
Shortcut Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"One shortcut solves them all, sort of kind of Tolkienesque."
"Turns out you can actually skip this entire section."
"Why waste years developing power when you can just take it?"
"The quickest way to duplicate is to press the Ctrl+D keyboard shortcut."
"That trick works like magic and it's kind of handy too."
"Shift and option on a Mac, alt on a PC, so shift and that key as well, watch this, it drags from the center which is really handy."
"You want to figure out how not to work hard and get big? This is the shortcut."
"I hope some of you are shouting why Dan its alt + Shift + D right now."
"Not only is it a great cheat for a fast job, it's a great cheat for any job."
"Understanding Chinese art and culture is a wonderful shortcut to understanding the Chinese mind."
"There's no such thing as a shortcut in life."
"Another helpful shortcut is ctrl tab and tab."
"If you want the shortcut, it's down. Start serving people."
"The way you've been doing it or the way you've learned it is kind of like the long way around."
"This first recipe is a shortcut way to making delicious pho. Everyone knows pho, right?"
"Any path that seems like a shortcut in life is always too good to be true."
"I can put my playhead where I want to split it and hit split I highly recommend that you set up a shortcut for this so all you have to do is type on your keyboard and you can make little Cuts in your videos."
"If we hold down the ALT key, click on this video, and then keep the ALT key held down, we can then duplicate things. So I can duplicate this video as many times as I like just by clicking and dragging and keeping the ALT key held."
"This shortcut, which is called passing the scroll..."
"The magic pill everybody wants a magic pill in this game, here's your magic pill."
"That's the shortcut for you, nope don't have to do a video now we're done thanks that was easy."
"Another super great shortcut that I always use is holding the option key to duplicate clips."
"So Ctrl L shift left-click does duplicate so I can duplicate this way."
"Hold shift and then click and it'll open that plugin."
"A recipe isn't a shortcut, it's scientific."
"This might be kind of like a cheat code."
"So if I multiply that by 120, that is another little shortcut to get me to my answer of 36."
"Panama Canal is the greatest shortcut ever built in the history of the world."
"It's probably gave you that incentive to cut corners and kinda find a way to [__] succeed."
"So if you want to delete this but then have this continue to be wired up, instead of pressing X to delete and then replugging it up, what you can do is you can press Control X."
"Command clicking an arrow opens everything. That is a very useful shortcut."
"I'm telling you guys, it's a cheat code."
"Shortcut number six, paste effect, its shortcut is Ctrl alt V."
"Is there a shortcut to riches? A shortcut is defined as a way of accomplishing something more directly and quickly than by ordinary procedure."
"The longer road but it's the shortcut. It really is the shortcut."
"Caps lock, just map it, change it to escape."
"...you can hit command-B, and that will bring you, it will jump you, no matter where you are, it'll jump you right to that target collection."
"If I try now to paint, you can see that it's actually a slightly different color...instead use the shortcut shift X while hovering over your model."
"We're going to show you a really nifty shortcut that'll get you those questions without doing a ton of algebra."
"She just wants a shortcut to get, like, ever. Oh, absolutely."
"That's a shortcut, it's a life hack."
"It's gonna be a shortcut because it's a starting point."
"You will shortcut that learning curve for yourself by many many years there is no shortcut that exists other than learning from somebody that is already ahead on that Journey for you."
"It took us about 12 minutes, honestly, from the time we got in line to arriving over here in Morocco, which I do think is a shortcut."
"Hold down your alt or option button and click on the eyeball for that layer."
"If you hold down shift at the same time and then left click and drag, it will insert that row when you release the mouse."
"Control 1 will open the format pane."
"F4 key will apply absolute references."
"Alt equals is going to insert a sum for the cells that it detects."
"Control and then the semicolon and that enters the date."
"F12 will open the save as dialogue box."
"If you're a Rifleman of any type this is kind of a cheat code to the whole thing."
"...I can just hit enter and it's going to calculate without the need for control shift and enter."
"Lazy girl method is called lazy girl for a reason."
"I hope to shortcut that and really get you towards success quickly."
"It will take about an hour to walk, but if you take a shortcut, it will take 10 minutes."
"Who doesn't like a nice shortcut?"
"I'm your easiest shortcut to becoming Hokage."
"The caller was a taxi driver taking a shortcut home over the old bridge on the outskirts."
"People want a shortcut; they want to get to a certain place without having done the work."
"The main thing you need to remember is just hit Alt+Enter, and we will evaluate your code."
"Opened in 1914, this 82 km long waterway is an essential cost-cutting shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans."
"What if you just taught me those karate moves? Let me skip this step."
"I don't want to be the guy who is looking for the shortcut."
"Control shift four is absolutely amazing."
"For once in my life, a shortcut actually worked out."
"The only shortcut... do it for the benefit of others."
"It's a life hack; it's a cheat code."
"Control Shift Enter: the secret handshake of Excel power users."
"You can select by collection if you select an object and then you go and use the shortcut Shift G."
"Thankfully, there's a little shortcut which I think is really important for you to know."
"Scroll to first active object, and they went and made a default shortcut to it, which is great."
"Nothing, I knew a shortcut," my grandfather said.
"You can just learn from them and get your shortcut to success."
"It's going to provide you with a spiritual shortcut to where you need to go."
"This is really a shortcut to finding a life that works for you."