
Spiritual Readiness Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"God is getting ready to drench you in supernatural power and enablement."
"God's ready to do it if people are ready to receive."
"Our natures must be changed to become as a child to gain the strength we must have to stand steady and at peace in times of peril."
"When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, lift up your heads, for your redemption draws nigh."
"Whenever God is getting ready to use someone, they will have a battle to overcome."
"Put on the full armor of God permanently. Satan never takes a day off."
"Christ's words are a call for us to be ready at the onset of the worst time in history."
"With great power comes great responsibility, right? And God's not going to give us these spiritual powers until we're ready to use them for the right reasons."
"We gotta make sure our names are in the Book of Life. I'm striving, I'm hoping for the best, and I'm preparing for the worst."
"Will you be able to endure the persecution that's coming?"
"This time that we're in is more about getting our spiritual houses in order."
"God sets us up for a miracle by orchestrating perfect timing. It's up to us to open our eyes and believe."
"There are struggles that you have to prepare for in advance there are problems that are going to require that you pray and fast before they arrive."
"You're going to meet God, whether it's in judgment or peace."
"Jesus is appealing to you to be ready for His coming, but that readiness means our hearts are broken with His love and grace." - Speaker
"I shall walk this day in victory and liberty of the spirit."
"Are you prepared? Are you living your life every day like Jesus will come at any time soon?"
"The April 8th, 2024 Eclipse viewed through this lens becomes an invitation to introspection in spiritual Readiness, a call to align our Lives with the will and purposes of God."
"Our safeguard in these last days is a love of the truth."
"Keep the faith as always, armor up, equip yourselves."
"Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work."
"We need to always be ready to give a defense and answer an apologia for the hope that is in you."
"She is built to receive. Have I positioned myself to be receptive to what God is about to do?"
"You gotta just be mentally prepared and spiritually prepared for anything and everything."
"The Lord is trying to say to us, 'Be ready, labor while it is called today.' Love that."
"People from our past can re-enter our lives at a point when we are both spiritually ready."
"Your existence, your purpose, is everlasting. So ready yourself to live forever in my sacred presence."
"We're living in the days of deception and if you and I do not know the truth, you're going to fall prone, fall victim to it."
"The outpouring of the glory of God is about ready to invade planet Earth but it's not going to invade your heart if your heart isn't tender towards God."
"Pray that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things."
"Be watchful and ready in 2021 and never take your eyes off of our savior. I love you all."
"Stand firm in your faith and get ready to shout to your God."
"Yahushua told us that these last days will be like the last days of Noah to prepare us for dealing with it."
"The gestation period is over, the cup is full, and I will not relent."
"This meal is all about him. Be ready because this can be the day that he comes for us."
"Look up, be watchful, for our redemption is drawing near."
"Battles await us in the future, but set the Lord always before you."
"I just want to... on my deathbed I don't want to be scared to face my lord."
"Time is short and we are out of time spiritually speaking in Bible prophecy."
"For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God."
"Prepare yourself mentally, physically, above all spiritually."
"Prepare physically and spiritually for what's to come."
"We should be prepared at all times. I'm telling you that this is not maybe the end time but what I'm saying is it could come tomorrow."
"Let us rejoice and exalt and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready."
"Your most important part is absolute total spiritual preparation before there's any other kind of preparation."
"This is your moment. Are you right with God?"
"Divine intervention occurs at the convergence of God's plans meeting with man's spiritual preparation in the midst of the time and space of creation."
"This isn't a time to live in fear it's a time to armor up and be prepared spiritually for everything that's happening and everything that's going to happen."
"Jesus is going to return...get right in your life with the father."
"Jesus is returning and let us all be comforted and prepare with our eyes watching and waiting for his glorious revelation."
"God is actively waiting for the opportunity when you are ready to receive your healing."
"Empty your hands so your hands are big enough to catch what's trying to get to you."
"We're living in the era where so much of this is coming to pass right before our eyes. Jesus told us that when we see these things coming to pass that we're to look up; our redemption is drawing nigh."
"Something extraordinary is coming your way... you are the High Priestess, ready to receive the unknown."
"Release what no longer serves you to make space for what the universe has in store."
"Therefore you also be ready... when he's ready there's no time to get ready."
"The best way to prepare for the Rapture is just to make sure that you're saved."
"Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ? Time is growing short."
"One of the main factors while we are studying signs of judgment day that it impacts our life we live better lives so that we are prepared to meet Allah subhana wa ta'ala on the day of judgment."
"More things are coming out, coming out, guys. It's up to us to be able to get right with the Lord."
"Your discernment has to be top-notch, especially in these last days."
"God warned so we'll say, OK, what do I need to do and how do I need to prepare?"
"Whether it's the grave, whether it's the rapture, you need to know that you are right with God."
"One crucial element of this Gathering is preparing a people who are able, ready, and worthy to receive the Lord when he comes again."
"When the trumpet shall sound at Rapture none of the Saints will be left behind. The Lord knoweth them that are His."
"The biggest preparation you better have is knowing where you're going when you leave this Earth."
"There's another storm coming... the church needs to be prepared."
