
Alternate History Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"In an alternate history 1920s, the war might be over, but its effects linger."
"Until we discover a way to peek into alternate universes to see what actually did happen in the event that he lived, this is all just speculation. But we do know for sure that Len Bias would have changed everything."
"What if the Roman Empire never fell, remaining the dominant force in the region until the present? How would that affect history, culture, borders, and wars until the present?"
"We never truly know how things would have been had Reagan never been President, but it's fun to theorize."
"Hitler's flight to New York is escorted by supersonic jets and greeted with German victory celebrations like those in occupied France."
"I'm kind of glad the reptile is who he is now but it just makes you wonder man like small changes like this could have changed the course of like Mortal Kombat lore history."
"Jonas ended up explaining that in his dimension, the Beatles were all still alive and they had never actually broken up."
"The stakes are so high so it just it completely transports you to this gritty landscape of a world where the axis powers won."
"Playing an alternate timeline Germany where you kick Hitler out seems like a lot of fun."
"Atomic Heart is a single player story driven FPS set in an alternate history Soviet city."
"It's crazy to think about how different both the WWE and Marvel cinematic universes could have been if Triple H became the god of thunder."
"History and alternate history are opposing genres, impossible to combine."
"What if that slave institution never existed? The colonization of the Americas never involved bringing slaves to farm the land. No Atlantic slave trade, no African slavery."
"The Observers manipulate history." - Fringe's alternate universe arc.
"There's no doubt that had Nasser succeeded in his goals, global politics would have played out in a very different fashion."
"New World: where myth meets legend, and history takes a twist."
"What if the internet never existed? In this alternate timeline, we imagined a world without the World Wide Web."
"Imagining different paths for history to go down changes both big and small."
"In this alternate timeline, Nintendo chooses Sony, creating a world where the two don't become rivals but partners."
"The North defeats both the Confederates and the British, forcing their surrender even earlier."
"In this alternate history, cape superheroes have been the norm for years, with Dr. Manhattan being the first with actual superpowers."
"If Tony decided he would rather stay with his family and then go on a suicide mission the TVA would have melted him."
"Given time, perhaps Estonia can reach historical glory in this alternative history."
"What if the Civil War never happened? I know it sounds crazy, how does one change lead to the south never seceding?"
"There is no World War One as by the 20th century the world is much more like the 18th."
"In this alternate timeline, the cotton gin or anything like it simply isn't invented."
"Alternate history is always fun, but it must be borne in mind that a lot of apparently simple scenarios would in reality require massive changes to the timeline."
"The relationship between Nazi Germany and Italy would have gotten far worse if Hitler was able to win the war on both fronts."
"GTA takes place in an alternate history... the business plot of 1933 was successful."
"We all like to imagine a Europe where the Roman Empire simply never fell."
"Purple Dawn: What if the Roman Empire still existed?"
"Byzantine India, yeah, the Byzantine Empire is the dominant power in the world."
"Horizon Zero Dawn provides a beautiful narrative of an Earth where all history is completely erased."
"An atomic strike by either side, in this alternate timeline, is a dangerous prospect."
"This was a Jesus who didn't die, who took revenge on his enemies, and who kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth."
"We had a Wall Street, yeah, and it wasn't in New York City either."
"What kind of moments in time would you love to have? An alternate history, because I think Wolfenstein really scratches that itch."
"Humanity discovered Earth 65 million years ago – rewriting history or revealing a cosmic origin story?"
"A British victory in the Revolution changes the world."
"The world altered by a different outcome in history."
"Moscow is in an alternate future where the Soviet Union wins."
"Alternate histories are a really fun lens through which to study history because not only is it interesting to look at paths humanity might have taken, these other paths demand a good deep look at the surrounding context."
"Benedict Arnold, the man who almost changed history."
"I Could Have Had It distributed through new line and my career would have been very very different my filmmaking career would have been very very different."
"It's a fascinating what-if scenario that came really came that close to actually happening."
"What if Vader still lost to Obi-Wan, but his body never caught on fire?"
"One can only imagine what other possibilities and changes may have occurred within the timeline if Rebuta Gilliman were the one to bring Angron into the Imperial fold."
"Had Octavian lost the battle of Actium, both Roman and Egyptian history would have taken very different courses."
"There is a future where Donald Trump getting elected would have been better for the entire world."
"Do you guys think making fugaku uchiha would have saved a bunch of people's lives and made konoha a much better place to live in?"
"What if the Scarlet Crusade were able to repel the forces of the Lich King? What if they were able to reclaim the capital of Lordaeron from the Forsaken?"
