
Real World Quotes

There are 205 quotes

"Mathematics describes the real world of atoms and acorns, stars and stairs, beautifully, elegantly."
"One of my favorite things about teaching anatomy and physiology is the ability to apply that information to real-world situations."
"Augmented reality kind of goes the other way; it doesn't want to take you out of the real world, it just wants to enhance it."
"Life doesn't always give us closure and in the real world there are many mysteries that may never be solved."
"Knowledge, skills, they are designed to have real-world impact. They are designed to give you the ability to do something that influences this world."
"We live in the real world and we are brought together by things that we can all relate to, not by what you're putting out which is trying once again to cause more division."
"What they do really does have real-world impact."
"We're living in a true Revolution, but not the kind of Revolution you learned about in school."
"You always see The Walking Dead as a sort of a mirror of the real world."
"The biggest trend we're seeing is the cross-pollination between the crypto and the real world assets."
"The purpose of educating our children is to prepare them for the real world."
"The real world out there is still friendly and beautiful and kind."
"There's never going to be an article that says 'someone got on Tor and was able to have a private conversation with their friend'."
"He's determined to find Asuna in the real world."
"If he doesn't step back into the real world soon and start helping out financially then it's game over for Mr Williams and his childish ways."
"...this cool cannon nod to the folks fighting the good fight in the real world was a sweet touch from Lucas and Co."
"It's only here that the complexities of the real world cannot be escaped."
"Your education doesn't start until you leave school or university because that's the real world."
"This is like real-world crisis right here."
"Just read the Bible more, just pray harder, just have more faith, and none of these are actual actionable items that do or have any material application in the real world."
"Tina Fey was also very funny in this, I love that this is kind of a real-world situation."
"Women are not going to want to be around you berating women and being abusive to them. It's great entertaining content, but it's not how people in the real world operate."
"Understanding the greeks and their theoretical definitions is one thing but understanding like in the real world how they really affect options and how you can use them to your advantage or how they can affect you is super super important."
"She just wants to get on social media, wants to get off YouTube and get out in the real world, and I don't think you can really begrudge no same person yeah, clearly, you know?"
"Bitcoin: building for real-world solutions."
"I think you're going to be very impressed with the real-world performance of this powertrain's fuel economy."
"Real-world adoption is happening."
"The code should always be in sync with the real world."
"If you want to understand mathematics, you should think of it as a fictional analog of parts of the real world. It's about modeling the world."
"The stuff you're gonna learn here is going to be based around real-world scenarios and practices that you can apply to your projects right away."
"With OOPS you can easily solve real-world problems."
"People actually are so nice in the real world too."
"This is the real world stuff. This is how it works. This is how people make lots of money."
"Look, you don't get much more real-world than dropping the cooking pot or stomping on the burning C4 and nothing happens. It's just too stable."
"...having a trade, working in the real world, you know, making things and fixing things and making things happen in the real world is like, you know, deeply honorable."
"Everybody needs to have fewer things on their phone and spend more time in the real world."
"We've had a lot of famous people who were famous as stars when they were children and they can't live in the real world."
"Now you can even imagine... training robots to play against us in the real world."
"I think a lot of people are like, 'Oh, I'll wait until my career before I start thinking about the real world and how to contribute to the real world.' Our argument is that you should start as early as possible."
"People in the real world watch this happen in real-time and they can't hold back from smiling at the development."
"Real code from a real project solving real problems."
"Once you hit the real world, it's too fast. And once you have children, it gets even faster."
"But I do think it's a reflection of a real-world situation that many of us find ourselves in, so hopefully that in itself can be inspiring."
"We got new shoes now, finally it's time to go to the real world."
"It was pretty cool, it worked out exactly the way that it was supposed to, so there's my real-world example."
"In a stripped down model, where we say these things resemble the real world, can we get certain results and do those results then inform us about the real world?"
"In the real world, he has gained a lot of respect and recognition."
"It kind of just hit me one day that if the internet were to go away, I didn't really have a life here in the real world. Now, instead of 8 out of 10 days being bad days, 1 out of 10 days are bad days."
"Congratulations class of 2017. Welcome to the real world. We need you out here."
"...because robots in the real world falling down is expensive because they break."
"What are we gonna do? We want to take data from the real world, we want to take it from the road and process it."
"I love knowing that the things that we do for exercise actually translate into the real world."
"When we're writing a program, we would often talk about 'this function requires this input,' right? 'You have to pass this data to this function, so that the function can do what it does.' But that's not how we think in the real world."
"And the so-called 'real world' will not discourage you from operating on your default settings."
"...this is the first one that I've seen that goes into this much detail and shows you real-world areas that you're gonna fight and fuss on taking stuff out and putting it back in."
"Most of the real world is not linear... Most of the real world is actually non-linear."
