
Threats Quotes

There are 347 quotes

"American democracy is under assault from multiple directions."
"The four horsemen of the apocalypse each signify a dangerous threat to the world."
"Free speech is under a great deal of threat, under a great deal of pressure."
"If you disappoint me, it'll be more than just your financial well-being on the line."
"The Ultimates' goal is to basically face off against threats that most people can't deal with."
"Russia's response will be immediate and it will lead you to such consequences that you have never encountered in your history."
"The cyber threat is a serious and growing threat."
"I think death threats is an extremely reasonable reason for changing one's mind."
"National Parks have been called America's greatest idea, and yet these and other public lands face serious threats."
"Push the like button for me, or else I'll erase you from existence."
"Global threats that defy borders do require global cooperation."
"I have gotten more death threats in America from the far-right than I have ever got from any other group."
"Stalin: Stop sending people to kill me! We’ve already captured five of them, one with a bomb and another with a rifle… If you don’t stop sending killers, I’ll send one to Moscow. And I won’t have to send another."
"Equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise."
"Death threats versus appropriate boundaries as it relates to government seizing your gun."
"Honestly, I'll give you one more chance dude but if you are actually lying to me I swear I'm going to do stuff that I would never do to a camera."
"Anytime I make a mistake anytime I slip up you're all over me but if I told the world what I know you'd be in prison you wouldn't dare."
"The greatest threat to democracy was not a foreign enemy but the military-industrial complex."
"Government needs to address serious survival threats."
"They were meant to safeguard the world and threats like the old gods, N’zoth for example, they’re still out there."
"I've had to flee my country, my home because of the ongoing threats and the lack of action from law enforcement."
"It's not hidden part of our society anymore. These people are on the open internet talking about threats to FBI agents."
"He made it his mission to possess them using control, threats, anything that would get him what he wanted."
"Eleni's getting a lot of messages and stuff on like Instagram and like death threats, you guys. That's ridiculous. It's a Minecraft video."
"Threats have the actual ability to be fulfilled."
"WannaCry proved that it's only a matter of time before something similar proves that yet again."
"It was really strange after we broke that story. I mean, Bob had death threats."
"You're gonna be sorry you ever opened that big mouth of yours. Whether it happens in this ring or not, I'm gonna get my hands on you when I do."
"If nobody stops me, there's a chance that I'll destroy your whole world. But to my eyes, you look like the bad guys too."
"He's harassing me and threatening to kill me."
"There will always be in democracies strong men who will... create an external enemy and then tell people we got to get rid of this Freedom."
"She's a threat like the White Walkers, like the thing that's been coming since the beginning."
"My man's is coming to put the paws on you for real."
"I've been harassed, I've been doxxed, I've been threatened."
"Threats: Curse of the forefathers. Disturbing the ruins of great civilizations can have grave consequences."
"President Putin any attempt he said to interfere would lead to consequences as you've never seen them before."
"It's refreshing that she doesn't see it as a threat."
"This is not a threat we can sit on the sidelines and ignore; it's here today."
"The threats that I have received against my life and the lives of close family have been so terrifying and explicit."
"Some people see something as a threat, other people see it as an opportunity."
"Threatening somebody saying you'll go to hell if you don't do as I say is exactly analogous to holding a gun to someone's head."
"This book is an attempt to identify all of the primary threats to free expression."
"China has said that anyone trying to infringe on their sovereignty or their territorial Integrity will face the damnation of the International Community and the Chinese people as well as nuclear weapons."
"Your threats are empty and unless you mean it, don't say it because you look like a total joke."
"There are certain things that rise way above partisan differences that threaten the United States."
"Belief is sort of knowledge of things not yet known, but if you know it and have experienced it, then it's known."
"You cannot scare a fanatic. The only threat to a fanatic is disillusionment."
"It's really not unthinkable that somebody like AOC would be subject to these kinds of threats."
"Yeah, I wanted to have your mom killed and I was gonna have you killed too because I'm so angry."
"Threatening a corporation with higher taxes if they don't stop blasting smog into the air that we all have to breath becomes an empty threat when the corporation can just move to a different country but still serve the same market."
