
Career Aspiration Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"The only thing I thought about was I would be a mathematician. Whatever exactly that meant. I didn't know quite what it meant except that mathematics was the only subject I really liked."
"I wanted to be a firefighter paramedic since I was a very small child, probably a toddler."
"It's better to be at the bottom of a ladder you want to climb, than the top of one you don't."
"I love doing YouTube; it's like my favorite thing in life, and I plan to pursue it more in life."
"What I wanted to be was a zoologist discovering new species of butterflies and insects in the Amazon jungle."
"She wanted to pursue a career in law; she wanted to be a barrister."
"I would want to do something with writing, you know, growing up I wanted to be a sketch comedian, or a short story writer, or a screenwriter, or anything like that."
"Being an influencer has become one of the most sought after jobs because of the perks that come with it."
"This is what we have here is this tech exec who wanted a job in the Hillary administration."
"I've just been admitted to San Jose State to study aerospace engineering."
"I really want to have a daycare career... it's all I've been asking for for years."
"I had an absolutely clear idea from the age of about six or seven I wanted to be a journalist."
"More than anything she dreamed of becoming a drug counselor and wanted to help people overcome drug addiction."
"The most aspirational career right now is to be a YouTube Creator."
"This is a dream job because we can win here."
"We need to inspire young people. We need to make things that make young people say, 'That's what I want to do when I grow up.'"
"I want to learn how to be like a businessman."
"I wanted to be a professional baseball player and that's the next step that I took in my life."
"I wanted to become an entertainer, but the big problem for me was that I have no musical skills."
"Being a YouTuber is like so cool, it's the coolest thing in the world."
"I actually want to be a hairdresser. I want to play with bleach and I want to do hair and nails and just make people beautiful."
"I'd be like a fitness influencer. I'd just go to the gym and like just record videos and like do stuff like that."
"Honestly it's actually my dream job to be a park ranger I just love nature that much."
"I've always wanted to be an entertainer for Fortnite."
"Unless I could build an empire and be the greatest chef that ever lived."
"I started Hollywood Unlocked in 2015. I had always had the idea that I wanted to be in the industry and didn't know where because I don't rap and sing."
"Embrace it. You're a rocket scientist. You're a Mars one candidate."
"Nobody damn it is going to change the name of Jerusalem."
"I wanted to pursue freestyle motocross or something on motorbikes as a career."
"I made up my mind. I decided that when I grew up, I'd become a scientific investigator."
"I was going to be a football player and that's all I wanted to do." - Bill Shankly
"Everybody that really cares about their craft wants to work with Marty Scorsese and De Niro."
"I would want to get into more documentary stuff, I think would be interesting."
"Be like Judge Jackson and maybe you might not get to the Supreme Court, but maybe if you're lucky, you'll fall somewhere short."
"She had just moved out to Los Angeles from Arizona to pursue an acting career."
"I want to be a doctor or a nurse. Why? Because they help sick people get better."
"Thanks very much for interviewing me today. It certainly sounds like the job that I would very much enjoy."
"The dream of working in eSports full-time is really powerful."
"To most people in the industry, Goldman Sachs is the pinnacle of high finance."
"McKenzie has been dead set on becoming a police officer."
"YouTube now is like the footballer, it's the new coolest job that every kid wants to do."
"It'd be a dream job... wildlife management someday."
"YouTube is something that I could literally see myself doing for the rest of my life."
"I started as a ten-year-old, and I made a decision that I was going to be a makeup artist when I grew up, and I also decided I was never going to grow up." - Rick Baker
"I want to have be the most well-known martial arts instructor for the world."
"That's encouraging aspiration. What's so care workers so is that the answer for care workers?"
"Knockouts, alright? You're going to see knockouts. It's going to be huge."
"I want to be a pro wrestler... I want to be a pro wrestler."
"You have to believe that you were destined to be an SBI PO and you have to actually dream about it."
"For me as a kid, all I've ever wanted to be was a footballer."
"I plan to be known as Whoopi Goldberg character actor." - Whoopi Goldberg
"I think I'm meant to be in the entertainment space."
"Being a nurse is an amazing job, maybe one day I'll be a nurse when I grow up and I can help make people feel better."
