
Alternative Quotes

There are 1012 quotes

"You might as well pick up the burden and carry as much as you can for as long as you can because what's the alternative?"
"Bitcoin's second greatest achievement is offering a Lifeboat out of a system that's designed to collapse."
"To the extent that you really want that, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You can actually buy real money if you don't like government fiat, and that is gold."
"Welcome to Game Theory, the only thing to watch considering everything else has been cancelled."
"Instead of offering you a new beauty cream, a better career choice, or a handsome prince on a white horse, we want to recommend something better. It's Jesus."
"Well, we just want the police to have another option to take somebody to treatment."
"How do you compete with schools? Well, it's easy. You homeschool your kids. You get them out of these places." - John Hopkins
"The island challenge: a perfect replacement for gyms."
"This is actually a pretty convincing alternative."
"If you see this and you love Blanton's, this is definitely a good alternative."
"I do believe gold will over the next two to three years offer a tremendous alternative."
"You can have your anxieties over the Biden situation but then you have to go to all right what's the alternative"
"Hustler's University... the education was actually pretty decent."
"The beauty and power of the gospel is that Jesus Christ offers us a third alternative: Trust in God, in the transforming power of his love. Don't be afraid. Stand up."
"For the first time in years, wrestling fans are hoping for a serious alternative to the WWE."
"If this is capitalism, give me some communism, give me some socialism."
"Bitcoin is seen as a way out from the US dollar hegemony."
"If you think the solution to a kid not knowing how to act is to put them in a child prison camp, you're wrong. Something's wrong with you."
"I'm not super thrilled about it. I would've rather lived."
"The White House almost ended up looking like a giant chicken coop."
"Alternative is a culture, it's a lifestyle, it's a set of Aesthetics not just a sound."
"Having another way to have energy is a good thing."
"Every day that followed, Erin would come home to her stuffed animal, her ‘Poncho II’ as she liked to think of it."
"This isn't a temple, but there's another gateway to somewhere else."
"Perseverance is a great substitute for talent."
"The Hyundai Ioniq 6 is the perfect car for somebody who likes what the Tesla Model 3 offers but wants something different or more traditional."
"If a paleo diet doesn't help or doesn't help enough with your mood or concentration issues, a ketogenic diet is also usually the next logical step."
"Everybody needs to express themselves, and the people who bottle things up, it comes out in a different way. So if therapy is not your thing, then maybe it's your best friend."
"AEW is not immune to criticism. They're not perfect. They're trying. They are an alternative to what we get on Monday and Friday."
"Babylon is a financial system created outside of God's system."
"Independent creators present an alternative feel to what's being said on these major platforms. They present them with more options."
"Daring alternative: For Your Love by Mizensir."
"You don't need to use fish oil, you can take algae-based omega-3 fatty acids supplement."
"Bitcoin is a way that we can hold our money outside of the system."
"If you want something that is basically spot-on to 1 million, but you don't want to spend the money to get 1 million, you can get this."
"If you're looking for something to hold you over from that Chainsaw Man hype, this is the perfect place to look."
"If you put guitars in the hands of people they may not have time to put a gun or a knife in their hand to do damage to others."
"It would have been great to see what they had in store for us from this canceled Arkham game but what we're getting instead is a really cool looking game out of Gotham Knights."
"Almond-based cream cheese tastes even better than cream cheese."
"If you don't have any breast milk handy, then just go with the coconut oil."
"Would I have rather just watched a YouTube video about some people doing this instead of spending a year in my life doing it? Yeah."
"Community college is such a good alternative to spending 50k a year at some university."
"If you can't quite stretch to the cost of a new generation hot hatch then do not despair because you can get one of these little monsters."
"Instead of donating to politicians, donate to these efforts to Unionize Amazon."
"There's a whole different way of looking at things."
"Vision of tomorrow: the alternative version of society."
"The whole goal behind Edge of Wonder was basically to dig into the things that at the time the mainstream media just weren't talking about."
"It's honestly really good. I can't hardly tell the difference between this and regular lasagna."
"These carrot fries are much healthier."
"Spices aren't replacements for modern drugs, but they offer real properties we can learn from."
"Please don't have surgery, let us have a try at it, most of the time they will be pleased."
"Cryptocurrencies are legitimate alternatives."
"There is another way to live if you don't like the life that you're currently living."
"We're living proof that there's a different way, there's a different path that you could take."
"This protocol is not an alternative to standard medical care, this should be used in addition."
"Who needs a real restaurant when we can have this?"
"I tried alternative therapy, which I love."
"If you don't like white, then I think a blue or a striped blue is a really nice alternative."
"Squirt low calorie: offered a satisfying alternative to sugary sodas."
"...a genuine alternative to the company's main line of comic books."
"I'm going to imagine a world where sakumo never was shamed for saving his friends so join me will you?"
"If they're out of the yellow bird sauce, get the spicy ranch, you won't miss it."
"It's not about having a majority, it's about having an alternative."
"This has worked wonders for the games that the major gaming websites aren't willing to touch or games that are in Early Access."
"Replace the coffee with sea moss."
