
City Management Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I kind of need rent if we're ever going to make any money off this damn city."
"Manage your citizens and resources across six different cities you have to establish while surviving against hunger, the weather, and outside threats."
"Diplomacy is not an option. No one is your friend, and you're going to be managing your city economy, resources, defenses, and more to try and survive."
"A saying goes, 'Drainage systems are the conscience of a city.'"
"Toronto has a broken windows problem where all the minor infractions are totally allowed."
"There's no plan to deal with it. What she's saying is we're gonna...change the entire culture of the city."
"Let's be honest, everybody down here knows what the real solution is, even if the city doesn't want to talk about it."
"Can you trust Democrats to keep your city safe? I'm wondering because what I'm seeing right now is the Democrats who run every one of these major American cities are not keeping you safe. They're making your life worse."
"If you are in charge of this city, when did this become normal?"
"We've really kept it together, we've really held down the city."
"You can really push the city and you can quite easily make 50 60 70 grand from an individual city as you get further on and you get their research and more generals and stuff like you can really push it."
"Maximizing Liberty: get as many cities as you possibly can, prioritize gold per turn boosters, and think about early gold return, happiness, and global happiness."
"Giuliani cleaned up the city and then Bloomberg came in and paid for everything."
"Happy's ability to either shut down Shanghai or his failure to do so."
"So what we don't know is if the garage in the video or any garage for that matter is double parking or even triple parking their vehicles."
"This mode is all about managing the economic and social pressures of running a city."
"There's actually a very good reason to district your city."
"I am done living in a city that treats businesses like criminals and criminals like business owners."
"We've got a lot of work to do here if we're gonna get this city back up and running at full tilt."
"What's great is we also make gold off of our cities. We're making 3.6 gold from cities. It's not much but it's um it's honest work."
"There's no reason why we have to say that these cities just have to continue to spiral."
"The only percent-based modifier in the game, giving you 20% extra Science in the city."
"Having one large city with amazing production and amazing growth isn't as good as it was in Civ 5."
"There is something that needs to be done about it... New York City has to do so."
"The city UI was very nice, with the addition of the new health and happiness system."
"Detroit... I still think they're being run quite well."
"Seattle... I really like what Seattle's done."
"There's a real incentive there... to try to keep the city safe."
"It's more immersive sim on the surface with all its building mechanics crafting systems and city management."
"A system notification alerts wildfire that he has become the Lord of sargo City."
"No more classic death waves in City Skylines 2."
"Los Angeles has been turned into a rat-infested crap hole."
"For a city of this size, I'm amazed how little car traffic I encounter."
"If overall city unrest reaches a critical level, Chimera Squad will fail their campaign."
"No one wanted to do business in New York because the agencies were not focused on how we could be business friendly and we changed some of the basic rules."
"So now my Bonza Congo is permanently our city which is wonderful about permanently unless we lose it of course."
"Mayor ends remote work for 80,000, signaling NYC reopening for business."
"All we need is the airport, you control the rest of the city."
"Congratulations, you get a city today, it is a bit on fire, sorry about that."
"The city is exceptionally well run when it comes to public transportation and green living."
"One study says that 53 of the largest cities in the United States haven't generated enough Revenue to cover their bills."
"Some experts say that the way they manage the cities is the exact same way that we manage our personal budgets."
"It's the responsibility of someone who runs a city to make sure that those less fortunate have access to the basic amenities."
"Ultimately the foundation's goal is to catalog the entire city."
"No city should be carrying the burden of a national problem."
"This board is useless, let's be honest. It does need to have city control."
"Artificial intelligence will be central to many of the city's operations."
"Giuliani was a tough mayor. New York's a tough city."
"Each city had its own artificial intelligence which covered the day-to-day needs of its inhabitants."
"We're doing quite well, we have some very competent administrators, we're very confident elected officials and we're doing just as well as any other city."
"The city has not raised taxes in the last three years."
"Shanghai announces a plan to ease its city-wide shutdown."
"They took over the city, and my rescue mission campaign became a city management and politics."
"The firehouse sheds rare light on the daily life of ordinary Romans and the way the imperial city was run."
"I think the city does a good job of treating everybody fairly."
"Leadership in this city should be about getting things done."
"The city has done a remarkable job in making us proud."
"The sun was bright and the streets were clear, the city had done a good job cleaning up."
"The city really needed a tough mayor because the city was just going down the drain."
"Philadelphia is not a city full of poor people; it's a city that keeps its people poor."