"...I'm trying to say in this book, like, if you're in a high school debate, fine, don't do any of this stuff. But if you're in the real world, understand how human beings operate."
"That real-world experience is something that is, I think, so valuable."
"There are absolutely real-world things that we should care about and it's important to think about them."
"The internship really allows you to apply all these concepts that you've learned in the classroom and allows you to apply it in a real world scenario where people are depending on you and where there are actual consequences."
"When you want to deal with the real world, you first need to collect some data, think about what that means to you, and then do something about it."
"Luckily for you, today I'll show you exactly how to set yourself up for success in the real world."
"Let's take a look at a real-world problem that you're likely going to be solving."
"I wanted a real-world example because applications are more complicated than deploying your typical static blog."
"That's real-world photography, that's really good fun, it's so much fun."
"Ideally, you would prepare your loved ones, your children, your own flesh and blood for the real world."
"Being able to put into context your previous coursework of anatomy, physiology, things of that nature, so being able to see how those concepts that were taught in those courses are applied in the real world is really enlightening and exciting."
"The best thing about being an actor is that you get to learn from people who are really doing real jobs in the world."
"The real world is not school, I cannot emphasize that enough."
"The real world will tell you if you listen."
"I deal with real-world data and from this data, I try to extract some information."
"The importance of applying scientific knowledge to the real world."
"Like in the real world, in the real time, like I'm respected, I'm loved, I give love, I give respect."
"You need that real life experience."
"The whole point of applied ethics is to see where we stand and how we might act in the real world."
"It's a theory grounded in real world science."
"You get a first-hand impression of day-to-day work at the United Nations."
"Fear not, our experts are here to help in the real world."
"When I start getting more into data science, I'm going to be doing some real world examples using scatter plots and showing you how useful they are."
"I'm not from this internet world; in the real world, you talk to people with respect."
"A college education is not usually teaching you what you actually need to know for the real world."
"Apply that knowledge to real-world situations."
"Being offline and engaging with people and seeing how things really are outside of the online world is more important than it's ever been."
"If you're just interested in this topic, I think you'll get a great introduction in a real-world setting."
"The MITRE attack framework is community-driven, based on real-world findings and events."
"It's a mindset change here which leads to professionalism in the real world."
"It's wonderful to see real world motorsport getting involved and getting interested in what we've got going on here."
"Diversity is what makes for not only a very good education because it mirrors the real world."
"This has to work in the real world, and it has to scale and generalize out into all the different things you see in the world."
"I want to be sort of a philosophical quest where the marble goes out into the real world."
"I wish you literally all the best. I have nothing against you as people in the real world."
"It doesn't matter what you are on paper, you gotta win on the day."
"Once you've been here and you're actually in the real world, so to speak, you actually do pick up things a lot quicker."
"And just like that, we're saying goodbye and entering the outside world."
"Now just to internalize the concepts that we have already learned, we will be working on a complete real-life project."
"It turns out that the graphic novel predicted some events that happened in the real world."
"It's about being able to take what it is that you've learned and then apply it in real-world situations."
"Companies that actually solve problems in the real world."
"I want stuff we can actually use in the real world."
"I'm doing the exact opposite and training them to be able to survive in the real world."
"The best way to evaluate any recommender is to test it in the wild."
"Not only will you have knowledge and theories thrown at you while you're doing your degree here at Swansea, but you'll learn how to apply these to the real world."
"Software pushes it that little bit further to bring it into the world and say, 'But how does that work in the world?'"
"Can you take this rule... and can you apply it to a real-world situation?"
"Real world assets bridge together between crypto and the real world."
"The data model intends to replicate real-world constraints."
"The complexities of real-world problems are part of the analysis."
"That's how we move in the real world, that's how you move in sports, in combat."
"Continue to go outside, meet people, experience actual real life."
"What matters is what happens to real people on a day-to-day basis, real world results."
"The world is not that simple; it's not all good and evil."
"It's a really good transition into what the real world is like while you're still in college."
"This is some practical first-aid stuff that you can use when you're out in the real world."
"The skills that he learned at UoPeople can be directly applied to many of his real-world challenges."
"What do you go to school for? You go to school to learn so that when you get out of school and go out into the real world, you're supposed to be at least academically equipped to deal with the world."
"Of course, in the real world, there's a lot of very interesting problems which require multi-class classification."
"Stop searching online, go out into the world, find experiences, find people that you're around."
"He taught us many lessons about how to approach science and how to think about the real world."
"We're all about trying to find solutions to real-world problems such as this."
"When you start to develop an application, what you really do is actually try to solve a problem in the real world by modeling that aspect of the real world in your application."
"Let's tackle a real world problem and let's think of cell balancing."
"This is a really good model for how you should be doing this in the real world."
"I feel like it's getting ready for the real world, you know, presentation format."
