
Personal Passion Quotes

There are 576 quotes

"The only thing I thought about was I would be a mathematician. Whatever exactly that meant. I didn't know quite what it meant except that mathematics was the only subject I really liked."
"A man who's cool on the outside but who burns for America on the inside."
"What you like being good at is what you should build your career on."
"It's the thing that brings me to one of my passions, that is learning."
"Welcome back, everybody, to another reaction video. I'm really excited the weather's starting to get better here in Ohio, and very soon, I'm going to be making some plans for historic site videos. That really is what my passion is."
"Find what you really like to do. Find your voice, find some people who share that idea and are as passionate about that thing as you are."
"The pieces that I poured my heart and soul into collecting and curating are the ones that stay for good."
"One of my lifelong passions is language learning."
"I freaking love it. I love caring about something you have no control over."
"I'm just having fun talking about the music I love."
"Fighting is my life. That's what I love to do in my life."
"Follow your heart, make sure you're doing things you absolutely love."
"Passion isn't in a person, a place, or a thing. It's something inside of you."
"I had a dream, a passion, and I followed it. I cannot help but blame myself in part for the outcome of the war."
"It's not a hobby, it's a lifestyle. It's just in me. I don't know how to live any different."
"It's super exciting, right? This is what I love about Formula 1."
"Follow what lights you up and you'll light up the world."
"This is just something that I am truly passionate about."
"You couldn't be around Marcus and not pick up how much he loved Israel. He loved the Jewish people."
"She loves the game, but she is an absolute bond-dedicated winner."
"Follow your heart, do what you love so some of y'all want to do music here."
"Stand-up is my number one on my list now. I could give up TV and film to just do stand-up because I love it more than ever."
"Survival is actually very simple if you think about the concepts... survival's a big, big passion for me as well."
"Make sure to find something that you're passionate about."
"I love this series more than I love a lot of things."
"The new American dream is not buying a house and buying a car but actually building a business around what you love to do."
"In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer."
"If Kylie wants this brand to have any kind of longevity then she needs to come up with some kind of Rebrand and quit she needs to find her passion for her brand again the type of passion that we saw from her when she released her lip kits."
"If you as a creator feel like you can see a path to building something yourself and you could see you have something unique and you love doing it, take the independent route."
"Your passion is what's going to get you through this."
"What's crazy about this is that I never for destiny would be the thing that boosts my channel again I love destiny absolutely look plain it I put so much time and effort into this game."
"This is what I do, this is what I love: the best of the best competing here today on the biggest stage we have to offer." - Jordan Kent
"Being single and happy moment was when I really found my passion."
"The future is you, your passion, your imagination, your hard work."
"Art is something I'm really passionate about."
"I get to do something that I love every single day and you guys make that possible."
"All I ever wanted to do was wrestle, man, and now that I am, it's freaking dope."
"I could do this for 10 hours, I literally love it so much."
"I love Sex and the City and I have loved Sex and the City for a very, very long time."
"Nakai-san is the only guy that has never changed. He's never gone off on a tangent or like changed the way he does things. He just does it because he likes it."
"It's all about your passion, it's now what makes you happy and passing that happiness through the power of Internet."
"I continue to love racing. I think that's never going to change as a part of my DNA."
"I knew that I really liked stand-up, and stand-up really liked me."
"I'm so excited to see what this turned out like... but yeah this is what I love doing."
"Travel, figure out what impassions you, what gets you fired up."
"Currently overtime should be only be kept to personal excitement and passion for a project rather than it being mandatory to finish work on a given title."
"I grew up watching Formula One so I'm at the core a fan of the sport."
"I am back in a full-on glitter love affair and it is just never going to slow down."
"Jiu Jitsu is the first thing that I fell in love with to be honest."
"Science, science, science! He went to grab his lab coat because he's so excited."
"Baseball to me is so beautiful and so intricate and I love it to death."
"Your passions were not a mistake, it's not random, you have them for a reason."
