
Information Technology Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Information used to be expensive to move. Then this internet comes around, and magically, you can just learn anything instantaneously, and the cost of moving information went to nothing."
"The primary psychopath is more frightening because they can blend in with the population or stand out for positive reasons."
"90 percent of data loses its relevance after one hour of capturing."
"The speed of information change is unimaginable compared to three decades ago."
"So for now, our main goal is to capture this information and save it to our own custom JSON file."
"Some things, no matter how long you've been in the industry, don't change: garbage in, garbage out."
"Tackles the profound dangers facing humanity from information technology and rings the alarm bell for what all of us must do to protect ourselves, our children, and our democracies." - Hillary Clinton
"If you have garbage data, you have garbage analysis."
"The mission will still be there, making information accessible to people."
"What they do is they basically slurp in a huge data set from somewhere in the world."
"Getting into IT is like a cheat code in life."
"We're simply converting raw data into useful information."
"We're living in the information age, okay? We're living in the age of light speed telecommunications and what that means is the faster they are the faster they fall."
"Engage with our email system for more information."
"The big joke in information technology is the nice thing about standards is there's so many of them."
"We can have this new ability to answer questions using information that we don't actually own ourselves."
"This time we spent exploring the coding and the information sciences... I hope you find that provocative."
"With all of the necessary information downloaded."
"Everything information is transmitted at lightning speed."
"We're just obsessed with figuring out how to fit more information into smaller and smaller spaces."
"It's actually kind of mirrored, as far as the storage of that information. The data is actually all saved in whichever axiom is the master on the system."
"But information technology and the unprecedented amounts of data being spewed out at every second of every day are transforming our lives."
"The really exciting things that are going on in the DNA world, really, because DNA is digital. So modern biology, especially evolutionary biology and genetics, has become a branch of information technology."
"The power of information is fundamental to people's lives."
"Any live or real-time data that we want to collect can be served in this manner."
"Is it really possible to track, collect data, assess, evaluate, intervene, and so on, and disseminate the right information to health practitioners, the public and so on without information technology?"
"If I had a liter of water and I could program into each one of those molecules a bit of information, I could have all the information in humankind."
"Ceefax was a center bank of up-to-date information that, in the days before the internet, arguably made it the first place you would find breaking news or headline stories."
"Information security is the process of protecting data and information systems."
"The optimizer is going to find the fastest route to get you the information you've requested."
"The more advanced a civilization becomes, the more it is capable of generating, transmitting, and storing unique bits of information."
"That readily searchable database was critical."
"Extract, transform, load - it means I'm going to extract data from some source... then you're going to transform that data... and finally you go and you load your data into your final destination."
"All the data that we have in MISP, if it's well defined, allows us to draw a graph out of the data and allows us to tell a story more easily."
"It's going to use a deep neural network to be able to find the right information to help service your answer."
"What are the main problems in the world, and what can we do beyond providing easy retrieval of information?"
"Good IT can allow information to be much more available to everybody within an organization."
"A knowledge graph has nodes that represent real-world entities and concepts."
"We refer to computation primarily as the kind of processing of information."
"Information is now available in an instant, one click and it is immediately sent to anyone on the planet."
"I want to strip that off of there so now I should have a nice clean data packet."
"The speed of information that you get from AI is so fast."
"Brendan Gregg's website is absolutely packed with really good posts and references."
"Collapse a bunch of this information into an establishment Dimension as well as some of this into a fact table for the inspections."
"The more we're able to understand how a file system does its job, the better the chances are at extracting information of forensic value."
"IT works in binary, on/off, yes or no, it works or it does not work."
"Security of the data branches into two different ways: security of data in transit and security of data at rest."
"ACM provides timely computing information published by ACM, including Communications of the ACM and Queue magazines."
"Find answers in minutes, not in months."
"We are actually adding some data to our table now."
"Legacy Media simply can't compete with hundreds of millions of humans providing real-time AI-assisted interactive information."
"Most systems today use what's called a retriever-reader system."
"The home is going to be provided an opportunity of tremendously advanced services, information services."
"A knowledge base would go hand in hand with a ticketing system."
"Garbage in, garbage out. The better the information you put into the software, the better the reports you can pull out of it."
"All of this data can be contained in this single source and we often refer to it as a single source of truth."
"TCS is one of the top multinational information technological companies globally."
"Smart grids are designed to make good use of electricity... you also have information being transferred around the lines."
"This is a short paper but it's super dense and it covers a lot of academic and intellectual ground."
"Data again, classified into two: a very high level if you wanted to remember, the one is storage but the other one is transformation."
"My goal in life is to make sure information technology is not difficult."
"You can make your query very specific just to display first name, last name, email, and phone number."
"Lossless compression is the variety of compression where you can still reverse the process and get back the data exactly as it was."
"Drive's mission going forward is to deliver knowledge, to extract that knowledge that's stored in the system, and deliver it to the right people within the organization at the right time."
"As more and more things become information technology, health and medicine is turning into an information technology."
"Now that we have the book and author information in Cassandra, it's time to build a web application that surfaces that as a web page."
"The digital information space is one of the most passive income strategies to date."
"The power of information technology, it’s estimated, doubles about every year."
"Hey everybody, my name is Marina, I'm a certified information systems auditor."
"His idea was to make information easier to navigate and discover using hypertext."
"What we want to do is actually format our data."
"DNA is a code, the most sophisticated software programs we have do not even approach a hundred thousand lines of information."