
Cosmic Events Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"The comet's appearance is linked to the 'Kundalini of Earth and of the awakened human', triggered by the messenger that is the comet."
"The heat death of the universe would be but a scratch to this character."
"The violent explosion was observed to have produced 200 Earth masses worth of gold and 500 Earth masses of platinum, revealing for the first time the origins of heavy metals in our galaxy."
"The day Queen and the night Queen stuck the sun and moon together. Now it's daytime and nighttime, all the time."
"We learned a couple of different things from the neutron star collision: short gamma-ray bursts are due to neutron star collisions, and the heaviest elements like gold and platinum are formed in these events."
"In those days, after the tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken."
"The Milky Way kind of became a very active galaxy for a little bit and then within about three to four billion years after the collision Milky Way settled into its shape that we have today."
"Out of this exceptional cosmic catastrophe comes creation."
"Supernovas could be an agent of change, and it could be for better or for worse."
"Supernova are not just fascinating Cosmic phenomena they play a crucial role in shaping the universe"
"Supernova explosions are powerful events that can have far-reaching consequences"
"He was quoted as saying, 'It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's comet. The almighty has said, no doubt now.'"
"On the day of the solar flash, there's going to be a massive shift."
"A total solar eclipse is a humbling reminder of our place in the universe and the wonders that exist beyond our everyday lives."
"So what's going to happen is that Andromeda and the Milky Way are going to collide."
"The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies will collide and merge, creating massive explosions."
"They understand that once the Sun does its thing, that will authorize these very advanced extraterrestrial type beings to show up on earth and clean house."
"It was something that the reader could relate to even while cosmic events could be unfolding."
"Metron has basically seen the collapse and rebirth of universes, and he's seen all these events take place, and so he's essentially the keeper of all knowledge."
"Killing you would no more affect me than the destruction of an alien sun."
"Earth could be catapulted into the fiery abyss, but with the right set of cosmic conditions, a shockingly different fate may await."
"We may have just spotted for the first time a long theorized astrophysical catastrophe, one that may have birthed a new black hole and created half the Earth's mass in gold."
"Meanwhile, other interesting things are happening throughout the universe. The 'six singularities' that created the cosmos became the Infinity Stones — objects that controlled fundamental forces like time, space, and reality itself."
"This variant turns out to be a female version of Loki called Sylvie, who restarts the multiverse."
"In these transformative times, we are not mere spectators but active participants in a cosmic transformation."
"This starburst galaxy very likely is the result of two galaxies that have just collided."
"We all survived the eclipse! Not the end of the world, not this time."
"Every time there's a supernova explosion, it's producing the raw materials for life."
"The watcher will not intervene no matter how bad the situation is and the universe literally ended he was like well that's what happens you know see you later."
"For the first time in history, astronomers have witnessed one of the most powerful space phenomena."
"Evidence of prolific cosmic events - implications beyond imagination."
"The Earth sun vernal equinox galactic center alignment could be day one of the great year."
"There's something bigger going on in the universe."
"There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, and distress of nations with perplexity."
"Eclipses tend to shake up our world like a snow globe."
"Gore's plan was to balance the universe by very specifically killing the gods."
"We need to have millions of people going out under the desert and making contact with these civilizations, equivalent of a cosmic denial of service to these classified projects."
"The loudest sound in the universe is actually from the merger or Collision of two black holes."
"The bubble around the solar system was formed about 14 million years ago, during the explosive birth of the bubble."
"The Miri instrument on the James Webb opens up an entire new way for us to investigate the reionization period of the universe."
"The entire universe was flooded with the dense hot quark-gluon plasma."
"Supernova explosions occur when supermassive stars run out of hydrogen, seeding even heavier elements into the interstellar medium."
"The cosmos undergoes cyclic destruction by fire, sparked by a particular alignment of celestial bodies."
"One of the most mysterious, and rarest, phenomena we detect coming from space are known as ultra-high energy cosmic rays."
"For all we know, the theory could keep going." Perhaps all the stones were a combination of Galactus power. Destroying them all unleashed him back on the universe. It's certainly possible.
"Oh my fucking god, all the stars in the night sky are exploding."
"When you're seeing shooting stars, it's an indication that something beautiful is about to unfold."
"If not for the fear impact and the massive amounts of debris it brought with it, our world may not have been able to accrue that crucial final 10 percent of the mass we see today."
"Peace on Earth will be struck from the skies."
"The snap felt by half the universe has actually been given a proper name: the decimation."
"Incomprehensible cosmic anomalies that could wipe us out in an instant. It's gonna be so much fun."
"I'm really hoping that we are able to embrace this very powerful eclipse energy to help us each in our own individual journeys."
