
Holistic Quotes

There are 829 quotes

"I took the time to do my homework and understood myself physically, emotionally, mentally in all aspects."
"Young intuited that a deeper holistic interpretation of reality allowed human nature and the external world to coexist and influence one another a relationship hinted at in synchronicities."
"The New Age movement melded with the holistic movement."
"We have to figure out how to heal each part of the body."
"To help every child be their best, we need to cultivate their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being."
"Learning is something one experiences with one's whole body, not just through words or books."
"It's about everything that matters about your health in terms of longevity, your cardiovascular health, your sexual health, your blood vessel health, and lots more."
"Investing in oneself - mentally, physically, spiritually."
"This will build your wealth your emotional wealth your mental wealth your physical wealth your spiritual wealth and your financial wealth."
"Thinking mind, body, and soul; thinking about all three phases of human experience."
"All schools educate the entire child's Soul, heart, intellect, and body."
"Understanding health: a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being."
"Creating a beautiful home, mind, body, spirit."
"I believe in the integration spiritual mental emotional physical, that's how you get into the flow."
"It's not just the specific symptoms you went in for; it's probably going to help in other areas of your life as well."
"I think it's so much more than how you look, and that's why we train now."
"Spiritual, mental, and physical preparedness all have equal weight."
"Wealth is everything, it's not just money, it's wealth and health, wealth and spirit."
"I wasn't just building their bodies I was building their minds building their character building their soul."
"Skincare is a personalized journey, not a one-size-fits-all approach."
"I give bioavailable turmeric, fish oil, and a buckwheat extract literally to every single one of my patients those are my three absolutes for every single patient."
"Oils should be a part of any and every regimen."
"Everything in the body is a form of vibration."
"It's a great healing thing for the mind, body, spirit."
"Yoga is not just about the physical postures; it's a holistic practice that nourishes your entire being."
"Mind, body, and spirit. Everywhere you go, you hear it."
"We have amazing capacities to heal our bodies, emotions, souls, minds, relationships, other people, family members, loved ones, communities, countries, nations, the planet."
"The houses give you such a holistic overview and it's so wonderful that you can describe another person in your life."
"The scope of the sixth house has been expanded not just to talk about things that are negative but also ways in which health can be maintained or in which illnesses or injuries can be treated in constructive ways."
"Self-care is not just like bubble baths and massages... it's much, much more than that."
"Do things that nourish your mind, nourish your body, nourish your soul."
"Treatment isn't just about pills, it always must involve a psychological component."
"Instead of just targeting one area of the body, you're going to be elevating your baseline."
"Sending love to your bones, to your cells, to your organs, to your blood, through your entire form and beyond."
"We can't artificially reduce brain disorders to just this organ in our skull; it affects us as human beings, as people, as social creatures."
"When we address all of these areas, patients see such an improvement in their health."
"We are intellectual beings, we're physical beings, we're emotional beings, we're relational beings, and we're Spiritual Beings."
"It's always the bigger picture with me."
"Fitness for health is not just cardiovascular. It's functional strength, mobility, balance, and body morphology."
"It's about the whole Mind, Body, Spirit, right? So they're selling any product or any idea that is going to sort of nurture your Mind, Body, Spirit."
"You feel empowered mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and your intuition is so on point."
"Food is medicine, so if food is medicine, then what is the right medicine for each person within food?"
"True healing of the mind, body, and soul."
"Wellness is more than just an absence of disease."
"Health is wealth. If you can take care of your body, you can take care of your mental. If you can take care of your mental, you take care of your life."
"We need to bring the feminine back into healthcare and match it to the ebbs and flows that women are going through."
"Beyond just a test score and a transcript, that has been exciting."
"Taking care of other areas of my life is a nice form of self-care."
"Every single aspect of our life is affected by our faith."
"I am super passionate about thinking more holistically about how we live in our home."
"This shift is leading to new treatment modalities that incorporate mind-body techniques like meditation to prevent and treat diseases."
"It's really important to look at it holistically and say, 'Okay, I've created my current reality today.'"
"If you take something that's toxic for one part of your body, it's gonna poison all of your body."
