
Wrongful Conviction Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"It's just absolutely mind-boggling that he is sitting on death row, convicted of murdering his wife and unborn son, and nobody has been asked more than three questions about that burglary."
"There's so much clear misconduct here and lying that they should not have ever been convicted of these crimes and imprisoned for 20 years like that should have just never happened."
"I'm serving life for a homicide and rape that I'm innocent to."
"After so many letdowns, I believed that one day they would come and say, 'You know, we made a mistake. We were wrong.' And let me go."
"African Americans are only 13% of America's population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated...about almost 50% of those exonerations were African American."
"We need to acknowledge that these things exist... Black people are more likely to be wrongfully convicted of crimes, more likely to be incarcerated for minor offenses."
"Brown contacted the Innocence Project, and DNA tests concluded that he was not the rapist. So, in 2004, after serving 19 years in prison for a crime he never committed, he was finally released."
"Thomas Haynesworth was convicted of four violent rapes and sentenced to a total of 84 years in prison...after the DNA testing, he was exonerated and was released from prison in March of 2011 after spending 27 years behind bars."
"George Stinney...was convicted in less than 10 minutes by an all-white jury and was executed by the electric chair. In 2014, he was exonerated of all the charges, nearly 70 years later."
"Life is ultimately quite short, and if your whole life is in fucking jail for something you didn't even do, what exactly is that? It's crazy."
"Robert was exonerated and determined to be wrongfully convicted after spending 37 years in prison for Barbara's murder."
"It's a scary world if that non-evidence can put somebody away for life."
"They convicted because of the lie. If he hadn't done it, he wouldn't have lied."
"How could they convict of gun possession when they didn't have a gun?"
"How damaging it is for a wrongful conviction to occur."
"Juan was released, compensated, but he lost 20 years of his life."
"Since its establishment in 1993, the Innocence Canada project has helped exonerate 23 innocent people."
"Every time we convict an innocent person, the real perpetrator remains free."
"This was a crime he didn't do and it took 64 years with the help of technology to prove that."
"So many innocent people are sentenced and convicted of crimes that they didn't even commit. It's pretty terrifying to think about."
"Robert Brown was just 19 years old when he was found guilty of a murder that he didn't commit."
"Ricky Jackson was locked up behind bars for 39 years for a murder that he didn't commit."
"For every nine people executed in this country since the reinstatement of capital punishment, one innocent person on death row has been exonerated."
"I just can't believe that I'm going to be stuck here for 40 years for something I didn't do. I mean, I just have to believe that that's not going to happen because if I do, I might as well just die."
"I came here in 1989 at the age of 15 years old. I was actually convicted of the crime that I'm here for at the age of 13 years old."
"Coley was granted a full pardon by Governor Jerry Brown, citing new DNA evidence clearing Coley but also mishandling by the investigators who originally were on his case, even implying the possibility he was framed."
"Time is sadly running out...justice for Julius Jones."
"He's on death row right now for a crime he did not commit."
"We should use human judgments; we are humans."
"Cash register cleared after 34 years of a wrongful murder conviction at the age of 53."
"The ultimate issue that allowed the wrongful conviction was the suppression of the 250 plus pieces of material exculpatory evidence."
"Are these death row exonerees able to live their free life to the fullest after losing years of their life to prison where they awaited execution for a crime they didn't commit?"
"Around 4% of people sentenced to death are actually innocent."
"A wrongly convicted man finally unshackled after enduring 13 long years of injustice."
"False confessions: innocent people sealing their fates with their own words."
"Police were racist and the two of them are only in prison now because the police were covering for some rich white man's son."
"I testified in my deposition that I testified in a case of a man who was wrongly convicted about 20 years and suffered physical and sexual alliance in prison."
"He was convicted of something that never occurred."
"Knowing that he had done nothing wrong was the hardest part."
"I miss him. I had just been invited to be a keynote speaker at an International Convention on wrongful convictions and we marveled at how my whole circumstance had come full circle."
"Maybe this is all the FBI’s fault, not Flynn’s. Maybe the man who pled guilty to a felony isn’t guilty of a felony."
"There's a well-known legal principle that it's better to acquit a hundred murderers than to falsely convict one innocent person."
"Judge Mason should vacate these convictions and Lamar Johnson should walk out of that courtroom today."
"I still can't wrap my mind around how the hell did I go from home to death row for a crime that happened in another town but to people I don't even know."
"In light of what we now know, no properly instructed jury would convict him."
"They wasted this man's life by convicting him based on this shoddy evidence."
"I definitely don't think there was enough to sentence Hanna Overton to life in prison for murder. I do not think she purposely killed Andrew bird."
"Finally, a decade after the brutal murder of Cheryl Ferguson, Clarence Brandley was freed."
"If I were a juror I never would have convicted these guys of this crime."
"We can all agree that people who are truly innocent, who have been unfairly convicted, deserve their freedom."
"Darnell Phillips is an individual who served 30 years in prison for a crime that he did not commit."
"Adam lost all his appeals long ago as he has told me many times once I lose all my legal remedies I will accept my fate he does not know what I know losing is not an option for me I will never stop fighting for my freedom."
"Sarah's case remains controversial, with some believing she was wrongfully convicted. Even the prosecutor Larry Sells, who once likened her to Charles Manson, now believes in her innocence."
"I cannot see how they can live with themselves knowing that they sent an innocent woman to jail the rest of her life for something that she didn't do."
"And Johnny Lee Wilson is innocent. And if he had a trial, he would probably be acquitted."
"Legal experts and statisticians who did some investigating believe that from 1976 to 2004, 4.1 percent of those who were given the death penalty were actually innocent."
