
Elite Quotes

There are 515 quotes

"The Nigerian state is captive to an elite gang-up, an entrenched political economy that concentrated power in the hands of those who came to power through their own controversies and influence."
"This tapestry with the sun and also the early Christian Chi-Rho seems weird to be promoting all this elite symbolism on these tapestries in your just hunting resort."
"Who controls America? An elite group of people who function in a stratosphere globally and beyond the Constitution, beyond the reach of government."
"It's important for elites to promote values and 'preach what you practice'."
"The three most common traits of elite performers: a crippling sense of insufficiency, a superiority complex, and maniacal focus."
"It's not going to be who's going to win the Republicans with the Democrats... it's going to be who will win the people or the minority of political Elites."
"You've got to be elite, yeah, let's be honest about it."
"This is something that the elite do not want the masses to know."
"The struggle of the people against the elite... is the essence of populism."
"The billionaire class is scared and they should be scared."
"The ultra wealthy, okay, no I know I get it, I'm rich but I'm not like a billionaire or anything like that right, certainly the powerful elites know something we all don't."
"When you see this unit, you're like, yeah, that's elite. That's elite."
"The rich and the wealthy can afford to hire the best accountants, the most high-end."
"Our ruling elite has transformed radically and we're going to have to question that ruling establishment."
"The ruling elites, the billionaire class took everything they could for themselves."
"The global elite are clinically insane and hence devoid of such qualities as conscience, empathy, compassion, and love."
"The sword is very much a mark of a high-status Warrior, only owned by the wealthy or the elite warriors."
"We need a new elite. We need powerful people to establish themselves and organize themselves in academia, in media, in government."
"Slavery for the elite is not essential like it was back in the days."
"The elite who occupy the commanding heights of digital reality are suicidal nihilists."
"It ends in tears but a very happy ending for a small group of highly influential people."
"High up Elite begin to drop like flies, time for change."
"I want so badly to see our corrupt, arrogant elite and thoroughly useless news media crushed..."
"Since its inception in 1663, many prominent geniuses have been members of this society including Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, and Elon Musk."
"Being a MiG killer is a life-shaping event, I would say. You feel honored to be part of a very, very elite group of fighter pilots going back to World War I, World War II, Korea you name it."
"The elite itself is kind of fundamentally Nietzschean."
"Space Marines are a compact but highly elite force, defeating foes many times their number."
"An elite American Airborne unit was created for the most extreme combat missions."
"He belongs among the best center-backs in the world."
"These are the best of the best of the best."
"The movement from an attacking point of view was so elite."
"We've entered that elite market of football."
"The Ring of Death found in Mexico suggests the sacrifice victim may have been an elite member of Maya society."
"Skill acquisition is not by any means the biggest problem of elite individuals; their problem is skill access."
"They are the elite special forces of ancient Germany, known as the Ghost Warriors."
"Leon Edwards is very elite technically."
"I'm a big fan of guys that are already at that elite level and take one on the chin and come back with something to prove."
"To kill without flinching, to face death without fear, it's what makes a member of the elite Spartan krypteia."
"Of the phones that have managed to really capture the attention of consumers, only an elite few can lay claim to being one of the top-selling smartphones ever made."
"It's the NFL, it's the best of the best."
"The elites strut onto the ground, greeted by a roaring cheer from the crowd."
"Paige is complete and elite in most of her skill set on the offensive end."
"They get the creme de la creme and they compete and they compete."
"Mullholland Drive has long been home to Hollywood Elite."
"That's the unselfishness, and that's what separates her; she is so elite in terms of being a fantastic teammate and team player."
"When you are playing with the greatest players, you have to be elite."
"An elite class of Politburo members called the Politburo Standing Committee."
"The Capital Club continues to reign as the epicenter of Dubai's elite circles, it's where business tycoons from across the gulf converge to carve out empires."
Vegeta: "I am an elite Saiyan warrior. I cannot be beaten by some low ranked fighter like him. I am the strongest in the universe!"
"Kelce continued producing at an elite pace."
"Stories about the ultra elite are the ultimate escapism."
"The battle over Brexit will continue. Only the coming years will show how much this coup by the country's Rich Elite will change Great Britain."