"Part of a larger holistic web of unified meaning."
"Functional medicine is about getting to the root cause, not just treating the symptoms."
"Our approaches are very naive and that they're short sighted and we need to take nutrition a lot more holistically as it pertains to planetary health as well as human health."
"The people that do the best in the long term with bipolar are those people that have been willing to apply a more holistic strategy."
"...holistic measures actually are extremely important."
"Functional medicine is more about how do we create health."
"Reflexology is such a beautiful powerful treatment."
"Our practice specializes in the comprehensive connected approach to lowering the risk for heart disease, cancer, and stroke."
"There's a comprehensiveness to these four categories of energy that I really appreciate."
"We need to approach this from a holistic perspective."
"Taking a holistic mind-body approach will offer you the best chance of lasting freedom and feeling really good in your body."
"Islam, in reality, cannot be reduced to one dimension. It's a holistic religion. You can't have one aspect without the others."
"Mind, body, and spirit, three things coming together to create the best version of myself."
"It's not about perfection in any one area, it's about doing a whole array of different things."
"It can be physical, it can be mental, emotional, spiritual, it can be all of it, it can be just an aspect of it, it can be all of that."
"Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is part of a holistic model for lifelong changes."
"I want to win people over to absolutely a more ancient, more holistic, more relational, embodied and emotional model of discipleship. You know, and that's I want to win people over to what discipleship is."
"This is wealth in every sense of the word, not just money."
"It's about taking all the senses because we are an incarnate people."
"Worship isn't about a segment of Our Lives. It is all about our lives."
"Treat his body like his energy, yeah, so separately."
"There are multiple facets going on in everybody's life that can impact every organ system in the body."
"Every treatment can work on the physical part, on the psychological part, and also on the spiritual part."
"Yoga speaks to me on a physical, mental and on a spiritual level."
"Peace affects every piece of your life."
"Our holistic sense of self comes from acknowledging our imperfections."
"The most important thing we think about a lot is that it can't just be one intervention."
"Our real body is not just what's inside the skin but our whole total external environment."
"We don't just laser focus on the gut and ignore the rest of the body."
"If you care for the organism as a whole and not just the skin, you're taking a holistic approach to skin care."
"Peace and blessings people, welcome back to the channel once again where we talk all things health and healing from a holistic perspective."
"Mental health is all that, it's part of the body, the cardiovascular health, my reproductive health, my bone health, all of that. Let's make them all make sense."
"Healing and transformation take on a profound and holistic dimension."
"The whole is not made up of parts, for it would be the all if consisting of all the parts."
"When you heal yourself internally, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, the outside follows immediately."
"A man's pursuit of health encompasses spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being."
"Fix only this one, leave the rest alone. The rest are to be managed systemically: diet, sleep, stress, toxins, nutrition, fixing your hormones, fixing your gut microbiome."
"A human cannot be reduced to a glucose number and a ketone number. They're a whole human. You have to deal with them as such."
"The Mediterranean diet is good for your heart, your brain, your eyes, your kidney, your liver, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis... almost anything you can think of."
"Whatever we consume affects our entire system."
"Health should be holistic, impacting positively on every other aspect of our life."
"Your health is like all-encompassing."
"It's really important for me to have a holistic view of my life to make sure that I am working towards the different areas of my life that matter to me."
"Holistic alternatives embed elements like self-sovereignty governance by the people, and everyone benefits from that."
"Healing your gut is not just the food that you eat. You have to look at the whole person."
"Spirituality... things everything in life can be broken... put into a grid of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual."
"When you invest energy in growing in one area of your life, you grow in all areas."
"Taking a holistic interest in the person coming to you, not dealing with them as a problem or a problem they have, you know, external to who they are as a human."
"Don't be fooled that only when your emotional side will heal, you will work on your finances, or only when your finances will grow, your emotional side will be better. Yes, it is in a way when you, but to get there, you have to balance those two things."
"There's a connection between gut health and skin health, known as the gut-skin axis."
"I think it's critically important that we address the issue holistically because lifestyle diseases are a major part of society."
"We are interested in is creating a place of peace where people can learn mindfulness yoga Tai Chi kind of holistic therapies that kind of thing."