"You can bask in an area where you know logic fully applies and in the real world sometimes it doesn't feel like that."
"After five fruitless years, I'll only be dating in the real world from now on."
"I'm gonna go out into the real world again today and have real experiences. I'm gonna draw those people in to me."
"There is a huge opportunity to leverage this in real-world situations."
"When you go out in the real world, what's going to save you is your networking and communication skills."
"Named entities are 'real world objects' that are assigned a name – for example, a person, an organization or a country."
"My real world results were really excellent."
"You'll grow up, you get out in the real world for the first time in your life."
"It's a lot better to have a foundation and work on things that can last you a long time in the real world."
"The real success happens outside of class."
"It's a very good object that describes that approximates things that you do see in the real world, like stock prices."
"When you see a problem like this in the real world, you want to think about whether a greedy algorithm would work or not."
"In the real world, that's not the way things are done. You learn by collaborating with all your other people."
"A big part of real-world machine learning is ensuring that your test performance is a good estimate of your deployment performance."
"I didn't feel that there was much in school that really lent me support for what I thought the real world was going to require of me."
"In the end you're not going to find it books. You're not going to find it from some guru. It's the man or woman at the cash register."
"Senior year, they paired us with an actual company, and we solved a legit problem for them."
"It's always fascinating when Material Science actually works in real life."
"These are real world issues these are things that people have to face every single day."
"By object-oriented, we mean you can encode things that you would find in the real world."
"Ideology doesn't operate in a vacuum; there are real-world practical problems."
"Entrepreneurship is another one of those things you can't learn in the classroom, you have to go out into the real world in order to learn it."
"It is a chance for you to show the IB examiners how the mathematics that you learned in class can be applied to the real world."
"We'll have a lot of hands-on knowledge how deep learning is actually really used and deployed in the real world."
"Many real problem domains that you encounter seem to give you good enough solutions."
"The best ideas need to be out in the world and survive the test of real customers."
"I'm learning more about stuff like in the real world, like taxes and stuff."
"It's one of the sort of standard real world applications of Markov chains."
"What many of these teams are really trying to do is to understand and successfully model a real-world system or process."
"The motive is not just to pass the exam but to understand things and to implement in the real world too."
"The courses are designed with the real world in mind."
"This is a legit real-world project, not another boring Task Manager application."
"Many real-world phenomena like IQ test scores and human heights follow a normal distribution."
"It's a very simple concept but it describes a lot of what's going on in the real world."
"When you get a job in industry, as some of you might know, there's no video to show you how to do your job."
"There is no replacement for the real-world experience."
"Experience is something that not even the most intensely educated student has if they haven't gone out into the real world yet."
"There are real solutions for the global issues regarding climate change."
"But then we want to teach you how to practice those things in the real world."
"This is the real world. This is how you master money."
"With ML.NET, we're going to show you how we solve three real-world problems."
"We will instead model some really interesting scenarios that have real-life applications using some pretty sophisticated math and field theory."
"The real world is messy, and therefore we can often not have an exact equation that gives us the exact amount."
"We want to actually be able to grab the real world around us via the device's camera."
"Most people I speak to in the real world don't have a million images; they have somewhere between about two thousand and twenty thousand images."
"It's worth it, especially if you're writing real-world applications that have changing requirements."
"We're going to take a deeper dive and try to apply that to the real world."
"But that means that there's some real-world battery impact you could have for users. That's really cool."
"That's real engineering right there."
"So this has had some fun and very real world implications."
"We can bring these digital experiences into real-world environments."
"Deep reinforcement learning is a set of ideas and methods that teach agents to act in the real world."
"One of the issues you run into in the real world of being an IT professional is not simply knowing how to configure IP addresses but also being able to deploy solutions that will work and that you will be able to maintain."
"Now those real-world specs, especially given today's conditions, are great in my opinion."
"So there are very real world design decisions here."
"It's Monday, got the real world to handle, lot going on, and I'm excited to play."
"Whatever this is, entertainment to show these are characters, but how it affects people in the real world, that's the most rewarding thing."
"You really don't know how your application is going to work until it's in the wild."
"A fictional show educated the real world about a non-fictional event."
"These are real use cases for real technology."
"Embodied AI is some sort of form factor that's living in the real world and can interact with the world."
"Mass kind of wins in an event in the real world."
"In this course, you will see examples from real operating systems, especially we will cover Linux and how it is designed."
"Field data allows you to understand what real-world users are actually experiencing."
"We don't play the games on paper; this relationship has special requirements of being out in the world."
"I am showing you in the real world how much I care, that I never ever stopped loving you."
"I tend to think about how real-world objects would be affected... when I think of a stone wall, I think of it being covered in maybe a little bit of dirt and maybe affected by nature."
"We have the tools, we have real world experience, we have real vehicles out there in the world."