"Doing it because you love something because you have a passion for it, not because you want to make a lot of money."
"Do Youtube because you want to do videos and do Youtube."
"It's very exciting for me to be able to be an impact on the space that I love."
"Terence had a great reverence for mushrooms everything from how they grow to their place in the universe."
"I'd rather do this impossible job and try than walk away from something that I love. I respect that about Solkjaer."
"You can become very aware about toxicity around them very passionate some of you might become very passionate about helping nature."
"My first love is and will always be music always because there's nothing that touches my soul more than music."
"I am always chasing the feeling of finding that perfect book for you, of finding exactly what you're looking for, so I wanted to help you guys find that experience."
"I'm breaking shackles and playing what I'm passionate about."
"You gotta just like do the shitty things you don't like to do and that's how you make money and then you put your research and your passion into something else that you like to do."
"I used to look at rap like I look at superheroes."
"I love Spirited Away so much that I have Haku on my arm."
"YouTube has saved me in so many ways, and that's why I continue to do it because I am so passionate about beauty."
"Never stop doing the whatever your thing is."
"Embrace what you love relentlessly and don't worry about that."
"It's important to find your passion, basketball is my passion."
"I love dancing... it's been my therapy since a kid."
"My bottom line and advice is to find what you want to do, figure out what you're passionate about."
"I don't even know my whole life since I was 13 there probably hasn't been a single hour that's gone by that I've been awake or I haven't thought about YouTube."
"I'm still trying to find something that I love as much as I love dance."
"Find something you enjoy doing and pursue it to the fullest."
"Now that I'm doing it again it's this has been a joy it's what I do it's what I love that's what I always wanted to do with my life and I'm doing it again."
"No matter what it is that you love to do, cultivate that passion."
"Tonight was that reminder of why you love MMA, why you stay up late and spend all our money."
"Appreciate that but yeah man thank y'all so much for being here this is really what I love to do."
"Do what you love, and don't let anyone stop you."
"I'm like Disney Queen, I'm just saying. I love Disney, I have a true passion for its characters."
"If nothing else counted and you only had to do what you really love, what is that?"
"Ever since I was young, I have loved arcades, and it's been a dream of mine to build my own arcade at home."
"Money isn't everything. Moxley even stated that he didn't sign for money because he wanted to fall in love with what he was passionate about again."
"We're doing this for the hobby, the enjoyment, the passion."
"It rekindled my love, no, I always loved old school."
"I actually want to be a hairdresser. I want to play with bleach and I want to do hair and nails and just make people beautiful."
"The really magical thing about this project is I thought it was going to be incredibly Niche it was a heart piece born out of my love for Shakespeare..."
"When he found the sport of boxing, this was his true calling."
"Overall, yeah, I want to drive this car, so I love that, I think you're onto a winner, I think you ought to take this up for a career."
"Trust those inner feelings, if something is feeling passionate, it's right from the heart."
"I got a little bit more passionate than I usually prefer to but obviously this is very you know close to my heart and I do feel that there's a very dire situation."
"If you didn't know, one of my passions is mixology."
"I sincerely love the sport." - Leonard French
"It is his passion to inspire others to achieve their dreams and impact communities."
"I just love that game, I love that community so much, so I'm probably gonna be talking about that a lot in the next few weeks."
"I am only just getting started with it like I said you know getting into the properties buying them developing and doing it up not just for financial reasons just because I absolutely love it."
"I do these videos because I just love interacting with people."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder; pursue your passion with every fiber of your being."
"Don't follow the money. Find what you love and stick at it."
"I want to make things that are close to my heart and share things I'm passionate about."
"Lean into what you truly care about, what makes your heart come alive, and then go forward with great power and success in that career money story."
"So, coming here as a little girl, I was just infatuated with the subject, and I've been hooked on it ever since."
"I have my dream Ibanez bass, which is the Affirma bass."
