
Thanks Quotes

There are 1992 quotes

"I really don't know how to thank you enough."
"Just seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much."
"Massive thanks again to Virgin Galactic for giving us those feeds."
"This has been a great visit, thanks to everybody here."
"We are just here to say thank you so much for being part of this."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."
"It's already been over 30 minutes so if anyone from Psyonix is still sitting here watching this, honestly thank you so much."
"Always a pleasure to have you with, thank you."
"I'll be back, thanks for hanging out everybody."
"Thanks for hanging out everybody, we will see all of you at timcast.com for the member segment again. Thanks for hanging out, bye guys."
"I love you all, I appreciate y'all, thank you so much for watching!"
"Thank you guys all so much for watching the whole stream. I know some of you have been here the entire time. You guys are absolute troopers and I appreciate you guys more than anything. So, thank you so much."
"Thank you for watching another edition of Ariel meets."
"It literally sounds like you have an incredible gift, though, seriously, thank you..."
"Thank you guys so much, like seriously, thank you guys so so much."
"Thank you guys for tuning in, you guys are just on a roll today."
"Honestly, thank you thank you thank you. I don't think there's the proper words in the dictionary for me to articulate the insanity of this and my unwavering gratitude forever."
"We wouldn't be here without you, General. So thank you so very much for your strong leadership."
"Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next one."
"I want to thank every one of y'all out there for the listen."
"Thank you both for joining me today. This has been a ride, and thank you all for watching."
"It's been fun thank you to the fans thanks to everybody for tuning in joining us um yeah I never thought we'd do this live thing but it's been great."
"Everybody thank you, thank you, thank you so much for being part of this."
"We hit 20k live viewers, yo! I don't think we'll get that this week. You guys are killing it, man. Thank you so much for the support, you guys are legendary. Let's go!"
"I can't even measure how much thanks I want to give to those people."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your amazing support."
"Thank you guys so much, I really, really do appreciate it."
"You guys are the best, so thank you so so much for everything."
"Thank you very much, Sumatra. Thank you very much."
"Tim Dodd in the chat saying thanks for the excellent coverage."
"That was amazing work out there, thank you so much for capturing those views."
"I love y'all, I appreciate y'all, and thank y'all, man."
"Thank you so so much, I really do appreciate that."
"I just want to say thanks to you guys you really are the rock stars."
"Shout out to the fans for voting for us, thanks guys."
"I'm just joking, I'm just joking. Wow, thanks Lily, you're a real one."
"Thank you all so much for being here, thank you for watching."
"Seriously, thank you very much for this, I really appreciate it."
"Leave it at that, perfect actor. Thank you Keanu Reeves for being so professional."
"Thank you guys for watching, thank you guys for everything."
"I love you guys, thank you so much for joining me."
"Thank you so much, that's what this is. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Thanks so much for watching and I'll stream y'all later. Bye!"
"If you like Rush Adventure more, power to you."
"Thanks so much for watching guys, I really appreciate it."
"We just want to say thank you because like that's really oh my god."
"Thank you all so much for just seriously thank you guys all so much."
"Thank you for watching, thank you for being here."
"A massive thank you to them, I'm so, so grateful."
"Thank you very very very much for your kind words I appreciate it a lot."
"That is about all I have for today and thank you for watching bye."
"I am so amazed with these developers, thank you so much for doing what you did here."
"Your interactions with me truly mean the world to me... thank you guys for watching."
"I don't know what to say, thank you so much."
"Thank you, fellow high priestess or high priest."
"You guys have just been easily the best audience ever, really can't thank you enough."
"Thank you to everyone who has come along on this journey with us and we really appreciate all your love and support."
"Thanks for having me, I really appreciate this."
"Thank you to everybody who has tuned in today."
"Why I thank you, thank you for sticking with me in these times of strife."
"Thank you guys a whole ton for watching."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times thank you."
"This chat doesn't show super, so everyone who's sending them, I'm very very thankful. Thank you very much."
"Thank you again to everyone who watched my videos, it really means a lot to me."
"I won't stop expressing my gratitude to you."
"Thank you so much for making the time to come here."
"For those of you west of us, thank you so much for coming."
"I just wanted to say that from everyone who's got us to this point, thank you."
"But this is my way to start off this video on a positive note and saying thank you to each and every one of you guys I know I say it a lot but I can never say it enough so thank you guys."
"Thank you so much for everything."
"But guys, thank you so much."
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
"Now I'm big like all my friends. Thank you!"
"Thank you so much for watching."
"Thank you so much for the support, all right."
"Haley thanked him for his protection."
"Thank you so much for supporting shop Shades."
"Thank you so much, I appreciate you."
"Thank you, princess, we appreciate your help."
"I appreciate you so much, so thank you."
"Thank you, amazing, thank you so much."
"Thank you so much for your support."
"I just want to say thank you all for showing up."
"We literally could not thank you enough."
"Thank you very much, I really do appreciate you."
"Thank you all for making this possible."
"That's awesome, man. Thanks for doing that."
"Thank you so much for coming all the way to be with us today."
"Thank y'all so much for everything."
"Again, I really appreciate you, thank you so very much, and we will catch you on the next one."
"I'm very appreciative of that, so thank you."
"That's a beautiful drawing, thank you."
"That's incredible man, thanks guys."
"There's a smile of gratitude, a smile of miracles, of thanks."
"Thank you for the opportunity, I appreciate it."
"Thank you so much for this wonderful evening."
"Thank you guys so much, honestly."
"Thank you so much for all the beautiful birthday wishes."
"Thank you guys for all the support."
"Thank you so much, I cannot thank you enough."
"I'm so grateful for everything and thank you for everyone who got me something."
"Thank you for all you did for me."
"We're so grateful, thank you so much."