"As a father, I can't imagine threatening my child."
"Not everything that might appear to be a threat is meant to be frightening."
"The only thing that is a threat to democracy is darkness."
"Encryption faces a threat from quantum computers."
"When you censor freedom of speech, those are the biggest threats to American democracy."
"I'm going to destroy everything in your life."
"If we're going to survive, I have to find the truth."
"People who issue death threats... want to watch the world burn."
"Respect a family and back off before we come get you."
"Anyone can get their own custom malware for as little as a hundred dollars." - Marfoogle News
"Cody rhods your story is going to end at WrestleMania boy crying in a pool of your own blood."
"If we don't stop cyber attacks, they could [ __ ] our society."
"Otherwise, no joke, no scam, you will be visited by a ghost."
"I will take over this company and then I'll have your head on a silver platter."
"Stay out of the Bagwell case or you and your family will face the wrath of God."
"Do what we want or we will come get you. I don't like you people, I don't like you very much."
"Lifting each other up is going to benefit all of us."
"Death threats aren't funny, they're not for entertainment."
"You matter, death threats aren't what you do for entertainment."
"Following the news of the game's delay from June to August 2016 Murray along with Kotaku writer Jason Trier who first reported on really stayed being pushed back received a number of death threats."
"The more you succeed, the more they see you as a threat."
"The FBI contacted me because I was getting [ __ ] credible death threats from actual Nazis."
"That inversion of reality, that inversion of the truth, is a direct threat."
"The current geopolitical situation presents both great threats and great opportunities, so I don't think Shinpin will sit tight and do nothing."
"You better hope nothing happens to me, because if I die, you die."
"This is leading to actual acts in real life that are threatening people and their livelihoods."
"The biggest threat to cryptocurrency are governments."
"If someone intervenes in events from the outside, this will create strategic threats that are unacceptable for us. They should know that our response to counter-strikes will be immediate and quick."
"You run a good business when a beneficial outcome for your clients is a threat to your business."
"The biggest threat I think to conservatism is us not understanding what makes us conservative and why our arguments are better than the left."
"You gotta get in the dance, I mean, don't you want to pose a threat?"
"Whoever said any jealous [ __ ] about me is [ __ ] dead, you understand what the [ __ ] I'm saying? A [ __ ] dead man."
"We've seen a huge uptick in lots of cyber hacking."
"You can mount optics to a case one more [__] time, I'm gonna commit an act of violence."
"Make sure you click that button, or else I will wave a sharp Twinkie thing at you."
"If anything happens to my baby girl, I'm going to pack you and your father into a capsule."
"The biggest external threat by far is the Chinese Communist Party. It is the only entity today with both the capacity and the intention of undermining our way of life."
"Nobody should send death threats, seriously."
"If you do not do what we have instructed you to do, then next time you will be the one who loses."
"Do you know that right now on Twitter there are a series of threats against me? They're not being removed."
"Ain't nobody attacked big brain monkey. Oh hell no, I will stab you with an unsharpened stick. You gonna do about it, homie?"
"People aren't having fun if you're threatening them or punishing them every time you don't get what you want."
"He wants to make sure that Vi doesn't take his daughter away from him. This is the one person that he loves and cares for unconditionally, and Vi is a threat."
"Threatening to shoot someone just for existing? That's not funny."
"A threat on its own does not automatically get lethal force in response if that was the case then everyone from Twitter would be shooting everyone else on Twitter."
"A malware attack takes place every 39 seconds."
"the Taliban has said openly that if you stay Beyond August 31st then bleep gets real here's a Taliban spokesperson saying this yesterday to Sky News."
"If you look at the relations between Taiwan and China, China is being threatened in Taiwan and the threat seems to be more serious than before."
"One of the gravest threats we can imagine to press freedom."
"Video evidence is incredibly dangerous. It is the biggest threat to our democracy."
"You at least have to make clear to them that if they kill an American then we are going to blow their Navy off the map."
"Create a place to call your own, face threats alongside your friends, or become a threat yourself."
"In terms of all the rich people leaving I mean that's literally what they say all the time it's like a threat most of the time it's an empty threat and even if it isn't an empty threat we shouldn't allow them to take our democracy hostage."