"One should practice shamanism for its own benefits, for mental health, for physical health, for spiritual health, to learn to know yourself better in many levels."
"You are a body and a mind, not just a body or a mind."
"Being a whole well-rounded way of thinking about the world is good."
"I've been developing myself as a person, as a human being, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, like even financially."
"Depression and anxiety are common issues that impact the whole person and their relationships."
"Invest in both your body and mind, recognize the connection, and cultivate a holistic approach to strength and well-being."
"For the human beings as well as for all aspects of life, physical, spiritual, mental, psychological, and all aspects of environment and relationship between environment and the individual."
"And so yeah I mean when we talk about healing I think I think the big aspect of it too is just thinking of the human body as multi-dimensional which most people don't."
"The ENFP, with developed Introverted Intuition, becomes a compassionate leader, offering holistic solutions without reducing everything to binaries."
"You are going to feel so much healthier, like a holistic sense of overall well-being."
"It's a mental, it's a spiritual, it's all that."
"Treat the underlying cause...don't chemically mask it without addressing the root cause."
"Your body has the ability to heal. We're here to help. Don't look to doctors like the end all and be all. Your human body is amazing, it is designed to heal itself."
"So let's talk about how we can actually use food as medicine when it comes to managing your high blood pressure."
"Healing is both physical and spiritual."
"What we want is progress we want to sculpt the mind the body the spirit and that's what we're talking about today how to build muscle lose fat and maintain the results."
"Fitness is so important and it's more than just the physique. It's literally a whole mind shift."
"Being emotionally healthy is important for every other area of your life."
"There's a dimension of physical wellness, a dimension of spiritual wellness, and even a dimension of emotional wellness."
"Viewing relationships holistically is crucial."
"I want us to remember that as we are body and flesh, we are also mind, spirit, and soul. You were created holistically, and so you can't really separate those things."
"Self-care goes far beyond the occasional spa day or indulging in treats; it's about making a deliberate effort to look after our physical, mental, and emotional well-being."
"You can actually heal all things by healing the whole."
"The body heals itself. It's not a matter of treating this condition or that condition. It's a matter of optimizing the body's nutritional state, optimizing the body's biochemical state, optimizing the body's physiological state."
"...all of these different things get better at the same time because your body decides what to repair."
"Yoga is more than just stretching."
"Consider the entire compensation package, not just the base salary."
"Everything is relative, and you have to look at everything holistically. You can't just focus on one thing because, at the end of the day, what we find pleasing to the eye is the overall balance and the harmony."
"Nothing happens in isolation; we are part of one big web."
"I believe if we anchor ourselves spiritually, it's going to show up in every other area of our life."
"Father Ron is really gifted to be able to help us pull from both our left brain and right brain."
"Imagine a roof with 36 holes in it. A drug is going to be a tremendous way to plug one hole, but... maybe it's going to work really well if you plug the other holes with functional medicine approaches. So you want to plug all 36 holes."
"I have my physical, mental, financial, spiritual goals."
"We're not just sometimes powerful and sometimes wise and sometimes loving and sometimes intuitive and sometimes a good manifestor and sometimes physically strong and sometimes Connected To Source, but we're all of those things all of the time."
"It's about more than learning the curriculum, of course."
"The healing process is not just physical, it is emotional as well."
"The term holistic refers to my conviction that what we are concerned with here is the fundamental interconnectedness of all things," he explained.
"Whether you eat or drink ... listen, whatsoever you do."
"This is what a whole and integrated human being looks like when they're using all of their faculties, their heart, their mind, their eyes."
"You are spiritual as well as physical."
"When you work on yourself, it helps every area of your life."
"Movement is so much more than just exercise. Move, yeah, exercise, but range of motion, moving our emotions, moving our creativity, moving the breath."
"It completely transforms the entirety of who you are, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, every inch and every ounce."
"Nutrition is holism, a whole lot of nutrients working together in magical ways."
"It's a very holistic plant that's become super popular with all the holistic crunchy people."
"it's not just about the workout it's about the entire lifestyle"
"Health is not distilled down to any single aspect of our life. It is really the collective whole."
