
Surplus Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"A worker coop is where workers who produce the surplus are the same people who decide what to do with it."
"The European Union has gone from a more or less balanced current account to a very large surplus."
"Once our basic needs are met everything else is just extra."
"There is no oxygen shortage in India, quite the opposite, we have a huge surplus."
"They actually produced more than they needed."
"If you can create surplus, then you're building a deeper resiliency for yourself and others."
"We have so much excess electricity that we don't know what to do with it."
"We've got a really good surplus at this point in time of our main materials, our food, and our fuel."
"It's quite a dramatic turnaround here... they're all running surpluses, they have billions of dollars extra."
"California's $98 billion dollar surplus... comes as a warning sign looms."
"Guys, we actually have so much money in this game that I don't think we can even spend it all."
"A literal bounty of slightly worn but free equipment."
"Cleared out the entire store and still have 668 trophies to spare!"
"We ended up having a ton of food to donate after this, which felt really good."
"It's amazing how much money we still have left over."
"There are certain things that I am going to do without. I have to be motivated by the saints around me. I am to be separated from the surplus that is upon me, any extra baggage."
"By 2019 the city had a million dollar Surplus in its coffers and it's maintained a surplus ever since."
"Right? All smart entrepreneurs want to generate some surplus. They want to get a little more than they started with."
"I had so now I've got all this cash left."
"Under capitalism if you produce too much of something that means you can't sell it."
"If you were to tell them hey we have too much milk and potatoes and [__] most people will be like yeah I mean maybe we can scale down the production a bit but it's never too bad to have too much of things that can be at least worked into something else."
"There's nothing else in the way right now. There's no food shortage. There's no shortage of housing. We have surpluses of everything."
"I am never complaining about having extra skincare in my makeup."
"When there's a surplus of women or perceived surplus of women, the whole mating system tends to shift towards short-term dating."
"For a solo person in the field, going to surplus route it's not a bad way to go, it really isn't."
"We as beekeepers only take surplus honey, the extra, if we've been blessed with a good year to have extra honey."
"Not only do we have one bilding bag not even two, we've got loads of them."
"There's a surplus, like a fish that have moved to this side of the lake."
"The rate of economic growth thus depended on how much of the surplus from production accrued to the business class."
"It's that easy this whole process is not that hard now that's just starting the surplus."
"So if you have a surplus of one cation, let's say calcium for example, you can actually produce a potassium deficiency."
"Sorry, but these particular items aren't really in demand. The city has a surplus of them right now."
"...the ratios need to be so heavily weighted towards Surplus."
"When the government started working on this and reducing the deficits year after year and then finally turning it to surplus, a surprising thing happened."
"I think I'm going to have extra dahlias; I'll send you a box if I do."
"Human beings are made so that they can make more than we need; that's where capital arises, art arises, love arises."
"Chamberlain proudly announced that the balance of trade had increased from a deficit of £104 million to a £34 million surplus due to tariff reform."
"It's not about not thinking about the future, but it's a realization that where societies make meaning is what they do with the surplus."
"Capital civilizations invest the surplus to make more surplus in the future; other civilizations use it to build pyramids."
"If we want to think of a different ecological society, we have to think of what we do with our surplus."
"We will be overrun with asparagus, and what a problem to have!"
"The inventory excess on average is 27% and shows that these companies are sitting on way too many goods right now."
"I really don't need any more Christmas stuff, but I thought it was nice that it was both Christmas and Valentine's Day."
"Our budget surplus this year will be the largest in history."
"Progress cannot be achieved by force or privations, but only out of individual surplus, from the work, the energy, the creative overabundance of those men whose ability produces more than their personal consumption requires."
"What happens to military gear, equipment, and uniforms once they're no longer needed? They're either destroyed, sold to another force, or surplused out to the general public."
"Each firm is producing at its efficient scale, so total surplus is going to be maximized, and there's going to be no deadweight loss."
"Abundance means you have more than you require so you can help somebody else."
"Consumer surplus measures the benefit that a consumer gets from consuming a good above and beyond what they paid for the good."
"Trade unambiguously increases social surplus."
"Redundant stock is oversupply in its current location; there is a potential demand for it but just not where it currently is."
"After seven years of economic growth, we should be having a surplus; we should be fixing the roof when the sun is shining."
"Making money is being able to pay all my bills, staff, and have money left over."
"It's a budget that cuts the deficit in every year of this Parliament, it's a budget that delivers a surplus by the end of this Parliament."
"There's something about being able to pay your bills at the end of the month and there's much left over."
"Thanks to a shipping error, I am now currently overstocked on wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men, and I am passing the savings onto you!"
"When prices are above equilibrium, we will have a surplus; when prices are below equilibrium, we will have a shortage."
"If an account has more credits than debits, then that account is said to be in a surplus."
"When exports are greater than imports, it is said that the country has a trade surplus."
"Social welfare is the total welfare of society, simply consumer surplus plus producer surplus."
"We care about the total surplus that's produced for society."
"What's the worst thing that could happen? You have extra food."
"If you get an abundance, can; if you get an overabundance, give them to your family, your friends, your neighbors, whoever, but over plant."
"The more consumer surplus you get, the better off you are."
"Consumer surplus shows up as the area under the demand curve and above the price."
"Consumer surplus is going to be the area under the demand curve and above the price."
"There is what is called a customer surplus which means you are getting far more than what you pay for."
"Producer surplus is the difference between the marginal cost of production and the price they charge."
"We're recommending the legislature seek moving from two years of deficits to two years of operating surpluses."
"We're producing a 1,000 megawatt Surplus."
"The market equilibrium maximizes consumer and producer surplus."
"After your bills and your variable expenses or your envelopes are fully paid for and are taken care of, then you can start asking yourself what do I do with this extra money."
"Our money going out is less than the money coming in, which is good news for this particular football club because it means you have a surplus of income over expenditure."
"Surplus just means they've got more money than they've spent, and a deficit would mean that they spent more than they actually had."
"Instead of net profits, we call it a surplus of income over expenditure."