"There's a breakthrough, a huge opportunity coming towards you to do something with your heart that will lead to a lot of finances."
"I love my dogs. We started the dog channel. It's a passion thing for us."
"Your happiness is going to arrive when as soon as you embrace your passions."
"I just want more Bidets out there. It's not like a money-making... it's just 'cause I think Bidets are cool."
"Honestly it's actually my dream job to be a park ranger I just love nature that much."
"We're doing it because this is what we love to do."
"Metroid has been a part of my gaming mindset for as long as I've been gaming."
"I love the thrill of fighting... it's like an art."
"My passion is Elvis... but the one thing I was more passionate about was seeing to it that justice was served."
"You can fail at something you don't want to do, so you might as well try doing something that you love."
"Create from pleasure, follow your gifts, dreams, passion."
"That's the magic, you know. That's the trick. That's the goal: to be able to monetize things that you would do for free."
"How do you make money?... You have to figure out what is it that you love doing that you are good at and that pays you."
"Even greater than his passion for music is his passion for people." - Narrator
"I know that I'm a lucky guy to have this and to drive it, for me, is the passion."
"I want to make a film that I as a fan would love."
"The day that I started using Python, I just immediately fell in love with the language."
"This boxing stuff is fun for me. I don't do it for the money. I do it because I love beating people up, I love having fun, love entertaining the crowd."
"I love doing YouTube, I always have done, and I'm always gonna continue to do so."
"Michael Myers was and always has been my first true love."
"I just knew I wanted to do it and overall growing up through those times it was a lot of fun."
"Start focusing on what makes your heart sing."
"My incredibly talented cast... this show is one of my favorite things to do every week."
"I love playing video games... Certainly it spoke to a passion point and it spoke to something that I had knowledge and experience in."
"Find something you enjoy and then find a way to keep doing the thing that you enjoy."
"I'm not about the money, I am about the craft."
"It's not like I'm creating things to sell to make money. I'm creating things that I [ __ ] wanted for myself. It's the easiest way to market something when you made it for yourself and you believe in it, you know what I mean? I love this."
"There's a lot of love and a lot of opportunity coming through, and I'm excited to see what you decide to do with the passion."
"I choose to believe that this money manifests with total ease and grace and flow from doing what I love every minute every breath."
"It's something I really enjoy doing and I feel like it's a way for me to give back to all you guys."
"Passionate about yourself, passionate about a situation or a person."
"The journey that we've been on with the sneakers, it's amazing man."
"I started to make movies, I simply made the movies that I loved as a kid, movies that I wanted to watch because as time went on less and less movies were being made that I could even identify with as an audience member."
"I absolutely love doing radio, I think I want to be a broadcast journalist."
"From my point of view, there's only one way to try and make a successful game, and that's to make the game that you want to play, a game that everyone involved is proud of."
"It's the greatest part of my year... sitting in a tree stand for hours on end."
"Honestly, I am a Montessori nerd through and through. I am in love with almost every aspect of it."
"This is my dream bike it is what I've been like it's the only motorcycle I've honestly wanted."
"Farming is like one of my main skills. I love farming, not only because you get the food, but it's just connecting with nature."
"I love being behind the camera, framing the memory. It's for me."
"Build a car that you love personally and don't care about what other people say."
"Follow the fire in your heart. Boldly express your uniqueness."
"I legitimately want to make a change in the hobby."
"This is one that I've really wanted to make, I'm really motivated to make it."
"I'd be kind of lost if I didn't have the music to chase."
"I love lighting designs, sound choices, score, acting. I mean you name it, I love it. I just love the movies."
"The whole of the Harry world was her passion."
"It's a time to channel your energy into creative projects or healthy Endeavors and find time to reignite your passion for life in general."
"Every time I took a philosophy class, I loved it more and more, no matter what the subject matter was."
"It's really cool that this is a dream project someone got to make."
"These are the types of stories that give me passion."
"You've got to love what you do, work hard, never ever quit, never ever give up."