"This is serious, the Boston Children's Hospital put out a statement saying that specific doctors are being threatened."
"Physical and social threats fortify moral judgments."
"There are bigger threats out there than just the Sinners."
"Ebola could be a vector agent for bioterrorism."
"Which time when I threatened It Well I obviously there's more one threat oh my God."
"You're never gonna step in America after I finish with you." - Bold words before a showdown.
"Think about how much grace it must take to be able to say this to the people sending you death threats."
"I find out from a mutual friend at some point that this guy now wants to harm me."
"Some Devils aren't dead, they were just sleeping."
"He almost didn't come back to youtube because they were threatening him over a freaking cartoon show."
"Imagine Markiplier saying, 'Hey guys Markiplier here, and I'm...I swear to God Markiplier if you try to retire, we will kidnap you and put you in a room...'"
"If you're not going to use the UFO threat then forget it."
"They're threatening to kill police officers. That's not good obviously."
"Hackers don't just want your money. They don't just want your identity. In many cases, they now want your travel points."
"Habitat loss is number one the next one is poaching of the tiger."
"You should always know what are the threats you should always know what we face what we must face with courage."
"The politicians who are trying to do their jobs the right way are getting death threats."
"What's gonna happen if someone does make some attempts on congress people's lives now, they did on the sixth, what happened?"
"We cannot allow the CCP to spy on us. We cannot allow the CCP to threaten our way of life and the American dream."
"I receive hundreds of death threats regularly, if not daily."
"Subscribe to both of us and click that bell or I may or may not do something completely irrational."
"I'm offering to be your friend. You don't want to be my enemy."
"I don't know about this, but if you're playing games with me, I will end your life."
"I'm gonna get you. You'll see. You'll remember me for sure."
"I don't threaten to kill children... Your pathetic kids are all dead, Wendy."
"There's uncontroverted evidence showing it has led to them being threatened and harassed."
"Every time he says something something happens right people get threats people get death threats people need security."
"Enemies that you think that you've defeated and you're not paying attention to anymore can be just as dangerous as the ones you're actively fighting at the moment."
"Things happened, he threatened a bunch of people and he got canceled flash too."
"If you don't hit the [__] like button, we're blowing up The Flank. We're blowing it up."
"I will send a tornado to your house. I really will. I will call the National Weather Service and order a freaking F5 to take your whole town away."
"Cyber threat is not being properly addressed. We're getting compromised every day."
"Threatening someone's wife's life is not a joke."
"Threatening someone's mom is crossing the line."
"If I die, I'm going to haunt you. You are going to have to take care of my kids."
"Did you hear Kim jong-un was threatening to bomb movie theaters that were playing the interview?"
"This has been one of the most traumatizing experiences in my life and in the lives of my colleagues. We have been subjected to death threats on a daily basis as well as threats that are aimed against our families."
"Cyberspace is littered with threats to your convenience and more importantly to your privacy."
"I should have [] killed you when you're in a wheelchair, you know why? You're a little boy in a man's world. Yes, this is the []."
"Putin has started making threats to cut off the support sent to Ukraine."
"Putin's menacing attitude has been directed at other countries."
"We're on path to meet current and future threats."
"Someone could have tried to pay to get rid of you in a very serious way."
"...if JK Rowling can be subjected to rape threats and death threats every single day of her life for expressing biological truth, imagine what could happen to you."
"I was met with death threats, people who wanted me to perish, who wanted me to die."
"Strength is what we need now in the face of aggression from Russia and Iran and threats from China."
"Despite all the Chinese military bluster surrounding Taiwan and beyond, their efforts to occupy and conquer, there is another set of islands in the East that pose a bigger threat to China's economic future."
"Apparently the headline is that an AEW superstar has threatened me with either physical or sexual assault."
"Cyber security is one of those things where you're playing one step ahead of attackers and that will never disappear."
"Anybody who calls in a docs a bomb threat, the police department's gonna trace down their numbers and they're getting picked."
"You're not the only people out there, are you? And you're not the only threat. The world needs to find balance."
"The fabric of society could be undermined by AI impersonating real people, that's the deep fake."
