
Motion Quotes

There are 1284 quotes

"The real-world problem for this was understanding and analyzing in a precise way continuous motion and change."
"Different observers would measure the passage of time differently according to their relative motion."
"Motion is relative, not absolute... the speed of light is absolute."
"Nothing happens until something moves." - Albert Einstein
"Everything in existence is always moving and always changing, including the Earth itself."
"Everything has a vibration... everything's constantly in motion."
"A rattleback is a semi-ellipsoid top that rotates in a certain direction on its axis, it becomes unstable when spun in the other direction, rattles to a halt, and then reverses its spin to the favored direction."
"A light trail image is the kind of image where you have some kind of bright lights, and if you also have motion in that and if you do a long exposure, you can blur out those lights to create a really special photo."
"If you're moving or if you're still, you can't use the laws of physics to tell you which is moving and which is still."
"The spinning dancer...which direction is she spinning?"
"I love the softness... there's such a motion in the foreground, motion in the background, there's even a little bit of softness on the subject... it feels like it's in motion."
"You always want a sense of momentum; you always want motion to move the viewer forward."
"Kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the speed."
"The speed is not changing, but the velocity vector is changing. Therefore there must be an acceleration. That is non-negotiable."
"Everything is it's not everything moves... it's always moving forward."
"The wheels of change are turning, something's already been set into motion."
"Limit the motion where it goes over the imaginary line... that's economy of motion."
"The galaxy is constantly in motion, like a giant wheel or a sprawling metropolis."
"Imagine automatically changes direction when touched."
"You have to remain flexible and in a perpetual state of motion."
"And if she lets the trial go ahead, Donald Trump could file for a Rule 29 motion."
"It slides over, it looks like the Chevron is sliding in."
"Everything is moving into motion, it's all about timing."
"Essentially the less stability you have, the more balance you need."
"A body in motion tends to stay in motion and a body at rest tends to stay at rest."
"Transformers 5 was underway and the machine got moving fast."
"What's the takeaway? An object in motion tends to stay in motion."
"Alice will simply continue to travel at the velocity she was traveling."
"Hamilton was always moving in circles, in arcs to represent his constant thinking."
"Sometimes stillness comes from a body in motion."
"Running a business is kinetic energy, it's constantly in motion."
"Uplifting energy... accelerated motion... know thyself."
"The world continues spinning in a delightful way."
"I may not be moving but I'm building Beauty."
"The more you stand there pointing at people, the less you're moving."
"Look at this, everything's in motion! This is insane!"
"There's so much kinetic energy in this, just the springiness of these limbs."
"Unstoppable, you see, based on Newton's first law of motion..."
"It's like watching poetry in motion, isn't it?"
"She's creepy and once you get her swinging she's awesome."
"Most of the time the best cinematic videos use Simple subtle motion."
"It's just perfection, perfection and motion, it's my favorite thing."
"Object in motion is likely to stay in motion."
"Objects in motion don't just stop instantly, they slow down a little bit before they come to a complete stop."
"So, things shifted, rotated, and moved, and collided."
"From acceleration you get velocity, from velocity you get displacement or distance."
"Meaning there's no such thing as absolute motion. It's all relative."
"Movement breeds clarity, just keep moving forward."
"Motion is the superpower of product design moving forward."
"Slow shutter speeds on the other hand show movement blur."
"Changing your arm of action from panel to panel makes the punch read like it's being thrown, adding fluid motion."
"Everything is temporary. Everything grows and evolves and is meant to stay in motion."
"The craft was described as being a silvery circular object and began to descend in a swinging pendulum motion similar to that of a falling Sycamore leaf."
"Vanquish is a game about motion and that motion feels so good."
"Chronic inconsistency of movement the camera jiggling around the bounciness of everything around you it's just so jittery it's nauseating."
"Animation principles at work: applying squash and stretch for dynamic motion."
"Maybe we don't look at life as failure versus success, but rather as being stagnant versus being in motion."
"The mental body is an object of great beauty, the delicacy and rapid motion of its particles giving it an aspect of living iridescent light."
"The faster you move, the slower time moves."
"He found that objects in motion are contracted along their direction of motion."
"Moving objects are shortened along the direction of their motion."
"Acceleration is the rate of change in position over time."
"Everything in the universe is expressed in motion."
"All motion is expressed in waves."
"As a ball bounces up and down, it's going to speed up as it falls."
"So now you can see that it starts off fast and then it slows down as we're approaching the end."
"This is you taking action, this is motion, this is movement."
"Objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless something stops their momentum."
"Know that everything is temporary, everything is in motion, everything is moving."
"Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion; bodies at rest tend to stay at rest."
"Everything is such a blur right now; it's like the world is still moving as normal, but I'm in slow motion."
"Philosophy, in many ways, exists in motion as a means through which individual people live and interpret the social world."
"We like, now his help buddies kind of got that nice little swaying motion to it."
