
Cover-up Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"The amount of evidence that disappeared or was covered up in this case was mind-boggling."
"Certainly, there is a coverup, and all UFO researchers recognize that."
"The evidence is overwhelming. There are documents that show the cover-up."
"This phenomenon, this cover-up, has an expiration date. It cannot last forever. No secret lasts forever."
"The admonitions smelled like a cover-up," said DeNanno. "And I wasn't going to be a part of it."
"All of this information was available at the earliest date, and the media were complicit in covering it up."
"They tried to cover it; they tried to pull it out. It's like trying to put out a fire; they couldn't put out the fire."
"This isn't just an attempt to rebrand. It's an elaborate cover-up, a campaign to discredit everything."
"The Chinese Communist Party's cover-up and mishandling allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic."
"The FBI dismissed it as a hoax only strengthen the belief for some conspiracy theories that its soldiers part of an elaborate cover-up."
"The cover-up is always worse than the actual crime."
"It's beyond obvious that there is absolutely a cover-up here."
"If what you say is true, this could be the biggest cover-up of this century."
"We've lost so much time on the investigations and allowed the Chinese so much more time to hide anything they want to."
"Except that the book is basically a cover-up, except that the book basically excuses him for his own activity. Doesn't really talk about the fact that he was scoring deals to get on the board of Amtrak and scoring high-paying gigs consulting."
"The cover-up is these documents were not inadvertently ended up in his home by accident, this is a cover-up of what's really happening."
"They conspired to conceal information about the exposure of chemical weapons to US troops during the Persian Gulf War."
"The truth about flying saucers has been covered up."
"The cover-up is almost becoming worse than the crime with Trump."
"The coverup is way worse than the underlying crime."
"We know a cover-up surrounding the lab leak theory took place."
"Let's be clear, Mr. McConnell doesn't want a Senate trial, he wants a Senate cover-up."
"This is a cover-up and Fulton County is corrupt." - Comment from an X user
"There are a lot of dots that still need to be connected but it is getting harder and harder for the White House to say there is nothing to see here."
"We're literally looking at a crime syndicate being covered up by intelligence, media, and the government itself."
"I haven't any doubt that there is a deliberate cover-up."
"It seemed inconceivable that key facts could be covered up until now."
"If a conspiracy actually took place on 9/11, it's being covered up by many more people."
"Rachel Amber's investigation has officially been closed. Arcadia Bay covers up another secret."
"The cover-up is frequently worse than the crime."
"Why were tapes destroyed? There's only one reason why they were destroyed."
"People absolutely think it's Marty but like it's unsolved because is this a cover-up or is it not."
"The cover-up is helping the perps in this Russia Obama gate scandal."
"Time to cover it with dirt and forget it ever happened."
"They pretended it didn't happen, they tried to cover it up."
"The difference here is what Trump did to try and cover up what he did in the first place I said so often the case it's not the underlying crime it's the interference it's the cover-up that gets folks in trouble."
"Something's being covered up here...it felt that way to me."
"The biggest producers in Hollywood allegedly harassing all these women... they let him go and they let the story go with him."
"This whole Roswell thing would have shut down a lot faster."
"He truly believed that he had uncovered a massive cover-up."
"Nixon's crime was the Watergate cover-up, which he orchestrated."
"The instinct to cover things up should be held as accountable as if someone they arrested came up with a fake story about what they did."
"In Watergate, they said the coverup was worse than the crime."
"This is going to take continued perjury and continued support of these individuals for to perpetuate the cover-up."
"If stuff like this keeps getting covered up, it just allows it to happen over and over again."
"I don't see how the military could possibly cover that up."
"The greatest cover-up in history is the cover-up of history."
"This is a desperate act to cover up 40 years of corruption."
"The cops have done everything in their power to cover it up... it is incumbent upon the media to find it and show it."
"This is breaking news right now: is NASA covering up ancient alien technology?"
"This should be a massive scandal... a president illegally bombing a country and then pressuring a global chemical weapons watchdog to cover up the evidence."
"It's like seeing fauci and Collins hiding the Smoking Gun and then turning around saying trust me to keep you safe."
"I don't think they'll be able to keep it covered up for much longer."
