
Learning Resources Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"All of these books are excellent for learning number theory."
"If you're ever wondering on a website how they've done something or how they've coded something, you can just right-click that element and see how they've created that HTML code right here."
"It also provides some terrific knowledge for learning more about backend Linux systems."
"There's just unlimited info out there, there's so many stories."
"Well, I hope you are as pumped as I am about using Arduino libraries, like I said they open up so much opportunity for you as a new programmer."
"Just get started, even if it's not something big, just try to make games or look at tutorials."
"If you enjoyed today's lesson but you'd like some more information, no problem, you can click on the link up here or in the description to learn more about the 30-day Listening Challenge pack four, which is open starting today."
"Always remember you can hit the pause button and you can also send a note to Simply Learn if you have more questions on vectors or on this, definitely you have that resource available to you."
"Welcome to CodeWithChris, the place to be if you want to learn how to make an app."
"I guarantee this is like going to college for four years. I will have, I, the videos we have on our channel I think will help you more than spending a hundred thousand dollars at a university, that's my promise to you."
"Thank you so very much for all of your wisdom that you shared with us where can people go to learn more about the work that you're doing."
"Great tutorials! I want to subscribe to the Blender Club very soon."
"Seek out communities related to what you want to learn."
"Looking to level up your post-processing skills? Watch the replay now on our YouTube page."
"Google is real free but books are a beautiful companion to Google."
"Honestly, if you're trying to learn this game, go down to the comments."
"Knowledge base is out there whether it's on outlets like YouTube or well-written articles."
"How to Trade focuses on offering all kinds of educational resources and chat rooms to help you learn about how markets fundamentally work."
"That's a really, really helpful way to use such a great resource as a replay or a VOD or a recording or whatever."
"Learning resources like Tao of Color and Color Grading Central can take your skills to the next level."
"It's almost as if I have a step-by-step guide of how to do it."
"Watching the Pro Guides YouTube channel or checking out proguides.com will also help you hugely in improving at the game faster."
"So, if you need to learn about something, so I wanna learn about the if statement, know that the if statement can be used to check whether a condition is met and if it is met then it returns one value."
"It's been amazing, and so far, it's like doing Clinic book with all my mates, right?"
"I really want to find out more. What are some recommended resources that you can point people in the direction of?"
"Spend time watching videos that actually teach you things, that actually show you their thought process."
"There's a lot of online resources like a lot of other programming languages."
"If I get to it, hold me accountable, please. If you want to know about sprouting wheat berries, one of my favorite resources for learning about sprouting your grains and seeds is the book 'Nourishing Traditions' by Sally Fallon."
"Hooray! This course really filled my knowledge gaps and I became more confident after watching some of the videos."
"If you'd like to actually learn how to play Yu-Gi-Oh, you can go check out team APS's YouTube channel."
"Lenode makes it super easy to spin up servers with their one-click app Marketplace and have tons of written guides and YouTube videos on their channel to help you get started."
"We are so excited for you, our goal here at Makers Gonna Learn is to equip you all with everything you need to know."
"This is a free education, the best education you're gonna find all across the tube."
"Skillshare will help keep you learning and thriving with twenty five thousand different classes."
"Again hey, if you want to learn how to tattoo what better way to do so than with a 2-star tattoo kit and a pumpkin."
"When I first got into the industry, I was trying to learn and went to YouTube to learn about RVs, and this was one of the very first YouTube channels that I stumbled across."
"Best places are msdn.microsoft.com or stackoverflow.com."
"I've been working on a lot of video projects... I got him this book that I read about film editing... it taught me a lot about how I approach the philosophy of film editing."
"Read those comments, explore these, go watch demos."
"If you watch a guide from a player that knows what they're talking about... you're gonna improve just drastically over one day."
"Read through the condensed version of the Encyclopedia Britannica."
"Your most valuable resource when it comes to learning a language is the internet."
"Head over to Skillshare for your 2-month free trial and get learning."
"This is just not about adults this is for children I'm getting a lot of children out there a lot of teenagers that are really learning a lot because you know that is their future."
"If you guys want to learn how to solve the Rubik's Cube, just search up 'how to solve Rubik's Cube' on YouTube."
"This one's really good, it's really easy to follow and it goes over the basics."
"If you enjoy learning with others, if you enjoy being part of a team, if you enjoy going through a journey together, then I recommend these resources."
"If you yourself are looking for tools to better understand radio frequencies and how they work and how radios function, this would be a great thing to add to a wish list."
"To wrap things up, let's take a look at the API documentation website and some resources for further learning."
"The number one tool that I used was Professor Messer's videos on YouTube."
"If you're looking for more great tips tricks and tutorials there's that link in the description to the full playlist of iPhone videos that'll help you get the most out of it."
"If you watch those videos in that list, that'll jump start you and get you off on the right foot. You're going to be so far ahead of anybody else."