"Always have passion. You've got to have passion for your family, for your life, for your church, for whatever it is you've got to have that passion."
"Your sacred soul passion is powerful enough to shift the state of your inner reality and your outer experience."
"I wanted to pursue freestyle motocross or something on motorbikes as a career."
"I'm going to ride my dirt bike for a living and that nothing was going to stop me."
"Look at the intellectual strength and power that comes from focusing on that which one truly loves."
"I wake up every day and I get to do what I love."
"I was going to be a football player and that's all I wanted to do." - Bill Shankly
"I am here to change people's lives with money that's it that's it that's what I started doing when I was super young I always wanted to teach people about money since I was a little kid I loved it call me crazy but that's what I liked."
"There's no place like it for me, singing live."
"I just like to play. I like to play the game. That's why I'm there doing it, because I thoroughly enjoy it."
"I just feel like I really want to do music. It's something I wanted to do as a kid."
"I was obsessed with wrestling my whole life."
"When it comes to collecting or investing, especially in this arena, buy what you love. It won't matter what happens next."
"This was the sneaker that got me into collecting as a whole."
"I think that everybody's put on this earth for a reason, and I feel like I was put on this earth to race motorbikes."
"Star Trek has been my favorite franchise since I was five years old."
"I absolutely love it, I love the creativity of everything and I love fashion."
"Bridging the gap between players and developers is a passion of mine." - Josh
"I always wanted to sing... I was always singing"
"Find what you love, man. It's tough if you need to have a career and earn a living, but it's kind of never too late to change courses depending on what your passions might be."
"If you've got something that you enjoy and that you want to excel at... you will regret not putting energy into it."
"I just fell in love with everything related to theater. It turned out that I can reveal myself in something that I had never even thought about before."
"It's something that I'm passionate about. If I don't do these pantry challenges, how am I going to know where my holes are in my pantry and in my stocked goods?"
"You're an integral part of all things Manchester City."
"My role wasn't to create a company, I was just trying to figure out a way where I could use to say that I was passionate about."
"I think one book would lead to another and eventually I found I was reading nothing but philosophy books and then I realized that actually this was what I was really passionate about."
"For me the prestige is very much about filmmaking, is very much about what I do."
"More importantly, communicate about what you love."
"I am passionate about Jesus Christ, I am passionate about his beloved church, I am passionate about the Bible."
"He was drawn to music because just at the age of four, he started playing and learning how to play the piano."
"I make the content I make because I love making it."
"Musical theater has been with me since I was very, very young."
"I would say I'm most passionate about justice. I actually wanna be a criminal lawyer and I think that there's a lot of messed up stuff happening in the world right now and I'd like to do the best I can to change that."
"One man's passion project turned into something far beyond what anyone could have possibly predicted."
"I think what makes this game really intriguing is that I actually do this because I love football."
"You have this burning desire inside of you, and you'll know what that feels like if you have it."
"It is the greatest fun, I'm Peter Sloane, and this has been my passion ever since my dad bought me my first toy train when I was just four years old."
"I'm completely obsessed with them (sunflower planter boxes)."
"This is camp Kennedy, my life has been all about action which still holds true but now I pour all that time and energy is a wildlife conservation education and the pursuit of knowledge."
"Nobody deserves this and like I said nobody deserves anything like this that befalls them but this is a guy that loves basketball he bleeds basketball."
"Blender: the 3D program that made me fall in love with CG all over again."
"Being in your element is about finding what you're naturally good at and passionate about, but it's also about challenging what we take for granted about ourselves."
"Don't do something you don't like, do what you love, follow your heart."
"I'm just really lucky that I got to be on it."
"It was a chance to really make sure that the sport that I love and this thing that I'm incredibly passionate about is portrayed accurately on screen."
"Fatigue is an issue. I mean, I’ve been doing this for ten years. I still love what I do. I didn’t always love what I do, and I always wanna keep loving what I do."