
Reasons Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"I love Wicked Whims for so many different reasons. It's not all about the pixelated pickles and all that jazz; there's a lot behind it."
"Sometimes we do the wrong things for the right reasons."
"They said we needed internet censorship because of Russians, then they said we needed internet censorship because of COVID, then they said we needed internet censorship because of January 6th... Pretty sure they just want internet censorship."
"You should explain to them the why when you're asking them to do something or telling them to do something."
"It's not because you're a bad person, there's all sorts of reasons that you might be overweight."
"Don't assume that someone does or doesn't like something for the worst possible reason there is to like or dislike it."
"If wearing a sword on your back can be done, and there are functional reasons to do so, there are benefits to do so."
"If that isn't a reason for joy, I don't know what is."
"I feel like everyone moves on in their life for a reason."
"Why did you put smiley faces all over your island? There's a reason to it."
"Just give it a try... whatever is coming easy, it's coming easy for a reason from the universe."
"Retired at the age of 24 obviously due to a lot of reasons."
"When actual change happens it's one of the reasons why it happens in such a big way."
"Jousts were done for the following reasons: to demonstrate prowess, to learn martial skills, to gain renown, to gain honor, and for the love of women."
"I think that people date for the wrong reasons."
"Different people play the same game for different reasons."
"I did it because that's what I was supposed to do."
"Flights can be canceled for many reasons, including mechanical and weather issues."
"It's about making big decisions for the right reasons."
"If you've been looking for a reason to exit something in your life, you'll get the reason."
"I don't care what you believe. All that matters is why you believe it."
"Make sure it's for the right reason if you stay. Make sure it's the right reason if you leave."
"And I think you can come up with the reasons for your policy positions and for supporting Joe Biden at the same time."
"Both parties must still have a reason to be there, whether it's conscious or subconscious, emotional or practical. Mix and match."
"Transaction privacy is important for three reasons."
"All of this technology has been hidden from us for a very good reason."
"What better reason to wear a mask then if somebody burnt your whole face off."
"For every reason that has made you more attractive."
"It's good to stay in Texas, you ain't never lied about that for many reasons."
"There is always a reason to be happy."
"Disneyland has the rides my friend, let me tell you, but that's not the main number one reason why Disneyland is superior to Walt Disney World."
"Some people come in your life for a season and a reason."
"The reasons why we do anything in life are fun, funds or money, and fulfillment."
"There's a million reasons to have a bad fight."
"There are no good reasons to ignore the truth."
"If you're staying because you made promises or because you still think you can help her or save her, then you're staying for the wrong reasons."
"There are a thousand excuses for failure, but never a good reason."
"It's going to actually be both of them and for different reasons."
"The reason why I left California honesty is just the cost the cost of living the cost of running a business regulations."
"For all of the aforementioned reasons, we have to give her this spot on our list!"
"So there's a lot of benefits I get from doing this."
"Sometimes even the right reasons have the wrong consequences. What do we do then?"
"Some people in Japan wore face masks for a whole range of reasons."
"Your feelings are valid. It's a valid reason. It's a valid feeling."
"Your feelings are valid. There's a reason for our feelings."
"There's a reason why you're in a relationship."
"I've left you on good reasons, not all of them were good."
"If you're feeling burnout, it's important to consider why you're feeling burnout."
"There are people and things who love summer break for all the wrong reasons."
"After much deliberation, I decided on Mexico because one, margaritas. Two, they have margaritas. Reasons 1 through 7 to visit Mexico: margaritas, margaritas."
"The more you go into war zones the more you realize mad crazy stuff happens for reasons which you can almost not fathom."
"Why? Because you're looking for reasons."
"This really came about for two reasons for me."
"There's no reason we shouldn't be legal."
"If y'all are only marrying for one reason and if that one reason is not enough, y'all gonna be mad."
"There are great reasons to take a picture of the display but providing data Integrity is not one of those."
"That moment, especially, this is another reason I'm glad they did the reshoots."
"Sci-fi is one of my favorite genres. I love that genre for so many reasons."
"I don't think any reason is the wrong reason as long as it can keep you going."
"There’s always an explanation for a character not wanting or liking sex - they’re lying, insecure, immature, impotent, shy, or anything other than simply uninterested."
"You've only done it wrong for one of these three reasons."
"Each country has its own reasons, but there are some commonalities."
"Why don't we pray like we know we should? A couple of reasons. First, because of cynicism."
"That's one of the reasons why I love guitars so much."