"What if the U.S. just never took over Hawaii? What if in an alternate timeline it never became a state and instead the kingdom of Hawaii remained? Well, uh, okay, that's an idea."
"What if the roles were reversed and Zack Snyder had taken over Avengers from Joss Whedon in 2011-2012 how would the Avengers and all the MCU have turned out differently with Zack Snyder behind the wheel?"
"If the South won early into the conflict, relations wouldn't be too damaged with their former Americans, each nation."
"maybe things would have been different had JFK lived"
"Had the nation not lost its most powerful advocates at a critical point, then things might have at least spun differently."
"I wonder why the official story wants us to recognize 1943 as the starting date for the lisa when something clearly started long before that."
"Russia would be in much better shape economically in this timeline."
"In this alternate timeline even if Columbus turned around he or his men would make note of this massive Island."
"The Treasury Secretary Henry Louis Gates is a real-life historian and author watchman does this a lot they take advantage of their alternate history story to put real-life people in incredibly different situations."
"In a world where Michael Jordan doesn't get into a freak accident in the 1998 off-season, we may have seen a Lakers team featuring Shaq, Kobe, and Jordan entering the 1999 NBA season."
"What if Captain Carter took the serum instead of Steve Rogers?"
"What if during Marineford, Whitebeard was still in his prime? Would Ace survive? How would the rest of the One Piece story develop?"
"It's essentially showing you a hopefully alternate future where the US has fallen into Civil War."
"The timeline of Fallout is Grand and intricate as we find ourselves presented with a world of what if set in a universe that diverged from our own."
"College sports would have looked much, much different than it had in real life."
"What if the universal century were made in the 21st century?"
"Imagine how different the world would have been without Rick Grimes."
"You and I would be living in a very different world."
"If he misses that shot, Duncan has six rings instead of five and LeBron James has three rings instead of four."
"If you had gone to the WWF in 1985, it would have been a completely different scenario."
"As I said, they take over a weakened America and the story starts in 1962 from the perspective of quite a few different people in both the Japanese and German halves of America."
"I really like this idea of a timeline within a timeline and shows that even though this guy is kind of Imagining the Allies winning, his predictions don't fully line up to what actually happened in our timeline which I think is probably more realistic."
"If henry v had not died, if he had lived to be an old man, think of how different world history could have been."
"I would love to know how turning left instead of how we turned right would have affected history."
"...almost all historians agree that if you did not have Adolf Hitler in power... you would not have gotten something that looked like the second world war."
"One can only imagine how different things could have been if either the alliance with Byzantium was preserved, the crusade of 1101, featuring 10 000 knights, arrived in the Levant or if Bohemond’s crusading force sailed to Antioch instead of Dyrrhachium."
"Lost media represents the road not taken in the world of entertainment."
"Just think about all those ramifications. There's so many different variations and ideas of how things would be different that it's enough to make your head spin. But that's the fun part of all these what-ifs, don't you think?"
"The fall of Shady Sands should have been its own story."
"If World War II hadn't have happened, Germany would have essentially annexed most of Europe and started a new Empire."
"There's a video game called 'Wolfenstein 2' which is about a world where the Nazis win World War II...the whole point of the video game is half of America is just fine with that."
"Imagine how much would change if Kakashi had the Rinnegan from the start."
"A fairly quite realistic look on what a few hundred years of Hitlerian rule would look like."
"Explores a world in which during the American Civil War, the South wins."
"If he'd gone with Ben Jonson, literally none of the rest of this movie could ever happen, man."
"How would the course of history have changed if the Titanic didn't actually sink? Specifically, would Leonardo DiCaprio still be such a heartthrob?"
"What if Austria-Hungary had not gone into the First World War? What if there hadn't been a First World War? Might it have survived?"
"History is forever changed as Napoleon manages to escape after his defeat at Waterloo in our scenario, evading British capture and avoiding any poisoning attempts."
"The Aztec Empire was dead and New Spain was born but here's an idea what if that expedition failed like what if the Astic civilization withstood Cortez's Invasion and lived to tell the tale survived to fight on another day."
"If the Crusades had never happened, do you think Constantinople would have survived for a long time?"
"What if Prince Arthur Tudor had lived?"
"What if Napoleon had a B52 at Waterloo?"
"A canceled 1943 Batman radio show would have changed the Flying Graysons into a pair of FBI agents murdered by Nazis."
"The fourth great Shinobi World War would be entirely avoided."