"Kitty submits to the power of the black vortex, her newfound power enables her to use her powers to phase all of Spar-Tax out of its amber casing."
"These colorful bursts of light lasted just a cosmic second and marks the beginning of a mystery in deep space."
"The universe could one day arrive at the final chapter of its lifespan and eventually reach its Galactic end."
"That means it could have already taken place somewhere out there in the universe, and the end of not only our world, but of everything we know, could be racing towards us right now."
"Earth is a magnet for interesting galaxy-wide events."
"Your words are heard the loudest during an eclipse, and it is the easiest to jump from one timeline."
"Eclipses are like cosmic tuning forks, aligning us back to our fate, our journey, our path, our purpose."
"These disturbances of the universe have caused more and more Ultra sightings... we're not exactly sure why."
"The grand solar flash will end all duality on earth."
"Something big is being brewed in the skies and as a reflection on earth and in our personal lives."
"This is actually the closest white dwarf to us, and so if this white dwarf goes supernova, we're kind of going to be a little bit screwed."
"But these events remind us that our night sky and local stellar neighbourhood is not a static thing."
"They saw an enormous amount of gold and platinum and other heavier elements in the wreckage from this explosion."
"The Odin Sword, if ever unsheathed, is prophesized to mean that the end of the universe is at hand."
"We're all just killing time until the sun eats us."
"This is one of the things that we're getting at in here with this whole grail Mythos is that what we're really talking about here are cosmic events."
"By the time it happens, it'll be too late for everyone fighting to preserve their universe."
"It was as if some Cosmic hand flipped a switch and altered the whole balance of nature on planet Earth."
"This is monumental and all of the astrological events that are piling up right now are going to create the biggest change we have seen thus so far."
"What the Kazemi period does is it illuminates the Saturn Pluto conjunction."
"There's no more coming back. I don't feel there's something else transpiring in our universe that is very rare."
"The anomaly serves as a conduit leaking time itself into the galaxy."
"It's an act of an eclipse, right? Each one foretells the best and worst of humanity."
"Solar eclipses often align with New Beginnings, twists of fate, and the arrival of unexpected updates and changes."
"The epic of creation perfectly explains the events that probably took place in our solar system."
"The universe ends today, and that is very exciting."
"Fast radio bursts (FRBs) might be tied to neutron stars with starquakes."
"This massive compression... this energy wave has permeated past the satellites and is right all over the Earth."
"We talk about how the heavens are shaking, how the prophetic signs are in the heavens."
"I don't think we should rule out a priori the possibility that there is a periodical influx of cosmic material into the inner solar system that can have profound effects on the state of global environment."
"This upcoming full moon in the earth sign of Capricorn... offering us a cosmic spotlight."
"The entire universe was first ignited by a brilliant gamma burst."
"Remember one day the sun will explode and no one will even be alive to remember you."
"There's a powerful shift in terms of humanity during this solar eclipse."
"This cluster of asteroids... they're coming in waves... don't be left behind, folks."
"The cosmic web had its origins but in the earliest moments of the big bang where quantum fluctuations in space time itself led to tiny little density differences."
"These alignments continue to take place, like a grand celestial clock."
"Negative extraterrestrials have been forced to leave our solar system."
"If you have something there ready to grab whatever is moving by... they're all going to see the gravity of this new and if you have slightly more, think of how the moon formed."
"Eclipses are said to correspond with major milestone moments in our life, big new beginnings and big endings."
"Gemini, there's a big new Gemini evolving right now and growing... the eclipse season was a wakeup call for everyone for a reboot."
"It's only a matter of time before we have an encounter."
"The dark ages ended when the first star in the universe was born and started to emit light."
"The new moon on the 8th of May activates the Jupiter Uranus conjunction for the first time over the next 14 years."
"Solar eclipses realign us with our path, our destiny."
"Shoemaker-Levy 9 is a scary reminder of the cosmic unrest in our solar system."
"These cosmic messengers, arising from the most energetic events in the universe, tell stories of stellar genesis, galactic evolution, and the primordial forces shaping the cosmos."
"Dimensional shift is that new sun cycle and not everyone's going to survive it."
"One of the most monumental events predicted to occur in the Milky Way's future is its collision with the Andromeda galaxy."
"There are huge things in the universe happening, like black holes colliding or stars exploding, and they create these gravitational waves—waves in the shape of space and time that travel through the universe at the speed of light."
"By studying neutrinos, scientists can learn about cosmic events billions of light years away and even the fundamental workings of the universe."
"Could the prophecy of the blue star kachina be a warning of a new interstellar extinction event in our time?"
"The gamma ray burst emitted by two colliding neutron stars may be short, but it's powerful-- equal to the energy released by the sun over its entire lifetime in less than two seconds."
"The sun shall be turned into darkness the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord."