"What was an alternative culture became Mass Market"
"I don't have to go become a stripper in the evenings."
"Kefir water is like natural soda."
"Bitcoin is the best alternative investment. What's the second best? There is no second best."
"It's better than spending the night out on that park bench," John reasoned.
"Opposing them is one thing and it can slow them down. What's needed to beat them is to provide something else that is not the state as it exists because that's not working."
"Road rage is dangerous and irresponsible, so I find this to be a good alternative."
"But what if it didn't need to be this way? What if I told you that Goku's death shouldn't stop him from helping our heroes in the future timeline?"
"Huion Sketch could be Android's answer to Procreate."
"The rise of new and alternative media has finally broken through and has the numbers and market penetration to overcome the dishonest mainstream media."
"The importance of self-compassion is a really important alternative to self-esteem."
"Okay, well let's try it on another game."
"Energy drinks are not the best solution all that caffeine can make you jittery it can get you some serious crashes and that's why mud water is an excellent Al."
"It was sort of like being dumped three hours before your high school dance, so instead of going as a desperate lone ranger, you're forced to bring the dog instead."
"If you don't happen to have a lighter handy, there are other ways to get a fire going."
"Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor that serves as an alternative to Adobe Illustrator, packed with more features and abilities than even some of the paid apps."
"Realize that there is a different way if you're in debt and you don't feel like you can get out of it."
"it's nice to finally see the Grammys giving some recognition to the alternative scene"
"Community college is a valid option. When you get out, you'd just be learning the same things anyways, cheaper."
"It's impossible for me to know whether the woman who gave birth to me would have chosen abortion if there had been a more readily available alternative in 1972."
"Please bring a book instead of a card. Genius!"
"If you don't need seven seats in your SUV and you don't want to wait months and months and maybe even years for a Toyota RAV4 hybrid, this could be the next best bet for you."
"Trump was the lesser evil. The alternative was World War 3."
"The Impossible Whopper has since been called one of the best vegan fast food menu options at any fast food chain."
"Maybe you should buy one of these instead."
"THD ascorbate is a great alternative for individuals who find traditional ascorbic acid too irritating."
"This feels like a weird recommendation but if you're looking for an engaging small car, don't just think about small hatchbacks, consider this."
"Using Graphene OS often involves embracing alternative app ecosystems like F-Droid, which offers a wider range of privacy-focused options."
"It's a shame that Alistair had to sacrifice his health, his well-being, jumping from a 45-foot high structure, but that's what had to be done. There was no other alternative."
"It's definitely cheaper than doing a photo booth."
"I wouldn't buy the sack myself, but it's a low-cost solid alternative."
"This is an alternate color change method."
"This is such a great alternative to selling your house."
"But if you don't have a camera or you lack it for some reason you can also just do something with Motion Graphics."
"Imagine if he just decided to get out of that car that day instead of going back and forth with that lady."
"This might be a good alternative with the added bonus that it stays Evergreen."
"If you like that drink, don't drink it. Have a martini."
"Instead of putting that thing up, drink a glass of water. That's what I do."
"A lot of these guys are working very hard and they want to create a break for themselves. If we can help support, because I've always said wrestling needs an alternative."
"While conventional cosmology attempts to explain the existence of such huge structures within the age of the observable universe, CCC proposes an alternative path."
"People don't want to be driven into these two camps, they love it when they have some alternative that involves actually figuring out the nuance."
"Functional medicine is the alternative to conventional medicine."
"But if the Jedi weren’t going to do anything, maybe it was time for a different path."
"Tater tots are fun and definitely a more fun option than just the usual fries that everything comes with."
"AM radio is a little more punk rock than FM."
"I think it's time to move on to the alternative."
"...It's a great alternative so this one I also give a thumbs up."
"Shout out to everybody that has pressed B and come to the bside, this is where you get the bside of conversations, culture, and Chaos."
"You can just eat it like this, might even be better than having it with the bread."
"You can do this if you're ever in a bind, just step into the astral plane."
"What if in the Shawshank Redemption instead of digging his way out of prison Andy Dufresne just prayed every night?"
"...bakut Shield can be a great alternative to retinoids... tend to be that little bit less irritating."
"This is such a good alternative to ice cream, it's not unhealthy at all and it's still got a nice sweetness."
"Humans have become so discouraged by their own search they began to think there must be another answer from another place."
"This is sort of the car for you if you can't get a GT3 or you don't want to drive a GT3 every single day."
"The elevator wouldn't budge. I was left with a choice: do as I was told until the front desk, or I could do the alternative."
"You have to stay as conscious as possible and always be that vibration and that force of being that creates the alternative space in which it could flow into growth rather than into destruction."
"Well, our Eagles didn't make it, but we're going with Taylor Swift."
"You don't have to spend $500 on plants to get a cool looking fish tank."
"Air-to-air heat pumps are practical and people often don't think about them when they're trying to switch their heating."
"The question is not how do I get what I think I need to be okay, it's about finding another way to be okay inside."
"Who needs socks when you can have these? Now it can really get cozy."
"Slow living seems like an incredible almost dream-like alternative to the nine to five grind."