"I think no matter what, I would always want to do medicine. It would be a strong desire of mine to want to be a doctor."
"I knew that's what I wanted to do, so at five, I wanted to be Ayrton Senna."
"Every actor's dream is to win an Oscar. It's like that one thing that every actor or everybody in the industry wants to have on their shelf."
"Dress for the job you want." - "Shayna Baszler did exactly that last night. Nor she does not want a job of being an actual belt smarter she obviously wants to be the raw Women's Champion."
"It would be fantastic... if you become the head writer for a future Marvel Endeavor script."
"I should genuinely consider trying to go pro in a shooter. I think my YouTube channel can be my resume too."
"I want to make a difference, although I enjoy it, I'll be amazing at it, that's starting to move in the future."
"One of my dreams is to one day become a volleyball commentator where I get to travel around the United States and commentate college games and professional games and hopefully the Olympic games one day."
"I just want to be a content creator. It's a dream job I didn't expect."
"I just want to be a rapper, that's all. I know my value, I know who I am."
"I would accept playing a Bond girl in James Bond, it would be an honor."
"No matter what, he's going to be a YouTuber."
"I really think that if I could do it full-time and earn a decent living at it, I'd be much happier doing this than the two or three different things I do right now."
"I want to be an engineer, I was fascinated with airplanes."
"If you guys have a movie or a TV and you want to cast me in something I will do that."
"It was that hunger, you know? It was that drive."
"I had this weird draw, like drive and passion to become a doctor, and it came out of nowhere."
"You know you'll have the career that you've had and then you'll go on to be an owner of a team you know that's any kid's dream but obviously most kids dream um that love the game."
"But yeah, I mean one thing I thought about doing for a while was being a brand consultant, like I would love to do that."
"Imagine if no matter what your background is, you have an equal shot of getting the job that you want."
"You might one day climb up that ladder and be a pro and go on to be one of the best athletes in the world and that's brilliant, have those aspirations because no there's no reason to stop you but try and enjoy the ride."
"I honestly in a dream world I would be able to make like stuff relating to video games the rest of my life."
"What is exciting for young me watching it was: this is a job. People can go and be this. I want to go and hunt ghosts."
"Have you always had the dream of becoming a social media manager who can work their own schedule, work from anywhere in the world, and get paid for using platforms you are already using every single day? Then today I am your calling."
"I've really wanted to be one since I was in first grade but I think like another big point in my life I went to like a med camp and that really solidified me wanting to become a doctor."
"Your seed is not 'I love customer experience.' I'm an amazing customer service person and I know being a doctor is customer service and I'm going to be the best the best doctor out there."
"I'm one of those kids who watched Jerry McGuire and thought that looks like the coolest job in the world."
"Maybe I'm gonna end up being a YouTube cooking person."
"I'm gonna be an astronaut dentist."
"I think if I could do any job in the world though I don't know I think I'd kind of like to model or something."
"I have always been fascinated with espionage, with the cloak and dagger world of spies. I think at a very young age I gravitated toward that sort of career. I knew that I wanted to serve my country."
"She's also like a career goal for us and for so many young men and women out there."
"I feel like I would love working in a bookstore."
"That's what I aspire to is have a career that other people look back on."
"I just want to do this with the rest of my life. I want my clothes, I want to make products and [ __ ]."
"Everything I learn on the course is absolutely essential in becoming the doctor that I want to be."
"It was always my plan to be an actor, singer, dancer."
"Cinderella embodies everything that I got into this business to do..."
"Ever since I was a little kid I wanted to be a park ranger."
"That little girl that told me that she wanted to be a doctor, but she was dressed as me from head to toe, and I'm thinking she's a wrestling fan, like 'No, I've watched you. Yeah, you impressed me, but you inspired me to be a doctor because of your scream.'"
"The lure of the stage was still strong."
"If I had a chance to work using digital animation on Moana, I think I would have liked to animate Maui."
"Technology is definitely one of my interests like I wanted to be I Justine so bad growing up and I always wanted like a tech review channel so this is me getting to do that."
"I am at a position in my life and career where I genuinely want this type of work."