"There's just constant barrage of evidence that shows there's a cover-up actively going on even today."
"The fact is, Hunter Biden's laptop was real, it's deeply concerning, and there was a cover-up."
"They're on the side of Epstein I guess. That whole machine that was covering up for Epstein for as long as he was doing what he was doing."
"All he did was bring her to the coven too bad that they covered it up but who wants to admit that Staten Island is literally going to hell it is a picnic ground for them there are bodies buried that will never be found."
"I was part of a U.S Air Force cover-up for 17 years." - Robert Jacobs
"The death of a whistleblower doctor in Wuhan shows the world China's cover-up of the corona virus outbreak."
"The gravity of this cover-up cannot be overstated. The governor's administration was intentionally under reporting deaths the entire time, intentionally doing it."
"In the context of them destroying technology that they had a system to cover up and hide as well."
"But the fact that he disappeared, the briefcase never found again means there was some thought into covering up the tracks, right?"
"He's cunning and able to cover his tracks."
"There's a massive cover-up, there's falsification of evidence, there's perjury on an industrial scale."
"The Soviet Union had to deny the catastrophe ever happened."
"There has been a cover-up in the history of Pensacola."
"The police believed that whoever murdered Jonathan may have tried to push the car into the creek after him."
"The death of a king covered up and a country torn between two faiths."
"Everything I saw and everything I heard pointed to a cover-up."
"There's pretty conclusive evidence that there was an establishment cover up."
"Clearly something was going on and I think there was a conspiracy to cover it up."
"But not everyone is convinced. Some have suggested something strange did crash on Lazy Mountain, and the Troopers are covering it up."
"...she's more likely to take urgent action to cover up the crime when she does leave."
"I've got that cut out now went a little bit too high with that side but the Pan's going to cover that."
"What was covered up eventually turned into the full-on thing."
"Afraid of bad PR, the California State government went into cover up mode, sneaking the evidence, dead bodies, out of the quarantine zone."
"What kind of a cover up is going on that they deny that there ever was even an investigation?"
"There is a wild rumor that somewhere in the Vatican secret archives proof of an immense cover-up is hiding."
"Fred Hampton was assassinated and that police had launched a full-scale cover-up."
"The world government tries to cover up the very existence of the Rocks Pirates."
"Despite the alarming number involved, the National Park Service continues to ignore the problem and will go so far as to cover up anything that will cause panic or have a financial impact on park revenue."
"Buffalo Bishop Richard Malone has claimed to be different from the bishops before him who covered up the abuse."
"She blew up a detention center. The voice of London trying to cover it up to keep the morale up for the people."
"I almost fell. I killed a bald eagle. Is what we're gonna tell people. We're gonna tell people it was a dangerous animal, and I was raped on paper."
"The literature in the UFO field, even though covered up and denied by officials, it's full of sightings."
"all that holier than now garbage it's all one massive cover up for their biggest screw up ever"
"The cover-up is often worse than the original crime."
"You would have to be very naive to believe that nothing like that would be able to be covered up because every single one of our governments is shrouded in secrecy and thrives on it."
"Concerned about what the public would think about one of their stars hitting his wife, the studio covered the incident up."
"I mean, this, you know, the issue of rape in the military had been covered up repeatedly, by the military."
"They were the ones who had killed Kay and they had staged the hostage situation as an elaborate cover-up."
"It's clear that it's not just some freaky stuff happening in the woods. Something is happening across every national park and hazard control are covering it up."
"If you wipe the evidence, if the tape is going to establish the time of Gordon Way's death, then I don't want any embarrassing examples of Gordon Way speaking to turn up on the tape after that point, even if it is to confirm that he is in fact dead."
"When a crime is coolly premeditated, then the means of covering it are coolly premeditated also."
"...so we just kept with the cover story."
"The American government tried to cover the matter and at the same time it began to focus more on Snowden to distract people from the content of the leaks."
"They use animations to cover up the lag."
"The cover-up is often the story of the cover-up is often worse than the story about the crime."
"She realized she needed to remove the body from the residence so that she wouldn't be caught."
"They were making too much noise, laughing, joking to cover her terrible accusing silence."
"Shade is only thrown to cover up things that shine."