"For so many reasons it's very good for the body."
"Knowing the 'whys' is more important than following a bunch of steps."
"I didn't take it not because I didn't feel like it, it was I had something that invalidated it."
"While Wesley and his wife were indeed overprotective of their six children they had their reasons to be."
"You won't understand the reasons why."
"So how did Ferrera do it? Here are the top five reasons."
"When people cry, it's usually for good reasons."
"The biotic world is saturated with reasons from the molecular scale on up."
"This to me is the number one reason to work with nature."
"I was here for the right reasons."
"There are all sorts of reasons to make a place beautiful."
"There's three reasons why people have an affair."
"At least one reason to come back...someone who created an impactful captivating moment."
"So I think there's good reasons to be positive."
"I think there's good reasons to be positive."
"That's one of the other reasons why I love it so much."
"There are so many good reasons to date someone without wanting marriage."
"Reasons for restructuring: change in strategic focus, poor fit, reverse synergy, financial or cash flow needs."
"A reason a lot of people like the Holy Grail."
"I look back and I have no regrets about the things that I did because sometimes we want to do the wrong things for the right reasons."
"I want to work for your company for three reasons: you have ambitious plans for the future, you will clearly support me in my role as product manager, and I was hugely impressed with the quality products you create and provide for your loyal customer base."
"It gave us every single godamn reason that we fell in love in the first place."
"And sometimes it's for amazing reasons, and sometimes it's for the dumbest things."
"If you want to tell a story like this then give us clear reasons as to why Spike would leave the family he's had since hatching."
"One of the biggest reasons most businesses fail."
"One of the other reasons that we love having the tablecloth."
"For all kinds of reasons and motives we do what we do because there are single moms out there that are trying to feed their children there are girls out there who grew up with their fathers there are girls out there who came from abusive homes."
"A far more common way to retire is either you are injured or your body is just got to the point where you just can't continue."
"I think we tend to value each other for different reasons."
"Some of y'all will lie unprovoked for no [ __ ] reasons."
"Education is probably the number one reason why people are moving here."
"It's the only reason why Prodigy took his verse off."
"Things crack and things fall apart for a reason."
"The main two reasons that I know of where this happens are when the man is cheating on his woman or he's living off the woman."
"Bliss is not happiness; happiness is always for a reason."
"You can't have sex for a reason a, b, c, or d."
"There's a perfect storm of reasons, and seeing it makes it less personal, gives us more perspective."
"I'm sad like they change like they're so different but like yes I am different but for all the right reasons I feel like."
"You need to give people reasons for why things are like that. It shouldn't just be because I said so."
"Every reason we give for losing our peace is a bad reason. There is never any reason sufficient to lose peace."
"I didn't break up with him because I don't love him. I didn't break up with him because I didn't care about him. I didn't break up with him because I wanted to cheat on him. It was never anything like that."
"There's a thousand excuses but not a single reason."
"The small reasons are usually the best reasons anyways."
"Those are all great reasons to buy a half a beef or half a hog."
"The behavior in Saudi Arabia changed for two reasons."
"People aren't going solar to save 10-20 bucks a month, they're doing it because they want the control, predictability, ownership."
"She didn't have to, she had plenty of reasons to leave me."
"I think the reason is simply psychological factors."
"Critical Role works for a lot of different reasons."
"There's a reason I don't have a lot of friends."
"I'm in such an amazing mood today for multiple reasons."
"Ultimately building a profitable and productive business, and that's good for lots of different reasons."
"I became Catholic for liturgical, cultural, intellectual, or doctrinal reasons."
"Those are just a few of the reasons why I love Jaws."
"So, those are the five reasons why my family and I moved to Portugal."
"If all of these people are no longer wanting to be friends with this one person it's for good reason."
"It certainly deserves its cult status for many reasons."
"I feel like all of those reasons have really prompted people to really get enthusiastic about these types of products."
"I'm going to rank this class in the A category for a bunch of reasons."
"I love this bag for so many reasons."
"The reasons that I had for believing were no longer sufficient for me to believe anymore."
"When a place is popular, it's popular for a reason."
"It's for all the reasons that we can't think of."
"In trading, you have to do things because of reasons. You have to be open-minded."
"There are lots and lots and lots of reasons why your plan does not match your delivery."
"The biggest reason why men cheat is there's always a woman out there willing to cheat with him."
"In life, don't have excuses, have reasons."