"Jesus is coming soon, so wake up, sober up, suit up, be ready."
"The Lord is coming back soon keeps us watching and praying."
"If you think the church has been fully restored, you're just seeing the beginning. There is much more to come. Wait till next year and then the next year. Eat your vitamin pills, get your rest, it's going to be exciting."
"It's time to gird yourself up in truth, walk in your Spiritual armor, and continue to be ready."
"Spiritually, we need to be prepared for hard times and persecution, while also spreading the message of Jesus."
"I believe we're at that place right now. There's a fire coming that will burn up the wood, hay, and stubble."
"Before you take that trip you better get your house in order and stop playing around with your soul."
"Here we go" is not just a phrase, it's a heart posture of obedience.
"I pray Yahuwah bless you all abundantly and that we may be found faithful and obedient at the return of Yahushua Hamashiach, or well known as Jesus Christ."
"Christians will go up in the rapture...expectancy generates in your heart."
"Hope of being able to move forward successfully."
"When the enemy is all up in your space you've got something close at hand."
"Am I prepared to meet my God on the day of judgment?"
"The question is not if Jesus is coming. The question is, are we ready?"
"Preparation for the second coming starts today."
"Don't be left behind, please don't be left behind because the Lord is coming."
"It's time to gird up our loins and pay attention to what's real."
"Living your life as if Jesus is going to come back."
"Lord, prepare me or get me ready. Give me character, give me power, give me everything I need of the Spirit."
"We as his people need to be prepared to expect the miraculous, the supernatural, the awesome, the unexpected, the unprecedented to occur."
"If you want God to visit you... you've got to be ready."
"Every Christian generation should live to be ready for the Lord's return."
"When the role is called up yonder, I don't mind you calling the role down here."
"Jesus is promising...I will come again and receive you to myself."
"Knowing this should help us focus every single day to live for Him...He wants each and every one of us to expect Him to return and live as if He's gonna return in our own lifetime."
"I am ready for my people to wear what they have been putting in heaven in the bowls in heaven and I'm getting ready to pour it out on them so they wear it."
"Our goal is to look like Him and to ultimately be ready when the bridegroom calls us into the chambers."
"You don't want to miss this, you don't want to be left behind."
"Worship the Lord wherever you are, be ready to engage and worship."
"Someone here is ready for a spiritual awakening, willing and ready to move forward."
"Prophecy exists so that we can be spiritually prepared for what's coming."
"Universe, I'm available to you. What would you have me do? What do you need from me?"
"It's a readiness for the new path but also faith that the Sun consciousness life life itself, the sentient essence of life knowing that it's very much aware of you."
"You don't want to be left out of the next move of God."
"When God calls your name, respond: 'Here I am.'"
"With each passing second, each minute, every hour, we are edging closer to an appointed time when we will stand before God and give an account for what we've done with our lives."
"Tomorrow's not promised, tomorrow is not in our hands. At any given moment, the Lord could call us home."
"We're living in exciting times. As you've been saying for years Gary and we take to heart when you see these things you know, keep watching, keep looking up because our redemption draws near."
"God wants to upgrade you but you got to know what you're not supposed to wear."
"Thank you for these that are standing here, get ready, Lord, get ready to be healed."
"He's coming back for a bride without spot or blemish."
"Soon everything will be over, soon we will be with our Lord, soon we will no longer suffer under the conditions of a world ruled by Darkness."
"Whether the Rapture takes place first or you leave this world into eternity, the big question is: are you ready to meet your maker?"
"We have to be ready as believers, not just the churches, but all of you watching. We need to be trained and equipped and ready to deal with these demons."
"Bring it on, devil! I've been anointed for this, I'm built for this."
"We just have a posture to receive the things that you want to give us."
"The Lord is coming, whether you're in Jamaica or America."
"You've been training for this for lifetimes. Part three, you are ready."
"Unless you are born again, unless there is a spiritual experience whereby you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior... You're either ready or not ready."
"Repent before God elevates you. It's a lot of fun waiting on elevation."
"They are going to tremble at who God is, they are going to tremble, and the LORD is preparing His people because it's His people who He wants to stand firm."
"Are you ready to just drop whatever God Almighty tells you to drop this year and follow King Jesus in the unknown places?"
"The Lord is getting ready to bring about replacements."
"Always be prepared to tell people about the great hope you have in the Father, Son, Holy Spirit."
"These events are indicative of the end times, urging us to deepen our spiritual commitment."
"There's a physical preparedness and a spiritual preparedness."
"What I'm telling you right now is you need to be getting your mind ready for the tribulation that we're going to endure."
"Being prepared spiritually to me that is the ultimate."
"The first thing that I'm practically thinking of is probably not what many people would expect in the preparedness world... get your heart right with God y'all."
"If Jesus wants anything of you, he'll fit you for the task."
"This is not a time to be basking in sin, this is not a time to not be right with God."
"One day Jesus is coming... God grant that you will be ready when he makes his personal appearance. Get ready, get ready."
"The real point is this we need to make sure that we're ready whenever Jesus comes and take as many as we possibly can with us."
"My word is people, be ready because Jesus is coming very soon."
