
Irresistibility Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"If you have this cocktail of five behaviors, you are going to be absolutely irresistible."
"Invisible to the eye, impossible to resist, imperative in combat."
"It's like a magnet is attracting me to you. I can't walk away."
"There's no not wanting it, there's no not going for this, it's irresistible."
"Nobody in this world can resist the seductions of a good warm and melty cheese sandwich."
"Bernese Mountain Dogs are impossible to resist."
"You're feeling that powerful magnetism, you couldn't run away from this connection."
"I made what I guarantee to be his perfect irresistible Pokémon. Just try to pass on this one."
"There's like the way some bacon is being made, it's just irresistible."
"The thing that makes you so irresistible to your future spouse is the love that they have for you."
"Who could resist that kind of grace and that kind of love?"
"To be irresistible there has to be a certain experience that you are giving people in your presence."
"I feel drawn to you in a way that I can't resist, even if I wanted to."
"It's impossible to stop eating this. It's addictive."
"Cats are basically engineered to be irresistible."
"Crunchy, cheesy, buttery, and downright addictive. If you're not hungry for one by now, then I'm not really sure what's wrong with you."
"I can't say no to a face like that."
"Once you know His love, you cannot resist it."
"It's impossible not to love them."
"An idea whose time is ripe is irresistible." - Dr. Kennedy Nana
"There's one person nobody can resist, and that's a baby."
"It's just absolutely irresistible."
"I felt a strong chemistry with him that I just couldn't resist."
"There's nothing so absolutely unresistable as an old-fashioned good-natured grin."
"Nobody can resist the power of darts."
"He is the irresistible... no one can resist His actions."
"You're just so hard not to love, it can't be done."
"The way that this person's gonna come in, it's gonna be like an offer that you can't refuse."
"If you are fond of sweets, I bet you, you cannot say no to its taste."
"It's something you know where you're gonna be hit over the head with it like, 'Wow, I can't not listen to this.'"
"What's one thing you find irresistible in someone?"
"It was the first offer I couldn't refuse."
"There's definitely an irresistible pull between the two of you."
"I could not resist, this is so cute."
"It's like crack to the smallmouth; they cannot resist it."
"For no mere mortal can resist the evil of the thriller."
"It's next to impossible to not fall in love with the Metropolitan."
"No man can resist the power of love."
"Who can resist a 12 pound puppet? The answer to that question, of course, is nobody."
"How can anyone resist the 'Do the Sponge' song?"
"Everybody knows nobody can resist Mama Laszlo's wieners; it's the best hot dog I've ever had."
"You want to create an offer that is almost too good to refuse."
"I absolutely could not resist and my life changed."
"He made me an offer I can't refuse."
"They're so darn cute, how can you resist?"
"She possessed a kind of beauty that was simply irresistible."
"How could you hate the orange chicken? You can't. You could not hate it; it's so delicious."
"The second side of Abbey Road, you just can't stop listening to it."
"My power is God's power and is irresistible."
"I found him totally, totally, totally irresistible."
"Wendy's bacon mushroom melt is like a voice that can't be denied."
"It was an offer you just couldn't refuse."
"I've got to admit, that beat is awfully irresistible. I could listen to it all day long."
"She's an irresistible force of nature."
"No human life can resist the smell of fresh fried prata."
"How can I say no to those puppy dog eyes?"
"Because with Old El Paso, you can't say no to a taco."
"Almonds and chocolate and caramel, how can you go wrong with this? You can't."
"It's like a box of Pringles, once you pop, you can't stop."
"To those who know them best, they're the most irresistible birds in the world."
"Make the offer so good they can't refuse it."
"We've made her an offer she can't refuse."
"I just cannot keep my hands out of the cookie jar; this is just too tempting."
"There's no way that I could have turned down this adventure; it was just an irresistible adventure."
"When they play at their best, they're irresistible and as good as anybody that's there."
"No one can resist the Lancome mascara holiday sets."
"Magnetic, unexplainable pull, can't resist."
"He's so handsome, no man could resist him."
"The urge to sing along, it can't be denied."
"Make her an offer she can't refuse."
"It's so delicious, it's impossible to stop."
"When something has that feeling, you can't fight it."
"I couldn't resist falling for you."
"It's like eating Lay's potato chips, you cannot stop, you just can't."
"They can't resist this Empress energy anymore."
"I just cannot resist, I think it's just so darling."
"They cannot ignore you, there is passion."
"There is something in your voice, I don't have a choice."
"Can you really say no to a stuffed banana? I don't think so."
"When there's a sale, how can I say no? Fun fact: I can't."
"I could not pass this up because of the material; it's like crazy soft."
"Neither of you will be able to resist the love that's blossoming."
"Like a moth to a flame, this is something that you will not be able to resist."
"It's so like dewy and gorgeous, I couldn't resist."
"No one can resist Eevee's charms."