"That's why they call it the billionaire secret."
"There are certain athletes, you being one, that are in an elite class."
"It's amazing that the elite 10 are tops in all areas."
"Canon's dual pixel autofocus, which is what's making this happen, is elite."
"Have you seen her handwriting though? It's elite."
"These are the places where billionaires and celebrities hide when they're off duty."
"The SAS training course must be nothing less than Gods. After all, their main battlefield task is to inflict as much damage as possible within the shortest time behind enemy lines without any losses."
"The DNA tells us that there was an elite in these tombs that were related."
"What conspiracy theorists don't grasp is that the elite is also inept."
"The Marine Expeditionary Unit is always going to be The Cutting Edge of the Marine Corps."
"Unquestionably among the elite of burst damage builds."
"We are setting a new elite level for the resources sector."
"The court awareness by IGI is so Elite."
"If you keep the world up under you in confusion, you maintain your position as the elite."
"Bias had truly established himself at this point as one of the elite infielders in the game."
"Seals are the best guys in the navy. If you want to do something special, you go be a Navy Seal."
"I think we might have a 100 Club, you know."
"He dismissed the many passages in the New Testament about wealth and poverty and assured the elite that their worldly success was a sign of God's blessings."
"The cream of the crop is the very best that the path of the beam has to offer here."
"They were the best of the best, the brightest and boldest that Humanity had to offer."
"You've never truly been able to count out Joe Flacco, and whether or not he's elite, his legacy will live on forever."
"It takes some time but what's really amazing here is that we seem to have the elites being the first people who are sedentary."
"John Stockton: NBA's all-time leading assist leader and stealer. One of the most elite point guards of all time."
"If you're affirming the values of the dominant elites you can get away with anything."
"The problem is because of our idiot polarized political system all of that resentment just redounds to the benefit of a bunch of people who are able to pretend to be regular but are in every sense as much of rapacious elite as all these media."
"The code for Elite is essentially one large script of 6502 instructions."
"...the elite have a brilliant relationship with Adam page so punk rating their friend every chance he could get was naturally cutting deep."
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Teddy's cousin, and Eleanor Roosevelt, Teddy's niece, married in front of a glamorous gathering of society's Elite."
"The world's elite are again tempted by large prize money and the dramatic knockout format where anything can happen."
"The Bohemian Grove: the ultimate hideaway for the world's Elite."
"Not everybody who was afforded a lavish tomb burial in ancient Egypt was a pharaoh. Sometimes you didn't even have to be a member of the royal family or belong to an elite family."
"Yale University New Haven Connecticut Yale University is one of the top three American universities among the Elite Class of Ivy League schools"
"By 1997, Cavalli was in the fashion elite, dressing and partying with the stars."
"They were the best of the best, handpicked for this mission."
"I think we're starting this at an elite level."
"If you could play at any college level bro you are 1% of the world."
"That's the most elite of the elite competition you can get."
"If you want to be an elite club, you have to have an elite manager and get elite players."
"Decay is the product of two things: institutions are rigid and they don't change, and there's a universal tendency of elites to try to capture the political system and use it for their own ends."
"Many of these ideas have morphed into a new religion for the ruling class."
"The NFL is the elite. Even if you're the worst team in the league, you're a [__] NFL player."
"Think of this group as an Elite Squad."
"There's a sign over the barracks, and it says, 'Some men fear men, some men fear monsters, and Recon is what the monsters fear.'"
"You like to do at college? Freaking elite."
"You're all Top Gun graduates, the elite, the best of the best. God, that was yesterday."
"Nana was sent by the elites with the mission to assassinate all the inhabitants of the island."
"Definitely has earned it. One of those guys I was definitely wrong on, he is an elite quarterback."
"The tradition of turning humans into gods had political and elite purposes, often elevating rulers or sacred figures."
"The Blue Angels are one of the most elite aerobatic teams in the world."
"The elite need to know they will never win."
"When you go after elites who are doing those heinous things to kids, you go through hell."
"In my humble opinion, All Star 2 is elite. Nothing is topping it anytime soon and nothing has topped it since it aired all the way back in 2016."
"Government of the elite, by the elite, for the elite."