"So if you enjoyed today's tutorial, head on over to our site, contemporaryschoolofpiano.com and ask for our sight readers kit. It will have a couple of the wonderful resources we've covered today, and it'll really help you take those big bold next steps in your musical journey."
"The first thing that you need to do to start working with python is to go to the official website python.org."
"React official document is here, excellent resource to learn React from scratch."
"It's better than what I could teach and I always direct people towards this PDF because it's always been super helpful and I really enjoy it in combination of doing my own figure studies."
"It's with you. Nowadays, with YouTube and stuff, it's not like it was when I learned. I had to learn from actual teachers and class in person or, you know, books or whatever that I could find scrounge up for instructions. And nowadays, there's just resources everywhere."
"There are tons and tons of free resources out there for you to learn for you to play with for to use and add to your toolkits."
"One thing I want to do over the next year or two is develop more learning resources specifically directed at the needs of adult learners."
"If you want to learn the basics of machine learning in under 20 minutes build a chat bot or take a course in the fundamentals of system design they have it all."
"Our goal with the track is to produce content that covers important things that you need to know to be a working programmer in today's C++ community."
"Find a really good pool of resources to help me learn... youtube is a fantastic place to learn from."
"Just search bioenergetics on YouTube or the movement system bioenergetics, and I can talk more about that."
"Let's actually look at that documentation page because after this webinar is over, you're probably going to want to dig in and say, 'Okay, I'm really excited about the Microsoft Identity Platform, where do I go to learn more?'"
"This is a very, very good place to get started, so I appreciate the kind words."
"If you want in-depth explanations and proofs, go to Jensen Math GA."
"The most important thing you should take away from this video is that all of these books are excellent and you can use them to learn mathematics."
"Everything that you want to know how to do, it's here."
"If you need to learn how to read music, I have plenty of lessons on the channel that you can learn way more about that."
"Take courses online; there's so much content online to help you, and a lot of what I'm doing now is self-taught and just learned from online education."
"If you want to grab a copy of the code that we wrote, check out the links in the video description."
"If you guys want to support the channel and learn how to code just like me, I highly recommend checking out my Udemy course, Python STEM Essentials."
"This video should give you a good idea of which tools to prioritize."
"If you're watching this because you'd like to become an instructional designer, then make sure you check out that full 'Become an ID' playlist."
"If you really want to master the outlaw country techniques and sound like Willie or Waylon, then we put together a playlist of skills and song lessons from Fender Play to help you out."
"Now that we've authenticated with the Coinbase API and we have access to all of this data, I invite you to take a look at the Coinbase API docs."
"I wish that I had something like this when I was first starting."
"These are the bread and butter of YouTube ads and what I assume that most of you are here to learn about."
"I hope that it's going to help you on your journey to become a better knitter or just give you more super fun things to look at and read."
"Education programs in high school are so important; that's why free access to information, books, book bans, streaming services, documentaries, all of that stuff is so important."
"Make sure you check out other videos right here on the Marla Bird YouTube channel to make you a better knitter and crocheter."
"Check out my phrasing playlist that has some really good lessons and exercises for how to get your phrasing sounding lyrical."
"If you are wondering how do I know what is available to me and for which node, the help docs are your answer."
"Check out the beginner's guide; it has helped tens of thousands of people get up and running in Studio One very quickly and help save them some of the frustration."
"The examples are really good, I think they are better structured, and it's more easier to learn than in the previous version."
"The best way to learn about painting miniature figures is probably from the Warhammer 40k groups or any other miniature hobbyists because they have a far better grasp of painting as a whole."
"Everything you need to know is in this playlist from the templates, the levels, the timings, the setups day one, day two, day three, and timings all of the things that will help you get better and better and better 1% better every single day."
"I owe a lot of credit to the Simple Greens Hydroponics channel and website which helped speed up my learning curve for this style of hydroponics."
"...the value of a real education, I mean we can all be here and talk about things live and it's free... but if you want the whole story and if you want the full teacher support, that's where education is really quite important."
"If you're interested in learning more about functional programming in general, a really good place to start is Advanced R."
"It can be a little daunting at first, but those Rom Raider forums are pretty helpful."
"This will really just give you the skills that you need to get started."
"Definitely take a look at the docs... there's a lot you can learn from here, I think more than any tutorials."
"Python is a really approachable programming language and there are so many resources out there that you can use to learn about it."
"Medium is a platform where you can find thousands of Python tutorials, data science guides, and more."
"If you're struggling with turns, we've got some cool resources."
"If you want to learn more about Tailwind, definitely check out the website at tailwindcss.com."
"When all else fails, read the documentation."
"The Salesforce DX trail in Trailhead has a ton of different resources and it will talk to you about getting the extensions for Visual Studio Code."
"If this sounds interesting to you, I'm gonna have a link in the description to Amplication; you can get started completely for free."
"This course is part of a full-length free course on my website on UI testing for beginners."
"As always, there's a link below to the PDF tablature for both parts, so please get a copy of that."