
Tasks Quotes

There are 544 quotes

"Your tasks, your to-do list might not feel so heavy very soon."
"Artificial intelligence is an area of computer science where the goal is to enable computers and machines to perform human-like tasks."
"Good luck, everybody. I hope you have a tremendous time doing your tasks."
"Now that I finally have the dress, that task is done—I hope everyone else is doing okay."
"All among us tasks are like brain dead and they're just not meant to be difficult."
"You're going to have like a daily missions or weekly missions."
"A good assassin never leaves any loose ends. The same is true of a good completionist."
"Your productivity has nothing to do with whether it's a game or school or your cooking."
"There's this interesting level of task that is relaxing, right?"
"Kovacs definitely wins out here in terms of tasks and the variety of them that you can find."
"I think I like the new tasks, yeah, the new tasks are really fun."
"Complete a task in August that has been sort of hanging over your shoulders for months."
"Finish the job, even if it took you two weeks."
"This is bold, your role in the experiment is very simple: one, find the items needed to progress through the complex, and press the completion button in the end chamber."
"It doesn't have to be drudgery, it doesn't have to be 'oh god I have to do this now.'"
"Now go back to your room and answer the other three questions."
"He's awful, now we got to do a couple things before we wrap the show up."
"It's gonna take 40,000 seconds to fill the pool."
"I'll have to take a look and circle back for you."
"Here's how you're gonna go down here to all the different tasks that you need to complete..."
"Even completing a simple task feels a little bit more rewarding."
"I've completed seven out of nine of these lights on the floor."
"The tasks view by default shows you all of the tasks that you've added."
"This is it, wipe those windows, that's exactly it!"
"You're telling me I have to lug this oversized eyewear thousands of feet to the ground? I ain't in the mood for games."
"Once you've done both of these things then go to the capsule corp time rift in canton city then talk to vegeta this will activate the first of three missions"
"I'm sorry, I'm an idiot for not doing all my tasks."
"All you had to do was follow the damn train."
"There's more going on in hammering than you're thinking of."
"I love all the passive tasks we're getting just by doing these collection log grinds."
"If I take baby steps towards the plants, the plants get finished."
"The guy was very scared that the system even reads his thoughts. In the first task of the system, it was said that it was necessary to introduce yourself as a knight, raising your flag on the battlefield."
"They really want you to make sure that you tie up loose ends, you know, pay that bill if it's been ruminating in your mind."
"UI path robots are used to assign various tasks and carry them out in the same manner as humans but without human interference."
"Every ounce really matters when you're washing those dishes."
"For the most part, you focus on putting the individual puzzle pieces into place one at a time."
"Robotic process automation was introduced to handle high volume repeated tasks that previously required humans."
"Just get the hardest thing out of the way so that I can eliminate the sense of dread."
"The natural approach is probably the first attempt to articulate a task-based approach to language teaching."
"If we want to negotiate the syllabus with our learners, the notion of tasks is probably the best way to start."
"When learners are doing a task, they have to rely on their own linguistic or non-linguistic resources."
"Calories and hydration provide the ability to take on new tasks."
"If you scale the language model, you can do more tasks."
"Handling things will become easier."
"There's always unfinished business."
"...it feels really good for us to fully complete a task whenever we do it."
"Simplifying everyday tasks with ease."
"A versatile usamade solution to tackle any task big or small."
"...every little task takes twice as long and then now that we've been doing this for two to three years building uh we put up a mud room or a pole barn or add put an addition onto the cabin and those tasks all went way better."
"How do you guys prioritize what you want to get done on the weekend?"
"Tasks are going to take way longer than they actually are."
"...authenticity of tasks means authenticity of purpose as well."
"...authenticity of tasks and of learning, very, very important."
"Doing more tasks is not equal to success, it's doing the right tasks."
"Bye, all right, we are all done, and we're going to head over to the post office to get these babies shipped out."
"AI systems are much better than humans at many tasks, narrow tasks."
"Willpower is a limited resource when faced with back-to-back hard tasks."
"She's going to clean around the house."
"Got the headlights knocked out, the switch panel knocked out, tons more projects to come."
"You're Snow White and you're around these dwarfs, kind of with tasks."
"Before you go, I need two things from you guys."
"From construction workers and gardeners to artists and even snowball makers, there are plenty of people out there who make precision look painless."
"Let's take a look at some of the most incredibly satisfying tasks accomplished by real perfectionists."
"That's it, those are the assignments."
"AI tools aren't like full-on replacing people at what people do, but as far as helping people do what people do, they're really good."
"Goals and tasks are big, yeah. It's like magic when they decide... and then they do it."
"I always feel better when all of these things are done."
"Sprint backlog contains tasks agreed upon for a specific sprint."
"...it removes itself from the list when it's done."