"This car is reserved for the elites of the world: the executives, the stock brokers, the realtors, the doctors, the dentists. The elite of the elite drive cars like this."
"Remaining in position when players try to initiate contact or throw shoulders to the chest is another, and he happens to be elite in both departments."
"Tristan England joins that very elite group of racers."
"His mentality for me was just the most elite level mentality I've ever seen in anybody."
"Elites benefit from preferential programs, even when they're supposedly for the masses."
"True power should be in the hands of the few."
"It just shows his influence isn't just on the consumer it's actually on the elite golfers who are playing on the tours."
"The FA18 has seized center stage as the world's elite Strike Fighter."
"The political Elite in this country got way too far out of touch and frankly had been credentialed to a point where they were no longer responsive or in touch with the priorities of the people."
"...how institutions serve themselves, governments serve themselves, the elite and fashionable create their own world but the common person has to keep on struggling."
"Woody Hayes, back in the day, a win for two when they were up by multiple touchdowns at the end of the game and when they asked him why'd you go for two he said because I couldn't go for three. That's the kind of game we're talking about, that's a nice quote, that is Elite."
"Tom Brady proved that he's still elite."
"The elite have to tell you things they have to leave messages the reason they have to do this is this This Is How They believe they get past Karma by telling you what they're going to do they release their karma."
"The GIGN is one of the most elite counter-terrorism units in the entire world, made up of only 400 operators. The GIGN have a flawless track record of 1800 publicly known missions, rescuing anywhere between 600 to 1300 hostages depending on who you ask."
"You have to be the top of the top to be invited in but then even like CIA directors, secretaries of state, international bankers, like heads of big business moguls, those are all the people who get invited to this."
"The functional equivalent of human rights can be developed and flourish if we insist upon the duty consciousness and the ethic of responsibility of the elite."
"Celebrini is exactly what the team needs, an actual franchise face, an elite player."
"Members of the Cosmos Club have included three U.S presidents, multiple Supreme Court justices, Nobel Prize winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, Presidential Medal of Freedom winners."
"They made fun of the schools they'd gone to: MIT, Yale, Rhode Island School of Design, Colombia, Harvard."
"Wade would be an elite second option through the four years of James being on the team and was an integral part of their two championships."
"the guys I know that went to Dev group were just Mark one motto Kick-Ass dudes."
"Hey man, these games ain't for everybody. These games, when they leave, we elite. So, be elite."
"I was fascinated by the experiences of the elite in combat."
"The traders in this room are elite, making seven and even eight figures a year."
"These are kind of the creme de La Creme."
"Populist movements are a revolt against the establishment, saying 'you've become a technocratic elite.'"
"Elite athletes are elite athletes and successful people are successful people."
"In a slow market, in a down market, only the superstars can make money."
"This is the cream of the crop back in the day."
"...the Air Jordan 38 is an absolute Elite performer in my opinion..."
"Luxury beliefs endanger the very being of a lot of people who are the elite."
"He's elite. The game plan that he had on Monday night was tremendous."
"Jeffery Epstein's island, the whole island. Could you imagine if there was in that place? That documentary they talked about all the people that have visited. All the political elites, all the celebrities, all the rappers, all the [__] musicians, all the people."
"The seven transcends all perceived social barriers and classes. Indeed seven owners are a class on their own, an elite."
"The insane amount of training the special forces receive and what they have to go through to be part of that unit is crazy."
"I believe the fixes that he made in 2020 will put him in the elite Echelon of national league starting pitchers."
"This song is elite. I personally think it works best in the season 5 spin-off story 'Surprise Adventures'."
"The world is yours if you're in the top 2%."
"My son is elite, my [__]. So then where are you watching this? YouTube. The [__] name ads on, yo. Ads and all that."
"Thoroughbreds run around with other thoroughbreds, they don't hang out with donkeys."
"Formula 1 is the pinnacle of all racing."
"OpenDoor was treated as Silicon Valley elite - a startup that was so bold, so disruptive that it was untouchable."
"If you're subject to what the economy can do to you rather than being in control of the economy, there is still an elite of people in all societies that control the economy."
"At the top of the mountain, there are only a small amount of people."
