
Success Challenges Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Success is not easy; that's why not everybody does it. Greatness is not easy; that's why most people never get there."
"Overnight success creates overnight problems."
"You wonder why you're falling down now because once you're top of the mountain you gotta build up another one that's mediocrity."
"Success guys is a very, very lonely road, man."
"Success makes you stupid. You've got to stay hungry."
"It's difficult to get on top and to become that winner but it's even tougher to stay on top."
"It's hard to get successful, but harder to stay successful."
"You can't have any success without jealousy, envy, or entitlement."
"It takes courage to be successful. It is far easier not to be successful."
"When you're at the top of any field, whether it be business, entertainment, sports, or sports entertainment, there's a lot of curious people who want to dig into your past and find out what you're all about."
"Life is not always perfect, success doesn't always come first."
"I don't think anyone in this world gets more hate than an attractive girl who's also successful."
"Success is not smooth, it is not smooth and easy."
"The burden of success concept... goes a bit deeper than just the finances and the popularity."
"Success makes it harder to hold things together."
"Success can actually bring up a lot of trauma."
"Success is a ladder few of us will find, even less of us will have the strength to climb."
"Every single day, when I'm failing to make that extra million, I keep asking myself, am I doing all that I can?"
"You can't really expect to make one video and become super successful unfortunately, that's not how it works."
"It's definitely one of the traumas of being successful."
"You're going to have people hating on your success too."
"Success is traumatic. If you think losing is hard, wait till you win overnight."
"The industry wants you to succeed, but people want to see you fall."
"Rejection and disappointment are part of success, and if you don't experience rejection and disappointment, you're probably not putting yourself out there that often." - Ben De La Creme
"It's never gonna be enough, they're blackmailing you for being successful."
"Yeah man, there are challenges that will await you on the other side of trying to be successful and stepping into that. There's no way around that."
"When you are successful not everyone is going to be happy for you, alright? There will be people who want to be like you, so they are going to try to pull you back."
"Success comes with a lot of responsibility, but it also comes with a lot of hate, jealousy, envy, all that stuff."
"The more successful you become, the more you will attract and draw the scorn of jealous, envious, and unsuccessful people."
"Success can be as daunting as failure if you're not prepared."
"The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you."
"If you ever make it to the top by yourself, two things gonna happen. Number one, you won't be there long. Number two, you're gonna be very lonely."
"Green energy is booming... almost a victim of its own success."
"Success could be the death of you, yeah. It is harder to manage success than it is failure."
"Altima becomes a victim of its own success."
"With success comes greater challenges."
"Success leads you into another space that actually creates harder problems."
"It's hard to get to the top but it is harder to stay there."
"It's very hard to be successful and it's very rare that you find people who can go up on stage and make thousands of strangers laugh."
"The problems of success are no fewer than the problems of failure; they're just different problems."
"It's harder to stay on top of the mountain than it is to climb it."
"The worst part of success is trying to find someone who's happy for you."
"The more successful I become, the more I'm making my life difficult."
"The better you are, the harder it is to live."
"It's very rare that the path to success is straightforward; there are always obstacles to overcome."
"There is no doubt that the situation you are born into can make it easier to succeed in life; however, this is not always the case."
"Success is a catastrophe for a lot of projects. It's a catastrophe you need to survive, and success for npm was a catastrophe."