"Allow yourselves to know that when this major contact event occurs 26 27, it will Herald in an Awakening for many people on your planet."
"Now that we know, we know that gamma-ray bursts come from two neutron stars colliding."
"So what are some ways that software can fail? Well, your hard drive can catch on fire, the universe can shoot a magic beam into your computer and flip a bit, or a human can sit down and type a bug into the keyboard."
"Earth collided with another planet, the impact nearly destroyed our world, but instead, it made it a home. This is the story of our planet's difficult birth."
"The Veil Nebula got created by a supernova between ten thousand and twenty thousand years ago."
"The Imperium Nihilus is cut off from Terra's light by the warp storms of the Great Rift."
"This image is absolutely mind-blowing even trying to zoom in right here we suddenly discover this enormous explosion covering a very large area with a lot of finger like protrusions going in every direction."
"Once these massive stars explode, they once again produce another beautiful dust cloud."
"...very likely represent a bunch of reforming spiral arms that are slowly being developed after the collision."
"Things will shake in the heavens, things will shake in the earth."
"The chaos moon when it is full floods the world with magical energy."
"You guys are really connected to the stars and the transits."
"There were two galaxies and then a pathway appeared between them."
"Gravitational waves are ripples through space itself, caused by huge disturbances to space."
"Merging galaxies... last for millions of years, so they just really slowly approach each other and the gravity of the two objects distorts them and makes them look nice and cool and weird."
"The universe will still be an exciting, dynamic place."
"The shockwaves produced by these two galaxies crashing into each other helps to drive star formation."
"James Webb has all the necessary instruments to see all kinds of cosmic events happening out there."
"Supernovae are the most powerful explosions in the universe, unleashing enough energy to outshine galaxies."
"It's like the birth of a star or something."
"The outer ring is dominated by star formation and supernovas."
"We are in a very perilous time. Cosmic things are going to happen."
"It's basically the snap initiated by Thanos that blinked out half the life in the universe and then brought all that back."
"During the ten seconds neutrinos are emitted, the power in neutrinos is equal to the power of all stars emitting light in our visible universe."
"When two stars collide, there's an almighty explosion."
"The writing has been on the wall and now it is in the night sky."
"A close flyby like this would unfold over hundreds of thousands of years, disrupting the orbits of millions of objects."
"The collision of two black holes creates a veritable storm in space-time."
"Every one thousand years, the Catalyst Comet mysteriously reincarnates itself and collides with Earth, bringing with it an agent of change."
"These events are the most powerful explosions in the universe."
"These events so profound that they could significantly affect the structure of the cosmos itself."
"Galaxies collide and when that happens, it creates a big cosmic smash up."
"You don't stop the supernova; you simply accept it."
"Once every hundred thousand years or so, when the sun does shine and the moon doth glow."
"Stars are being born all the time, particularly in the flat plane of the disk."
"The universe may look quiet when you're standing outside on a peaceful night, but the truth is there are phenomena in the universe that are explosive, violent, and changing all the time."
"When two black holes join together, they release the most energy of any known phenomena in the universe, besides the big bang!"
"Giant stars detonated and spread heavy elements over many existing and future star systems, creating the soil in which the seed of life could originate."
"These things are happening all the time, like a thousand times a day in different parts of the universe."
"The heavens aligned and allowed us to continue to do this together."
"These can actually outshine whole galaxies when they happen."
"If Jupiter didn't exist, we would be bombarded by comets and asteroids every few months as was the case in the early part of the early era of the solar system."
"The most common source of gravitational waves are two black holes in deep space orbiting one another until they merge together into one gigantic black hole."
"Together they highlight our ongoing quest to understand the cataclysmic events that mark Earth's history and the cosmic ballet that plays out above us."
"To think we're made out of the explosions of beautiful things."
"Merging neutron stars are, as predicted, the source of short duration gamma-ray bursts and the source of cosmic gold."
"It's like a cosmic blowtorch of gamma rays and matter that march across the universe."
"They're the most energetic explosions in the universe, people say after the Big Bang."
"Gamma ray bursts are one of my favorite kind of bursts."
"Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to random violent events that were just unsuspected a few decades ago."
"The Milky Way has cannibalized at least two galaxies already, and Andromeda is next."
"You see flashes of ancient warfare, of giant columns of fire crashing from the cosmos."
"If Earth were located in the center of the Milky Way, we would have a front row seat to some of the most spectacular cosmic events."
"These two clusters of galaxies collided in the recent cosmological past."
"I love this opening because it takes the cosmic scale events and places them in a context that regular people can understand."
"Everything around us will be gone in a flash, but you may relax and breathe out; it won't happen for another 5 billion years."
"Eclipses are seen as cosmic signs of change, initiating sudden endings and quick beginnings."