
Geopolitical Shifts Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"It's perfectly natural to see the return of China and India."
"The desire to be part of NATO shot up after Crimea's annexation."
"Now is the time when things are shifting. We're gonna... there's gonna be a new world order out there, and we've gotta lead it. We've gotta unite the rest of the free world in doing it."
"We're seeing the slow and steady rise of the East... the revitalization of the East, probably at the expense of the West."
"The Petro-Yuan trade marks the beginning of the end of the assumption that the US dollar is the global reserve."
"As American influence fades, peace is gradually returning to the Middle East."
"Crypto miners may be moving out of China, but they're flocking to the US."
"America is in decline. Turkey sees itself as the upcoming superpower, especially within the region."
"India is simply capitalizing on the vulnerabilities that covet exposed in China."
"Prepare yourself for the changing global order." - Geopolitics in Conflict
"The pace of change, the rise of the BRICS, the collapse of the dollar, the rise of China, the outcome so far of the Ukraine war - these are powerful messages and measures of a fast-changing global economy."
"The rise of China is the most important event in the world since the British Industrial Revolution."
"This means that we are breaking the chains or at least Russia and China are breaking the chains along with the global South and then we need to join in."
"When sanctions lose effectiveness, it gives rise to reserve currencies and creates a multi-polar world where new alliances are formed."
"The tide is turning... US dollar will not go on as the world's reserve currency for very much longer."
"The pandemic is prompting countries around the world to rethink their relationship with Communist China."
"The balance of advantage seems to be clearly shifting towards the Russians."
"The collapse of U.S influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom's new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the neocon strategy..."
"The age of expansionism is over, and the age of cooperative development is very much the need."
"China is entering a period of disintegration."
"China's role in brokering peace agreements historically a role that would have been left for the U.S."
"Fear of China's rise would be replaced with optimism and hope."
"If we seed leadership, if we're no longer the leader of the Free World, then the world is going to look for different leaders."
"We are seeing a decline in Western unipolar hegemony."
"Are we truly witnessing the beginning of Cold War 2.0?"
"Welcome to a multipolar world where the earth is no longer the property of a sole superpower."
"The decline of American power... was not difficult to foresee."
"France is now unwanted hated despised, and replaced with Nations like Russia and China."
"This is the end of neoliberal globalization... What we're seeing is a new form of globalization where there are different poles. It's a multi-polar world."
"The era of the unipolar world is becoming a thing of the past."
"We are witnessing the brink of a new world order, a great reset."
"If you had said a year ago that Europe will go from more than 40 percent dependency on Russia for oil and gas to less than a year later zero to fifteen percent dependent, that's extraordinary."
"China's success in doing that, is ultimately I think bringing the end of U.S world power by the end of this decade by 2030."
"Who would have ever believed 30 years ago that the Sunni monarchies would look to Israel for their security?"
"These unfolding developments signify a watershed moment reshaping The Narrative of the region and influencing the future course of action."
"China now recognizes that this era of interdependence might step back."
"The collapse of the liberal Global Order hasn't made the world a better place."
"Whatever happens in so far as China is concerned, it's not going to step in and fill the entire vacuum."
"Spain could replace Russia in becoming EU's main natural gas hub."
"Competition from China, and Russia now, in a decoupling of these two great centres of economy, power, military, from the West, has increased the variance of possible Western outcomes."
"Putin's dreams of spreading the outdated Cold War mentality were completely overturned."
"What's happening today, centered on Ukraine and Russia, is reforming the world order as we know it."
"The decline of the U.S. as the single global power."
"In fact, the sanctions imposed on Russia even lead us to consider the possibility that the relationship between Beijing and Moscow will become even more unbalanced."
"The growing proximity of Ukraine to Crimea suggests that Russia may be preparing to relinquish its claim."
"I want a world where we're free I want a world where China's not the dominant power."
"The whole thing unravels at that point. We're not a unipolar world anymore."
"We are on the precipice of a truly new world arrangement."
"Over the course of the next six to 12 months, it is very likely that we will see Cuba getting closer to these countries and the East-West divide is likely to strengthen."
"Ukrainians were looking to Pivot away from Russia."
"The war in Ukraine is not over yet but the tide is turning and it is already clear who will win."
"The unipolar moment has ended and it ended the unipolar moment has ended and he says that Decades of relative geopolitical stability have given way to an intensifying competition with authoritarian powers revisionist powers."
"The balance of power in this world is shifting away from the old guard and towards the Hellenic League."
"Putin's openness to joining NATO turned to annoyance with NATO and is now just opened hostility toward NATO."
"The post-Cold War world has ended... we're in a new period." - Antonio Guterres
"The U.S. hegemony as the unquestioned single global dominant power is ending."
"It's already too late and the US is not the be-all and end-all of the world anymore."
"China's message to America is we are now equals."
"The balance of power... we don't have that unipolar moment anymore."
"Many countries around the world are changing their stands toward the CCP."
"Decentralization is the name of the game. BRICS has always been in the middle of this transition."
"The end result is still the same: Biden's nuclear economic sanction just de-dollarized the world forever."
"So the world is bifurcating as we speak into these pockets and what you'll start seeing and write about a lot is these new alliances that will be formed."
"The collapse of the unipolar world order is not going to in and of itself bring a new world. A new world has to be constructed."
"Decoupling: the signs that China and Taiwan are starting to sever bonds."
"Finland and Sweden are now in very serious discussions about joining the alliance."
"We are so excited, Lord, about how you are going to shift things in America, in the Middle East, in Europe."
"The structure of the International System has changed in fundamental ways."
"The aftermath saw a reconfiguration of world powers."
"A lot has changed in geopolitics as a result of the conflict worldwide."