"It's a continuation of the wrongful pattern of concealment and cover up that they've engaged in since the beginning but now they've Enlisted the entire office in the Enterprise."
"Members of one family conspired, planned, carried out and then allegedly covered up their violent act to wipe out members of another family."
"Money has been a motivating factor in denying any in-depth investigation."
"The main issue with the sexual abuse problem from the beginning has not so much been the actual violation of the victims... It has been the cover-up, the lying, and the attempt to recreate reality that would suit the institution."
"Finally a legit way for poker players to cover up."
"It makes no difference whether he had sex with these women, he paid them off and then falsified documents in order to cover it up, and that's where the felony occurs."
"A cloud of confusion and cover-up will continue to linger over the families and friends of those lost."
"I think that's true, you lied because you didn't want to face the consequences, you needed to come up with a plan to fix this and that plan involved covering up what you had done."
"Through talking with astronauts and individuals in both government and intelligence agencies over the years, I'm quite confident we have been visited. A notion that we're alone in the universe becomes absurd."
"Not only is the phenomenon very real, but there's also a very elaborate cover-up."
"I think I've moved beyond believing that they are mere contradictions in NASA's UFO policies, to believing that there may, in fact, be some kind of UFO cover-up."
"Terrifying secrets that have been meticulously covered up for decades."
"Zetsu will be watching, giving Itachi the best chance to cover up Kisame's death."
"Some people are questioning this move and believe there might be a cover-up happening behind the scenes after all."
"It's not the failure, it's the cover-up that gets you in the end."
"It's not a crime, It's a cover up."
"Sometimes the crime doesn't get you, but the cover-up does."
Oh my gosh, that's so creepy, and I love that it ended with like, "Oh, they just saw something," but not like with, "Oh, they just saw something," but like, they might have seen a secret government project that the men in black did try to cover up.
"We're not even at the start of the story yet. The scandal was one thing, but it's the cover-up."
"This is the story of not only how the plane crash occurred, but the shocking allegation of a corporate cover-up."
"The worst part, after all, isn’t the devastation. It's what amounts to a cover-up."
"Growing evidence shows Reed was framed as part of a cover-up."
"All of this makes me worry about what the boys are all covering for each other until it came down to their own money."
"The conspiracy theorists were right, it was no weather balloon, and there was a cover-up."
"Life on Mars... we found life on Mars in the 1970s and it was swept under the rug."
"For me, I don't believe any conspiracies. But there's a big difference between a conspiracy and a cover-up."
"I feel that there was definitely a cover-up."
"They lied in 1986 and they are lying now."
"They make things disappear... Hollywood has real life fixers and they will stop at nothing to make scandals disappear."
"The great Roswell mystery, the great Roswell cover-up, arose from a real cover-up."
"Welcome to the world of conspiracy, where cover-ups, secrets, and hidden agendas all trace back to a single source."
"This news is a relief but it also angers me. I am furious with the cover-up."
"The world government may try to cover up his delightful deeds, but today we are going to embark on some Roger-based appreciation."
"They cover it up but then they get dragged into the underbelly life of Tokyo in a way that they never would have expected."
"An unthinkable betrayal of trust, a panicked and clumsy cover-up, a paper trail that exposed the entire shameful affair."
"In many cases the perpetrators denied their victims not only their lives but they also denied them a proper accounting of what had transpired in covering up crimes."
"Every time they get caught, whether it's John Charles de Menezes or whether it's the Lawrence family or Hillsborough, the first thing they do is try to cover up their own tracks."
"We need something really interesting on it to cover it up, so what better than a huge conspiracy board."
"What's even more intriguing is how both crashes seem to be covered up."
"The good thing about wrinkled paint is it covers all of the imperfections because it wrinkles and it pretty much like expands up."
"With these new releases, there is substantial evidence that Nixon was involved after directly ordering for a cover-up of Watergate."
"We are all victims of this brutal, ruthless, well-funded, well-orchestrated UFO coverup."
"Cover people's mistakes and sins as much as you can so that God covers yours."
"A doctor buries his mistakes, and an architect covers them with ivy."
"The spring lock suits were death traps that Fazbear Entertainment tried to sweep under the rug."