"Sometimes the smallest tasks get put off the most."
"You will never get on top of all your tasks, you will never get far enough ahead."
"So a neat and tidy adventuring structure I mean it's only three activities once you think about it but the tasks feel like some thought has gone into them."
"You haven't stopped completing your assignment."
"As an AI agent developer Your Role is to ensure that your agents have access to all the necessary resources tools and knowledge to perform their designated tasks."
"All of success in business is completing tasks, finishing the job, getting the task 100% done."
"Concentrate single-mindedly on your most important tasks and stay with it until it's complete."
"Give me a very brief summary of what you guys are working on. Shaft alignment, engine alignment, and we are starting to think about the Aqua Drive."
"We're gonna wrap it up, they should be good to go."
"The separation of tasks is understanding that on one hand our task is to be in our own frame, to maybe be our most authentic selves."
"You don't have to go up on deck, you don't have to be changing sails, you don't have to be doing any of that mess."
"It's that easy just this notepad I write down what I need to do on the daily I complete all the tasks on there or I try to complete all the tasks."
"My favorite thing: subtasks and Main tasks with reports and progress bars all in one database. That's powerful and we all love them."
"Relationships are more important than tasks."
"I need to go through and work on my basement work on my inventory my pantry room my freezers."
"I think every Christian wants to just stay there [with God]... but you can't stay there because there's literally things that need to get done."
"I speak as many languages as Pierre, monsieur. I am hardy, and so are my children. And I will do any task that is set before me."
"I checked off everything on my to-do list."
"One stripped down a dozen more to go."
"They got a whole bunch of stuff we're going to have to look through."
"We're really pressed for time. We got so much to do."
"Oh, so many things to be done, so little time."
"what are you using a knife for what's it what's the day-to-day tasks for me I cut a lot of cardboard I open up a lot of boxes and I use it a fair amount for food prep"
"Anything that requires a reasonable amount of steps, dexterity, or know-how can rouse a sense of panic."
"It's one of those things that I've been putting off for weeks, so I just need to make a start."
"Remind myself that the tasks that I'm doing are not inherently hard."
"Come up with daily non-negotiable tasks."
"Small tasks, small steps make big progress."
"Let's get this car started again because I've had some errands, had some filming."
"Bam! Pick up some milk on your way home, bam. You got it."
"It is never finished. You always have more to do, another mission, another task, another goal."
"A lot of tasks in natural language processing can be formulated as some form of language modeling."
"I'm basically like almost done I just got to do like a few more things after to run some errands."
"If I don't do all this stuff, then I genuinely lose my mind."
"That was neglected and now needs doing."
"Goals can be very aspirational, but we need to have tasks associated with them."
"The Mayan white tells them and our mind that they need to do four tasks to make their lock seeds fresh again."
"It's going to be monumental task now for Rangers, but if anyone could do it, they probably could."
"There's so much that needs to be done right now."
"I know we got to clean the hogs, we got to run, go get ice, we got lots to do."
"I want to be hands-free. I'm out there in the woods, I don't want to be holding a flashlight doing this trying to get tasks done and try to set it up somewhere."
"Find something that people don't want to do that they need done... and then do it well."
"How much we've got left today? We've gotta get suits, dresses, rings, favors. We've gotta actually make the favors and we've not got a lot of time to do it."
"I think it's going to be able to check off all four boxes on that checklist."
"One of my favorite things in life is when you set out to do a task and it ends up being way easier and takes way less time than you thought."
"I had to work out and then do some work and then I remember I had an interview with GQ in one hour, so I need to go set up for that."
"That's so cool. He just has a bunch of little machines that do the basic tasks. I love it, I love it."
"Do you guys have a long list of stuff to do for the shipyard?"
"They're not going to be making you run back and forth getting coffee or stapling papers or doing other meaningless tasks."
"Pass the explicit false belief task but like the seven-year-old kids."
"The better option is to split message delivery into tasks."
"Every time we make an improvement, these tasks get a little bit easier."
"That's the big picture, the big task that you need to do."
"A project plan will include tasks and milestones, two topics we discussed before."
"This includes a detailed overview of every project task."
"We managed to complete half the list."
"...I might do them I go run these errands that I have to real quick and then jump back on the scene."
"This is super useful and again as I complete these things they'll disappear from the list."
"But step one, we got to get brake fluid and then we'll have the car up in the air."
"Break down those big Milestones into the required weekly tasks."
"...the Clippers, there are two things we must do first..."
"One-liner commands are the best for tasks that we don't repeat daily but are very quick and easy."
"I've got some orders to pack today."
"Join me as we start hay Harvest and manure season and all the miscellaneous repairs that we have to do."
"Machines and algorithms are increasingly replacing rote tasks."
"...it's not really something that you have to do on these cars."
