
Senate Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Imagine if we had a Senate that was elected according to where we live, but a House of Representatives that was elected according to where we work."
"Senator Alexander: Mr. President, if you're going to contradict me, I ought to have a chance to -- the Congressional Budget Office report says that premiums will rise in the individual market as a result of the Senate bill."
"It seems like most scenarios, the Republicans will have the majority in the house, and the real question is what happens in the Senate."
"The Senate's not meant to be a place of pure majoritarianism. Is majority rule what you really want?"
"We are the only body that has a protection for the minority voice."
"This shouldn't be so hard. We all know how to pass bills in the Senate with bipartisan buy-in and bipartisan support."
"The Senate is broken because the real perspective and American experience is missing."
"I think the best way to get a $15 an hour minimum wage is to get more Senate seats. That's how it has to happen."
"Do not surrender the Senate, no matter what side you're on."
"If Trump can't get enough support for the two thousand dollars checks in the senate... we may just have to go with the Biden third stimulus check."
"The United States Senate is built on precedent and custom and history and the law, not political expedience."
"We in the Senate are supposed to listen to the American people, not ignore them."
"Please don't allow the Senate to rot from within."
"The Constitution empowers the Senate to try all impeachments and to determine the rules of its proceedings."
"I'm so glad that Debra Katz has used the word 'bullied' to describe exactly what Chuck Grassley and all the Republicans in the Senate are trying to do."
"The Senate was designed to play this independent and, I might emphasize, moderating role in our government."
"The Senate has always been a place where the structure and rules permit fast-moving partisan agendas to be slowed down."
"The nuclear option would eviscerate the Senate and turn it into the House of Representatives."
"The nuclear option would gut the very essence and core of what the Senate is about as an institution."
"Lindsey Graham should be kicked out of the Senate." - Lindsey Graham should be kicked out of the Senate.
"There is one more shot we have to finally flip the Senate, that is so important."
"Voting rights will be the very first matter of legislative business when the senate returns."
"I think some senators there will be I don't believe all the republican senators having political IQ under 50."
"President Trump's nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate."
"We need to win both of these Senate seats in Georgia."
"Chuck Schumer outmaneuvered Mitch McConnell."
"It's powerful if can be enacted well let's talk about that will it pass I mean it's been approved by the Senate intelligence committee."
"2022 Senate cycle looks very doable for a pickup for two or three pickups."
"The general principle is to reduce the problem to a simpler problem because then you can hopefully solve- it is easier to solve, and then you can maybe keep on doing that until you get something that's trivial."
"We are very close to having the votes in the Senate to be able to codify Roe versus Wade."
"The United States Senate, every one of those senators still took an oath to defend the Constitution."
"The one thing that we could change without a constitutional amendment that would make a difference here would be the elimination of the routine use of the filibuster in the Senate."
"They're not gonna do that hey why don't you pass Medicare for all Nancy Pelosi you know that they're gonna kill it in the Senate the Republicans."
"Let us demand that Mitch McConnell have the guts, have the courage to at least put legislation on the floor of the Senate."
"My Democratic colleagues are saying if you don't support that I will blow up the Senate."
"Caligula then exploited the feeling in the senate following the discovery of the latest plot and in the next session, granted impunity to the remaining members."
"It could get to the Senate next year which that may be perfect timing actually."
"The best thing he can do at this point is flip the senate and strip him of that level of power."
"A senator should have to stand up and debate and defend their position for... all the hours that they can muster physically."
"If the Senate can subpoena Donald Trump Jr. to testify after all of this, they can subpoena everyone else who was actually involved in this nonsense."
"It's very simple. Senate Republicans know the American people don't want this, but they don't care."
"I've never seen them go after a man who was sick in the Senate." - Nancy Pelosi
"Democrats hold the tiebreaker in the US Senate."
"Joe Biden holds the tiebreaker in the US Senate."
"Despite being such a prevalent feature... how the senate works."
"I honestly believe that one more true conservative in the Senate, it's going to move the needle."
"Once you go from the house to the Senate Goodwill is gone."
"Quoting his adjustment to serving in the Senate has been made vastly more difficult by the strains of his recovery, which left him with a physical impairment and serious mental health challenges."
"Whoever wins Pennsylvania will end up leading the Senate."
"The news for the new year is Chuck Schumer formally announcing that he has a plan to change these Senate rules once and for all."
"By all accounts, the Senate seems to still be remaining Republican."
"Democrats need to keep the senate seat in Arizona."
"The filibuster is destroying the Senate."
"He's like running for the Senate, whatever that means."
"Anakin and Obi-Wan had come to know that Qui-Gon was right about the council about the Jedi becoming too reliant on the Senate rather than the force and the people of the Republic."
"I think the only thing standing in the way of extraordinary fiscal spending right after the election... is the Senate."
"The Senate was originally a body to represent the states. The House was given power over spending our money because they are our representatives."
"The Senate still has enough power to vote you out even if you have emergency powers."
"The Senate is reformed and the Galaxy begins to return to a democratic State of Affairs."
"Invoke an emergency meeting of the Senate. There is no time to lose."
"Nobody serving in this chamber can even begin -- can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched-earth Senate would look like."
"...because you know if you go back to let's go back to 1974 when I graduated from high school and went to Marine Corps I think if you look at our Congress and Senate I think clearly close to 60 to 70% of them had served in our military."
"They steal the records of the attack on Topoca City and are able to deliver it to Bor Ghana and Senator Chuchi just in time for the Senate vote."
"Many people in the Senate say, 'Look, this is just unfair.'"
"So young Konstans II gave a speech in front of the senate where he basically repeated that story."
"Ted Kennedy made his mark in the Senate with his support for countless major laws."
"We should be making decisions here in the United States Senate that is based on one thing: what is in the best interest of our country."
"A new bill was passed in the Senate that is actually a good sign for more bipartisan efforts."
"The Senate is the people, Caesar, chosen from among the people to speak for the people."
"Never before has the Senate dismissed impeachment charges without holding a trial."
"Enough is enough. The United States Senate must respond to the pain and the suffering of the American people."
"The Senate declared that they could think of no one better than his virtuous widow."
"Augustus is very careful to maintain the dignity of the Senate."
"The Democrats' hold of the Senate is a very, very fragile one."
"The most powerful person in the Senate is the Senate Majority Leader."
"One thing will never change: my respect for the dignity of the Senate."
"A golden shield was placed in the Curia Julia whose inscription testified at the Senate and the Roman people gave me this recognition of my valor, my clemency, my justice, and my piety."
"Let's shake up the Senate; let's change how Washington works."
"The Senate continued in its prominence throughout the rest of the 7th century, only really coming to an end after the deposition of Theodosius the third."
"Even in the twilight of the Empire, the Senate still played their old role."