"I ever see loads of death threats this week. Yeah, and then Sean Murray did actually get death threats, and that's not fake. He got death threats over [__] No Man's Sky."
"The impending threat of Alien Invasion coupled with the impending threat of what artificial intelligence potentially brings."
"Horror movie slasher villains are defined by their weapon and the threat they pose."
"It's not that Homelander is a threat anymore. It's the people inspired by it. They're the real threat."
"It's important for the National Security of our country that we're transparent and upfront with Australians about the threats that we face."
"He tells her that every day he gets dozens of threats against her and he couldn't bear to have anything happen to his daughter."
"There's so many threats we're worried about including political violence generated right here in the United States that has nothing to do with our foreign adversaries."
"The most enduring threats these mutants face aren't from space or from other dimensions but from Earth."
"These are just some of the things that threaten our lives and more importantly our souls. But do you think God is not going to do something about it? He always does."
"No armor will protect you from every threat."
"Death threats and harassment is never okay."
"I've got something here that will make your enemies wish they were dead."
"This world is so scary and people are so entitled that doing something kind still gets you some kind of threat."
"Protecting our democracy, our Democratic institutions, threatened like we have to defend our Democratic institutions against all enemies foreign and domestic."
"I get death threats every week, every day. And I've been getting them ever since I came out."
"Humans have always faced threats, and I believe we will conquer the current brand of barbarians that threaten us, which is essentially central banking. And I believe the way that we will conquer it is through the invention of reason, which is Bitcoin."
"Your neighbor's dogs are probably the worst threat."
"If they ever threatened to kill you, eventually one day they will take it seriously. Take it seriously. Get out."
"If you're an alien society up to no good, the worst thing in the universe is the Doctor."
"Malicious software like this is all over the public internet and it gets shared and spread around by threat actors, adversaries, and cyber criminals."
"Risk management involves identifying threats and vulnerabilities."
"Your death will be beyond excruciating. You will suffer as I have suffered."
"I remember saying to my staff once, all this talk about death threats, I don't get any. And they said to me, 'We just haven't told you about them.'"
"Freedom of speech does not give you the right to harass people, freedom of speech does not give you the right to threaten people."
"According to the FBI China's vast hacking program is the world's largest."
"...but he has teamed up with the Autobots more than a few times, especially when it comes to fighting a greater threat like Unicron."
"You wouldn't call me a rapist—we're going to make sure you are infamous."
"The greatest threat to Freedom is total Anarchy but the second greatest threat is total efficiency."
"She threatened me, murder me, kill me. She threatened to murder you? Yes."
"We're simply having way too many threats here."
"The Hell Verse movie shows Ichigo threatening to wipe out everything."
"No one should be sent death threats or be doxed or feel as if their own family's lives are in danger."
"'He warns Jack to stop meddling in his affairs or else he will meet a fate like his deceased wives,' however, Balam's threats have no effect on Jack as he listens to them unfazed."
"What do you think is the biggest threat to our democracy? A public that doesn't care about preserving the rights we have."
"I hope nobody, you know, legit, I just got 27 people told me they want to kill me."
"Death threats I'm going to come and find you I'm going to slice your ears off I'm going to I mean horrendous stuff how did you not then feel like a victim"
"In our safe and sanitized contemporary culture, what we perceive to be threats are much less physical than they are psychological."
"I don't really know exactly how we figured out how to keep the suspense going and still keep credible threats without everybody having kryptonite bullets, but somehow we managed it."
"Analyze the potential opportunities and threats which Optima must consider in relation to undertaking a collaboration partnership with the Department of Health for the Be Fit program."
"Risk is the probability that a threat will exploit a vulnerability within an asset and cause an undesired impact."
"There's definitely been times where I've been harassed, I've gotten death threats, and so those are things that you don't really ever forget."
"The reality is, in this modern world, it's not a saber-toothed tiger that's attacking us and might actually physically kill us. It's some threat to our ego that will make us feel bad."
"Lincoln got the most outrageous threats against his person: threats of poison, threats of castration, threats of violence."
"The next few years will witness growing attacks on our freedom and liberty."