"There have been 167 exonerations of prisoners on death row in the U.S. since 1973."
"The justice system failed Crystal and may have failed other people."
"Convicting an innocent man is not justice for Felicia Barnes."
"This guy's literally on death row and he didn't do it, and these students are proving him innocent."
"The death of Marilyn Shepherd followed by the arrest, the trial, and the long road to exoneration for her husband, Dr. Sam Shepherd."
"After almost 10 years in prison, Sam Shepherd was a free man once more."
"more than three quarters of them were sent to prison at least in part because an eyewitness pointed a finger"
"If there was an American equivalent of James Hanratty, it would probably be Roger Keith Coleman, who initially seemed like a poster child for the unjust execution of innocent people."
"Our tears belong to Romeo Green, an innocent kid who lost 20 years stolen from him by a wrongful conviction."
"The deeper into it you go the more kind of obvious it is that this is an unsafe conviction."
"He had spent 16 years in prison for a murder that he didn't commit."
"As time passed, the false conviction of Martin Tankleff became a cautionary tale in legal and law enforcement circles."
"I believe that the wrong man was convicted."
"William Gage is in jail for a murder he didn't commit."
"Tears belong to Romeo Green, an innocent kid who lost 20 years stolen from him by a wrongful conviction."
"There's a certain kind of person who can be wrongly convicted, and that kind of person is an innocent person who acts guilty."
"How the hell you end up innocent in prison for 34 years?"
"There was a growing belief among the public that the boys... had been wrongfully convicted."
"The show examined all the evidence and came to the conclusion that Margaret had been wrongfully convicted."
"The state of California just killed an innocent man."
"I represent a guy who was wrongfully convicted of murder, spent 13 years in jail, and it took three different types of appeals to finally get him out."
"Anthony Mazza spent 47 years in jail for a robbery and a murder that he did not commit."
"At twenty seconds to nine am, the signal was given and Albert Pierpoint began his murderous task to hang a 19-year-old for a murder he hadn't committed."
"As I said to you earlier, it's my path. It's not romantic, it's not... it's really hard. And it is dealing with... I mean, there are innocent people convicted unfortunately all the time."
"So many innocent people are sitting in prison right now for something that they did not commit or have been executed or just died for something that they didn't do."
"...the wrong man had been sent to prison for this crime and Coy was finally exonerated in 2017 after spending nearly 39 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit."
"Absolutely, I believe this is a case of a wrongful conviction."
"The contents of the book and the subsequent renewed press interest led to the solicitor general for Scotland, Alexander Monroe McRoberts, to conclude that Oscar Slater's conviction was no longer proven."
"Inadequate representation is a theme throughout erroneous conviction cases."
"...ordinary people were convicted and some even thrown into prison for crimes they did not commit."
"The wrongly convicted man was finally set free after serving 21 years behind bars."
"I spent over 18 years on Death Row in Arkansas for a crime I didn't commit before gaining my freedom."
"We know that two of the individuals who they convicted of murdering Malcolm X were completely innocent."
"As I watched them prepare my father for lethal injection, I screamed at the top of my lungs, 'Stop, he's not the one who murdered me!'"
"The stakes are obviously most high when it comes to wrongful convictions for murder."
"If the lab can produce informative data, even if it is complex and mixed, but they can't interpret it, then you can have tremendous injustice of guilty people not being convicted or innocent people staying in prison."
"Damon became the 300th person to be exonerated after serving 15 years on death row for a crime he wasn't involved in."
"Ensuring the innocent don't serve time for someone else's crime."
"You don't just destroy the life of the person wrongly convicted; it reopens the wounds for the victim's family, it erodes public confidence in our system of justice, and it means someone is out there getting away with murder."
"I went to prison for something I did not do, not once but twice."
"The stars aligned in a cruel constellation; he, like hundreds of others, was wrongfully convicted of murder."
"For every nine people we've executed, we've now identified one innocent person on death row."
"If ever in the history of this country a woman was hanged by the sheer prejudice of an uninformed public and without the slightest modicum of evidence to justify the hanging, that woman was Edith Thompson."
"It's one thing to be put in prison for a crime you didn't commit; it's another to be admitted to an insane asylum even if you're not insane."
"An innocent man found guilty of a crime he did not commit."
"There is perhaps no failure of the justice system more obvious than when an innocent person is locked up for a crime they didn't commit."
"Thrown into prison for a crime I didn't commit, I continued to trust in God's plan for my life."
"The work of organizations like the Center on Wrongful Convictions and the Innocence Project have uncovered hundreds of proven false confessions."
"False confessions are the most common cause of wrongful conviction in homicide cases."
"I lose more sleep over the fact that a man is sitting in a six by eight cell for the rest of his life for something he didn't do."
"The Innocence Project... they work on cases of people that claim that they are innocent."
"Melissa represents all the wrongly convicted."
"Years of their lives are stolen from them because they were mistaken for the real criminal."
"Most lawyers in today's time, if not all lawyers who look at this case, say that it is the definition of a wrongful conviction."
"If you can go through that, unjustly convicted of murder on death row, solitary confinement, and maintain your sanity, wow, that's proof of the human spirit."
"I am the only thing standing between this man and a wrongful conviction."
"Imagine the amount of people that have been incarcerated or convicted of a crime that they have not committed."
"Ron was a dead man and he was completely innocent."
"Wrongful convictions and illegal trials involving young children are too common."
"They're technically felons, but they've been wrongfully convicted."
"It's almost like when somebody comes out of jail and then they find out they were wrongfully convicted."