"Automation of tasks is prevalent and possible."
"10 seconds can seem uncomfortably long when you're trying to do maybe one of these quick in-the-moment fixes."
"It's not an easy sit down with a cup of tea and have a, you know, there's stuff to do."
"Sometimes the simplest tasks are the most enjoyable."
"We've got a lot of work ahead of us this week."
"Let me get this thing unloaded and then uh I'll go throw those suspension arms on the Ferrari bird."
"I think swapping the tank today, so doing some improvements and modifications."
"Positive reinforcement can help associate tasks with positive feelings."
"I'm kind of running out of things to check here because I haven't checked the tuner."
"These look kind of challenging though."
"It automates time-consuming tasks."
"We're gonna go through all those today."
"Homemakers are in charge of shopping, meal planning, cooking, cleaning, and much more."
"Combining different roles and tasks in our life is everything except coincidence."
"The rewards far surpassed those of lesser tasks."
"Next on the tasks I'm super excited about."
"I've made some good progress on those"
"Let's get the pony in the trailer, all loaded up, ready for Banksy and Miss Lola."
"I'm trying to get things done, you know, y'all know how it is during springtime."
"So both are a problem and it's you know it's just kind of one of those things that you can get lost in because there's so many, you know so again focus on focus on that front and center, the ones closest to you first."
"If you had to go around the whole house and do this, it wouldn't take you long at all."
"I've got stuff to finish doing on the ute and I've got to get it packed and I'm going to send it to Cape this week."
"Alright, Calvin, if you can wrap scratch those cards together..."
"So, obviously getting a few last minute jobs done at the moment."
"I know there's probably some more weeds that need to be taken care of."
"...so just one final thing to do for this backend and we're going to be all wrapped up."
"A large percentage of the Barista job are things that aren't coffee."
"Identify your signature strengths and use them to enhance tasks you dislike."
"I actually do go through and do all this stuff pretty periodically."
"The last 10 tasks are impossible."
"Tell the guy to go back to the broom closet or like go sweep the floor. Tell them to get out the art room and go sweep the floor."
"What is left to do? Because there are lots of students here, and it's not much fun when you realize that we have already done all the jobs. But you'll see, we are far from there."
"time doesn't exist when I enter this house to do my tasks"
"We still have pumpkin pie and apple pie to go but we need to do some chores."
"A system message appears: 'National freshman exchange competition detected. Main character will be given a new task.'"
"...you'll never check everything off your list right."
"It was a lot harder than I thought to actually like physically erase the board, update the prayer requests, keep track."
"all right y'all I just heard the dryer stop so I'm going to make my bed eat my mac and cheese and go to bed"
"I do have to do these. Oh the hardest part is putting them away I don't know why so just P the ass thank."
"Life's tasks are its greatest pleasure."
"Well, well, well, if it isn't me writing all the things from last week's to-do list on this week's to-do list."
"Any cognitive task expands energy."
"Anyways, let's get the game going. Miss, I have things to do without the presidency."
"Every little task adds up slowly to a clean house."
"Just have a plan, so right now on the whiteboard in the basement, I basically have like upcoming bobcat work."
"Now that that's taken care of, the next project is back in the zoo."
"Here's the goal: I want to mow the lawn, clean off the deck, the locust tree that's over the deck is just shedding leaves like crazy so we'll blow that off."
"If you're doing tasks that are $10 an hour or $15 an hour like going to the store shopping and cooking, perhaps then that may be a good arbitrage like it was for Chris."
"I think I can get this one finished today."
"The pool frame taken down all the way."
"I really need to prioritize this."
"Guys just a little bit of an update we have a lot of work to do today like I said I'm going to clear a lot of snow and get the wood stove all put back together so we can start know heating with that thing."
"I need to stabilise Rob, I need to lure Bluejay away from the Wrangler, and, most pressingly, I need to contact Lilith."
"We've got to get all these tomatoes done and the meat in the refrigerator done and sausage and all these... all of these things need to be done in the next couple of days."
"We have a lot of work to do to the house."
"This guy here did some basic cutting tasks during that job which was, you know, obviously mainly a digging and heavy rubber gloves type job."
"I kind of just forgot at the tail end of the day that I was doing this."
"I really love doing these tasks that are like really repetitive."
"In investment banking, you're going to be working on creating pitch books, administrative tasks, and doing a lot of valuation and modeling."
"It's gonna be a very busy week for us. We got a lot of stuff to do behind the scenes with moving and all of that good stuff."
"Lambda: perfect for tasks repeated frequently."
"Make sure you handle it appropriately... you're not in the TV show you're not going to get these done right away really quickly do things diligently."
"Just like in real life, there are some tasks in programming that are primarily made up of waiting for something to finish happening."
"We're done, all we got left now is to fix the rear wiper."