"It's not about the individual components. It's about the sum of the whole."
"I try to better myself in every sense, you know? Not just physical, mental, emotional as well, you know? I mean, I feel like I'm always growing, I feel like I'm always trying to build."
"It's exercise for your emotional body, it's exercise for your spiritual body, it's exercise for your physical body."
"Self-care is more than Skin Deep."
"...something that anchors your identity in a holistic, nourishing kind of way."
"Heal the inside, you will naturally heal the outside."
"Health is very important because we talk a lot about relationships, talk a lot about marriage, but it's so much that goes into it and health is a big part of that, you know, mental health, physical health, everything in between."
"A great financial planner will sit down and look at your whole picture."
"It's important to work as a practitioner that understands the whole picture so you can work with the whole picture because we're not one hormone running around."
"This needs to be a holistic approach. This needs to be a lifestyle change."
"Creation is relationship, relationship with the whole."
"It's such a disservice that if we don't touch on the health part because it's the foundation that then allows you to do everything else."
"Balance right balance of... the mind body spirit no doubt."
"You know, the diabetes diagnosis, diabetes isn't just, doesn't just affect one part of your body, it's a full body disease."
"Enjoy your food while thinking of the overall dietary pattern and the synergistic effect that food has on our health."
"Food is holistic beautiful natural self-care."
"...a holistic kind of education that would really influence the planet in a different way."
"Skincare is no different. What we put into our body matters, what we put onto our body matters, and it's all simply a reflection of who we are and how we shine our light to the world."
"What greater gift, what greater transformation could you want for your patients than to help them truly regain their health, not just control their symptoms?"
"To tend not just the bodies of people, but their hearts or the spirit."
"It's about lifestyle, it's about the holistic approach."
"It's holistic healing. Mind, body, soul, spirituality, right? And your medicine and your therapy and all the senses integrated."
"By being all in I'm bringing all of me to it I'm gonna bring all of myself to the situation and I'm going to put thought body heart mind spirit all into the present moment."
"He's attracted to the kind of holistic nature of it, you know the total nature of it where from Heidegger standpoint the meaning of everything is connected to this particular people at this particular time."
"Healing isn't just the physical body, it's our mind, it's our emotions, it's holistic."
"Mental health is about your Wellness, your spiritual, emotional, physical, mental wellness."
"For migraines, it's about treating the person, not the disease."
"Mind, body, soul are not separate, they are all one."
"Energy healing is an extremely powerful way to heal yourself, heal others, and heal the planet itself also."
"Energy healing is effective mind body, and also for the non-physical part of you."
"Energy healing involves the conscious movement of subtle energy to specific parts of your body or specific parts of your non-physical self."
"You're acting holistically, you're living more in the now which is timeless."
"Self-care isn't just things that you want to do. Self-care isn't always going to be things that feel good for you at the time. It's a lot more than just taking a bath and lighting a candle."
"We must take care of the root issue, not just the symptoms."
"Ayurveda and allopathy go together. This is called integrative medicine, and integrative medicine is the future medicine."
"The product manager position is more strategic and holistic in nature."
"It's just so impressive, it's its whole body concept work, you know?"
"It's all the above truly, and in the interest of simplifying things we can think of them as the four atoms: molecules, microbes, movement, and minds."
"Poetry, like all the arts, addresses people as incarnate beings with both bodies and minds. Poetry is a way of communication to which people naturally respond because it's actually closer to the way they experience their own lives, which is holistically."
"The right brain at work because it's this holistic feeling."
"Self-love is the biggest and best gift that you can give to yourself and it affects all areas of your life."
"We treat fundamental root causes, not just diseases."
"It's about so much more than just the yoga on the mat over there."
"It's about not just working the body but integrating the body, the mind, the emotions, everything."
"Moving in this way just really makes me feel good, you know, in every sense physically and emotionally."
"They really have a holistic approach to their applications. They are looking at everything from grades to rigor to extracurriculars to your personal interest questions."
"It's about family wellness, the entire family."
"This is one of the great gifts that we get from yoga: it really addresses every facet of who you are."