"Every bull in this short go with the national finals bull, so not only is the cream system to the top of the bull riders but the best bulls."
"I think your mind combined with your athleticism as well makes you great because I've seen it in athletes, and you never turn off your intention. And that is elite, and that's what a lot of people don't do."
"Be the top one percent. That's the only thing I care about. Be the top one percent."
"It was actually a big shift in ideas, the intellectual operating system of the elites."
"But this is the top 1% right here, this is the top 1%."
"Delta Force is the greatest special forces unit America has to offer."
"How does SEAL Team Six compare to the rest of the Navy Seals?"
"Delta is so lethal because they're like the number one DA counter-terrorism group there is."
"This game was a test for Hawaii... proved their mettle...take their place among the nation's elite."
"The lifestyle of the richest of folk, the top one percent."
"To be an elite player on the PGA Tour, you have to be...everyone's good at everything on the PG. You know there's no room to make it up."
"I want to be elite. You want to be what? Sorry, elite. You want to be elite. You want to be the best of the best."
"This is the cream of the crop, cream of the crop."
"These Bigfoot challenges... 16 guys... really be a superstar to even be asked to play."
"The top 10 percent are being productive. The top 10 percent aren't sleeping in. The top 10 percent aren't watching TV."
"Cherry Coke is elite. Cherry Coke is A tier. Cherry Coke is amazing."
"At the top levels of golf, the best players have an element of aristocratic nonchalance."
"As a flavor to me, watermelon is elite, top tier, crazy."
"This is a great Elite category right here, bro."
"Neither the regular clone troopers or even the elite ARC troopers could match the clone commandos in organization and teamwork."
"Clone commandos essentially served as the GAR's version of the United States Navy Seals."
"The Mole Rats are one of the Foundation’s most elite teams of special operations troops."
"My goal is to teach people how to think like the five percent."
"Long road to get to this victory, the format's brutal, the players are the 16 best in the world."
"I think that his striking is elite, and that's what carries him."
"Out of every 1500 applicants to the unit, less than 1% pass the selection process and training."
"Established in 1957, Sayeret Matkal quickly became the general staff's elite special operations force."
"Our Royal Marines have a worldwide reputation as one of the world’s elite fighting forces."
"In a world shrouded in mystery and intrigue, there exists an elite force that operates in the shadows."
"This is the best of the best, champions of champions, the cream of the crop."
"An elite class of warriors unparalleled in the world of combat."
"He's up there with the elite talents, special talents."
"For they are the most talented, Highborn, able, lucky, connected, brutal, venal, cunning, preciate, intelligent, remorseless, callous, disconnected, distant, self-absorbed, single-minded, and sociopathic humans to have ever lived."
"The stylistic consistency served the interest of a collective, that is the elite of ancient Egypt."
"It's an elite group of anglers that win the championship and do it twice."
"It's not easy to be good at a sport. All these guys that are elite level, they're elite level for one reason: years and years of dedication and hard work."
"Is Francis just an elite athlete? Did we see an elite athlete against a non-elite athlete who is competing against and beating and the head of an inferior athletic field?"
"If you know your outcome, know why you want it, and take massive action, you're now in the most small percentile of people on the planet."
"If you're on World's Strongest Man, you're with the top guys who are the best in the world."
"This competes in that same summit category there for the very best out there."
"The International Race of Champions, a pinnacle meeting of 12 of the best in racing."
"I will absolutely take that invitation to the elites, guaranteed."
"The Gurkhas only want the cream of the crop."
"Racing in these races is about proving we can race at an elite level."
"Formula 1, a championship like no other, with fierce competition amongst the world's elite drivers and constructors."
"If you can find yourself in any category with just you, Michael Jordan, and Wilt Chamberlain, you got to be doing something correct."
"The second player in NBA history to have two series-clinching buzzer beaters; Michael Jordan is the other."
"This is one of the all-time greats, this is elite tier."
"The elite remained faithful to a fashion philosophy that celebrated subtlety and quality."
"The peanut butter and banana with dark chocolate is by far the most elite Clif Bar."
"We expect everyone to be like John Chapman, and when you put eight John Chapmans together, we're unstoppable."