
Value Delivery Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Pressure-free persuasion is about delivering value, teaching, helping, and solving problems."
"Trying to provide straight-up value to you guys and this will try and cut straight to the point no BS here."
"Instead of crying over the people that left, make sure that you're actually delivering the most value to the people that stayed."
"He understood that he was there to deliver value."
"My videos are always going to be comprehensive to give you tons and tons of value."
"You'll find that it will convert better when it's valuable."
"With me, you're going to get full courses each and every week. I deliver value and I'm so happy to do that each and every week."
"Agile is not about being faster. It's about delivering value sooner and in a constant manner."
"Love your clients, charge them as much money as possible, and deliver the very best service on the quality product you can."
"I promise and strive to deliver so much value to you."
"We're playing the long game and we want to make sure we have long-term customers that see value in the product that we deliver."
"As you can tell, I am obsessed with giving you as much value as possible."
"Delivering value, delivering more value than other people is what it's about."
"Sell them what they want, deliver what they need."
"I'm here to bring the value to those who want to receive the value that I have."
"Bring high value, high quality content to the market."
"If the free stuff you gave them helps them more than the paid stuff they've got from almost everybody else, that's the secret sauce."
"By focusing on needs of the users, the team can deliver value to the customers."
"When everyone is incented to deliver value to other people and consume less value from them in the present, that aligns all economic interests and incentives."
"By focusing on the needs of the users, the team can deliver value to the customers."
"Building the right thing, building the thing right, and running it right all work together to ensure that the team delivers value to users."
"Deliver value, deliver value, deliver value."
"Agile enables teams to deliver value to their customers with ease."
"The Scrum Master helps teams learn and apply Scrum practices, removes impediments, and ensures the team delivers business value."
"For commitment, that means the team is going to commit to deliver value to the customer."
"Making the team understand the value that is being delivered at the story level."
"Provide value in your day-to-day content. The secret is providing content that helps people genuinely."
"If you want to do the same and even retire early then you need to deliver value on a mass scale."
"Describe a challenging client-facing situation, focusing on understanding needs and delivering value."
"You've got to be hustling hard and actually charging a lot of money so therefore delivering a lot of value to your clients."
"The real key with having these multiple streams of revenue though is understanding your audience, serving or creating for a certain niche, and delivering value with what you create."
"Architectural runway in place. Without the prerequisites, how will the teams be able to deliver value or complete the work?"
"When you provide value for someone, and that someone wants to return for more of that value, they need to know where and when you'll be live."
"Incident management: One of the most important processes in ITIL, delivers value to customers."
"The purpose of value stream management is to bring order to this chaos so that we can really focus on producing and maximizing value so we can deliver that value smoothly continuously across the entire organization."
"Such an approach values short delivery cycles that accelerate learning and value delivery."
"Deliver something of value and people will talk about you."
"Our customers have harnessed the power of Foundry to deliver both immediate results and compounding value."
"There are seven types of value that we can deliver by improving via BPM."
"By putting together things in this crash course format, hopefully, I can just give the best value possible."
"Our definition of ready serves as a guide that will keep us in check to make sure that all the stories that we are pulling into the sprint will deliver value to the business and to the customer at the end of the sprint."
"The continuous delivery of value into production... is our highest priority."
"Just make sure that you're delivering value to people."
"He is there to provide value and the amount of value he has provided me has been incredible."
"Continually improving a Kanban system over time is one way for organizations to attempt to optimize the delivery of value."
"We can serve our creators and serve our developers super smoothly so they can end up serving our end users and delivering value."
"We're really really excited about delivering value within the webflow designer."
"Incremental is delivering increments of value."
"The high productivity people are the people who figure out how to deliver value by picking more seven-hour implementations than two hundred-hour implementations."
"The dream is eventually to enable the bigger financial institutions and the banks to deliver value to end users using the latest and greatest to move money across the world."
"You cannot grow sustainably if you don't deliver value."
"Value delivery is about better being able to understand business requirements, design services that meet those business requirements, while at the same time optimizing our costs and making certain that we can deliver that value to the business."
"Multitasking projects is the number one killer of your organization's ability to deliver value effectively."
"We are working iteration after iteration to deliver value in a highly prioritized top-down way."
"The team is cross-functional, working iteration after iteration to deliver value."
"Learn the basics of key Salesforce features, why they are important, and how you can start using them to deliver value."
"I'm not here to sell you, I'm here to deliver value, the M0A culture is a give first culture."
"What you're getting paid to do is deliver value through quality software."
"Engaging directly with the client to understand their changing needs ensures that the project remains aligned with their expectations and delivers value."
"I'm most interested in delivering user value or customer value, so for me the reason for building vertical slices is I get to demonstrate something that actually works to a customer much sooner."
"Has all the value been delivered, or is there more?"
"Cloud computing was supposed to save developers time, it was supposed to reduce their cognitive load and let them focus on delivering actual value to their customers."