
Mutual Interest Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Persistence only works in the movies and television shows. It's got to be mutual reciprocation."
"Two people pursuing each other is healthy, is balanced, and is stable."
"Networking isn't just about being liked; it's about finding people who you like and who like you in return."
"The definition of a safe relationship is when one person takes the other person's best interests as a part of their own best interests and vice-versa."
"People are interested in people who are interested in them."
"True love is they are both interested and patient."
"I really like this guy. He likes me back. This is the best thing in the world."
"Person B was realizing that person A was kind of into them and person B might have kind of felt that chemistry as well."
"They want to have you in their life for sure."
"You need to discern if this person is as interested in you as you think you're interested in them."
"Meeting somebody that you're attracted to, they like you back, and you hit it off, that's very cool."
"They see you as someone that really wants commitment with them."
"Ultimately, though, the countries involved have to recognize it is in their self-interest to do so."
"You don't need to know my body count if I'm feeling you and you're feeling me."
"That's what caught my eye that's what really cemented like this connection for me to you."
"I do think they actually want to commit and I do think it'll go in your favor."
"I feel like if I like you and you like me and we have the mindset that we're gonna make something serious happen, then that's what it should be."
"It's likely that you and this person are going to choose to move this connection forward after this date."
"You want to know that she actually wants to be with you."
"When you truly do this, there's not a giant separation between their best interests and your best interests."
"Trust and love: the other person's interests matter to me."
"We do have shared economic interests... we can all come out ahead together on specific issues."
"You need to go where the girls are actually wanting to know about you and you're wanting to know about them."
"There's a lot of potential between the two of you."
"We know everything about each other." - "We know everything about each other... We like stalk each other a little bit."
"And I feel the person going to chase you, you don't have to chase after them."
"Trust happens when somebody takes another person's best interests as part of their own."
"Both of you keep that curiosity about each other alive."
"Both of you see that there's something very deep and interesting in one another."
"They really, really see something with you, and they're very much hoping that it's mutual."
"You should not be chasing people who are not interested in you."
"You guys definitely want to be with each other with that energy here."
"Somebody wants a commitment with you, Scorpio."
"If you're interested and you can tell she's interested, why wait? Take the initiative and make the first move."
"You deserve to be surrounded by people who want to be invested in your world."
"You're open to love, but you want someone who reciprocates."
"You're definitely manifesting money, it could be you and another person manifesting each other too."
"They see you in their future, you see this person in your future."
"This connection has a grip on them because they really want something to work out between the both of you."
"Choose someone who is at least mildly interested in walking this healing path with you."
"I love a piece and he's just as excited about it as I am."
"You and this person... are definitely both... interested in the other person."
"It's all about mutual interest, bro."
"It's all about mutual interest and it ain't always got to be about sex."
"They both seem really excited about each other."
"Would you like to see each other again? 100%."
"Both sides are going to have to recognize that there is a mutual interest in us doing stuff and we're not trying to go back to how we were."
"You want a woman who's into you, who's excited about you, wants to know things about you, because as a man, you want to feel wanted as well."
"It's in each other's interest to fulfill each other's desires."
"You both have to love the thing that they're into that you never knew you would be into."
"It's nice when someone also wants to talk to us about them."
"I think it's so important to invest in friendships with people who are also interested in growing and exploring."
"The energy is mutual. There's a lot of interest for you, but at the same time, they're kind of confused."
"They see value in you. They're really going to be that attraction is going to be there. And you're both going to be 100 into each other."
"It's mutual interest, or no interest."
"She found something unique about its taste and kept glancing at him, which made him smile."
"If you like someone and sense they like you, that is when you should be asking all the tough questions."
"I don't want to work with nobody who don't want to work with me."
"It is in the interest of both parties to solve the divergence in interpretation in an amicable way outside of the courts."
"We have an ability to fight side by side in a way that isn't paternalistic but a shared mutual interest that we can be doing right now."
"I'm hopeful. I like her, and I, you know, she kind of picked me, so I'm excited about that."
"There is an equilibrium point at which even though everyone has an individual id with an individual self-interest, that all interests are mutually advanced by cooperation."
"When you like a profile and they like you back, it's a mutual congratulations, people, we have a match!"
"We should be able to cooperate where it's in our mutual interest."
"A relationship only works when two people are at the very least mutually into each other."
"In a job interview, they want to hire you as much as you want to be hired."
"The essential ingredients in a quality activity are: at least one of you wants to do it, the other is willing to do it, and both of you know why you are doing it."
"You have to actually invest in people who want to be with you."
"David just happened to glance over at Diane as she just happened to be glancing over at him, and in this brief moment, they locked eyes and they both instantly felt attracted to the other."
"To choose a partner wisely, ask yourself, does my intuition tell me this other being has my best interests at hand?"
"Good conversation is like a leisurely game of tennis, with the words being pitched backwards and forwards for as long as there's mutual interest."
"We've got to have a strategy that recognizes that the interest of the developed world in feeding the hungry, in educating children, that that's not just charity; it's in our interest."
"There's nothing more exciting than seeing somebody super cute and wanting to go out with her and discovering that she totally wants to go out with you too."
"They're as fascinated about us as we are of them."
"Men and women have to cooperate, of course we do, I think that that's in our best interest to do."
"The girl I like, the girl likes me."
"My heart's racing, you like it, we both like it."
"She giggled too, exactly. She liked it, man."
"You want me, I want you, and you're putting in your best foot forward."
"If somebody really likes you, they're going to be contacting you back, they're going to value you, they're going to do all these things."
"High mutual interest makes dating effortless."
"You surround yourself around people who care about themselves just as much as you care about yourself and then there's there be a common interest."
"Green flags are when you're having fun, you guys are talking, they are interested in you, they ask you questions."
"He's fascinated by us almost as much as we are fascinated by him."
"We have a responsibility to our people and the world to work together when we see it in our interest to do so."
"You want to talk in terms of the other person's interest."
"We work together in a spirit of mutual interest and mutual respect."
"When you are fascinated by the spirit of another, they can become fascinated with you."
"Who you want wants you, it doesn't get any simpler than that."