it's clear you can clearly see this."
"The financial world is on the cusp of a revolution which is set to unlock unprecedented efficiency, accessibility, and value."
"By removing all of the impediments that stand in the way of people using gold and silver as money, we're seeing a revolution in money."
"It's happening, we're starting to see an entirely new financial system rising."