"The principle of rhythm embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, a to and from movement, a flow and inflow."
"Everything vibrates; nothing is at rest."
"It's like a domino effect; things are set into motion yet finding yourself in a pause."
"The plane went into a roll and a spin at the same time, it was like a corkscrew sort of thing."
"There was something incredibly soothing about the motion of the train, the gentle sway of the car"
"Once it reaches absolute zero, the molecules that make it up are basically not moving or if they are moving it's extraordinarily slow."
"The lights brighten and the wheel spins faster."
"Yeah, I'm angling it at the same angle as all of these little bits of fire and stuff seem to go at just because that will give us a little bit of motion."
"It's a full body motion. The funniest part is this isn't a joke, this is just the best way to do it."
"Literally every time you hit it, it moves."
"...we want to create the impression that the shoes are like flying."
"We want a picking motion to actually move in such a way that upstrokes leave the plane of the strings."
"Motion sensors detect movement and turn on lights to discourage would-be intruders. A building with a CCTV camera in a prominent position and a sign warning people they are being recorded may also act as a deterrent."
"He's in constant motion, perpetual motion."
"Linking our breath with our motion we'll go three times through inhaling up exhaling through connecting to our breath our body and the present moment"
"They always look like they're wind blowing, and they are."
"Recording so that's me actually motion recording a delay real time with the DX engine."
"You had a platform and you was Mo, you had motion prior to Joe. Bro, Champ, I understand, Champ, you had mad motion. Say something."
"Things move whether you're moving or not, things are moving around you."
"Motion photos capture moving scenes, while portrait mode blurs the background for a distinct foreground."
"Conveyor belts use worm gearboxes to translate rotational motion into linear motion."
"Now when I press play, we've got this motion that makes it feel like we're moving away from the character."
"Just make it have movement is what the word I was looking for."
"In galileo's hands, the simple statement that motion was natural had enormous consequences."
"The way you control that simulation of motion inside of Adobe Animate is with your timeline."
"Wow what a smooth you know motion shot or or what an interesting little like you know yeah Bend and squash kind of flourish."
As Buffett famously once said, "For investors as a whole, returns decrease as motion increases."
"An object in motion will continue in motion unless acted upon by an outside force."
"It's real Sweeney the coach's son who came in motion."
"An object in motion stays in motion, an object at rest wants to stay at rest."
"Nothing stands still. That's universal law. If you ain't moving forward, you moving backwards."
"...everything is in motion everything is moving and the pieces are promising to fall into place."
"One shattering sudden explosion of motion."
"Time is relative depending on your state of motion."
"Dropping an object with zero initial velocity."
"...it reads a solid, well it depends on what speed you're going, but about 10 miles an hour fast once you're going about 30 or 40."
"Long exposures: conveying the passing of time, blurring motion, creating dynamic elements."
"Everything's moving, the boat is moving"
"The sails are flippity floppity, okay they're okay right now but we're hardly moving."
"Action! The universe is teeming with activity. There is motion everywhere. All activity comes from mind. If we want to be in line with things, we must move."
"...the ball wants to be up there at a higher potential energy."
"Newton's first law says an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless it's affected by an external Force such as friction."
"An object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest."
"Potential energy is when things are not moving, I have the potential to do work."
"The key recognition was this couldn't be true if there was some way to understand the Moon's motion in terms of gravity or the planets in terms of gravity, it had to be that weight for something that's far enough away would be smaller even though its mass remained the same."
"Walking is effectively falling forward, but your feet catch yourself each time."
"Any motion allowed by the laws of physics, the reverse motion is also allowed."
"You were in motion, and Serendipity happened."
"I don't think my hair is long enough to do that. Oh, but just do the motion, it helps."
"A body in motion stays in motion."
"The leg is having its plane of motion challenged."
"It's like poetry in motion right there."
"The ship is slowly pulled towards an upright position as the ship rotates."
"Emotions are feelings in motion. They're not meant to be stagnant."
"...you see kind of the punch line we want to fill the frame and add a little bit of movement those two things on their own are gonna bring a whole new life to your still photos."
"The heavier we make the wheels of our dragster, the more they will resist a change in motion."
"Newton's first law: An object at rest tends to stay at rest. An object in motion tends to stay in motion."
"Good, falling behind the motion a little bit."
"Nothing stays where it is. We live in an ocean of motion."
"He wouldn't actually move if he wanted to move on this zero friction plane here he would just have to take the ball and throw it and let go."
"We call this motion today motion at a variable acceleration."
"Sometimes big tornadoes exhibit this motion as they first form."
"Adaptability, responsiveness, tiny movements in the middle make the big movements on the surface possible."
"Vanished." "I motioned for him to calm down."
"Fred Cybert immediately wanted to put the project into motion for a series."
"I'm not interested in display. I'm interested in a series of moving images captured at their moment of prime motion to tell a story."