"You have the right to change your mind. You are free to change your mind for six good reasons or for no reasons or for three bad reasons."
One day a girl asked her boyfriend what he loved about her... "Because I don't love you for a reason. I love you because of who you are."
"...make your reasons, your values, and your beliefs as conscious as possible."
"All those are my personal reasons why I decided to move to Toronto after living in Montreal, and these reasons are deeply personal."
"Why raise your own queens at all? There's many reasons for raising queens."
"I have motivations for my scientific beliefs, reasons for my scientific beliefs."
"Even though it seems like everybody wants you to go home, yes I think it's mainly for personal reasons."
"...when you fall in love for the right reasons for the right person there is no compromise."
"Sometimes you do have valid reasons."
"Prevent heartbreak by marrying for the right reasons."
"It feels so good when you get it right for the right reasons."
"Almost every book in here, there is a reason why I own it."
"If I don't like you, there's a reason for it."
"The most dangerous reason for love is when someone tells you why they love you."
"My mentor Bob Bailey says there's really only three reasons why dog training or animal training fails."
"Loved this person is loved, respected. That means they earned their respect. There's a reason why people love them."
"People fall into relationships for all kinds of reasons that have nothing to do with making the decision to form a strong union."
"Never make big decisions for small reasons."
"You need to stop and kind of think about why people take DNA tests."
"I would say trust whoever is interested in you that it's for a reason."
"Sometimes people have their own reasons for acting the way they do."
"There's a million reasons why you'd want yourself a Python."
"People make decisions for their own reasons, your job is to discover those reasons."
"I'm very pleased with for a number of reasons."
"I think there are a lot of good reasons to have children."
"I'd like to think that the reason why Aaron came on the show to say his side is because we are a natural... I would like to hear why."
"Why do we mix gold with other metals? Primarily for hardness and color."
"I love you, and that's why I love you."
"This is why they got popular in the first place."
"People break up for very many different reasons."
"Sometimes parents make up rules for a pretty good reason."
"I love Bay Lake Tower for a few reasons."
"Age is just one of the numerous reasons why you should marry a person."
"Self-motivation means looking for reasons why we need to accomplish our goals."
"This is why people come to the Ceylon Suite."
"There are some really great reasons why people are gravitated towards these Zen watches."
"Those that microdose have done so for a variety of reasons: it might be for pain management, to reduce anxiety, maybe to get in the zone creatively."
"I love flying this little tiny whoop; it is my favorite, and there are a handful of reasons why."
"I think if we want to talk about steroid use of American in the world, I think we need to get right down to okay, why do people do it."
"It's multiple reasons why you should be training and lifting weights."
"Listen, listen, listen, in relationships, people get in relationships for lots of different reasons."
"The reasons why they chose to check casher were cost, transparency, and service."
"I love you because of Allah, I love you for Allah, and I love you through Allah."
"There are essentially four reasons why we choose different focal lengths in photography: composition, perspective, reach, and compression."
"Real intent is doing the right thing for the right reason."
"It's still quite posey but it's posey for all the right reasons."
"We ask the question: why do these differences exist?"
"You're gonna want to die, and neither do you. Give me one reason. I'll give you two: you can dance a tango and drive a Ferrari better than anyone I've ever seen."
"He was doing it for the right reason."
"I'm a fan, so if I'm a fan, there's a reason why I'm a fan."
"I know what you're thinking, I'm crazy, but there's a couple of good reasons why I'm gonna do that."
"I feel as though my stubbornness is for good reason."
"I had more reasons to stay than to leave."
"There are so many reasons to stay alive."
"People will choose to break up with partners for a variety of different reasons."
"Lots of people break up with people again for a variety of different reasons that don't include having some deep-seated desire to manipulate someone or make them feel less than."
"I have a million reasons to love this."
"Constantinople could be said to be mystical for several reasons."
"If you're gonna cancel somebody, it should be for a reason."
"I love them both and for different reasons."
"I like you, Marinette, for a lot of reasons."
"This thing is just cool for a multitude of reasons."
"You don't need a reason to like someone, but you need reasons to hate someone."
"That's one reason the fishing is so good here, all those sunken boats."
"Freedom is the reasons from which we choose to do it."
"Do you accept a belief can be true without proof? Yes, and what makes that belief strong is the fact the reasons behind it."
"Everyone's reasons are different."
"...free will fundamentally is the capacity to adapt your behavior to the reasons you hear."
"Seven Reasons to Believe There Is an Afterlife."