"We need to be trained up and ready for the spiritual fight."
"Are you ready for God to visit you? Are you ready to hear God's voice? Are you ready to know God more deeply than you have ever known Him before?"
"Get prepared, spiritually and practically." - "Get prepared, just in case, if we get prepared spiritually especially practically, and nothing happens, that's okay."
"The gifts of God are ready to be unwrapped now."
"Christ never told us the Father won't allow anybody to tell us when Christ is coming back."
"Please trust him and follow him because time is almost up."
"This revival is for anyone and everyone that is ready for this."
"Consider the uncertainty of the day of your death... one day my soul, you must depart from this body."
"God has been equipping you longer than you know... boldly walk in faith through that door."
"We are not in the tribulation period yet, but we are getting extremely close."
"Leave it all on the table... When I stand before God at the end of my days I want to be able to say to him I rung it all out and I left no drop behind."
"The only real measure of success is when the trumpet sounds."
"You don't need to go out picking fights because if you're a true believer, the fight will come to you."
"If you die today, are you ready? Are your sins forgiven? Are you ready to stand before your creator? Tonight is the night."
"You can't make Revival happen, but you can make yourself hunger and thirst."
"The only way to be prepared for either eventuality is to stay spiritually strong and alert."
"When you begin to see these things take place, look up for your redemption draws nigh."
"The message of the Gospel of Mark is about the kingdom is about to be here, get ready for it."
"I wanted to make sure I was always prepared to hear God when I needed to hear him."
"This time is a reminder that Jesus is coming again."
"I urge you to take a stand for Jesus Christ and be ready for His soon return."
"Your higher self will come knocking, so be ready to answer the call."
"Prepare the way of the Lord, prepare it! The Lord is coming in His glory, His honor, His care, His safety!"
"Our Redemption is nigh even so come quickly, Lord Jesus."
"The promised land is ready for you but you need to be ready for it."
"God, here I am. My answer is yes. Now what's your question?"
"Be open to receive it when it arrives... and it's coming pretty soon."
"Look up, because your redemption draws near."
"How can you know that if your life ends today, you will enter into his presence?"
"Your next season is going to have to deal with you being willing to buy your own oil."
"Prepare for the coming of our lord jesus christ."
"Until I return, stay alert and watch for my kingdom, work for my kingdom."
"All of heaven's power is waiting to be poured out."
"God pours out his holy spirit on those whose hearts long to obey Him."
"Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."
"I was perfectly willing to go anywhere... but sure as that didn't hurt."
"When you see these things begin to take place, look up."
"Celebrate the good news that the king is coming back any day while we wait."
"Be ready, be alert for the kingdom of God is coming."
"If Jesus came back right now, would you be ashamed of the last week?"
"God's been waiting on a sign that you're ready."
"Jesus is coming soon for his church and we ought to be keeping our eyes lifted up and focusing on the prize that awaits us."
"When you see these things begin to happen, look up, lift up your heads because your Redemption draws near." - Jimmy Evans
"Jesus loves you and he's getting ready to come back for you."
"We're supposed to as the bride, we're supposed to eagerly wait for Jesus."
"I am ready to heal, I am worthy of the Miracles meant for me."
"Now is your salvation even closer than when you first believe, God say now is the acceptable time baby, now."
"Looking for the Lord, right? Isn't that one of our duties? Is to look up, for your redemption draws nigh."
"You can't go to church on Sunday and play Christian and live like hell Monday through Saturday and be ready to meet the Lord."
"Wouldn’t it be terrible to get there and Jesus would not even know us?"
"He's coming, and he said when you see all these things begin to happen, look up."
"Thank you so much for being in this watch and pray live stream as we have watched the signs of the last days prophecies happening and we have prayed to be ready for the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Here was someone who looked forward, he was not caught unaware. He was ready and waiting, and that was a glorious day for him. It can be for us as well."
"Watching for the Lord's return will help us prepare our own lives, but working will assure we bring others with us."
"Prepare with peace, joy, and boldness."
"We are living between the two advents of Christ. There ought to be a sense of urgency and expectation from us going."
"It's time to wake up child of the most high, son or daughter of the king."
"If you exhaust all the resources you have, then you are ready to enter into the reserve of the Spirit."
"It's like cooking the pot. It's preparing the way, preparing the vessel, so that when the deeper surrender can happen, the guru can come in with the Zen stick."
"Jesus is coming soon, are you ready?"
"Set aside whatever obstacles of pride or stubbornness have kept you from yielding yourself wholly and fully to all God has for you."
"Yes lord, yes. They ain't ready for this."
"Our souls have to be ready to possess that great wealth."
"Well, I feel that we need to be ready for whatever comes and to be spiritually equipped so that when things do happen, they don't take us by surprise."
"Being aware to declare yourselves to him before the great retribution."
"If you can ever just be still for a minute in this crazy world, put your phone down, like we all carry it around like it's the most important thing in life, put it down and get in a quiet place and just say, 'Okay, God, I'm ready to listen to what You have to say.'"
"Now is the time to prepare and really be ready for Jesus to come."
"Behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book."
"Get ready, because God never forms what he will not fill."