"Thank you so much for all of your beautiful wishes."
"Thank you, thank you, that's all I can say."
"Thank you for coming to the fall spectacular event."
"Thank you so much for coming to flea market rescue, I know you found a lot of great things today, didn't you?"
"Thank you so much, appreciate it, love you guys."
"Sounds like a good deal, thank you so much."
"Thanks for sticking until the end."
"If it had not been for you, we probably wouldn't be here, thanks."
"Thanks for watching, goodbye for now."
"Thank you guys for everything and supporting me new life baby love."
"Thank you so much for this awesome gift!"
"Thank you for choosing us before we chose you."
"Thank you inspiration, thank you."
"Love you guys, thank you so much."
"Thanks for coming, appreciate y'all."
"Thank you again hugely to everyone who submitted to this contest."
"Thank you so much, my friend, thank you."
"Thank you so much guys for having me on."
"Thank you for the $5,000. Thank you guys so much."
"Thank you once again for making this year a great year."
"...this is a great opportunity for Fighters and I really appreciate it thank you John Madge ladies and gentlemen."
"I'm blown away by the sauces, thank you."
"Thank you for everything you and your family have done for us as well."
"Thanks for everything man that was awesome seriously."
"Let us give infinite thanks and glory to Heavenly Father and Mother for leading us to the law of life of the new covenant established by God."
"Thank you everybody for being here. I hope you guys enjoyed this."
"I just want to thank you so very much."
"Thank you for this wonderful thank you so much for this."
"I could not say thank you more to you too."
"That will sum up our comprehensive review of the ultimate survival shovel, thanks for watching."
"Thank you, son. Really, thank you."
"Thank you, amazing, amazing, thank you."
"You certainly did Mrs. Fletcher, I'm very grateful to you."
"Like I'm about to fall asleep, thank you."
"Muchas gracias por todo. Thanks for everything."
"Thank you Brad, thank you for having me again man, this was a lot of fun."
"You helped me out in so many ways, so thank you so much."
"Thank you for the gifts, thank you for the physical gifts, the monetary gifts, the love, the words of love, um the affirmations."
"Thank you guys, I really mean it. Thank you so much."
"If you made it this far, then thank you for watching."
"Thank you for finding it. Thank you. I really appreciate it. This is awesome."
"Thank you very much, that'd be a huge help."
"Thank you God, thank you to all of my subscribers, and thank you to my parents."
"The villagers thanked our hero profusely."
"Thank you so much for the package."
"Thank you for everything that you do."
"Thank you so much for your support. I truly, truly appreciate it."
"Thank you for what you're doing and I really appreciate it."
"What a banging movie, thank you so much."
"Meanwhile, as for me, Ki, I can't thank you enough for everything."
"Special thanks to all of my patreon supporters for helping me keep this channel alive mystery YouTube really isn't doing me any favors with his lovely algorithm but I can still make whatever videos I want with your help."
"As always thanks for watching, stay curious."
"Thank you so much. Literally thank you Tanya for the belated birthday present, just for everything you do."
"Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart, not just the people who sent me packages, but thank you Tanya literally thank you Tanya for the belated birthday present just for everything you do."
"Well, thank you, my friend." "No, thank you."
"Thank you Filipinos, thank you, you saved my weekends."
"We just want to say a massive thank you."
"But I just want to thank everybody so much for watching."
"Senor it's a g [__] know I mean but they gave himing detect block me me [__] BL but no thanks Joe honestly pleasure having you on and hopefully we'll have you back on thank you."
"You guys are amazing, thank you so much truly."
"I just want to thank y'all I thank y'all so much literally."
"Tell him thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," I urged.
"...thank you for making this possible thank you thank you so much..."
"Thank you for the gift card, Target!"
"Thank you so much, thank you so so much."
"Thanks for subbing, set the bell for notifications."
"We're indebted to you and so thanks so much for all you've done."
"Thank you so much. I've had such a wonderful time and it has been because of you so thank you."
"Thanks for your amazing dishes, thanks for an amazing season 24, and thanks for an amazing year!"
"Thank you so much for joining us today for all you've done."
"They're grateful for your presence and the way you make them feel, and they want to thank you."
"You probably hear it a lot, but you need to hear it from this old retired guy: Thanks so very, very much for what you're doing."
"It's been such a pleasure, Dan, and thanks so much for taking the time to hang out with me and my listeners."
"That'll do it for us for now. Thanks so much for being here. My name is John Campia and until tomorrow, my friends, bye-bye."
"Hope you enjoyed following along, coming along for the journey, and I hope you enjoyed the video. Thanks for watching!"
"I've got to find these people and I've got to say thank you."
"I just want to say thanks for coming to my birthday."
"thank you Ellie oh that's not Ellie."
"Thank you, man. I really appreciate this."
"...thank you for this awesome meal."
"Thanks for getting me here safely."
"Thank you so much for stopping by man."
"Thank you for being here. Thank you, guys. You know we love you."
"This was so much fun again thank you"
"Thank you for helping make this a possibility."
"Thank you, we will use this during our spring break."
"Thank you so much to everyone for showing us so much love and encouragement."
"Thank you because you did it and we're gonna continue to root for you."
"Thank you so much for hosting we greatly appreciate it."
"I do not have adequate words to thank you."
"I express my thanks for the day that has concluded, for the favors and trials it presented, and for your unwavering companionship throughout."
"I graciously receive your abundant blessings Lord and I offer thanks from the depths of my being."
"Thank you so much for letting us come."
"Thank you, that made me feel better!"
"Was baited here by the thumbnail. Well, it did its job then, didn't it? Thank you, Sydney Sweeney, for your service."
"Thank you, Harry, for everything."
"Thank you so much from the bottom of our heart."