"Had Rommel won at El Alamein, he might have had additional troops for when he took up command as the defender of Normandy and perhaps the outcome of Operation Overlord would have gone differently."
"Isn't it nuts to think, like, you know, we would have lost Spock permanently if certain people's points of view had gone through?"
"If Hitler had gained a nuclear warhead before the US, today's world would look very different."
"If Nedry survived, we could expect biosyn to have created their own genetically engineered animals."
"Dinosaurs could indeed have been cloned pretty quickly if only he had been successful on his mission to the dock."
"In the end, no one knows how history would’ve turned out if any of the key decisions were changed, but I think the picture I’ve painted is more or less realistic."
"Can you imagine if Whitney Houston had that backbone, that security, that self-love back in the day?"
"It just really makes you wonder how her life would have ended up, how her legacy would have been."
"With the whole question of Byzantine Empire being just, you know, the eastern part of Rome is what if Rome had never fallen in a way, at least when it did?"
"What if the Byzantine Empire never collapsed?"
"Yeah, that was Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, like we said, a version of History we much prefer would have happened in real life."
"The war would come to an end, though the Clones didn't Execute Order 66 and the Sith were defeated by some miracle."
"Perhaps this world of monsters would have forced North American humans to transition early from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle into an agricultural one, building settlements with defenses that the dragons of ice wouldn’t be interested in attacking."
"In Imperial Moon, the British Empire unsurprisingly won the space race before it even began."
"A poliovirus is a tiny microorganism... But what if the ionian spirit had won? I think we a different we of course might by now be venturing to the Stars."
"What if there was the budget and the political will for space exploration? For All Mankind explores that possibility."
"What if... something different happened at some point in the past that affected the future?"
"What if the destinies of Revan and Darth Malak had essentially been swapped?"
"What do you know about the Vikings who sailed in the other direction to overthrow Hitler?"
"It's crazy to think that if Robert Baratheon succeeded, Westeros would have been doomed."
"Germany's victory in World War II: a frightening alternate history."
"Islam could have stomped out Christianity across all of Europe and the world today would be a seriously different place."
"It's one of the deepest rabbit holes that delves into the alternative history of resets, repopulation, and ancient cloning."
"Where would Lil mosy be today if he hadn't been accused wrongly of essay?"
"History would have been very different if JFK had said, 'Ask not what your country can do for you because your country and it's a great country the best.'"
"What if Italy hadn't portrayed the Central Powers?"
"It combines aspects of both Lovecraftian horror and the alternate history genre."
"All these questions and more will be answered in this alternate history."
"One mission, for example, was going back in October of 1942, months before the events of Pearl Harbor, and completely washed away the island of Japan."
"The discovery of America in this alternate timeline would be just like the Vikings in Finland, a complete accident."
"It's been about learning... the alternate version of World War II."
"In another life, that Russian scientist had lied and said Laika ran away, and she lived out her golden years warm and loved."
"If this one incident did not occur, we probably would see a very different United States today."
"What would our world be like if we were not the only humanoid species to survive the Ice Age?"
"It is a fantasy, it is an alternate history kind of story."
"Queen Elizabeth might never be born, Washington might not cross the Delaware, there might never be a United States at all."
"The world would have been very different if Celebrimbor had been there making increasingly powerful magical items for the Elves."
"It's a great what-if story and is by far one of the most interesting stories in the history of Kong."
"If Britain had stayed out of the first world war in 1914, the world would be very different; the entire 20th century would have turned out differently."
"What if one of the bullets had been just a little bit over to one side, and he'd still been walking and standing and not been in constant pain?"
"The past is littered with inflection points where mildly different decisions could have translated into almost inconceivable outcomes."
"If the asteroid had hit a few kilometers to the left, life on the planet would have been radically different."
"If his experiments and researches had never been made, the mechanism of our modern life might have been entirely different."
"The band's frontman could have become the singer for one of the most popular supergroups of the 2000s."
"What would have happened if Palpatine had found Anakin before the Jedi?"
"Rhaegar would be our king today, and I would be his queen."
"In a world where rhinoceroses are domesticated pets, who wins the Second World War?"
"I would make sure that I would get rid of al-Ghazali so the Muslim world would have gone down more of an intellectual, rational route and so the Muslim world would have stayed in its golden age and become a technological haven."
"If someone had been able to stand up to Queen Victoria, his life would have been very different."
"It must be an eternal characteristic of human nature that we like to look back into the past to a point where things went wrong and wonder how everything might have turned out."
"Imagine an alternate history where these pillars of progress have dark secrets within their familiar confines."