"It was a dream when I got to audition."
"My dream job was to work at a zoo, taking care of those animals."
"I think she has a talent for acting; she can be an actress."
"I always wanted to be a teacher from like kindergarten."
"I saw what their lifestyle was, their quality of life, their benefits, and I said, 'I want that job.'"
"That's the dream job right there."
"I'm probably going to be a weatherman."
"I've always wanted to do voiceovers since watching like Animaniacs and the Rugrats and all my favorite shows."
"I'm going to be going to ASU and I'm majoring in nursing, which is super exciting because I've always wanted to go into the healthcare field."
"She had her heart set on a career in sports."
"I think working within public policy for a company like the NBA would be very exciting."
"I think I'd be a veterinarian or a paramedic, trying to help people and animals."
"You should be working in the finest restaurants in the world."
"I really wanted to be a volcano scientist after that."
"How would you like to be a detective right now?"
"I was so captivated by this idea of working in fashion and working in the fashion industry."
"Her hope was that afterward, she would be hired by Loyola University and would become a professor of music, thereby fulfilling her dream."
"I always wanted to be a veterinarian because I wanted to be around animals all day and help animals."
"I want to be a marine biologist since I was five."
"I want to be a vet, animals, they're my thing."
"I would love the opportunity to join the silver and black again."
"Words couldn't describe how much I love crabbin'. This is my dream job."
"She wanted to move to the Big Apple and become a choreographer to the next generation of stars."
"She wanted to become a teacher and she also wanted to meet a good Christian man."
"Commentating on football is a dream for me."
"Who wouldn't want to be an FBI agent if your partner was Scully?"
"I want y'all to have the nursing career of your dreams."
"I wanted to be a flight attendant because I love traveling."
"I actually loved art so much that I wanted to be an illustrator or a graphic designer."
"I've always wanted to be a film composer since I was 16 or 17. It was really this passion I had of cinema and music that were merging."
"I'm finally back, Mr. Herb. From now on, I'm going to work extra hard and become an awesome passenger train."
"Are you interested in studying journalism one day? Yes, I will be interested because it is a job that is fun and where one can do justice."
"If you want to be at the pinnacle of banking... Wall Street New York is where you want to be."
"She would pursue her dream of becoming a pediatrician."
"I feel as though the pandemic has motivated me even more to pursue a career in medicine."
"He told them that soon he actually had a job lined up at Elon Musk's SpaceX."
"From the age of 10, it's always been my dream to be a policewoman."
"I love books. Why is there not a profession where your job is just to read all day?"
"I absolutely love the idea of being an official stunt man."
"I considered being a comic book writer. I still actually secretly would like to be a comic book writer."
"For the future, I want to be an aeronautical engineer."
"Becoming cabin crew is an ideal career path for me since it allows me to combine my passion for travel with my experience in the hospitality industry."
"She grew up wanting to be a scientist."
"I would love to work for Disney in any capacity."
"I always knew I wanted to be an interior designer."
"I love to go to Dunkin Donuts. I was even wishing to work there for quite some time, and now this is my moment of glory."
"I knew I wanted to be a teacher from a young age."
"I would love to be an interior decorator."
"I'm a dedicated chef. To be able to work with Gordon Ramsay is the opportunity of a lifetime."
"I always was interested in diplomacy; I always wanted to work at the State Department."
"Should I be a Nickelodeon writer? 'Cause I think so."
"I wanted to be a police officer all my life."
"I wanted to be a police officer because of Robocop."
"Noelle is about to go to Howard University for the School of Dentistry."
"I'm trying to be a better person and get a better career."
"I think that's why I want to be an architect, to build something permanent."
"As a paranormal investigator, it's a dream come true."
"I always wanted to be a college professor and teach film."
"I wanted to be a creature artist because of Jurassic Park and dinosaurs."
"I always wanted to do investigative work."
"If I could go back and do any job, I would be a Muppeteer or maybe just a puppet builder."
"I'd always imagined, hoped, that one day I would be able to interact with the fans kind of during my career."
"Thriller made me want to be a director."
"Becoming a YouTuber is one of the most desired jobs amongst Gen Z and millennials."