
Reductionism Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"This takes us tantalizingly close to the reductionist dream of a theory of everything, at least at the level of the fundamental laws and the fundamental ingredients."
"To be nailed down to that level is an example of reductionist thinking. It's just so narrow, and it's all trees and no forest."
"I'd like to be remembered for helping science come out of the reductionist way of thinking."
"Ontological reductionism is about the property of nature that we explain the behavior of macroscopic things by the behavior of their constituents on smaller scales."
"This is what happens when you reduce people to characteristics. This is what happens when you reduce people to skin color and stuff."
"I am not a fan of reductive solutions to complex problems."
"Seeing everything in terms of practical utilitarian evolutionarily adaptive strategies just cuts out everything that makes life worth living."
"Reductionist approaches in science ignore the holistic picture, akin to blind men feeling parts of an elephant."
"If you think societies can be reduced to one factor, you need to get a Magic Bullet and then you're in Utopia."
"The sentient individual reduced to a transient moment of taste bud stimulation."
"The problem here is not Consciousness, it's the notion of reduction."
"This is not something you reduce to genetics. It's a complex biopsychosocial process."
"Even if every behavioral and cognitive function related to consciousness were explained, they would still remain a further mystery."
"The human mystery is incredibly demeaned by scientific reductionism."
"Every experience, moment of happiness or suffering, relationship, institution, is reduced to a tool."
"Isaac Newton had destroyed all the poetry of the rainbow by reducing it to a prison."
"There's no scientist coming along and saying we can't scale things down."
"Every time you have an effective theory... there is always the idea that you can have recourse to a lower-level strata... to explain everything coming from very little or nothing."
"Science reductionism may eventually dissolve the hard problem of consciousness as we refine our understanding of the qualities of particles and their collective behavior."
"The reductionist hypothesis does not imply a constructionist one."
"The soul is nothing but chemistry."
"Everything that exists can be reduced to one common substance."
"Simplicity is Divinity, and everything must be absolutely reducible."
"Reductionism as a systematic global principle is simply intellectually incoherent."
"We cannot reduce biology to physics."
"The success of the reductive project supports belief in physicalism."
"Logistical analysis is where one takes anything, any substance, any chemical, any science, and brings it down into its smallest component parts."
"Words like automate, automatic, automation all will be reduced to a single lemma: automatic."
"There is a level of meaning... reductionism is an act of faith, an act of belief."
"Everything can be broken down to their simplest parts and I take a lot of comfort in that."
"Once the world is reduced to a mechanical world, then all other levels of reality lose their status as being real."
"Reductionism is when you reduce something to its building blocks and dismiss all emergentism."
"Reductionism is the belief that human behavior can be explained by breaking it down into more simple component parts."
"If we rely solely on evidence, we risk moving toward a monoculture whereby patients and their afflictions become reduced to inanimate objects."
"The notion of like he played three play-in teams... that's definitely very reductive."
"Coming up with a reduction is not a mechanical procedure; it is art."