"Because it is like watching someone paint artwork in motion."
"The reason that Newton's laws are correct and that F equals MA is the correct formula is because that is the formula that results in the motion that has the least amount of action."
"... it's almost like a snake motion and that's why I'm going to stop."
"Motion as the locomotion, people moving versus transportation, which is not waiting."
"Your ship may feel still, but it's already in motion, carrying you towards the victories that await."
"Everything shall pass and everything is in constant motion."
"The lower the power level, the shorter the strobe of light is, the better it can capture motion. Lower strobe power equals less blurry motion."
"Typically when I think of rotation, I think of this. I think of like this horizontal going like a merry-go-round going around in a circle."
"You cannot be sure that you have moved unless you can see motion relative to a fixed object. So, let there be light. Let the face become luminous, reflecting that thing in you as it is changed in you."
"Everything is slow motion, both directions. It's a bell curve: clutch, throttle, brake."
"...arms keep moving as you're turning."
"I'm just so impressed that it like doesn't spin at all."
"Friction is always going to go in the opposite direction of where the motion wants to go."
"It's not about the size of the ship; it's about the motion."
"The ride's motion is probably the weakest of these simulators in the Parks."
"... it's just a beautiful thing to watch and poetry in motion."
"Round and round and upside down went the peach as it plummeted towards the earth."
"What I really like to do to create some motion is map LFO two to the VCA pan."
"So long as you just prepend it with motion dot."
"Bros with swinging crazy jerking motions."
"Time-lapse running in place like old cartoons."
"You are a verb, you're in constant motion."
"The motion of capital is limitless, constituting a growth society. Crisis occurs when motion stops."
"Since there is no forward or backwards acceleration as we move at a constant speed, all of the acceleration goes into changing our direction."
"A dying minnow, a shad, an alwife when it's dying, it spirals down, it flutters down in a spinning motion."
"Another way we can make this more interesting is by adding what people call secondary motion."
"That is pretty sweet I might even do it so that it happens right as it kind of changes just to add a little bit more motion to the ocean type thing."
"Noose stirs the whole mixture up and sets things into motion and that's how we start to that's how we come to see what we've got today this is the world in motion made up of all these seeds that noose has moved."
"Objective emotion tends to stay in motion."
"The elegance of least action guides our understanding of motion and change."
"We punched out so wide and as soon as we put the boat into neutral, it started rocking."
"The first motion in the universe is a circular motion."
"Once we understand the mechanics of a natural swing motion, we can use the natural laws to our advantage. When we give up the controls, then we can fly."
"Let's remember that an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force."
"In this case, the dominant force moving the boat forward is the force of the wind pushing the boat from behind."
"Nothing in this world moves without story."
"Perfect indication of why you want to preserve the motion."
"...assistance in pilates doesn't mean easier, sometimes it means we can explore new ranges of motion and feel better along the way, bonus and plus right?"
"An object in motion will stay in motion... things keep doing what they're doing, you know, unless something stops IT."
"It's clean, it's sharp, it's very linear. It looks like it's moving fast when it's sitting still. This looks awesome."
"No matter what you do with him, he always looks like he's in motion or like he's ready to pop out, you know?"
"Changes come and they go, always in motion like the wind."
"Any motion at all, when thought about not just as motion through space but as motion through space-time, has a speed equal to the speed of light."
"When is that going up or coming down, you throw a stone up, wherever it stops going up, it starts coming down."
"What's kind of cool is half the knife is doing a sawing motion and like the tip is doing more of a chopping motion because of the rotation around the center."
"Hello, ah, it's nice to see some motion in the chat, and I don't have to have any insecurities going on."
"Effortlessly. I mean, this car just makes effortless momentum."
"What we perceive as continuous motion is an illusion."
"All things in all universes move according to law."
"Poetry in motion, arm drag sends him to the corner."
"Emotion is simply energy in motion."
"Remember, a design is a moving object of a car, and you have to get that feeling of movement in the design."
"Graffiti is just it was in constant motion it's barely standing still it's pulls in and pulls right back out so you're constantly like watching it Fly by so it's it's hard to explain the feeling unless you're on the inside."
"If you're not loving watching that single-plane motion of Bryson, you don't love golf because that is absolutely the biomechanical easiest way to play the game."
"What links every piece of matter in the universe is that everything moves."
"They look even better in motion, don't they?"
"Every time he's boxing it just feels like you're witnessing a poetry in motion."
"It's about fluid motion, it's not about effort."
"Space is in constant motion, changing all the time."
"Stepwise motion is when you move up or down by only a half step or a whole step, typically happening diatonically, which is just a really fancy way of saying in the key that you're in."
"Leaps can be actually very powerful and you should absolutely be using leaps in your music. What I'm saying is that if you want to create music that people find very easy to listen to, you're gonna want to gravitate towards using stepwise motion."