"It is still possible to rent an apartment without a credit score."
"You really can do something else... there is another way of life... all that stuff really isn't it."
"I did, I did. I just was fortunate enough to have something like hip hop that was able to be an alternative that saved my life changed my life."
"Lollapalooza: the very first traveling alternative music festival."
"I feel like we should have just went to the thrift store guys."
"This is a really good alternative breakfast."
"It's honestly a great alternative to a lot of other content that's out there."
"...But I just wanted to shed some light on a different way of buying a car and a different way of car ownership from what people are traditionally used to."
"I kind of prefer the dupes over the original Tom Fords."
"There's an alternative to the grind and the hustle."
"Ever thought you wanted to cook a brisket but you hated to fire up that old smoker that takes 16 hours to get it done."
"Delta 8 relaxes you without the drawbacks of weed."
"...Who needs to buy gimmicky slimming tea from Instagram influencers when you've got a bottle of prune juice in the pantry, right?"
"A beautifully crafted alternative to traditional grow lights."
"A different kind of solution to a problem."
"I'd rather see the world from another angle."
"The purpose of his work was to provide an alternative to the Newtonian approach by describing physical systems in terms of energy rather than forces."
"I think this could be like quite a nice alternative."
"Here's a healthier option. It's toffee almond and sea salt snaps."
"You don't have to use the product that I use you could just use any oil for pre-shampoo or pre-poo."
"I may not need it anymore, okay? Okay, and I haven't been able to get them so I thought maybe, you know, an alternate number, you know?"
"Instead of having a wedding, we are redoing our backyard."
"The point of homeschool is not to bring school into the home. It's to create a different experience for your children."
"If you weren't a YouTuber, you would be a dog trainer or a furniture maker."
"It's not about being alternative to be alternative, but it's about real critical thinking."
"If you're vegan, living a plant-based lifestyle, or you're looking to eliminate animal products in your skincare routine, snail mucin isn't for you."
"Another great alternative would be to reach for a glycerin serum or toner."
"On a serious note, magic mind is absolutely my replacement for that crazy coffee binge I've been having for many years now."
"Society wants something, they want to change, and Islam is what they need."
"Stopping a bad habit is something we all put off because it's hard, but switching to Fume is easy, enjoyable, and even fun."
"This warmer lamp is a safer alternative to burning candles, it gently melts wax releasing a steady aroma without flame or smoke."
"It just gives people an alternative."
"The best made comic, it takes you so far out of what is normal for Spider-Man and creates a very different world for him."
"Reusable alternative to plastic wrap, period."
"This is actually a rare variant of Mirage, sure it's also a worse variant but if you didn't want to buy the Amazon two-pack then this is kind of your lot."
"The Cella is a viable alternative to the circle."
"The alternative is to have less inequality."
"My entire goal with this channel is to show you that you don't have to work that corporate job to make good money."
"It's just as easy to imagine a world where human civilization prioritizes ecology or equality."
"In alternative music, there's a sense of community."
"The goal of the strategy is alternative income."
"The Draco definitely fits the bill as a Firebird alternative."
"My goal for today's video is to inspire you to make one of these recipes when you're feeling like you'd rather eat something else instead."
"I'm always looking for an alternative for anything that comes in a pill."
"We are different, we're a third option."
"House churches are springing up all over the place."
"This will do the exact same job for a fraction of the cost."
"Goats are a good alternative because they don't require near as much water."
"The traditional route is not the only road to success."
"If you're going to Burger King and you're getting the Whopper every day and you need to break your meat addiction, you can get the Impossible Whopper."
"I want to give people another option."
"Quinoa is a wonderful substitute for white rice."
"Is there something which kind of can work in a different way? What is there other than power?"
"I think this could be a really game changing alternative."
"Ditch the cigarettes, ditch the vape, and get some nicotine infused toothpicks at ZPi Toothpicks."
"What if I told you there was an AMD alternative, almost the same build quality as the XPS, bigger display, better battery life, and can run circles around the XPS 13?"
"When somebody comes along and they offer a better alternative, 'Hey, I understand the world's falling apart, but over here, we love each other, we love you, we've risen above all of this.'"
"Once Nicholson and Brando were deemed too old to play the parts... SNL alums Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi were considered for the roles."
"Nuclear energy is a totally viable alternative."
"There's an alternative path, and that's what the Exodus story lays out."
"It's like on principle, say we can't buy, we'll go somewhere else and we'll get a push pop, right?"
"It's money. It's an alternative to fiat."
"What else could you get instead of three trees?"
"Linux is a free and open-source operating system. It doesn't require any licensing or hidden Microsoft tax to use it. It may be a viable option, particularly if you are curious and don't mind learning new things."
"I think this is a great alternative to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner."
"Drinking herbal tea instead of coffee every morning helped me lose weight."
"Some promise was shown in beard growth as an alternative to minoxidil."
"Model X has never been this cheap before."
"I do think that this cooler is going to be a very good alternative."
"They might as well just go to another bar and you can meet up with us."
"It's important for people to see that there is a different way of being."
"I'm trying to create a world that operates by its own alternative set of rules."