"How different would the Naruto story be if Jiraiya had never left the Hidden Leaf Village?"
"Africa in general will be far more important in this timeline."
"Technology would be far more advanced in this timeline as well."
"History has split into various paths... parallel worlds... a multiverse."
"What if the Uchiha clan left with Madara during the initial founding of Konoha?"
"The overall theme of the game is its alternate 1920s Europe."
"What if in an alternate timeline, Germany and the central powers won World War One?"
"What if the asteroid impact that ended the reign of the dinosaurs just never happened?"
"When it gets into the topic of what-ifs and alternate history, there's really no right or wrong."
"If Catherine de' Medici's wedding had been to Prince Henry of England instead of Prince Henry of France, all of that wealth would have gone with her."
"The implications of such a scenario are profound and would have altered the course of history in multiple, major ways."
"England could have remained a Catholic country. There would have been no Church of England, and the English reformation would have looked very different."
"There's a book that delves into an alternate future in which technology has advanced to such a degree that the genes of the ancient archosaurs are reawakened in the genome of the living dinosaurs, giving humanity a look into the past."
"That could have been a very different Pacific war."
"The history of North America may have looked a lot different if the black death never happened."
"There exists a world where the Roman Empire did not fall, where humans never evolved, where dinosaurs still roam, where Zeus and Odin are best buddies."
"What if Finn never met Rey? Rewriting Star Wars: The Force Awakens."
"It's essentially an alternate history, so I really liked that aspect of it."
"Our favorite alternate history scenario is probably like burning of Library of Alexandria if that didn't happen."
"Alternate history... it's always fascinating to predict the different timelines which would differ from our own."
"The United States still exists and interacts with the Aztec empire, becoming allies and trade partners."
"We're going on a two-week break for the holiday season, and so this is the last video for the year for us at Alternate History Hub."
"Imagine a world where he got into art school."
"Italy would be a great European power in this timeline, on par with Spain, France, or England."
"What if Anakin Skywalker never had nightmares of Padme dying, would he still turn to the dark side?"
"It's always going to be risky when doing an alternate history."
"It's set in a world where the Olympic Games actually went ahead in 2020 because there was no COVID."
"Imagine a world where World War II never took place, neither did the Great Depression, and Russia had never had its communist revolution."
"Thank you guys for watching, if you want to see more alternate future make sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel if you're new."
"Salvation that wouldn't have been, and war tearing across the land like few alive now could have ever dreamed of."
"It's like an alternate history kind of thing, it's really really cool."
"What if Carthage won the Punic Wars against the Roman Empire?"
"Think of the dead who might still live if Mad Aerys only had two fellow kings to share his rule."
"Imagine if George Washington's like, '1777 America? Never mind,' then we'd be living in England right now."
"Monument Mythos is a sort of alternate history, parallel universe sort of thing where technology is slower, historical figures are wildly different, oh, and there's literal monsters everywhere."
"Had they defeated Jerusalem, there would be no Judaism, no Christianity, no Islam; the whole world would be different."
"Had the Hunish army not been halted, had its leader toppled Valentinian from his throne and set up his own capital at Ravenna or Rome, there is little doubt that both Gaul and Italy would have been reduced to spiritual and cultural deserts."
"Some people say that a world in which the Central Powers had won World War One would be better."
"What if World War II happened on the moon?"
"We were meant to rule together... if Lyanna had lived, we should have been brothers, bound by blood as well as affection."
"What if in an alternate timeline instead of the Romans defeating and conquering the Greeks and Carthaginians, Rome itself was conquered?"
"Within this space, one could wield godlike abilities, altering destinies of individuals, species, and even Earth's history."
"When alternate history is written well, like how great it really can be."
"What if in an alternate timeline the United States of America never existed?"
"The asteroid which concluded the Mesozoic never struck Chimer; dinosaurs remain the dominant terrestrial megafauna."
"It's basically World War II playing out in the United States."
"The complete direction of the entire world changes if France wins this war."
"It's very well done series when you talk about good alternate history, definitely ranks up there for me."
"I highly recommend it if you want some good alternate history read; this is very solid."
"What would life be like in a world that does not know colonization and it becomes the most technologically advanced country in the world?"
"This alternate timeline might see Britain assume a leading role in what Churchill once described as a United States of Europe."
"The premise is that in Terminator 2, Sarah and John actually managed to stop Judgment Day."
"What if the indigenous population of North America had been able to push out the European settlers?"
"65 million years ago, what if the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs didn't kill the dinosaurs and instead made an entire new dimension?"